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Chapter 1876 Kanto adjusts Sanada

In Yoshigan's heart, the first thing he was wary of was that Mogami Yoshimitsu took the initiative to approach Uesugi Kenshin. What was she planning? Did she want to use Uesugi Kenshin to contain Honjo Shigenaga from encroaching on the Shonai area?

Thinking of this, Yiyin had a headache again.

Yamanaka Yukimori left his post rashly, leaving a huge gap in the Shiba family's layout in Kanto.

Echigo Kingdom was the starting point for Yoshigan to take control of Kanto. The stability of the Echigo duopoly formed by Shiba Uesugi has always been very poor because of the many conflicts within the Echigo samurai family.

The Fuchu Nagao family eliminated the Echigo-guarding Uesugi family and conquered the Echigo Kingdom.

When it comes to character and popularity, it can be said that there is almost no success. The main reason for its success is that Uesugi Kenshin and her mother are both very capable.

Since it was the invincible enemy of Echigo, the nature of the samurai family to seek strength naturally stopped temporarily. However, conflicts can be covered up by force, but they cannot be eliminated by force.

The Nagao family in the mansion was powerful enough to suppress Echigo, but they were unable to kill all the hostile forces. The two sides could only compromise and coexist in mutual distaste.

On the first day when Yoshigan came to Kanto, he faced the rebellions in Echigo one after another. He had a deep understanding of the internal contradictions of Echigo country.

In the past ten years, the Echigo samurai family has become more and more deferential. The biggest reasons are two.

First, the Echigo double-headed alliance formed by Shiba Uesugi killed all parties, and the Echigo samurai group greatly alleviated internal conflicts through external conquests.

Secondly, the Shiba family protected the Echigo samurai family who was rejected by the Uesugi family, so that the Uesugi family would not bully others too much and force others to jump over the wall.

Echigo Kingdom is geographically divided into three parts, from south to north: Upper Etsutsu, Central Etsutsu, and Lower Etsutsu.

The Joetsu Takada Plain is the core territory where the Fuchu Nagao family made its fortune, and it is also the base of Uesugi Kenshin's power. The situation in Nakatsu Shimotsu is more complicated.

At the beginning, Uesugi Kenshin gave Tobi Castle, the gateway town between China and Vietnam to Joetsu, to Uesugi Bank as the first foothold in Kanto.

As conquerors, the Uesugi people of Central Vietnam have been suppressing and bullying the old guardian forces of Central Vietnam. Now the boss of the Shiba faction, Daxiong Chaohide, has been forced to rebel.

Yoshigan used Tochio Castle as a fulcrum to buffer the conflicts between the Uesugi family and the anti-Uesugi family, and protected the local samurai families such as Ohuma Asahide who did not obey the Uesugi family.

The Yangbei people in Xiaetsu were a serious concern of Uesugi Kenshin. They were brave, good at fighting, and rebellious. They continued to break out in rebellions and were the biggest factor of instability in Echigo.

Through the conquest of the Shinbada Rebellion, Uesugi Kenshin and Yoshigan split the Yanghoku clan, and part of the Shimogoshi samurai family followed the Uesugi family, and part of them followed the Shiba family.

The Yangbei people were torn apart into a ball of loose sand, with mutual checks and balances, and no way to form a joint force to create new waves.

Yamanaka Yukimori has mediocre abilities, but his loyalty is admirable and he is the deacon of the Kanto Palace. In fact, although his power is small, his status is very high.

She was placed in Echigo by Yoshigan, guarding Tomo Castle, and commanding the Echigo people including Kaji Keizuna, Honjo Shigenaga and others. She was the ballast stone of the Shiba family in Echigo.

Yamanaka Yukimori's escape immediately created a power vacuum in Echigo's political situation.

Who will buffer the conflicts between China and Vietnam? How can the Xia Yue Zhong continue to infiltrate the Ou area?

Echigo Suba's forces lacked the backbone, and the one and the other were ebbing and flowing, which would inevitably lead to an imbalance in the cooperation between the two poles of Saba and Uesugi.

Which one is more fuel-efficient, Yoshimitsu Mogami or Masamune Date in the Ou area? How could he not take any small action when he saw the fire in the backyard of the Shimogoshi family?

Kachi Kagetsuna and Honjo Shigenaga do not have enough status and strength. They are likely to have an overreaction in the face of the Ou samurai's counterattack.

Although Yoshigan made up for the situation and immediately brought in Sanada Nobushige and gave her the status of acting official of the Kanto Palace, allowing her to temporarily stabilize the Echigo Kingdom, the actual effect is hard to say.

Nobushige Sanada is very capable, but her qualifications are still too low.

Although Yamanaka Yukimori seems to be mediocre and incompetent, always holding her back, her qualifications are indeed high enough, and everyone must give them face.

Yamanaka Yukimori's troops were the first generation of Tongxin soldiers who followed Yoshigan to Kanto.

These old Iga soldiers followed Yoshigan to fight against the Miyoshi family, and then followed them to Kanto. All of them were veterans of bloody battles.

Not to mention whether they are strong or not, with this merit alone, ordinary people cannot command them.

Yamanaka Yukimori ran away and returned to Kinki, taking over Nizi Katsuhisa's power with a big belly, but it was difficult for her old colleagues to go with her.

The old Tongxin people have taken root in Tonglewei City for seven or eight years, and their parents have already taken over to enjoy the blessings. They have a husband and children. How could they abandon the family fortune that they have been running for many years and run around with Yukimori Yamazaka.

Furthermore, these old heroes have become famous local families in China and Vietnam. It is really not easy for Sanada Nobushige to convince them to control Tomi Castle.

The border between Ou and Yue, between Lower and Central Vietnam, may have become a mess. Just thinking about it makes Yoshiyin feel his head hurt.

Dao Sheng suddenly saw him lamenting the danger and suddenly said something.

"Didn't the saint ever think about including Sanada Nobushige as a divine descendant?"

Yiyin was stunned, and looked at Shima Shengmeng with a strange look in his eyes. How come you, the Yirihime warrior, have dirty thoughts of pimping?

Daosheng smiled bitterly.

As long as there is a choice, no one likes to let his man be pushed into the arms of others, but there is nothing we can do about it.

Even though Shima Katsume and Yamanaka Yukimori dislike each other, they are both pure Shiba family self-operated stores, not franchisees like the three strong clans, so there are fundamental differences.

When Yamanaka Yukimori was in Tobi Castle, and the two fulcrums of the Shiba family, Kanhachishu and Echigo Province, echoed each other, the pressure on Shima Katsuki was not great.

In addition, among the Standing Council of the Kanto Palace, Yukimori Yamanaka, Takeo Shima, and Asahide Ohuma are the permanent directors and do not participate in the general election.

The unanimous opposition vote of the three of them can veto any bill with one vote, which is the anchor of the Shiba family's political platform in the Kanto Palace.

Now, Yamanaka Yukimori has run away, and Shima Katsuo's Kanto Shiba leader is surrounded by the three powerful feudal lords in the center of Kanhachishu. Looking around are new troubles that are constantly happening. Shima Katsuo is really a little scared.

It's even more troublesome at the Kanto Service Office.

Originally, there were six directors in the Standing Directors Association. Three permanent directors plus veto power suppressed the three non-permanent directors, ensuring the absolute status of the Spo family.

But now, with Yukimori Yamanaka absent, the two executive directors can easily disagree, lacking a key third person to mediate.

Moreover, it is easy to get angry when two versus three are on the standing committee.

Although the permanent members have veto power, the veto power is like an atomic bomb. It is best used on the launcher. If it is actually fired, it will not be conducive to unity and the consequences will be unpredictable.

The veto power in the hands of the permanent directors is more of an intimidation and obstruction effect. If it is really used to suppress people, it will only aggravate conflicts.

Because of the absence of Yukimori Yamanaka as a permanent director, the daily unified three votes have become two scattered votes that may have different opinions, which immediately weakened the Shiba family's dominance in the standing council.

Although Sanada Nobushige was promoted to acting official of the Kanto Shrine, he did not serve as a standing director. The saint did not say anything, and others did not dare to nominate him. The matter of permanent director and veto power was too sensitive.

In short, Yamanaka Yukimori left too hastily, and Kanto's numerous clues fell on Shima Katsuo's head. She did not expect that one day she would miss that stupid colleague who was of no use.

Having something is better than nothing. Only when you lose it can you know how to cherish it.

Dao Shengmeng needs to disperse his pressure and cannot handle everything by himself, otherwise he will be in big trouble sooner or later.

Since the sage intended to promote Sanada Nobunaga, and Sanada Nobunshi himself was reliable, Shimakatsu took the initiative to give him a hand, firstly to reduce his own pressure, and secondly, to give him a favor.

Although Sanada Nobushige was also a Kanto samurai family, the Shino clan in the Koshin Mountains had always been isolated from Echigo, Kanhachishu and other geographical relationships due to the isolation of the mountains, and had little interpersonal contact.

Moreover, the Sanada clan was bribed by Shiromi to join the Kanto Servant from the very beginning, and has always been the strongest thug of the Shiba family in Kanto.

Because of their bravery in previous battles, the Sanada people basically all have Shiba's establishment. It can be said that they are Miao Hong's direct descendants of Shiba and a breath of fresh air among the Kanto samurai families.

Yiyin asked with a calm expression.

"Do you think Sanada Nobushige is okay?"

Shima Katsuo felt a little sad. Although politically she needed to support Nobushige Sanada, a direct helper of Shiba, emotionally she still didn't like sending others to her lover's bed.

Since the saint asked this question, it means that he does not object to sleeping with Sanada Nobunshige.

This made Dao Shengmeng feel sour and uncomfortable, but it happened that he was the one who suggested it in the first place, and it was really his own fault.

After gathering his mood, Shima Sheng took a deep breath and said.

"As far as I know, the Sanada clan does not have a close relationship with the Kwanpachishu and Echigo samurai families. Whether it is the Kanto shrine office or the samurai giri promotion association, all business matters have always been businesslike.

At the beginning, Sanada Nobushige and Okuma Asahide had an unpleasant quarrel. Ozo Changan once thought of wooing the Sanada people and providing financial and business support, but the Sanada people rejected it.

No matter how out-of-touch Sanada Nobushige may be and how frivolous her words may be, her loyalty, which only follows the guidance of a saint, can indeed withstand the test.

Nowadays, everyone in Kanto is in danger. Even my own subordinates can't guarantee that they will not be involved in the corruption of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association.

The Sanada people, who live in the land of Nishi Ueno and stay out of the trouble, are an innocent force that always remains neutral, and they are worthy of the saint's trust.

But if the saint really wants to further promote Sanada Nobunaga, he should still give her a chance to make the Sanada people more worthy of your trust."

Yiyin nodded.

Shima Shengmeng said it very objectively. In the Kanto region, the relationship between the martial arts is so complicated that one can pull it out.

Even if Uesugi Kenshin seems to be blocked from Kanhachishu by the Echigo Mountains, he can still contact other Nagao branches of Kanhachishu through the relationship with the Nagao family.

On the other hand, the Shino clan, who were born in the mountains, were blocked by the Koshin Mountains and gradually lost contact with the Kanhachishu region from the Kamakura period.

Although my ancestors were also rich, it was really from the old almanac of five hundred years ago, and I couldn't contact my in-laws.

Sanada Nobushige himself also stood firm. He did not rely on interpersonal relationships, but relied on the military merit of beheading people. He was so tough that he could stand firm and maintain his neutrality even if he didn't have friends in Kanhachishu.

Now, the mess of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association has made everyone anxious, and Yiyin doesn't know who he can trust.

At this time, Sanada Nobushige, who stood out from the crowd, suddenly became the most beautiful girl in Kanto. He was immediately promoted by Yoshihiro and became the core force in maintaining stability in Kanto.

What Shimakatsu Takeo said makes sense. Since he has made up his mind to re-use Sanada Nobushige, he must bring her into the Shiba Goddess Group.

Nishi-Ueno is an important entrance and exit town between Kanhachishu and Koshinobu, Tochio Castle is the core gateway of Echigo Province to China and Vietnam, and the Honjo Kachi two families are the border buffer that penetrates into the Ou area.

If Yoshigan really wants Sanada Nobunshige to replace Yamanaka Yukimori's Kanto power and control these important border towns, he must give her enough political status so that she can suppress those arrogant and powerful generals.

Most of the time, the position of executive director must be given to Nobushige Sanada. He is already a big boss in the military. If he raises his political status, his power will be too great.

This is no longer a matter of Yoshiun's displeasure with mugwort, but that Sanada Nobushige, whose weight is getting heavier and heavier, must be Yoshigan's closest relative.

Dao Shengmeng's cryptic reminder made Yiyin sigh and secretly thought: If I don't go to the wormwood, who will do the wormwood? This is life.

The face of Sanada Nobunaga appeared in Yoshigan's mind. He had watched her grow from a young girl to the high and powerful position she has today.

The poor little girl who was crying in front of Takeda Shingen was forced by Takeda Shingen to participate in the process of humiliating himself...

There was a smile on Yiyin's lips.

In the past, Yoshigami also had a close relationship with Sanada Nobushige, and by the way, he used Takeda Shingen's unlimited madness and humiliation to complete the bizarre tasks given by the system.

Unexpectedly, he and Sanada Nobunaga could renew their unfinished relationship today, which made Yoshigami lament the reincarnation of heaven and the impermanence of things in the world.

Yiyin was thinking a lot, Shima Shengmeng watched him sink into deep thought, and the rational political thinking in his heart slowly dissipated, letting the emotional jealousy take over.

Not wanting the saint to continue thinking about Sanada Nobushige, Shima Katsuki shook the sleeping Iori in his arms and changed the subject.

"Didn't the saint bring His Highness the Takeda family with him when he came back this time?"

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, and said.

"Reina is still young, so don't torment her in the winter. I have Takasaka Masanobu taking care of her in Kyoto, so I feel at ease.

This time something unexpected happened in the Kanto incident, I rushed over quickly without even taking my last name. They were all children, so I didn’t bother them."

Dao Sheng smiled fiercely.

"It's a pity that His Highness Takeda is still looking forward to the reunion of mother and daughter in Mito Castle. It seems that he will be disappointed.

Speaking of which, when I first went to Kanto, the people of Kamao clan were not very young. By the way, Ii Naomasa was even younger when he came to the saint.

Why can't the two new girls from the Kitahata family not bear this hardship? Or does the saint feel sorry for them and think about the future?"

Yiyin frowned. He could smell the sourness in Shima Shengmeng's words that was getting more and more obvious. This kind of thing was getting more and more confusing. He could only shake his head and pretend to be confused.

"Hmph, Takeda Shingen is messing around in Hitachi Country, and I haven't punished her yet.

What kind of tax police levied taxes, in the name of asking for interest, and actually used force to oppress them. Uesugi Hojo saw it with envy, and he followed suit.

If they behave like this, the Kanto No War sign will be smashed sooner or later!"

Seeing the saint starting to talk nonsense, Dao Shengmeng couldn't help but smile. She liked to see the saint like this, obviously talking nonsense, which made Dao Shengmeng feel that the saint cared about her, and she felt happy.

Dao Shengmeng looked at Yiyin and felt happy, but Yiyin didn't know it, and was still changing the subject to disperse the smell of acetic acid in the room.

"Back then, Sibo's family business had a shallow foundation. You worked hard, and the two girls, Pu Shengjingyi, also had to endure hardships by running around with me.

The foundation of the Shiba family is now solid, and the two girls of the Kitahata family are the blood descendants entrusted to me by Kitahata Gujiao. There is no need for them to suffer at such a young age.

Just give them an identity and look after their future in the future."

Shima Sheng nodded fiercely.

Kamaojigo and Ii Naomasa are special cases. They are the confidants who were brought along by Yoshigan in the early days of his business and raised by his own hands.

The two children of the Kitahata family came too late and missed the best time. They were always left in Tamonyama Castle without getting close to the saint, so they lost this honor and their future achievements were limited.

Furthermore, the Sibo family's central system has been formed, and Tongxinzhong Group has its own promotion channels. It is no longer the grass-roots team it was at the beginning, and Yiyin naturally no longer needs to forcefully promote people around it.

Both Yoshigan and Shima Katsuki had such a tacit understanding that they did not mention Sanada Nobunaga again, but they already knew clearly in their hearts that if Sanada Nobunaga was successful enough, he would soon step onto a new level, which would be extremely valuable from now on.

This chapter has been completed!
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