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Chapter four hundred and forty fourth heart tired

The two reached a tacit understanding, and Jinbo Nagasaki followed Yoshigan out of the city and came to the castle town to meet with Uesugi Terutora.

In the location provided by the Jimbo family, the Hime warriors were busy packing their bags, looking ready to go out at any time.

Naoe Kanetsugu reported to Uesugi Teruhora in a low voice that the military supplies provided by the Jimbo family were only enough for one day, and they only had food and grass.

When Yoshigami and Jinbo Nagasaki arrived, Uesugi Teruhora stood up to greet them.

The chief priest took the initiative to step forward, bowed deeply to her, and said.

"The Chief Divine Protector has met His Highness Uesugi."

Teruhora Uesugi is already the leader of the Kanto region, and being the first to bow his head is not self-deprecating, but it shows his sincerity.

Uesugi Teru's eyes are slightly narrowed, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and the sarcastic words are about to blurt out.

But when she looked at Shiba Yiyin and saw the pleading in his eyes, her heart suddenly softened.

Along the way, the two have known each other and cherished each other, and they have overcome difficulties together. Uesugi Teruhora has already developed a deep love for each other.

But for her safety, her sweetheart took over the sword. Since then, there has been an insurmountable gap between the two. No matter how close they are, they are still as far away as the ends of the earth.

He is a general's man.

He didn't want to be a general. Everything was because of me. I brought it all on myself.

Terutora Uesugi looked at him and smiled dumbly. The regret in his heart was like thousands of ants gnawing at his heart, and it hurt to the point of numbness.

We can't live up to his friendship, and we can't let his sacrifice be in vain.

Terutora Uesugi secretly made up his mind, what I lost today, I will get back one day. So what about the general! When I take over the Kanto Plain...

Uesugi Teruhora smiled tenderly at Yoshigin, gave the priest in front of him a haha, and bowed in return.

"Your Majesty Jinbo is too polite, please take care of me."

Under the guarantee of Yiyin, the two shook hands and made peace, forming a covenant.


Hokudaiwa, Koriyama Castle Castle Tower.

After Ji-kun left Konki, Nizi Katsuhisa finally moved into the castle tower.

Koriyama Castle was the temporary residence of Yoshiun in the Shiba Konji territory. Although the city was stripped of the Shiba territory, it was given to Nizi to revive the Nizi family.

But out of gratitude to her master, she never stayed in the castle tower.

As the lord went to Kanto, Duwen Mountain also began to build the city where the lord lived. Only then did Nizi Shengjiu move in and start his own efforts to revive the Nizi family.

However, the world is difficult and people's hearts are unstable. After only a few months of taking care of the household affairs, Nizi Shengjiu is already feeling exhausted.

Patting the letter in his hand back to the desk, Nizi Shengjiu sighed.

From the master to the retainers, no one in the Shiba family has a fuel-efficient lamp, and everyone has a high-spirited attitude.

I don't mention how much trouble the family governor went through because it was a taboo for the venerable to curse others. The retainers everywhere were also great figures.

Takada Haruno is amazing. In just a few days, military supplies from Sakai Port were transported. The quantity was quite large, and what was even more frightening was that it was a steady stream.

But what’s the matter with the complacent and seemingly respectful words in this letter, but in fact, they are forcing the emperor to marry him?

Other people's business practices are inferior to others, they bow their heads and listen to their ears. They know that those who play with money are not as good as those who play with swords, and they are willing to be humble.

This person in our family, relying on his status as the only surviving descendant of the Sibo family, is content with taking credit and has already regarded himself as an important official of the party.

In order to open up the Hokuriku Dou trade route for my lord, I need the full assistance of everyone in my family.

Why do you fully support household military supplies and dare not forget your own identity?

What is your identity? You are just a small businessman!

Those who do business in the martial arts family are called Xia Sanlan! Those who pursue business are Xia Sanlan! Do you understand Xia Sanlan!

The five major forces of the Shiba family.

There are two people in the Shanzhong Nizi's party, one is the leader of the Lord's Guards, and the other is a general servant in the Prime Minister's household.

Maeda Yoshida was appointed as the general by his lord, taking charge of all the affairs of the recent battles.

Akechi Mitsuhide was good at dancing, coordinated the generals and various daimyo in Kyoto, and had the authority to start wars.

Shima Shengteng commanded the Shiba family's elite Ji samurai group and rushed to the aid of Vietnam.

There are important ministers in all directions, and none of them is indispensable.

Maeda Toshiie was the guardian of Owari Shiba, covering the sky with one hand and doing a lot of business. Everyone pinched their noses and recognized her equal status.

But what is Takada Haruno’s attitude in the letter? Does he consider himself equal to all parties?

The Wu family attaches great importance to respect and strict rules. They are particular about the words and endings in letters, and use honorifics to distinguish between upper and lower ranks.

Anyway, Nizi Shengjiu didn't see that she was her superior from this letter. She sighed and gave up the thought of issuing instructions.

First, she was short of money, poor and short of ambition.

The Shiba family was wiped out by the Kanto strategy, and they still had to participate in the Omi War. Both aspects were bottomless pits. She was no longer able to support it, and she really needed the support of Sakai Port.

Secondly, the connection of the Hokuriku Road trade route to Kanto and Kansai is a strategic matter, and she must provide unconditional support.

It is understandable that Takada Harano took the opportunity to improve himself. The martial arts family are all greedy. If they don't climb up along the pole, are they fools?

Thirdly, as a large number of young warriors were removed from Kanto, the mood of the samurai family at home fluctuated, and Yagyu Soki was doing his best to suppress dissent.

Takada Haruno's younger sister, Takada Yukino, is now the shogun's swordsmanship professor. It is said that she is very favored. She is also Yagyu Munenuki's boss and the head of the family.

Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face. The Takada family is indeed deeply favored by the master, and Nizi Katsuhisa does not want to enmity with the two Takada sisters.

Fourth, don’t think that I don’t know what you bastards are thinking! If you want to get married, just go and fight for it! I don’t care about you!

Nizi Shengjiu held his forehead helplessly and sighed.

Otani Yoshitsugi reported to her and asked her to advise Maeda's interests. The upcoming tactics against Koga were appalling and would lead to deadly enmity.

What does Nizi Shengjiu advise?

It's useless to talk nonsense. That mad dog only listens to the Lord. Everyone has equal status and performs their duties, so he won't bite you.

He could only use Takada Harano's supplies to appease her and make her change her ways.

In this case, we must accept Takada Harano's arrogance and short-handedness, so why should we be tough?

Akechi Mitsuhide had everything going for her in Kyoto, and her support for her lord was well coordinated, but she always felt uneasy.

What kind of quality is that scheming girl? Nizi Shengjiu had suffered a lot in the past, how could he possibly keep his peace?

Fujitaka Hosokawa of the Izumi Hosokawa family also sent a letter to remind her to be vigilant and not to let this madman cause trouble and make the master passive.

But how can she guard against it? Again, the same sentence.

The master has divided the authority, and everyone has their own duties. She, Nizi Shengjiu, can't exceed her authority except being cautious, right?

It is said that Maeda Toshiie is preparing to send troops to help the Oda family fight and participate in the Mino Strategy.

At first glance, it seems that he is restless and wants to expand his territory and increase his influence in the Spo family.

Dao Shengmeng led the elite team to Yuezhong. He seemed to be eager to be the master, but he always gave people the illusion that he was going to save his lover, and he didn't know what the situation was.

Yamanaka Yukimori, a silly girl, will never abandon her master and run away. Maybe she has decided to become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks and just be buried with him.

Nizi Shengjiu couldn't help but moan, "Just make trouble, all of you are capable! Behind Zhongjun's face, there are all bastards who covet beauty!"

Nizi Shengjiu's eyes are not kind, and his mind is a little dark.

If I had known you were so troublesome, you might as well have married the lord to the general.

Akechi Mitsuhide said that she took over the sword, and the Lisboa family became engaged? What is this sinister woman who is obsessed with the master thinking?

Nizi Katsuhisa felt a chill in his heart, and he felt sympathy with Hosokawa Fujitaka. He should really be careful about this guy with a sweet heart and a sword.

Hosokawa Fujitaka...there's something wrong with her being so concerned about Shiba's housework.

But she is the head of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, and her strength is comparable to that of the Shiba family.

The combined territory of the two families, which totaled more than 400,000 koku, formed the main body of the powerful local faction in the shogunate.

Even if she has ulterior motives, Nizi Shengjiu is not qualified to break with her. Everything needs to be decided by the Lord.

What's more, most of the time it's not because of ulterior motives, but because of lust.

Nizi Katsuhisa laughed dryly, "There is a legend in Kyoto that my master is the reincarnation of Tamamo no Mae, the incarnation of a vixen, who charmed the generals, daimyo, and retainers.

Now it seems that the rumors may not be without reason.

Nizi Shengjiu realized that most of his complaints today were disrespectful to his lord, and he felt terrified.

His Highness treated Nizi's family well, and did not mention the scandal of Yamazaka Yukimori's drunken sexual intercourse, which ruined his chastity.

Just talk about yourself.

He was highly trusted during the Battle of Yamato, and after the war he was even more generously rewarded and entrusted with important responsibilities.

The Lord is so kind and kind, and the only way to repay it is with death. I have been slandering His Highness behind your back, so where is my conscience?

No longer thinking about those messy things, Nizi Shengjiu buried his head in the papers and continued to work.

Those bastards who want to eat swan meat, let the Lord worry about it!

By the way, this little girl Yukimori Yamanaka is not included, she is just stupid!

Silly girl!

This chapter has been completed!
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