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Chapter 179 Plan

 Oda Nobunaga was stunned by her indifferent and firm tone and couldn't help but shake his head.

"I don't understand you. If you follow me, when I conquer the world, I won't even be able to give you a million stones for knowledge and practice."

Maeda Toshiie fell to the ground and kowtowed.

"Toshiya thanks His Highness Oda for your kindness. It's because of my own stupidity that I let His Highness down."

Oda Nobunaga rolled his eyes and said.

"You're stupid ass, you're just too smart to be like this.

You can work with peace of mind, Owari Shiba, as long as you are loyal and loyal, I will reward you fairly."

Nobunaga was awakened by Maeda Toshiie's advice.

She secretly regretted how she could have made such a mistake. Owari had just decided to start suppressing Naomi's territory, which was a taboo.

Although Yoshigan Shiba left Owari, Shiba was rewarded with honor and kindness, and she should not treat him differently.

She is someone who wants to do great things, and this is the time to be forge ahead and reward and punish fairly.

If you get suspicious and suppress them arbitrarily, other people will feel sad after seeing it.

Who will dare to be brave in the future? Aren't you afraid that your master will be suspicious of you if you become more powerful? This is not the method that a pioneer should use.

The so-called pioneering is nothing more than making the cake bigger. Only when the cake can be made bigger can people's desires be driven by sharing profits and being generous.

Suppressing the Sibo family at this time was putting the cart before the horse and hurting the loyalty of the Wu family under his command.

The Shiba family needs to be suppressed, but not now. Maeda Toshiie is right, Shiba Yoshigan has his ambitions in the world, how can he come back.

Since he will not come back, then Sibo is simply a foreigner. Could it be that her mind cannot accommodate a foreigner's territory?

Not only should we not suppress him, we should also be friendly, because Oda Nobunaga needs Yoshihiro Shiba.

Maeda Toshiie's words about "country lord" reminded Oda Nobunaga that the world still belongs to the Ashikaga family.

Before the world changes, what she should do is to obey the shogunate, accumulate strength, and take a peek at the recent past.

She secretly regretted why she was so high-profile. At this time, she should conquer Mino, get close to the shogunate, and cultivate her power.

Wait for the Ashikaga shogunate to decline or even collapse, and wait for her to become fully fledged.

The most important thing for her to do now is to be friendly with Shiba Yigen, and use his reputation and power in Konki to find opportunities to get involved in Konki and even the shogunate affairs.

She can't even resist the Imagawa family of the Ashikaga clan, so it's ridiculous to talk about being afraid of Shiba.

When your strength is insufficient, you should make more friends and fewer enemies.

Maeda Toshiie is right when he says that you should be generous and wait until the right time, place and people are right before you fall out.

No one dared to give her advice on such an easy-to-understand matter. Only Maeda Toshiie, who was loyal to the Shiba family, risked his life to give her advice.

This is what makes her really angry.

The martial arts families under my command still need to work hard. How can they achieve great things if they are living in a low-spirited life?

Oda Nobunaga thought deeply and was in a bad mood. He didn't like the Maeda Toshiie who belonged to the Shiba family, so he said sarcastically.

"I can't protect myself now, is it useful for you to come and ask me to treat Spoelstra fairly?

Why didn't you drop Imagawa Yoshimoto? Maybe Spurling could win the first prize of being dropped first."

Maeda Toshiie has followed Oda Nobunaga for many years and understands her thoughts best. It is not surprising that she would take the opportunity to vent her anger and reply.

"His Majesty Oda is joking, Imagawa Yoshimoto is a member of the Ashikaga Clan. How can I, the Maeda Toshiie, lead Shiba to surrender her?"

This may seem strange, but since they are all from the Ashikaga sect, shouldn’t they be closer to each other?

But if you think about it carefully, Shiba Yiyin has great ambitions, how can it expand the power of the Imagawa family.

The Imagawa family is a serious Ashikaga sect, and Suruga is the guardian. If the power increases greatly and gets close to Konkyu, it may not be a good thing for the Shiba family.

To be disrespectful, the Shiba family would rather let Oda Nobunaga become bigger than Imagawa Yoshimoto, because the latter is a greater threat in the guardian system.

Oda Nobunaga understood.

Although Spo Ling was relieved of the worry of surrendering to the enemy, he felt even more angry at being slighted.

The Oda family, like the Miyoshi family, was a product of the inferiority overcoming the superior. Although it was prominent for a while, its foundation within the shogunate's protective system was unstable.

The guardian system uses blood and family as the link, establishes nobles as guardian families of various countries, and then decentralizes autonomy layer by layer, controlling large tracts of land at a very low cost.

This kind of rule must be guaranteed by blood. It is not because the nobles are naturally intelligent, but because it reduces internal friction.

There will never be enough elites. If everyone is unconvinced, can this society still be stable?

However, the pedigree and family structure are fixed, allowing everyone to sit in a row and divide the fruits according to the order. Although it is unfair, it is an effective system.

Japan is poor, and the cost of social governance is low. If it can be stable and not chaotic, it will be a good system for long-term peace.

The blood theory is unfair and suppresses the upward path of talents, but it stabilizes the social structure and reduces unrest.

Daimyo such as the Oda family and the Miyoshi family, who are subordinate to their superiors, are born with political disabilities. Once their own strength fades, they are in danger of falling apart.

Oda Nobunaga suddenly realized that the future of the Miyoshi family would not be good.

Even if Miyoshi Changqing really succeeded in going to Luo and taking over the shogunate, the Miyoshi family would not be able to continue its glory for long.

Those who kill will always be killed. If the lower level overcomes the upper level to gain a high position, sooner or later the lower level will overcome the upper level and die.

I also thought about the laziness of the military families under my command, which is also a shortcoming of the guardianship system. After conquering a country, all the military families under my command are just rich and have no ambition to make progress.

In a time of great strife, a new path must be found. Concentrate all the power in the territory to kill and conquer, and use military merit and salary to stimulate the desires of the middle and lower class warriors.

Maeda Toshiie doesn't know.

Her few words today moved Oda Nobunaga deeply, and he made up his mind to find a path different from protecting the Daimyo of the Warring States Period.

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Toshiya in front of him unhappily and said.

"Do you have anything else?"

Maeda Toshiie bowed his head respectfully and said.

"Yes. Regarding this attack on the Imagawa family, I have some insights that I would like to share with His Highness Oda."

Oda Nobunaga raised his eyebrows.

"you say."

"The Imagawa family mobilized with all their strength, and the attacking troops this time amounted to 25,000.

His Majesty Oda has initially chosen Owari, and it is necessary to divide the troops to suppress the Kamiowari family who have ulterior motives. The number of men who will challenge the battle will not exceed 5,000."

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"Indeed, it may only be four thousand."

"Owari is rich, with many fertile fields, and the country is mostly plains. If you want to defeat the Imagawa family, you can only do it in the mountainous area at the junction of Mikawa and Owari.

I have been to Tongzhajian for investigation. The mountains there are not high, but there are many hills and hills that obstruct the view.

There are many tributaries, and the mountains are divided by water flow, making them even more fragmented.

Regardless of whether there are 20,000 people or thousands of people, once they enter here, they will become small armies of a thousand people. The head and tail cannot be considered, making it difficult to communicate with each other.

If we entangle the Imagawa army here, we will have the opportunity to surprise Imagawa Yoshimoto's shogunate and defeat the enemy."

Oda Nobunaga squinted his eyes and couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"Well said, heroes and women think alike. Inuchiyo, you and I have come together."

Oda Nobunaga seems to have nothing to do lately, but he really has nothing to do.

Because the war is about to begin, there are many spies spying on you, so if you want to make a surprise attack, you must be careful to conceal your intentions.

Her thoughts were consistent with Maeda Toshiie's, and Imagawa's army must not be allowed to enter the Noo Plains in the Owari part.

The enemy army is powerful. Once they enter the vast plains, the domestic martial arts will inevitably be in commotion.

At that time, I really didn’t know how many people could still stand unswervingly on Oda Nobunaga’s side.

The only way to defeat an enemy force that is five or six times our own is in a mountainous area divided by tributaries and obscured by hills.

Only there will the Imagawa army be dismantled into small armies, and Oda Nobunaga's inferior troops will have room to operate.

she asked with interest.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Toshiie Maeda answered.

"As soon as Imagawa's army arrives, the Shiba family's Okazama leader will surrender and offer wine and food as a labor force.

Imagawa Yoshimoto is living a luxurious life in Suruga. When the army is deployed, life in the army must be hard, and she can only endure it.

Okehazama Territory has developed well in the past six months, and it is a rare and comfortable place to stay in the mountainous area. Imagawa Yoshimoto should like it, right?"

Oda Nobunaga's eyes brightened up when he heard this.

This chapter has been completed!
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