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Chapter 264 Anzi

 Todo Takatora stepped back gratefully, and Yoshigami turned his attention to the next Ji Samurai.

"Otani Yoshitsugi."


"Since you followed me, you have fulfilled your duties, fought bravely, and won the title of Five Thousand Stones in Nanyihe."

Otani Yoshitsugi burst into tears of gratitude and kowtowed to the ground.

At first she fled in panic and had no choice but to surrender to Sibo Yiyin.

Who would have thought that in less than a year, she would reap such a huge reward.

In Kyoto, Yoshigami sought the favor of Ashikaga Yoshiteru for her, and Otani Village became the shogun's royal palace, dispelling the Rokkaku family's prying eyes on her family's ancestral land.

Now, with the addition of Minami Iga's Five Thousand Stones Tomoyuki, the Otani family has officially entered the ranks of high-level martial arts families.

Nowadays, the Liujia family must treat her with courtesy. Most of the domestic servants who regretted the marriage at the beginning will beat their chests and regret it endlessly.

The territory of Otani Village was stabilized.

Even if the Rokkaku family goes to war with the Shiba family, her family will not touch the general's palace.

If the shogunate and the Rokkaku family were at odds, the Rokkaku family would not dare to touch the territory of the Shiba family's important ministers.

In this way, she can live up to the family fortune passed down by her ancestors, and build a solid family status for future generations, achieving success and fame.

Otani Yoshitsugi was so grateful to Shiba Yoshigan.

She was suffering from a strange disease, her skin was ulcerated, and she had her head and face covered all year round, making her unpopular.

Only if the Lord gives her a chance can she be where she is today.

Otani Yoshitsugi leaned down again and grabbed the ground with his head.

"The Lord's kindness will never be forgotten. I am willing to shed the last drop of blood for the Sibo family."

Yiyin nodded and motioned for her to retreat.

Toudo Takatora and Otani Yoshitsugi are two secrets that extend the Shiba family to Omi country.

In the recent days, Sibo Territory, and North Hanoi to the west, is now the territory of the Sanyuan family and is an ally.

To the south is Kofukuji Temple and Tsutsui Junkei. It doesn't matter whether they are friends or enemies. The nuns and warriors can't help but fight.

What's more, there is still the thorn in the side of Suzuki Shigehide.

To the east are high mountains, which separate the country from Ise. As long as the main road in and out of Iga is defended, it will be difficult for the army to cross the mountains and enter the Shiba Territory.

To the north are Yamashiro Province and Omi Province, and Yamashita Kyoto is the center of the shogunate, so there are no problems on this side.

Yiyin and the shogunate worked together to repel the Miyoshi invasion, relying on each other to jointly maintain the shogunate's defense system.

The Shiba family has a noble character, and as long as Yoshigan stays within the guardianship system to make profits instead of overthrowing it, there will be no irreconcilable conflicts in the relationship with the shogunate.

Even if the two sides have some disagreements, they will not go to the point of fighting each other.

Omi Country is the direction that the Shiba family needs to pay most attention to.

Omi's land is fertile, and Lake Biwa's commerce is developed. With Omi as a country, it has the strength equivalent to the Miyoshi family.

What's even more frightening is that Omi is right on the edge of Kyoto. Through Lake Biwa and the Seta River entering Kyoto, military supplies and logistics flow smoothly.

Whoever captures the entire Omi Kingdom will be the biggest enemy of the shogunate.

As the vested interests of the shogunate, the Shiba family looked after Omi to maintain the peace of the shogunate system in Eastern Japan.

Regardless of whether it is the Minami Omi Rokkaku family or the North Omi Asai family, whoever unites Omi will be the enemy of the Shiba family.

It has nothing to do with feelings, just because of the fundamental conflict of interests. Neither the shogunate nor the Shiba family will allow Omi to have a dominant situation.

The Shiba family happens to have two grips that can pry Omi away.

The Todo clan is a veteran Kitaomi samurai family. During the Battle of Noryota, they dared to defect to the Asai family to fight against the Rokkaku family, which shows that this group of people are well known in the north.

Although he was just a countryman with a low status, Yoshigan did not dare to underestimate Tougao, the governor of the Toudo family.

This middle-aged warrior princess is not lacking in resourcefulness and bravery, but she lacks the opportunity to climb up.

Now Yiyin has given the Todo family a chance, with territory and identity, backed by the big tree of the Shiba family.

Let’s see if her family can create a wedge for the Shiba family in Kitaomi.

When the Asai family moved south, the three northern Omi counties surrendered in name only, and had no intention of providing military and food services.

The Asai family won the Battle of Noraga, but their vitality was also severely damaged, so they reluctantly agreed to be the Lord of Kitaomi in honor of the matter.

Nowadays, Asai Nagamasa has been appointed as the guardian of Kitaomi in the shogunate, and his family has also improved a lot.

Then, forcing the military families of the three counties to make concessions and effectively rule the three counties was put on the agenda.

Yoshigan did not want the Todo family to fight against the Asai family, but just to raise the status of her family so that the desperate Sanjun samurai family would have a way out.

The Asai family and the Shiba family are now closely related because the Rokkaku family is powerful.

But if you don't have long-term worries, you must have immediate worries.

Yoshigan hopes that the Todo family can have more appeal in the three counties of Kitaomi, just in case one day... they have one more bargaining chip to compete with the Asai family.

This is a hidden gem.

On the side of Otani Yoshitsugi, it was even more simple. The Rokkaku family hated Shiba Yigen deeply, but they were also deeply afraid of him.

It was he who helped the Asai family win the Battle of Noragada, which made the Rokkaku family's best opportunity in more than a hundred years, and the opportunity to unify Omi come to a close.

Today, the Rokkaku family is dissatisfied with the master's family internally among the retainers, and is suppressed by the shogunate externally, and they are all closely related to Yoshigan.

Yoshigan's current Iga territory is adjacent to the Rokkaku family's Minami Omi.

If you don't plan early, who knows whether unexpected emergencies may occur in the future.

Yiyin wants to use Otani Yoshitsugi to play a son first.

This time she got five thousand shi Zhixing, so she would definitely return home in fine clothes and recruit people from the Minami Omi country to enrich the grassroots of the territory.

Since the Rokkaku Sadeyori era, the Rokkaku family has expanded externally and frequently started wars.

Although they have been victorious and even conquered the three counties of Kitaomi, the oppression of the lower class people and servants has become more and more cruel.

The Otani family is one of the victims.

All the Hime samurai in the family died in the battle, leaving only Otani Yoshitsugi alone. The Rokkaku family also peeked at her village, hoping to engulf her family's ancestral land and replenish the losses of the war.

This is the saddest place for Chinese people.

They are at the bottom of the shogunate's protective system. They have obligations but no rights, and can only be squeezed.

Now, the Rokkaku family has lost consecutive battles.

Not only did they lose the three northern Omi counties that Rokkaku Sadeyori had conquered, but the shogunate also took away the mouth of the river from Lake Biwa to the Seta River to build Sakamoto Castle.

If we fail externally, we will inevitably squeeze more cruelly internally.

The military and food services originally shared by the three counties were now all falling on the people of Minamiomi, causing unspeakable suffering.

At this time, what will happen when the proud Otani Yoshitsugi returns to his hometown to recruit Samurai Hime?

The Rokkaku family has ruled Minami Omi for more than a hundred years and is deeply rooted. Yoshigan knows that he cannot shake her family.

But what if Otani Yoshitsugi's territory is filled with people who cannot survive in the Rokkaku family's territory and hate her family?

These Hime warriors are inextricably linked to every family at the grassroots level in Minami Omi.

Suppose one day, there is a conflict between the Rokkaku family and the Shiba family.

Will they choose the Rokkaku family who helped exploit them, or the Shiba family who gave them a way to survive?

Will it trigger riots at the bottom of Minami Omi and shake the Rokkaku family's fighting spirit?

This is another hidden gem.

Yoshihide Shiba could not have imagined that it would be so far-reaching. These were the arrangements planned by Mitsuhide Akechi when he and he were discussing military merit rewards.

Sometimes when Yoshie looks at Akechi Mitsuhide's sunny smile, he feels chills in his heart.

She is a terrible woman who can calculate rewards to such an extent.

When I was angry with her before, I wanted to cry to her. Now after a deep conversation, I almost softened with fear.

What a terrible woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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