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Chapter 1938 Yiyin’s final choice

Yiyin looked at Pu Sheng's hometown in surprise and murmured.

"Sick to death..."

Pu Sheng clan bowed.

"Hey, I heard it's a recurrence of an old injury."

Yiyin's expression dimmed and he nodded silently.

In the past few years, Tozawa Moriyasu had been fighting in the north and south. He often led his troops into enemy formations in person. It is said that he suffered many injuries on his body.

Just because the Tozawa family was not powerful, Tozawa Mori'an had no choice but to fight tooth and nail if he wanted to fulfill his agreement with the saint. But people are not steel after all, they will eventually be damaged in the journey.

Kamousojigo hesitated for a moment and said.

"Before Tozawa Mori'an died, she left a message for someone to bring to the saint, saying that she would be unlucky in this life and that she would fulfill her agreement with you in the next life."

There was a trace of bitterness in Yiyin's expression, recalling the heroic and heroic Tozawa Mori'an who first arrived at the city. She also died in the battle because of his harsh demands on her.

Shaking his head, Yiyin said helplessly.

"You should go out first, I want to be quiet."

Hamo clan bowed and left. Before leaving, he turned to look at Yoshigan, his eyes full of love that a subordinate should not show to his master.

At this moment, Yoshigami has no time to consider the feelings of Kamao clan. The death of Tozawa Moriyasu made him sad, but it also relieved his dilemma.

Relief of food stamps only requires funds, but the Kwantung Allied Forces' westward expedition to Oda requires not only money, but also sufficient troops.

The death of Tozawa Moriyasu caused Ou's situation to change again, and the choice of sending troops has become the last resort.

During the last Battle of Shiba-Oda, Ou Daimyo Date Masamune took advantage of the gap between the Kanto Palace to organize the coalition forces to conquer the Western Expedition, and almost captured the Aizu region.

If Satake Yoshige hadn't taken the initiative to go north to confront Date Masamune out of strategic considerations, delaying the turnaround of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Date Masamune may have achieved his goal, relying on geographical advantages to separate one party and make it difficult to suppress him.

Although Date Masamune has now climbed onto the throne, and Mogami Yoshimitsu has an ambiguous relationship with Yoshigan, Yoshigan is not at ease with them, and their liaison is more out of interests.

Yoshigan's plan for the Ou area is to encroach on Shonai and Aizu in the southern part of the Ou area by the Honjo clan and the Kachi clan under Sanada Nobushige.

Then he moved Satakeyoshi to the north and cooperated with Tozawa Mori'an to devour the northern part of Ou area.

One south and one north are actually squeezing the sphere of influence of Date Masamune, Mogami Yoshimitsu and other Ou local samurai families, forcing them to surrender to the Kanto Palace.

The territories of various families such as Antobu in northern Ou are too cold. They seem to be large areas, but in fact their hard power such as population and food is very limited.

The ones that can really put pressure on Yoshigan are the local daimyo such as Mogami Date, which occupies the southern basins and the Minami Sendai Plain.

Originally, this strategy had begun to bear fruit. While Mogami Yoshimitsu was licking the mail bar at Yoshigan, he ran to please the Uesugi family. Date Masamune was even more shameless, cooking and warming the bed for Yoshigan.

However, with the death of Tozawa Moriyasu and Satake Yoshitaka not yet moving north, the strategic pressure on the Ou samurai family headed by Date Mogami was greatly reduced.

If at this time, the Kwantung Allied Forces go west to conquer Oda again, who knows if there will be another problem in the Ou area?

The Oda family is rich with four million koku, and Shibata Katsuie, Niwa Nagahide, Hashiba Hideyoshi and other important ministers are not fools. They will definitely resist desperately and send people to Kanto to add fuel to the fire.

The anti-corruption campaign within Kanbashi is in full swing, causing people to panic. The big names in the Ou area have lost the pressure from the north, and it is inevitable that they are ready to take action.

Yoshigami couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of Date Masamune's frail appearance. Who would have thought that this sickly beauty who seemed to fall down at a push had a burning ambition hidden in her heart.

Several of his own women have died, and Yiyin no longer wants to take risks. The human heart cannot withstand temptation.

We can't give people like Date Masamune and Mogami Yoshimitsu a chance, we have to suppress them hard. This is for their own good, lest they do something wrong in a moment of enthusiasm.

Yoshigan's eyes were moist when he thought of Tozawa Moriyasu, who died of illness. He wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and his eyes became firm again.

Dead people cannot be resurrected. Dead people can let go of everything, but living people still need to continue living.

The death of Tozawa Mori'an made Yoshigan finally give up his plan to send troops to the west. The powerful vassals in Kanto could not move, and they had to guard Kanto to prevent chaos.

Therefore, let’s solve the food stamp issue first and raise funds to save the market.

Yiyin made this goal clear, and his mind was set, knowing what he should do.


The next morning, Yi Gin sat on the main seat, and under his seat were Fujibayashi Mukuro and Kirikage Saizou Rōnin who had been ordered to do so.

Fujibayashi's expression was slightly uncomfortable. After all, the Momochi Santafu she had just killed together with Akechi Mitsuhide was Kirigage Saizo's master.

At that time, the third Taifu of Momochi returned to Kinki and handed over the Kanto Secrecy Team to his disciple Kirikage Saizo. Kirikage Saizo has done a good job in the Kanto Secrecy Team in the past few years and has made great contributions.

The saint called both of them here today, which made Fujibayashi a little unsure of the Holy Heart. He felt guilty and uneasy.

Yiyin didn't want to talk nonsense and just gave instructions.

"Fujirin Mukuro."

"I'm here."

"You return to Kinki immediately, take over the position of Momochi Santao, command all the Kinki secret team members, and figure out the current situation in Kinki.

I will go back to Kinki soon, and I want to know all aspects of the situation as soon as I return, do you understand me?"


"Also, bring me a message back to every household you can contact.

My woman, it is not the turn of others to decide life and death. No matter what the current situation of Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide is, who is alive and who is dead must wait for me to go back and deal with it.

If anyone overtakes me, don't blame me for getting angry."


"Go ahead."


Fujibayashi Mukuro didn't dare to neglect, turned around and left. After watching her figure disappear completely outside the courtyard, Yoshigan looked at Kirikage Saizou who was waiting respectfully.

"Who among the Kanto Secret Team can take over your position?"

Wuying Caizang didn't expect that the saint would ask this question. He was stunned for a moment and hesitated.

"Sage, the power of the Kanto Secretariat has expanded too fast. The Kanto Secret Team has been in a state of shortage of manpower and has not yet cultivated talents who can coordinate the overall situation.

I am guilty and I am very sorry!"

Kirikage Caizang bowed deeply, Yiyin waved his hand and said.

"It's not your fault, but you have to tell me a candidate. I'll give you another six months to train you. After that, you have to go back to Kinki to work."

Wuying Caizang narrowed his eyes.

The third Taifu of Momochi died, and the leader of the Momochi clan was so humiliated that he took the blame and was killed by Mitsuhide Akechi. However, Fujibayashi Mukuo came to Kanto to report the news innocently.

The Kanto Secrecy Team protected Fujibayashi Muku along the way to Edo Castle, and Kirikage Saizo knew about it even earlier than the saint.

If Yiyin was pretending to be confused, then Wuying Caizang didn't even have to pretend, so he naturally knew how unjust his master's death was.

This chapter has been completed!
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