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Chapter 438 Love and Hate

 As long as the power of the Shiba family remains undiminished, will Ashikaga Yoshiteru dare to turn over the table?

Yiyin knew well that the most deterrent power in the hands of the general now was to kick people out of the guard system.

I am a real man who wants to build a big harem. How can I enter your palace and let you enjoy it alone?

Just play a few friendly matches, it’s just for one person, just dream!

How will the descendants be affected?

The worst they can do is let them follow their mother's family status and become high-level martial arts families! As much as the Shiba family loves them, I won't care about the flood after I die.

When Dao Shengmeng mentioned the sword, he hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly gritted his teeth and untied the silk package tied around his body, and presented this simple-style dagger in front of his master with both hands.

Yiyin frowned with joy and was about to reach out to take it, but his wrist was grabbed.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at him in astonishment. Uesugi Teruhora had a miserable look on his face and looked at him with affectionate eyes, his grief and indignation beyond words.

"Ashikaga Yoshiteru, take advantage of others' danger!"

She gritted her teeth and squeezed out eight words between her teeth, which set off alarm bells in Yiyin's heart.

He looked around and saw that although Yamanaka Yukimori and Shimakatsu Takeo had different stances from Uesugi Terutora, they had the same expression.

Yiyin broke into a cold sweat on his back. It was so dangerous. If he happily took Yujian over, his character would be destroyed.

In order to realize the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest, he always faced the concubines with the attitude of sacrificing everything for the Shiba family. He fought several times with the general in Kyoto and resisted marrying into the imperial palace.

This holy image of giri is very attractive to the two giri-hime warriors, Shima Katsume and Yamanaka Yukimori.

It is an important support for them to love Yiyin, feel lucky, and seek pleasure in front of the Lord.

As for Uesugi Terutora, because Yoshigage intended to usurp the strategic dominance between the two, he deliberately brought the relationship between the two parties closer, and they became much closer before the war.

This battle had another twists and turns, and he survived the danger. Uesugi Teruhu, who fought side by side, became more and more affectionate for him.

Just now, Yiyin's head felt hot and he even acted as a hundred knights for her.

Although he knew that he was cheating and being a good person, it was different in the eyes of Teru Uesugi.

The confidante risked his life to save her, and now he was deeply in love with her. How could he just watch Yiyin become someone else's man.

Yiyin knew in his heart that he was in trouble.

Shima Shengmu and Yamazaka Yukimori led the Tongxin people and were his trusted generals who followed him to fight in Kanto.

They must be loyal and loyal, and there must be no flaws in their hearts. This is related to the only armed force in Yiyin's hands, and there is no room for failure.

Terutora Uesugi was even targeted by the system for a mission. He had worked so hard to get to this point, so how could he break her heart and ruin the Kanto strategy at this moment?

Her temperament seems strong and she doesn't care about anything. In fact, not caring is the shell that protects her emotions.

Because I don't care, I'm not afraid of losing.

Now that she has true feelings for herself, if she handles the sword-handling issue improperly and arouses her rebellious and proud temper, it will cause serious problems.

In the flash of lightning, Yiyin's mind is racing, what should we do?

At this point, we can only perform this painful drama well, and we must not make the three concubines in front of us feel cold, and we must take the sword in a legitimate manner.

Yoshigan thought carefully, put his acting skills to the test, looked calm, and glanced at Terutora Uesugi.

"Let go."

"I won't let go!"

"I said! Let go!"

"I won't let go!"

Teru Uesugi's eyes were red, he looked at Yoshigami and said affectionately.

"I love you, and I will not give you up to anyone, not even the general! You are mine!"

Yiyin looked at her, his handsome face was furrowed with long eyebrows, and the beauty was melancholy.

Surrender to reality flashed in his eyes, his lips were red and his teeth were white, but he stopped talking and sighed softly.

It was obvious that Sugi Teruhu's heart ached, and he wished he could suffer for him.

Yiyin said softly.

"Sister Uesugi, please let go, this is my choice."

Yoshigan looked indifferent, but could not hide the sadness in her eyes. Uesugi Teruhora was about to cry, she said.

"You gritted your teeth in Kyoto and refused to agree to the general's advances. Why did you give in so easily today?

You said that you don't trust anyone and you want to protect the Spo family you revived and dedicate your life to it. Do you still remember?

Why did you take over Edgeworth!

You know, once you pick it up, you acknowledge the identity of the Odaisho, and everything you have worked hard to hold on to will be in vain."

Yoshigan Shiba looked at Terutora Uesugi, their eyes intertwined, until she looked away unnaturally.

Then he put his hand on her smooth and white cheek, looked at her like water, and said softly.

"Of course it's for you, Sister Uesugi.

It was I who brought you back to the territory of the Jimbo family to negotiate with the chief minister, and you ended up in this dilemma.

This is my mistake, I have to make up for it, I don't want you to die.

It's just getting married, maybe this is life, and I'm willing to pay the price."

Terutora Uesugi finally couldn't help but cry. He shook his head while saying no, and his tears rolled down like broken pearls.

"Fool, you don't need it. You really don't need to do this for me."

Yiyin put the hand that was touching her cheek on the back of her hand that was holding his wrist, and said resolutely.

"The position of the divine protector has been withdrawn, but the danger has not been eliminated. You are not safe until you reach an agreement with her.

Although we now have a larger number of people, we are also at odds with the Shiina family, we are short of men and horses, and we are locked in the Jimbo family's territory and are in a dilemma.

If you look around at a place with no supplies, you will definitely be trapped alive in this place in the middle of nowhere.

Even if the village can be robbed to replenish food and grass, it will not be replenished with weapons and equipment, and will instead attract more hatred.

For now, the only way is for me to pick up the sword and, as the Ashikaga Shogun Odaisho, guarantee the alliance between you and Jinbo Nagasaki.

Ask her to provide military supplies and help us go to Echigo."

Terutora Uesugi felt regretful in her heart. She was not a fool and naturally knew that this was the best countermeasure at the moment.

But the price was watching the person she loved throw herself into her arms, the feeling of which made her almost crazy.

It's all because I was young and frivolous, relied on my extraordinary talent, never failed in battle, acted recklessly, and did things regardless of the consequences, which led to this disaster.

When I was young I didn't know what it was like to be sad, but now I want my sweetheart to take the pain for her in exchange for her peace.

She shook her head repeatedly and murmured to herself.

"There will be a way. There will definitely be other ways."

Yiyin looked at her with a tender face.

"If I hadn't forced you to come to the Jimbo family's territory, maybe you would have broken through the Shiina family's blockade and returned to Echigo country.

This is my fault, and I have the responsibility to send you back home safely.

I, Shiba Yiyin, have never abandoned my comrades since my debut, and I bear my own responsibilities."

He looked upright and righteous, and firmly established his image of justice.

Terutora Uesugi smiled bitterly.

"Breaking through the Shiina family's blockade is like death but no life. How can I blame you?

You are so stupid for taking all the responsibility on yourself."

Yiyin, no matter what she says, the responsibility is mine anyway, I just have to pick up the sword and take responsibility.

Whoever doesn’t let me take responsibility will be the one I’m in trouble with!

Uesugi Teru tried to persuade him several times, but he just ignored them. Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuruo beside him wanted to say something, but they couldn't.

The Wu family lacks moral integrity, and there are few people who are as benevolent, righteous, and trustworthy as their lord. As a warrior Ji, you should feel deeply honored when you meet your lord.

But as a woman, when she sees her sweetheart trying to compromise, she feels sorry for him and does nothing about it.

The sword is a gift from the general, and the choice is made by the governor himself. What position can they take to object?

The Wu family has a clear social hierarchy, and their status as subordinates does not allow them to speak rudely. They can only tolerate and cherish them.

Even Uesugi Terutora's words at this time were transgressive. The marriage between the Shiba family governor and Ashikaga Shogun was a matter at the highest level of the shogunate.

Her identity is just that of the Kanto governor and the guardian of Echigo, so she has no right to veto it.

Shiba Yiyin's compromise was to save her life, and his words to obstruct her were even more ungrateful.

When Shiba Yoshigan is leaving, even if there are no 170 cavalrymen from Shima Katsurugi who come to support him, the chief minister of the gods will send him out as a gift.

From the beginning to the end, it was she, Teruhora Uesugi, who caused trouble for Shiba Yoshigan!

Regardless of Shiina Yasuin's betrayal or the murderous intention of the divine protector Nagashi, they were all targeting her.

In the end, in order to save her, Shiba Yiyin, whom she loved, had to pick up the sword and admit her marriage to the general.

Only in this way can the divine protector Nagashi be able to safely ally with her and send her back to Echigo without worrying that she will fall out of favor and settle the score later.

It was her too indulgent behavior that made her allies betray and her enemies distrustful.

But, Shiba Yiyin is innocent, he can leave!

Why? Why should you sacrifice yourself for someone like me?

Uesugi Teruhora looked at Yoshigan's soft eyes and felt the warmth in his hands. At this moment, she felt that her heart was about to break.

Her eyes were filled with tears. As deep as her regret for herself was, she felt as much guilt and love for Yiyin.

Yoshiyin was observing Sanji's expression while playing the role of the Lord of Justice who attaches great importance to love and righteousness.

Shima Shengmu and Yamanaka Yukimori are easier to fool. After all, they are their subordinates. If the truth is in place, what else can they do?

It's not my fault, it's the world's fault.

The trouble is that Uesugi Teruhora and Yoshigage are a little numb. They always feel that this smaller lady has completely fallen under my pomegranate pants.

Even if you pass the test today, you will inevitably have emotional disputes in the future, which is really troublesome.

Yiyin shook his head helplessly and took it one step at a time.

This chapter has been completed!
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