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Chapter 174 Change of Owners

 In Koriyama Castle, Matsukura Shigenobu frowned as he looked at Shima Katsu who was carrying the decree.

"The decree is here. Lord Shiba is already waiting outside the city. Please don't delay, Lord Matsukura."

Shima Katsuo was no longer as friendly as usual and looked at Matsukura Shigenobu expressionlessly.

The Tsutsui family had a relationship where they could drink and spank together in the past, but now they are each their own master, which is helpless.

Shima Katsuki finally understood why his family was suppressed so severely, and his hatred for the Tsutsui family and the Yagyu family was hard to get rid of.

These two families overtly and covertly suppressed the Shima family and seized the leadership of Peking University and the Wu family. If it hadn't been for the information revealed by Santafu Momochi, Shima Shengmeng would not have known how long he would work for the Tsutsui family.

The Matsukura family is a retainer of the Tsutsui family tree and has been loyal to them from generation to generation.

Matsukura Shigenobu was a close confidant of Tsutsui Junkei. If you said she didn't know many things, you would definitely be lying. By this time, she had already seen the clues, and Shima Katsuruo knew about it.

At this, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the two of them have a good relationship, but this matter has been stuck in her mind, and she cannot speak openly because she is loyal to her master.

The Shima family must fall. This is the Tsutsui family's decision to organize the traditional northern martial arts family. She has no right to question it, let alone destroy it.

Now that Dao Shengmeng has understood it, she no longer has to suffer from deceiving her friends.

But she didn't expect that Shima Katsuo would also bring a decree from the Master when she came this time, asking her to hand over Koriyama Castle to the Shiba family. In the battle of Yamato, she still had to take orders under Shiba Yoshigan, which she found difficult to accept.

She is a close confidant of Tsutsui Junkei, and she alone controls the north. She knows many things very well. Over the years, the Tsutsui family and Kofukuji Temple have had great differences.

This story begins with the decline of the Hosho Sect and its reliance on the Shingon Sect, which took over the Kofukuji Temple.

The Shingon sect has been in charge of Kofukuji Temple for three generations. When the first generation Buddhist master was sent by the Shingon sect, the leaders of the two nun and samurai families had different attitudes.

The Yuezhi family is proud of their achievements and does not know how to advance or retreat. The Tsutsui family is respectful and reasonable, and has a shameless attitude.

The first generation Dharma Master had high hopes from the Shingon sect, so he was naturally a ruthless and decisive character. So he tried his best to suppress the Ochi family and favor the Tsutsui family.

With the help of the Tsutsui family, he secured his position as the head of Kofukuji Temple and laid the foundation for the Shingon sect. The Tsutsui family also took advantage of this contribution to lead the nuns and samurai family in Yamato.

After that, the Tsutsui family gradually became invincible. When Tsutsui Shunkei came, she used various means to unite the nuns and samurai family, and even the Ochi family was won over by her.

To outsiders, Yamato is still respected as the head of Kofukuji Temple, but in fact the power of Kofukuji Temple has been shrinking.

Tsutsui Junkei's biggest distress is that even if all the nuns and samurai families are recruited by her, she still cannot replace the master of Kofukuji Temple and become the lord of Yamato.

Because even if you bribe all the high-level warriors, the believers at the bottom and the nuns at the bottom will still recognize the Dharma Master.

The foundation of a religious leader lies in the believers, so even if Kofukuji Temple is not as good as it used to be, Tsutsui Junkei still looks at the temple and sighs that he cannot replace it.

Until this time when the Miyoshi family invaded Yamato, Tsutsui Junkei was panic-stricken. But in the midst of crisis and danger, she still found a good opportunity.

While asking for help from the shogunate, she gathered troops to defend Tsutsui Castle, hoping to have an opportunity to destroy the temple and nuns.

As long as Kofukuji Temple is destroyed by the war, whether it is Miyoshi's family's actions or her own actions, she will hinder the temple's reconstruction in every possible way.

Without Kofuku-ji Temple, naturally there will be no Kofuku-ji Buddhist master. So how can the Shingon sect continue to rule Yamato in a legitimate and justifiable manner?

Even if you change a temple, believers will have to recognize it. The firmer your faith is, the more stubborn you will be.

As long as it takes a few decades, the people at the bottom will gradually forget the rule of Kofukuji Temple. Then the Tsutsui family, which has the power of secular management of Yamato, will become a veritable guardian of Yamato.

Although this right was given by Kofukuji Temple, but Kofukuji Temple is gone, who will take it back?

Shingon sect? Okay, you send the Buddhist master of Kofukuji Temple first. If you don’t have Kofukuji Temple? Then you have Kofukuji Temple first.

Everyone can play rogue, it depends on whether you have the strength.

Tsutsui Junkei didn't tell anyone about his little thoughts, but both the Buddhist master of Kofukuji Temple and Shigenobu Matsukura of Koriyama Castle were aware of it.

Now the Buddhist master bypassed the Tsutsui family and directly intervened in secular affairs, sending Koriyama Castle to Shiba Yoshiin.

If Matsukura Shigenobu couldn't feel the fear, then he wouldn't be worthy of being on the same level as Shima Katsuo.

The Tsutsui family was no longer trusted by the Dharma Lord, so new forces were introduced to check and balance the Tsutsui family, even at the cost of sending Koriyama Castle away.

With Junshan City, we can radiate influence on Peking University and the Wu family. This is at least a territory of 100,000 shi.

That is to say, only the mages in the temple are willing to give up. Whether it is a martial arts family or a nun martial family, moving a stone is a life-and-death battle.

Shima Shengmeng saw Matsukura Shigenobu's hesitation and sighed.

"You don't have to think too much. Before I came in, I had already read out the decree at the city gate. By this time, the entire city should have been taken over by the Iga people."


Matsukura Shigenobu's eyes widened, staring at his old friend fiercely.

Daosheng shook his head fiercely and said.

"If it wasn't to buy time, why would I hesitate here with you for so long? It's just to watch you and buy them time.

Ukon, you and I are friends, and I don’t want you to die worthless. Stop struggling, you have no chance to fight back, just follow me out of the city to see Shiba Gozen."

Matsukura Shigenobu sat down slumped and nodded slightly.

Koriyama Castle changed hands.

Not far from the city to the south, you can faintly see a trace of the mountain line, which is where the Zahe people are stationed.

At this time, Miyoshi Yoshihiro was also talking to Suzuki Shigehide in the main shogunate.

"Inform the general, all the troops have returned, and there are 682 Ji warriors in total."

As she said this, Suzuki Shigehide felt heartbroken. This time, Zahe Zhong lost more than 300 people, all of whom were Chinese people who relied on her.

Because most of the Chinese people were mobilized in family units, the number of Chinese people ambushed and assassinated by the Iga people was probably the Chinese women from fifteen villages.

Most of the female members of the village were killed in the battle, which was equivalent to wiping out a whole family. This time at least fifteen families were gone, which had already affected her prestige among the miscellaneous people.

But she still had to grit her teeth and insist on stationing here, just because the cake that Miyoshi Yixing drew for her was too tempting, and she became greedy.

Miyoshi Yoshihiro didn't know that Suzuki Shigehide had any regrets in her heart, so she asked with concern.

"Did they bring back any food? How long will the food on the mountain be enough for us now?"

Shigehide Suzuki answered.

"I brought a lot, and the military rations on the mountain are enough for us to eat for two months."

Miyoshi Yixing smiled happily.

The Wu family's domestic battles rarely lasted more than ten days, because the peasants and soldiers who brought their own dry food could only bear the military food service for ten days.

When the Wu family goes abroad to fight, the losses are even greater. The ten-day round-trip supply line can also use farmers and soldiers to transport heavy materials.

Further distance requires the assistance of merchants and transportation from Ashigaru, and the consumption is several times that of the domestic one.

Japan's barren land cannot provide sufficient logistical support. Even the wealth saved for several years is only enough for the Miyoshi family's huge military strength to fight for sixty or seventy days in recent years.

The shogunate army was in even greater embarrassment. Although the logistics line was shorter, the shogunate army had more diverse sources and fewer supplies, and could only hold out for forty-five days.

Moreover, the shogunate army mobilized a large number of peasants and soldiers to transport grain and grass. Once the autumn harvest approached, the peasants and soldiers would inevitably become riotous.

Now that Zahe Zhong's supplies are enough for them to last for two months, Miyoshi Yixing is naturally happy.

The recent war has been going on for nearly ten days now. There is enough food for two months, and there is a living spring for drinking water on the mountain. Moreover, the Zahe people are good at iron cannons, so it is suitable for the defense.

In this way, it will be no problem to hold on until the last few battles are over, and nothing will happen if you stick to it and wait for reinforcements.

This chapter has been completed!
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