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Chapter 477 Planning

 Daxiong Chaoxiu knew that this exchange had a great impact. This imperial minister had a delicate mind and long-term thinking.

If this gaffe makes him look down upon, it will lower your value in his heart.

So, she cheered up, carefully recalled what she knew, and spoke slowly.

"The mother of our village, Fanchang, the head of the village, who was also the governor of our village, was killed by her own sister.

At that time, Honjo Shibunaga was only six or seven years old, but he remained calm and endured the humiliation.

It was not until she was thirteen years old that she had already gained a reputation for martial arts, and then she forced her aunt to commit suicide to avenge her mother.

This Ji Junlue is excellent in military force and is also good at using situations to win over people's hearts. At a young age, he has a high prestige among the people in Yangbei and is the leader of the Young Strong Faction."

Yiyin thought that this girl was really powerful, but he still didn't understand, so he asked.

"Is she using the name of opposing His Highness Uesugi to increase her prestige and unite the Yangbei people?

The Yangbei people rebelled several times, but His Highness Uesugi never tried to eradicate them. Why did he continue to cause trouble again and again?

Are these people really ignorant?"

Da Xiong smiled bitterly at Chao Xiu, his heart skipped a beat, and he spoke out what was in his heart.

"Originally, the Yangbei Zhong followed the old guardian Uesugi family and fought several times when they defeated the Nagao family in the mansion and suffered considerable losses.

His Highness Uesugi's mother took strict precautions against them, and His Highness himself took even more precautions against them.

The food service for the Echigo army was taxed by six public servants and four civilians, and the Yangbei army, except for a few people such as Nakajo Tengzi and others who paid tribute, was taxed heavily by seven public servants and three civilians."

Daxiong Chaohide himself was also bitter and dissatisfied with Uesugi Teruhu.

She is an internal affairs official and has a clear understanding of the unfairness involved. When she complains, she speaks clearly and rationally.

“Although the Echigo Plain is one of the great plains in the Kanto region and is rich in grain production, it is also a bitter and cold place.

Every year, a cold current comes from the sea, is blocked by the Echigo Mountains, and turns around in the Echigo Plain, causing heavy snowfall, which is very difficult to endure.

At the beginning of spring, the heavy snow melted into mud and there was no need for ditches and other water conservancy facilities.

Not to mention that the spring cold returns and the water turns to ice, making spring plowing and field opening very hard and miserable, and there is a lot of wear and tear on farm tools.

The Yangbei people were suffocated by the heavy taxes His Highness Uesugi imposed on the public and the public. How could they not have enough money to open up water conservancy projects and buy farm tools? How could they not feel resentful?

Although Echigo is rich in products, the gold and silver minerals, green hemp, cloth, sea salt and other benefits were all taken away by His Highness Uesugi. Living solely on the output of the land made life very difficult.

The Yangbei people are also vulgar, known for their martial prowess, and are not good at farming intensively. Their lives are even more miserable, and naturally they are very rebellious."

Yiyin nodded silently, and his evaluation of Daxiong Chaoxiu reached a new level.

This person is not only brave but also good at internal affairs. He has a thorough understanding of affairs and can be put to great use.

What she said not only happened to Yang Beizhong, but also the plight of the samurai family in China and Vietnam who were not taken seriously by Uesugi Teruhora.

If Echigo wants to unify his thoughts and expand externally, he must give these samurai families a way out. Otherwise, even if Uesugi Teruhora has the status of orthodoxy, he will face constant rebellions.

The status of the martial arts family is just a facade, and the real core is interests. As a lord, you don't have to be a bowl of water, but you must at least give people a way out and a hope.

Yiyin had some calculations in his mind.

Daxiong Chaoxiu is guaranteed to be safe, and he will make great use of this concubine. In addition, I can also try to get in touch with this concubine to see if he is a good dog with good knowledge.

Yiyin said.

"You contact our main village outside the city for me, Fanchang, and tell the Yangbei people that if they have no intention of violating the imperial court and don't make any more mistakes, I will not pursue any previous offenses."

Da Xiong said happily to Chao Xiu, kowtowed to the ground and went to do his work.

She wouldn't say that there was no way. Both families were originally rebels, so naturally there were some unspeakable connections and exchanges.

She was also very satisfied with her answer this time, and it was only after the imperial office listened to her that she was allowed to express her kindness to Honjo Shigenaga.

Regardless of whether Honjo Nobunaga listens to it or not, at least Daxiong Chaohide has added points and is more confident to survive this level.

After she left, Yiyin thought for a long time and couldn't help but shake his head.

Teruhora Uesugi has made a mess of domestic affairs and is too partial to his own family. This is not acceptable.

He originally did not want to get too involved in Echigo's internal affairs, so as not to arouse the hostility of the new Uesugi retainers against him. But now it seems that it is impossible not to participate.

If this continues, the next rebellion will not be too far away. This disharmonious internal distribution must be completely reversed, so that all parties in Echigo can benefit evenly, so that it will not affect the Kanto strategy.

Yoshigan silently thought, how far he can go depends on how sincere his love is for Uesugi Teruhora.

Originally, in order to complete system tasks, Yiyin came to Kanto as a passive and helpless choice.

His original idea was to provide political endorsement to Uesugi Teruhu, and she would mainly solve military problems by herself.

But as things progressed, Bank of America had invested too many resources and almost emptied the Sibo family's wealth.

He is like a gambler who puts his money down with red eyes. He really cannot afford to lose.

In addition, as the chips in his hand continued to increase, he became more serious and wanted to win this huge gamble.

However, Yoshibank's deep penetration into Echigo Kingdom will inevitably cause a strong backlash within the new Uesugi family.

Even though they fought hard by themselves, the meat still rotted in the pot of the Shin-Uesugi family, and outsiders were not allowed to get involved.

Terutora Uesugi, the leader of Echigo, was actually just the co-leader of the loose samurai alliance of Echigo and could not keep his promise.

If Yoshibank wants to deconstruct the current political ecology of Echigo and redistribute the interests of all parties, it will inevitably offend too many people, which requires the full support of Terutora Uesugi.

He must firmly grasp Uesugi Teruhu's feelings for him and use his strength to settle the vested interests of the new Uesugi family.

Then, I can only feel sorry for Uesugi Teruhu and use her to complete his political plans.

Yiyin sighed, I am such a bad man.


Kashiwazaki Plain, outside Hojo Castle.

Naoe Keizuna followed the logistics team to the Uesugi Teruhora station and entered the shogunate to ask for an audience with the family governor.

I saw that Kakizaki Keie and Usami Taide were so excited that they did not dare to breathe. The atmosphere in the shogunate was depressing, and Uesugi Terutora sat on the main seat with a cold expression.

Naoe Keizuna did not dare to neglect, stepped forward, bowed and said.

"Your Highness, the follow-up military supplies have arrived and the army is ready to leave at any time."

Teruhora Uesugi stood up and patted her shoulder to show her relief.

"Well done, Naoe-sama.

The Kakizaki Kei family ordered all the troops to distribute dry food, and the peasants and soldiers organized their supplies and sent out troops immediately."

Usami Sadamitsu on the side couldn't help but said.

"Your Highness, it's getting late and the roads in Shidi are rugged. Do you want to wait until dawn tomorrow before leaving?"

Kakizaki Keike also hesitated, as if waiting for the follow-up.

"Kakizaki Kage! Why are you still standing there! Get out and do some work!"


Uesugi Teruhora's violent outburst shocked even the fierce general Kakizaki Keike, who quickly bowed and left.

Usami Sadami smiled bitterly in her heart when she saw Teru Uesugi ignoring her.

Her suggestion was the correct way of military ethics. Most of the grassroots in the army were malnourished and night-blind. It was too dangerous to walk on mountain roads.

Usami was full of good intentions, but it seemed that she was misunderstood by the family governor, which only made her feel more resentful and bitter.

Terutora Uesugi valued her influence in protecting old ministers, and before leaving the country, she was entrusted with the important task of supervising dissatisfied people everywhere.

As a result, war broke out all over Echigo's country, which shook her position and made the governor unhappy.

Naoe Keetsuna remained calm beside her. After listening to Naoe Kanetsugu's words, she had already sorted out her thoughts.

The family governor admired the imperial office and was naturally anxious about sending troops.

She quickly organized the logistics and came with Qi Zhong, also with the intention of showing her face and selling off.

Kakizaki Keie and Usami Sadamitsu didn't know the governor's thoughts, and they inevitably didn't understand the importance of doing things, and she didn't bother to point it out.

In the new Uesugi family, the three people are divided into direct ministers, surrendered ministers, and generational retainers, and they all have different interests.

Kakizaki Kei's scolding was due to the fact that she had the closest relationship with the family governor. She was scolded easily by her own family, so it was not considered a loss of favor.

Naoe Keetsuna is cunning and cunning, and his actions are in line with the wishes of the family governor, which earns him a lot of points.

And Usami Sadaman doesn't know the truth. After receiving this sap, he probably still can't figure out what the problem is?

The three of them were each responsible for their own affairs. Under the supervision of Terutora Uesugi, the army set off and marched towards Tobi Castle.

Terutora Uesugi might not know the thoughts behind these people, but she was too lazy to think about it.

Beginning with her mother, the Fuchu Nagao family that suppressed Echigo for two generations had a strong military force. Her basic foundation is that of the Nagao clan, which is loyal and stable, and is not afraid of anyone's rebellion.

Terutora Uesugi has long seen through the internal strife in the samurai family, and the dark tricks are disgusting. As long as they don't hinder her rule of Echigo, let them make trouble on their own.

It is better for each of his subordinates to stand on their own, than to work together to oppose themselves.

Nowadays, Uesugi Teruhora's thoughts are all on Toroo Castle and his sweetheart, and he has no thoughts about anything else.

This chapter has been completed!
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