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Chapter 1858 The Unsolvable Golden Sword Ploy

Sarutobi Sasuke sighed.

"Okay, okay, tell me something useful. What are you going to do now?"

Hanzawa Naoyi asked rhetorically.

"Sarutobi-hime, have you ever heard of the Golden Sword Strategy?"

Sarutobi Sasuke asked doubtfully.

"What kind of golden sword plan?"

Hanzawa Naoyoshi smiled.

"The Golden Sword Strategy took place during the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Celestial Dynasty. It is known as an unsolvable strategy.

At that time, the former Yan general Murong Chui was persecuted by the former Yan court and had no choice but to seek refuge with the former Qin emperor Fu Jian.

Wang Meng, the prime minister of the former Qin Dynasty, believed that Murong Chui was harmful to the former Qin Dynasty and advised Fu Jian to kill Murong Chui, but Fu Jian was kind-hearted and ignored him.

Then, Wang Meng decided to use the golden sword trick to get rid of Murong Chui.

Wang Meng first came to the house and defrauded Murong Chui of the golden knife he was wearing on the grounds that he was about to travel far and could see things and think about people.

Then, she gave the golden sword to Murong Chui's confidant who had been bribed with a lot of money, and asked him to take it to the military camp and give it to Murong Chui's daughter.

The bribed cronies took the golden sword as a token and told Murong Chui's daughter that the former Qin Dynasty wanted to harm Murong's mother and daughter. Her mother asked her to leave immediately and return to Qian Yan.

Murong Chui's daughter received the golden sword from her mother and immediately fled the military camp and returned to Qianyan without suspecting that it was a fraud.

When Murong Chui learned that her daughter had escaped, she was immediately caught in a dilemma. If she did not escape with her daughter, she would not be able to explain the reason for her daughter's defection.

In desperation, Murong Chui had no choice but to escape, only to be caught again.

Fortunately, the former Qin Emperor Fu Jian was really kind and did not pursue Murong Chui's defection, but Murong Chui's daughter was beheaded by the former Yan court because she fled to Qian Yan."

Sarutobi Sasuke said in shock.

"What a vicious golden sword plan. If Murong Chui manages to escape, won't he and his daughter be beheaded together and become a pair of unjust ghosts in the underground?"

Hanzawa Naoyi nodded.

"Although Murong Chui survived, he even proclaimed himself king in the future and established the Hou Yan regime.

But people who read history marvel at the power of the Golden Sword Strategy and call it a strategy that has no solution through the ages."

Sarutobi Sasuke was not convinced.

"It doesn't sound that powerful."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi looked at Sarutobi Sasuke and asked.

"So if you are Murong Chui and you have given the golden sword to Wang Meng, how can you crack the golden sword scheme?"

Sarutobi Sasuke thought deeply.

"The golden sword is just a token, the key lies in the bribed cronies, whether she can convince Murong Chui's daughter.

If Murong Chui's daughter doesn't believe it, then this golden sword trick will be useless."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi smiled.

"Murong Chui and his daughter fled the former Yan State and went to the former Qin State. They were worried day and night about being betrayed by the former Qin State.

Since I have a ghost in my heart for a long time, how can I not believe it if someone provokes me?

In fact, Murong Chui and his daughter didn't believe anyone, they only believed in each other, so the golden sword became the key. If they were willing to trust the former Qin court more, then the golden sword plan would be useless.

But can they believe it? Do they dare to believe it? In troubled times, everyone deceives me and deceives me. Who is not afraid of the golden sword trick, and who is not afraid of the golden sword trick? "

Sarutobi Sasuke was speechless for a moment, unable to refute, so he simply changed the subject.

"I'm asking you what to do next. What kind of trick are you trying to pull with me?"

Hanzawa Naoyi said solemnly.

"Of course it's because I'm going to use this golden sword plan next."

Sarutobi Sasuke was stunned.

"Use a golden sword to plot?"

Hanzawa Naoyi said coldly.

“Most of the loans from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association come from sectarian temples headed by Kamakura Gozan.

Kamakura Gozan was concerned about his own reputation and was unwilling to come forward to manage the accounts of these stinky bastards.

Therefore, the responsibility for keeping accounts and keeping accounts and writing off accounts fell into the hands of the Shinji sect outside Odawara Castle.

Yuxin of Miao'an Temple, Shanghui of Sanguang Temple, Zhehuang of Wuliang Temple, and Kaixin of Yanglin Temple. These four new temple sects, Daogoni, joined forces with Tucang to preside over the loan plan and take charge of the accounts.

No matter how much dirt is hidden within the Wu Family Ethics Promotion Association, it will eventually fall on these accounts.

In the final analysis, corruption is about seeking money. If there are no specific accounts, how can they collect and distribute wealth?

I don't need to figure out their accounts, I just need to break through the psychological defenses of the four great nuns: Yu Xin of Miao'an Temple, Shanghui of Sanguang Temple, Zhehuang of Wuliang Temple, and Kaixin of Yanglin Temple.

As long as it can be proven that there is indeed something wrong with the accounts of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, Kanto's protective umbrella will be broken without attack, and Lord Ii Naomasa can send people to investigate in an honest and open manner.

And my mission is completed."

Sarutobi Sasuke asked.

"Now the top doesn't support your investigation, and the bottom is full of protective umbrellas.

Those four nuns must have better information than you. They already know that you can't touch them, so how can you break through their psychological defenses?"

Hanzawa Naoyi took a deep look at Sarutobi Sasuke and said slowly.

"So I want to borrow a golden knife that they are sure of and let the four of them get into trouble.

Yuya Kito just gave me a power of attorney and died unexpectedly. This shows that the shady affairs within the Samurai Giri Promotion Association have reached the point of being kept secret.

I dare to say that this hole must be very big, too big to be opened.

These four nuns are in charge of the accounts. No one knows the power of this better than them. They must be under great psychological pressure.

They know whether I can touch them and whether they are afraid or not are completely different things.

As long as they are still afraid, then I have room to operate.

So, I need you to help me and give me a golden knife to smash their sense of security."

Sarutobi Sasuke was stunned.

"Where do I have a golden sword?"

Hanzawa Naoyoshi sneered.

"For more than half a year, you have been running around with me, guiding me on the right path to find Yua Guitou. Is it just to complete the assistance task assigned to you by the confidentiality team?"

Sarutobi Sasuke's heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean?"

Hanzawa Naoyi shook his head and said sincerely.

"I don't want to know who is standing behind you. I am not interested in the strife among the internal forces in Kanto. I just want to uncover the shady accounts of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association.

Tell the people behind you to give me all the conclusive evidence you have collected, and I will make your wishes come true."

Sarutobi Sasuke stared at Hanzawa Naoyoshi's eyes for a long time before saying.

"It's useless to give it to you. I won't admit that I gave you these evidences.

The road above is blocked, and you can't tear open the protective umbrella below. It's just some isolated evidence. You can't tell the source, so you can't win people's trust. The saint will not pay attention to you at all."

Hanzawa Naoyi stretched out his index finger and shook it in front of Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes.

"Who said I should hand over the evidence to Tongxin Secretariat and hand it over to the saint? I just want to show these evidence to the four nuns."

A trace of surprise flashed across Sarutobi Sasuke's face, and he murmured subconsciously.

"The Golden Sword Strategy..."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi nodded solemnly and said.

"Miao'an Temple Yuxin, Sanguang Temple Shanghui, Wuliang Temple Zhehuang, Yanglin Temple Kaixin, I will talk to them respectively.

Let them see the conclusive evidence, blackmail them for a sum of money, and persuade them to flee from Guandong in advance, and I will let them go."

Sarutobi Sasuke asked hesitantly.

"Is this useful?"

Hanzawa Naoyoshi sneered.

“Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly apart when disaster strikes.

Husband and wife cannot live and die together, let alone four nuns who are united by interests.

In the face of conclusive evidence, can the four of them guarantee absolute trust in each other? Can the four of them guarantee that others will not betray themselves?

As you said, I am an outsider from Kinki, and I have a lot of evidence in my hands. Where did this evidence come from? And who gave it to me?

If I try to punish them with justice, they may resist stubbornly and refuse to let go.

But if I just ask for money, let them live, and let them run away quickly, won't even one of the four of them be tempted?

The whole black account of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association is in their hands. They endure huge mental torture every day. After seeing the conclusive evidence, they will inevitably doubt each other and want to escape.

I believe that as long as one of the four nuns runs away, the others will follow.

I asked you to borrow the golden sword just to scare them away. As long as they run away, the Kanto deadlock that trapped me will be completely opened."

Sasuke Sarutobi took a breath of air, and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he saw Hanzawa Naoyi's calm expression as he talked.

This guy is really smart and ruthless. Isn't he going to break the news this time?

The person in charge of the accounts ran away, and all fools knew that there must be a big problem with the accounts of the Wu Family Ethics Promotion Association.

By that time, any protective umbrella will be useless. The umbrella will be too busy to protect itself, and it will not be able to protect others. There will be no time to think about protecting others.

But if Hanzawa Naoyoshi dares to dig this hole into the sky, she will be in great, great trouble.

Originally, there was a problem with the accounting, and the problem could be solved through internal communication. But once the person in charge of the accounting ran away, the entire Kanto region knew that there was a big problem with the accounts.

The middle- and lower-class Wu family who borrowed money must be in a panic. Once they start a quarrel and demand an explanation, who knows what the commotion will be like?

No matter how the matter is resolved in the end, Naoyoshi Hanzawa, the instigator, is guilty of an unforgivable crime, and beheading is a minor crime.

Sarutobi Sasuke couldn't help but sigh.

"Is it worth it? As a person from Kinki, why do you need to cause such trouble in Kanto?"

Hanzawa Naoyi's flat answer.

"I was born in the Kanazawa Plain, and my family property was destroyed by Kaga. I have no relatives and no one to rely on. Even if the saint is angry and wants to kill my sect, I will be the only one.

Yua Kito is looking at me in the sky. I can't let her down. We all want to make this world a better place and don't want to be changed by it."

Sarutobi Sasuke was silent for a while and sighed.

"You crazy people are really annoying."

Hanzawa Naoyi bowed slightly and said with a smile.

"Then please, Sarutobi-hime, please prepare the golden sword for me."

Sarutobi Sasuke shrugged.

"You wait for me for seven days, and I will try my best to help you fight for it. I am also very curious about your ending, whether you will die or not."


Sarutobi Sasuke traveled over mountains and ridges and returned to Minawa Castle in the land of Nishi Ueno in only three days.

The matter was so important that she did not dare to rely on others to deliver the news and leave traces. She could only run once and tell the story personally.

Sanada Nobushige, Umino Riichi, and Miyoshi Sekai were in the same room, and together they listened to Hanzawa Naoyoshi's request brought back by Sarutobi Sasuke.

After finishing speaking, Sarutobi Sasuke picked up the kettle and filled it with water, wiping his sweat while waiting for the three of them to make a decision.

Three days of traveling almost exhausted her, but she still managed to keep her spirits up and was ready to say a few good words to Hanzawa Naoyi. After getting along with him for half a year, the guy had quite a charming personality.

Sanada Nobushige frowned and asked.

"Liuniang, Master Qinghai, this Hanzawa Naoyoshi... do you think you can trust her?"

Umino Riichi said coldly.

"The key is not whether you can trust her, but whether the Lord will be involved?

I have seen the evidence collected by Sasuke. It can be said that the corruption participants cover all departments of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

In terms of supervision agencies, almost all the United Front Soldiers, local soldiers, fraternities, and blue-shirted soldiers in the Wushu Association are also contaminated.

In addition, the economic exchanges between Sakai Port and the Samurai Giri Promotion Association must go through the Hokuriku Road trade route system directly to Etsu, and the Kanto Shrine Office was also dragged into the water.

I have carefully calculated that in addition to Daxiong, Dazang, Inai and other members of the clan, all members of the famous martial arts family in Kanto also participated.

Uesugi, Takeda, Hojo, Yura, etc. were unable to stay away from the situation. Except for Satomi Satake and other remaining oriental people, there was no pure land in Kanhachishu.

If a saint knew the truth, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

The only good thing is that most of the higher-ups didn't know about it, including Ozo Changan and Ina Chuji of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association. They were also kept in the dark.

Of course, except for the stupid leader of the Blue Clothes, she was really stupid, and she killed Yuya the Ghost Head for this, and she was stained with karma that cannot be washed away.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi has only been in Kanto for half a year and is not familiar with the place. The evidence we collected is too detailed and it is impossible for her to obtain it by herself.

If Naoyi Hansawa had an impure mind and handed these evidence to the Doshin Secretariat, even if Sasuke denied providing it, it would inevitably arouse suspicion of the Sanada family's intentions.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi may not know who is standing behind Sasuke, but it is clear from above that the Lord will definitely be implicated.

If the saint determines that the Lord has bad intentions, fails to report what he knows, or even has the intention of exacerbating the situation, we will be in great trouble."

Sarutobi Sasuke couldn't help but interjected.

"I think Banze Zhiyi has an upright and selfless temperament, and he doesn't look like a villain who is superficial and superficial."

Umino Riichi said coldly.

"You know people well but don't know their hearts. You've only been in contact with her for half a year. How can you ensure that she won't ruin the Sanada family's century-old plan?"

Sarutobi Sasuke choked and remained speechless.

Although she believed in Hanzawa Naoyoshi's character, Sanada Nobunaga's plans were too big to tolerate any mistakes.

In a small way, can Sanada Nobushige climb into the bed of a saint? In a big way, can the Sanada family become a descendant of the gods?

This is such a big deal that Sarutobi Sasuke doesn't dare to take responsibility for it.

Umino Riichi frightened Sarutobi Sasuke, but Miyoshi Seikai on the side spoke.

"I think Naoyoshi Hanzawa can be trusted.

These evidences are so shocking that Naoyi Hanzawa is holding a handful of dynamite that could explode at any time.

If Naoyi Hanzawa is smart enough, the best way to deal with it is to stay away from this matter.

The saint had warned her not to meddle in this business, but she still tried her best to participate in it, which in itself was disobedient.

When this matter comes to an end, no matter what the outcome is, Hanzawa Naoyoshi will not end well.

This concubine does have great righteousness in her heart, which is commendable. She probably wants to clear up Yuya's name and prevent a loyal person from ending up in the dust.

She handed the evidence to the saint, which would do her no good. It would only prove that she was still meddling in the Wu family's moral promotion association, and her crime would be increased.

Therefore, the evidence she obtained had only one purpose, and that was to scare the four nuns of the New Temple Sect and complete her golden sword plan.

As long as Sarutobi-hime ensures that these evidences are used on the nun, no backup is left, and they are carefully destroyed afterwards, the master can stay out of the matter and not be implicated by Naoyoshi Hanzawa."

This chapter has been completed!
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