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Chapter 212 to be married

 It is no exaggeration to say that Yoshihiro is the most beautiful woman in Japan. She is the most beautiful and fair woman in the history of the samurai family.

In the samurai society, a territory of ten thousand koku can be called a daimyo lord.

The daimyo is the highest level among the samurai lords. The shogunate's great court ceremony and the ten thousand stone daimyo are the threshold.

If you don't meet this threshold, you are not even qualified to enter the council chamber.

On the contrary, this threshold has been passed.

Even if you are a small daimyo in the countryside, in the eyes of the shogunate, you still have a seat in the house, just a corner near the door.

The sixty-six countries of Japan have a total stone count of 20 million shi, and the righteous silver accounts for 200,000 shi.

Not too much, not too little. But what makes him unique is that he is exclusive or single.

The Shiba clan was destroyed. The so-called Shiba family now refers to Yoshihiro.

Which of the other famous names does not have a family fortune accumulated over generations?

If the family fortune is large, the population will naturally be prosperous.

When kinship is divided, do we need to divide the property? Do the family members who have passed down generations need to be rewarded?

As the population increases, there will be more voices in the family, and interest disputes will become more complicated, making it difficult to serve the public health wholeheartedly.

However, Yiyin's territory was conquered by himself with his own hands and feet, and they were all from Nomura, a Chinese.

Converting people's villages into territory is politically called opening up territory.

The people of this country admired the beauty of the shogunate and were willing to be the lackeys of the Shiba family of Ashikaga relatives.

When Shiba was revived, Yi Yin, as the first generation of family governor, had a prestige comparable to that of those family governors who inherited the family business and were hampered by aunts, sisters, and family ministers.

The so-called Gan Gang is arbitrary refers to people like him.

What's even more frightening is that he is still single.

Whichever family he marries to will have the full support of the Shiba family's 200,000 koku daimyo.

This kind of support is not the same as other daimyo's marriage, and it will not bring much benefit.

When Si Bo gets married in silver, that's a real two hundred thousand dan! It also comes with a ghost Si Bo who is unparalleled in battle!

Ashikaga Yoshiteru will be tempted. Not just the general, who among the families will not be tempted?

It's not because of lust, it's just that the benefits are too great and no one can resist the temptation.

If Yoshigami marries into the Asai family, Iga and Kitaomi attack the Rokkaku family, and the Rokkaku family will collapse immediately.

If Yoshigan marries into the Rokkaku family, Northern Yamato, Iga, and Minami-Omi will become one.

The shogunate was trembling. It was another Miyoshi family, or the Miyoshi family on the edge of Kyoto, which was a greater threat.

If Yoshigan marries Isshiki Yoshiryu, she will immediately abandon the Isshiki family name and marry into the Shiba family.

Internally, you can use the family grid to stabilize the Mino samurai family, and externally, you can use Iga and Mino to attack Omi, and invade nearby areas to achieve hegemony.

If Yoshigan is willing to marry Oda Nobunaga, she will divorce her main wife No-kun and marry the legitimate son of the Shiba family.

From then on, Oda and Shiba were integrated, Owari was stabilized, and several nearby lands were gained, and the road to the world was opened.

Even with a long life, it is difficult to resist the temptation of Yi Yin to marry.

The death of a legitimate daughter and the death of a younger sister are nothing. The four countries have echoed each other from a distance, and they have reached Luo Kyoto.

As the third leader of the Shiba family, even the leader jumped over directly. If you ignore the general, you can expect a good shogunate!

Although Yiyin only has 200,000 dan, in recent centers, one person represents a family, single and waiting to be married.

Isn't such a person unprecedentedly white, rich and beautiful?

In other words, as long as Yiyin does not marry, his single status can be used to obtain more concessions from various daimyo.

Not only did he hope that he would marry into the family, but he was also afraid of offending him severely and marrying his enemies.

Let’s work together to fuck you, and I’ll ask you if you’re afraid.

Therefore, Akechi Mitsuhide is not worried at all about the Shiba family returning to the status of third-party leader.

As long as Ashikaga Yoshiteru's mind is not broken, he will definitely give his full support and get this matter done.

Yiyin's oath to revive the Shiba family is known to the world.

If Ashikaga Yoshiteru still knows how to chase men and give in to them, he will definitely arrange the Shiba family to be in a glamorous environment in order to win the favor of beauties.

Mitsuhide Akechi doesn't want to mention these matters to Yoshigan for the time being. He will make some arrangements after the general begins his formal pursuit.

There was a gloomy look on her face, even if you are a general, if you insist on taking away my master, please die.

Little did Yoshihiro know that the war was still going on, and Mitsuhide Akechi had already thought about the aftermath of the war so deeply that he even considered the Great Rebellion.

His thoughts were all on Iimori Mountain Castle in the Ikoma Mountains.

"Akechi-hime, Iimoriyama Castle is the most important stronghold in Kitakawachi and the residence of the Anmi family.

The city is fortified and the walls are high, how can we capture it?"

Akechi Mitsuhide already had a plan in mind and said.

"Naomasa Yasumi was sitting on the fence in this battle, secretly communicating with the Miyoshi family, and showing his loyalty to the general at the same time.

Therefore, in this battle, although Iimori Mountain City was located in Beihanei, there was no military disaster and the defense of the city was slack.

So far, the castle town has not been closed, and there is no curfew in the city."

Yiyin couldn't believe that An Jianzheng was so ambitious.

"How dare she be so lax?

I am really not afraid that the shogunate or one of the Miyoshi family will have evil thoughts and send troops to attack us secretly."

"Don't be afraid.

This battle is related to the survival of the shogunate and the Miyoshi family. The two sides are facing each other in the north and south of Yodogawa. No one dares to take action, let alone be vigilant.

The troops are evenly matched, who can take action to deal with An Jian's family?

What's more, Anmi Naomasa was not defenseless. Whether it was in the direction of the Miyoshi family or the shogunate army, she had spies watching day and night to prepare for a surprise attack.

It's just that Kitakawachi was beaten too thoroughly during the two Miyoshi attacks. She needs to stop her losses and regain her health, and the castle town cannot be closed."

Yiyin nodded.

Yasumi Naomasa was also in a dilemma. His family business was in trouble and he had to expand the castle town to make money. However, due to the fierce battle in Kitakawachi, he had to be cautious.

The problem with her approach is not big. The trouble is that she has no intelligence channels and does not know the changes in Yamato.

Neither the Shogunate Army nor the Miyoshi Army regarded her as one of their own, so naturally they would not report military information to her.

So she didn't even notice the Shiba army on the other side of the Ikoma Mountains.

The main body of Shiba's military force is the Iga clan, which are ninjas who are good at hiding in the mountains.

This time Yiyin rushed troops to fetch Iimori Mountain Castle and set off quickly with three days of dry food and troops, but the follow-up supplies were still far behind.

The Zahe Party who followed were also veteran mercenaries, slick but still elite.

Both groups of men and horses were able to march quickly through the mountains and fields. Yoshigan reached the vicinity of Iimori Mountain Castle in a day and a half. At this time, there was no response from Iimori Mountain Castle.

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"Our army marched into hiding, Iimoriyama Castle did not receive any warning, and everything went as usual.

The Lord can order some of the Iga clan to disguise themselves as merchants, nuns, and logistics coolies and enter the castle town.

In addition, a small and capable team was dispatched, under the pretext of collecting military supplies from the general, to enter the city to seek an audience with An Jian Naozheng. They took advantage of his unpreparedness and captured the city gate.

The people and horses from the castle town followed up to help guard the city gate and lead the follow-up troops into the city.

The Anjian family is just a martial arts family in Beihan, and the military strength in the city is no more than a single reserve team.

As long as we seize the city gate and launch an attack in the name of the general, the Anjian family's subordinate Ji Ji will panic, and it will be easy to seize the city."

Yiyin nodded.

"That's right, what should we do with the Anjian family in the future?"

Akechi Mitsuhide spit out coldly.

"Clan execution."

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