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Chapter 1849 The Four Kingdoms Strategy comes to your door

During the spring plowing season, the earth is recovering and farming is busy everywhere, but Yiyin has no choice but to get entangled with the nuns in Kyoto who are not engaged in production.

The spring Buddhist gathering in Kyoto is scheduled to be held at Kofukuji Temple this year, and various Buddhist sects warmly invite saints to attend.

Speaking of which, Tofukuji Temple is in pain and happiness right now.

The Tofukuji sect of the Rinzai sect originally had no desire or contention. Taking advantage of its location in the core area of ​​Kyoto, it rented out the surrounding land for use as shops.

Then I will pick up some pilgrims, run the accommodation business for tourists, and live a comfortable life.

But that year, Yi Gin came to Luo and lived in Tofukuji Temple. From then on, this place became a holy place like a dormitory.

When Oda Nobunaga came to Kyoto, he always specified that he would stay at Tofukuji Temple, in the Zen room where Yoshigan once lived.

The Tofukuji sect, who had lived a good life in childhood, was suddenly involved in the Buddhist turmoil in Kyoto, and could not hide away.

Oda Nobunaga got closer to the Nanman Sect, and Kinki Buddhism was in a state of confusion.

The Ichiko Sect, which once blocked the invasion of the Nanman Sect, has been abolished by the Oda family. The Nichiren Sect, the second and fifth generation within Buddhism, hates the Tendai Sect more than the Nanman Sect.

While Oda Nobunaga was pulling the Nanban Sect and calling on the Nichiren Sect, he also did not forget to ogle the Daitokuji Sect of the Rinzai Sect and divide Kinki Buddhism.

Kinki Buddhism is caught in external and internal troubles. The Tendai sect headed by it has already had its main hall burned down once, and its ancestors died in mysterious circumstances.

The Enryakuji religious group did not dare to confront Oda Nobunaga, so they had no choice but to cling to the saint's life-saving straw.

Yiyin received the Nine Virtues Armor of Light from the Tiantai Sect, and his Taoji Divine Head came from the Buddhist sects headed by the Tiantai Sect. He must give him the face he deserves.

Furthermore, Tianhai was the master of the Tiantai Sect who he supported to rise to power. In this turbulent time, he must show his support and stabilize his base in the various Buddhist sects.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the saint's visit to Luo, all the monsters and monsters in Kyoto seemed to have appeared, causing Yiyin some headaches.

Except for Nagakaku, who had just succeeded to the throne of the Shingon sect in Mount Koya, he did not come to interfere. Tendai sect, Rinzai sect, Nichiren sect, Ichiko sect and other sects all showed their faces at Tofukuji Temple.

If it were just the sects setting up a stage to perform, Yiyin wouldn't be that worried.

Unexpectedly, the samurai family of the shogunate also came to join in the fun. Ninagawa himself, Hatakeyama Takamasa, and the horseback crowd from Kyoto also came to the door with licking their faces.

Today's Kyoto shogunate center has long been an empty frame. The three major forces of the former shogunate, the Ashikaga Shogun family, the shogunate, and local powerful factions have all been conquered by Yoshigan.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki traveled to the Western Kingdom, and the abandoned Ashikaga came back to eat the Shiba family's food. Naturally, he was the saint's lackey.

As a faction of the shogunate, the Ise family, the deacon of the political office, was massacred by Oda Nobunaga. The acting official of the political office, Ninagawa Himiko, followed the saint closely. Even the successor, Ninagawa Prince, was sent to the Doshinzu to serve the saint.

Hosokawa Fujitaka, the most powerful local faction, had an affair with Yoshigan. Hatakeyama Takamasa, a shogunate leader with an empty reputation, had no choice but to follow Yoshigan's lead.

The once three-legged Ashikaga Shogunate has been reduced to the sole authority of the Shiba family. When Ashikaga Yoshiaki moved to the Mori family, no one cared about her majesty as a general.

In fact, when Ashikaga Yoshiteru was killed, the last trace of energy in the Ashikaga world was exhausted.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was forcibly raised by Shiba Oda, came from an embarrassing background and behaved wildly. He was never truly recognized as an Ashikaga shogun by the world's samurai families.

The second regime of the Wu family has come to an end, and someone must inherit this glory.

Regardless of his origin or character, Oda Nobunaga was not truly recognized by the shogunate samurai family. Only a noble saint could inherit the samurai family who was the direct descendant of Kawachi Genji.

The samurai family of the shogunate had been waiting day and night, and finally they were overjoyed when the Yoshibank was restructured and Shiba was selected, and he showed the magnanimity of being the master of the world.

These famous shogunate families were not good at fighting, but they were all educated in politics and had a keen sense of smell.

As soon as Yoshiyin popped his butt, they smelled it. Taking advantage of the saint's arrival in Luo, they gathered in Kyoto, hoping to squeeze in the reform of Shiba's selection.

Hosokawa Fujitaka was the most unfazed. The Izumi-Hosokawa family had already received the guarantee from the school district for the pilot project. She was determined to go to Tango Country to teach the Isshiki family a lesson and pave the way for the Shiba family in Sanin.

After all, Ninagawa, Hatakeyama Takamasa, and the unconnected Ashikaga clan were separated by a layer of relationship, and they were eager to find a position in the new samurai regime.

On the one hand, Yoshigan had to appease the emotions of the nuns in the Buddhist meeting, and on the other hand, he had to deal with the samurai family of the shogunate, which was also tiring.

The treatment of the Ashikaga Hui clan is the same as that of the Bispo establishment, but they still nominally belong to the Ashikaga shogun family. The Shiba salary they receive is not safe, and they can be cut off at any time, so there is no sense of security.

If you want to eat it for a long time, you can only be considered a real hard-core crop if you get Spo's preparation.

The Ninagawa family, the Hatakeyama family and other shogunate samurai families followed Yoshigan and defeated the Miyoshi Oda, and their Hime warriors won many titles of Shiba righteous soldiers.

The welfare of Sibo's righteous soldiers is equivalent to that of Sibo's establishment, but foreign ministers are foreign ministers after all. Who doesn't want to fight for the opportunity to become a member of the Sibo family?

Not to mention the mental activities of the samurai family below, Ninagawa himself and Hatakeyama Takamasa himself also want to join.

Everyone knows that the Ashikaga world is over, but the Shiba family that inherits the world is also a famous family of Kawachi Genji, and the direct descendants of the Ashikaga family are all descendants of Ashikaga.

Speaking of which, the Hatakeyama family are relatives and the Ninagawa family are ministers, so they cannot be considered outsiders.

As long as Yoshigan is willing to nod, they will peel off their Ashikaga skins and wear Shiba clothes when they return. They are willing to dedicate themselves to the new dynasty and die, so that future generations can enjoy the wealth and wealth of the Shiba family for hundreds of years.

Apart from them, most of the samurai families in the shogunate were members of famous families. Counting blood connections, almost every family could be related to the Shiba family.

As the saying goes, if you are rich in the mountains, you will have distant relatives, but if you are poor, you will have no one to care about you. This is the truth.

At that time, the Shiba clan was in decline, and when I looked around, there was no one willing to help, so Mibuchi Haru, a simple and honest man, took the initiative to help.

Now, who doesn't envy Haru Mibuchi for his unique vision and his ability to make huge profits?

Yiyin controls half of the world and is about to establish the third Wu family regime.

If those elite people in the Ashikaga Shogunate who have been playing shogunate politics for two hundred years don't know what to do at this time, all these years have been in vain.

Yiyin is really troubled by these people, they are all relatives and friends.

As the legitimate son of the Shiba clan and the pillar of the family's revival, it is impossible for him to betray his class and lineage, which is his foundation.

But if they are all admitted, the internal balance of power in the new regime will easily go into question.

For example, Hatakeyama Takamasa, although her talents are mediocre, her status is indeed noble. She is the governor of the Hatakeyama clan and the leader of the Ashikaga shogunate.

If they want to accept her, what position should the new shogunate of Yiyin give her? If it is too high, the heroes and close relatives will be dissatisfied. If it is too low, the veterans of the old court will be disappointed.

What a hassle!

While Yiyin was busy peeling off the cocoons in Kyoto and settling the political relations that the shogunate had been constantly trying to sort out, another person came to Luo and brought him some new problems.

Kyoto, Shiba Residence.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugi kowtowed to the ground and begged, and couldn't stand up for a long time. Yoshigan looked over her beautiful back, past her high peach buttocks, and looked directly at the spring light in the courtyard, with a little embarrassment in his eyes.

"Get up first and speak slowly."

When Miyoshi Yoshitsugu hesitated for a moment, the Kamao family nearby groaned, which frightened Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to get up quickly and wait respectfully.

The Sanhao family is no longer the Sanhao family it used to be. She, a down-and-out family governor, would not dare to give anyone a hand. If someone misunderstood her, she would threaten the saint.

Yoshigan rubbed his temples on the main seat and looked at the reserved Miyoshi Yoshitsugi, feeling a little headache.

Oda Nobunaga is causing trouble again. While she is teaming up with Yoshigan to conquer the Western Kingdom, she also privately assigns Kitahata Nobubo as the main general and Niwa Nagahide as the deputy general to prepare for the Shikoku strategy.

Kitahata's letter is Oda Nobunaga's third sister, who has inherited the Kitahata family of Ise Kuni.

This man had a vicious mind. He once wanted to tear up the tacit understanding of the samurai family and massacre the entire family of the former governor Kitahata Goguchi. As a result, Ise country was in chaos.

If the Oda family hadn't been so powerful and the Kitahata family had nothing to do, God knows how much trouble the unconvinced Isebu family would have made.

And Niwa Nagahide is a close confidant and veteran of Oda Nobunaga. He has been rewarded with the favor of the Wakasa Kingdom and can be regarded as the master of the country.

The local stone height was no more than 80,000, and there was a dark history of betraying the Oda family. The local samurai family did not dare to resist Oda Nobunaga's will.

But before Niwa Nagahide could take a few breaths in his new territory, Oda Nobunaga gave him a new task and was responsible for the strategy of the Four Kingdoms.

Oda Nobunaga knew very well what Kitahata's letter bag was. He, his third sister, was of no use, but the Isebu family could not be idle and must contribute to the Oda family's conquest.

When conquering the Shikoku, Kitahata Nobubo nominally served as the general, but the person who really took charge of the overall situation was actually the deputy general Niwa Nagahide.

Yoshigan had long heard the news that Oda Nobunaga was interested in conquering Shikoku, but he did not expect that Oda Nobunaga would be so impatient.

Perhaps because of the blockage of the Tokaido and Hokuriku Road, Oda Nobunaga completely lost interest in the conquest of the Kanto region, and instead focused more on the conquest of the Western Kingdom, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

Since ancient times, when attacking the four countries in Kinki, the Awaji Kingdom must be taken first.

Awaji Province lies between Shikoku and Kinki, and the Tohoku Akashi Strait closest to Honshu Island is only three kilometers wide.

On the other side, the Naruto Strait, which connects Shikoku Island to the southwest, is only about three kilometers at its narrowest point.

In other words, as long as Awaji Country is captured, the attackers can throw a wooden basin and row ashore. They say they are across the sea, but in fact it is only this small distance.

The northeastern section of Awaji Province is close to the coastline of Honshu Island, near the border between Harima Province and Settsu Province. When the Miyoshi family first emerged, they invaded Settsu Province from Awaji Province and established a foothold in Kinki.

Nowadays, the offensive and defensive forces are different. The Oda family wants to attack Shikoku Island, and they will also start from Settsu Country, first attack Awaji Country, and then attack Shikoku Island.

The closest coastal city to Awaji Province is Himeji Domain in Harima Province.

The Himeji Domain is centered on Himeji Castle on Mount Himeji, and is the territory of the Kodera family, the Akamatsu retainer. Currently, the Kuroda family, the Kodera retainer, is in charge of the castle and controls the local area.

Kuroda Takataka, the envoy of the Kodera family, tried his best to persuade his family to join the Oda family after meeting with Hashiba Hideyoshi, the general of the Western Kingdom of the Oda family.

The area around Himeji Castle controlled by the Kuroda family has long been open to the Hashiba army to attract monkeys into the house.

Niwa Nagahide once supported Hideyoshi Hashiba, and the character "feather" in the character "Hashiba Miao" comes from the character "Niwa Miao", which expresses Hideyoshi's unforgettable kindness.

Oda Nobunaga sent Niwa Nagahide to conquer Shikoku. Part of the reason was that Hideyoshi Hideyoshi and Niwa Nagahide had a good relationship and were not afraid of conflicts between the two.

If old Owari warriors like Shibata Katsuie were sent there, it would inevitably lead to conflicts with Hashiba Hideyoshi, which would be detrimental to the expedition.

Although the word "Shiba" in Hideyoshi's name for Hideyoshi is also derived from the word "Shibata", this is just Hideyoshi's false love to please the Owari old samurai family, and cannot compare with his sincerity for Niwa Nagahide.

Furthermore, after the weakening of the Sanhao family, internal strife within the four countries continued.

Niwa Nagahide is a kind-hearted elder and is good at diplomacy. He can also help the Oda family win over the local samurai families in Shikoku and win over each other.

Awaji Country is surrounded by the sea and is located at a geographical point. Only the navy can protect itself. The Awaji Navy was once the dominant force in the East Seto Inland Sea, helping the Miyoshi family ensure maritime hegemony.

Oda Nobunaga had a wonderful idea. Anyway, Harima Country and Settsu Country were already the territory of the Oda family. Landing in Awaji Country from the coastline and entering Shikoku Island would not hinder the Shiba family's strategy for the Western Kingdom.

This guy started acting secretly, planning to make some achievements without telling Yiyin, and then come back to quarrel with the Sibo family.

Who would have known that before the Oda family's actions had even begun, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu would be on the radar and come to Kyoto to complain to the saint.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is the heir of Miyoshi Nagakei. Although the Miyoshi family has been torn apart, all parties are still willing to recognize her as the family governor.

After all, anyone who is a Sanhao person will miss the great spirit of the Sanhao family during the Changqing period of Sanhao that swept the world.

The successor designated by Mihao Changqing must be recognized by all parties even if it is for the sake of the ancestors.

Therefore, as soon as the Oda family made a small move, Miyoshi Yoshitsugi got the exact news and ran to the sage to ask the sage to make the decision, which made Yoshigami very embarrassed.

It would be false to say that Yoshigan didn't know anything about Oda Nobunaga's ambitions, but Yoshigan didn't care too much.

Yoshigan has swallowed up the entire Kanto region and blocked both ends of Tokaido and Hokuriku Road, making Oda Nobunaga retreat in the face of difficulties.

Oda Nobunaga was actually feeling angry, but after Yoshigan's in-depth and simple communication, he was still willing to work with the Shiba family to conquer the Western Kingdom.

Based on Yoshigan's understanding of Oda Nobunaga, this was already a rare concession for her. The surly guy had always been arrogant and was rarely willing to swallow his anger like this.

Therefore, Yoshigan knew that the Oda family was plotting against Shikoku Island, but he did not pay much attention to it.

On the one hand, it is to give Oda Nobunaga face and let her enjoy some benefits first, so that she will not have old and new hatreds flooding into her heart and do anything irrational.

On the other hand, once the Oda family launches the Four Kingdoms strategy, it will not be too late for the Shiba family to follow up and get a share of the pie. It seems that Yoshigami's appearance is not ugly and will not offend Oda Nobunaga.

But it was this matter that Miyoshi Yoshitsugi exposed first, which embarrassed Yoshigan.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is Yoshigan's backup plan to conquer Shikoku, and helping Miyoshi Yoshitsugu return to Shikoku Island is also what Yoshigan has personally promised.

I originally wanted to pretend not to know, but now my Shikoku leader has taken the initiative to help me find out. Should Yiyin know or shouldn't know?

This is troublesome.


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