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Chapter 504: People from the Imperial Palace of Guandong

 What Yiyin said is true. In essence, Ishida Mitsunari is allowed to participate in Daxiong Chaohide's affairs, with the purpose of supervision.

It's not that he is suspicious. The decentralization of power is to protect subordinates. It may not be a good thing for new ministers to have too much power. Daxiong Chaoxiu himself is also very sensible.

So, the Lord and his ministers were all happy.

Yiyin continued.

"No matter how many goods we receive, I want you to guarantee three things.

First, the price of goods sold to the Echigo samurai family was 30% lower than before.

Second, the price of specialty products purchased by the Echigo samurai family was 30% higher than before.

Third, ensure that the expenses of the Kanto Palace are met."

The first and second points are the benefits that Yoshigan promised to the Echigo samurai family.

Since his debut, he has made friends with outsiders with integrity and has never broken his promise. This time he came all the way to Echigo, and he must keep his word and win people's hearts.

Things that can be solved with money are nothing. He doesn't have to care about money. He just needs to use money to solidify his image of being true to his word in Echigo.

Regarding the third point, he needs a lot of money to form the armed forces of the Kanto Palace.

The Wu family, the Wu family, all promises that are not guaranteed by force are just lies!

He went through all kinds of hardships and risked being beaten to death by the new Uesugi retainers, but he wanted to reopen the Kantō Palace. Why?

It’s power, especially military power!

The shrine is the administrative body of the imperial family and the highest military body during the Kamakura shogunate period.

Although the imperial family system had long been abandoned under the guardianship of the Ashikaga Shogunate, Uesugi Teruhora voluntarily decentralized power, and Yoshigan successfully opened an opening in Echigo.

With the Kanto Palace as a sign, he was ready to rebuild the imperial family's armed forces and strengthen his military power in Kanto.

The exercise of any power requires people to support it. If he wants to hold on to the power given to him by Uesugi Teruhata, he must establish his own samurai interest group in Kanto.

Ohuma Asahide doesn't care about the first point. Not much of the Sakai Port goods entering Kanto are distributed in Echigo, so it won't affect profits too much. Most of the goods will continue to be sold to Kanto countries.

The second point is even more insignificant. Echigo specialties are best-sellers in Kyoto. Now that the Shiba family has the right to exclusively collect and sell them, they will only earn more.

Yiyin's deliberate reminder on this point only shows that he, like ordinary martial artists, is not familiar with the rules of making money in business.

Daxiong Chaoxiu had no intention of revealing this matter and making the Lord lose face. She was more concerned about the particularity of the third point and asked cautiously.

"How much is the approximate expenditure for the Guandong attendants mentioned by the emperor?"

Yiyin smiled and looked at Benzhuang Fanchang.

"That depends on my Lord."

Honjo Mancho bowed and said sincerely.

"Please also ask the imperial office to make it clear."

Yiyin said solemnly.

"With your influence, you can make many families in Yangbei stand on the side of the Guandong Palace and be used by me."

Now there are two forces involved in the Kanto Palace. The Ohkuma Tohide faction is responsible for internal affairs and commerce, and the military side has to rely on the Yangbei Zhong of Honjo Shigenaga faction.

Hearing Shiba Yoshiyin's question, Honzo Nogecho was stunned, shook his head with a wry smile and said.

"The imperial office may have misunderstood.

The Yangbei people have been united for hundreds of years, and although the four faction clans have been divided into fourteen families, they are not divided into enemies and ourselves, and there is no absolute opposition or alignment."

Yiyin said doubtfully.

"how to say?"

Honjo Shigenaga explained.

"Among the Yangbei people, the elders have experienced two battles in which the Nagao family in the mansion defeated their superiors, and suffered heavy losses in the war in which the two guardians were killed in the previous generation.

Therefore, they did not want to cause trouble and conflict with the powerful His Highness Uesugi.

However, the young and energetic Qingzhuang Ji warrior is not convinced."

Yiyin was thoughtful and listened to her words slowly.

"For example, the Irobe family, the governor of the Irobe family, Katsunaga, had already submitted to the Nagao family in the official house in previous generations.

Now he is also a retainer of His Highness Uesugi. He is considered a veteran of two generations, and his seniority is no less than that of Naoe Keizuna-sama."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows and said.

"So, the Irobu family didn't come this time?"

Honjo Noganaga shook his head and said.

"No, here we come. The person leading the army is her direct daughter-in-law, Minister Shiro, who is close to me."

Yiyin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, which was a bit interesting.

Honjo Shigenaga continued.

"Another example is the Shinbada family. The governor of the family, Shinbada Choatoshi, is extremely respectful to His Highness Uesugi.

However, her sister Shinbada Shigeie believed that His Highness Uesugi was unfair to the Yohoku clan, which made the Yohoku clan insignificant in Echigo country.

This time, she also came with me with her troops."

Honjo Shigenaga gave two examples, and Shiba Yigen understood the secret.

It’s no wonder that Honjo Shigenaga is known as the young leader of the Northern Youth, and his attitude towards Terutora Uesugi has always been very tough. It turned out to be her character needs.

The four parties in Yangbei are closely related, and their tendencies cannot be distinguished based on one family or one industry.

The elders and the young have different ideas. Maybe the two generations of a family are on opposite sides.

The older and more stable person has a mentality similar to that of Nakajo Fujizai, who either surrenders or is neutral, succumbs to Uesugi Terutora's force, and can get some benefits without causing trouble.

The Young Zhuang faction believed that Yangbei's military bravery was the highest among Echigo, so why should he be inferior to others? Not only were military and food services heavier than others, but his political status was also marginalized.

Honjo Shigenaga was smart enough to grasp the ideas of these young people, and became their spokesperson. Only then did he gain the momentum to compete with Nakajo Fujishi, and also made the elderly in various families feel troubled.

They are all their own sons and nephews, and some are the heirs of the young master, who are related to the future of the family business.

It is not appropriate to suppress it, nor is it appropriate not to suppress it. In the midst of the struggle, this massive movement of the Yangbei people to the south took place.

Yiyin pondered.

If he wants to win over the Yangbei Zhong led by Honjo Shigenaga to serve him and establish his own samurai interest group in Kanto, he must satisfy the wishes of these young men.

What do they want? Nothing more than fame and fortune.

They are not like older people who seek stability in everything. They have passion, fighting spirit and ideals, and when used properly, they are like sharp knives.

Yiyin couldn't help but smile, "I'm good at cheating."

He said to Honjo Shigenaga.

"I intend to recruit members of the Imperial family of Kanto and join the Imperial Guards in Kanto to demonstrate their martial prowess.

The people in Yangbei are all Ji warriors who are good at fighting. They are capable of conquering the world and fight for the world in the name of being rewarded by the public.

Are you willing to recruit warriors for me and build the glory of your family again?"

His words made Fanchang's blood boil, and he kowtowed to the ground.

"I am willing to die serving the emperor."

Yiyin turned to Daxiong Chaoxiu and said.

"I intend to form the Ji Samurai Group, with a tentative number of one hundred and fifty people.

Do you think my income from the Hokuriku Road trade route is enough to support the expenses of the Kanto Palace?"

Da Xiong Chao Xiu was stunned for a moment and bowed.

"It must be enough. I should go all out to share the worries of the emperor."

The income from the Hokuriku Road trade route was huge, and it was more than enough to support one hundred and fifty Himi warriors.

If you can't handle this, why does the imperial office still keep Daxiong Chaoxiu? As a person, you must be valuable and be used by the superiors, otherwise there is no use in keeping you.

Yiyin said to Benzhuo Fanchang again.

"I need one hundred and fifty Yangbei Princess Warriors.

You can check for me, I only want the elite. When you join my Guandong Palace, please call me a Yutai person."

Honjo Shibunaga was stunned when he heard this, and he fell to the ground and accepted the order.

The first shogun Minamoto Yoritomo established the imperial family, which was originally intended to be the Minamoto clan's own family.

Two generations of her bloodline were exterminated, and the former Hojo family took their place and ruled the shogunate. In order to stabilize the rule, Hojo retainers controlled the shogunate and were called imperial concubines.

Now the Kamakura shogunate has long disappeared into history, and Yoshigan Shiba, the imperial minister, came to Kanto to rebuild the Kanto imperial palace.

His powerful performance of the imperial court made the heart of our village throb, as if he was living in a new history, with his blood flowing wildly.

Daxiong Chaohide around him is also very ambitious. Daxiong people are all born in Buddhism, and they have the huge resource of goods from Sakai Port, so they are full of confidence in the formation of the imperial family.

Later, Yiyin said again.

"I brought military supplies for one hundred and ninety Ji warriors from Kansai, and also entrusted them to Lord Big Bear.

You can't favor one over the other and let the Ji warriors feel cold."

Daxiong Chaoxiu's face turned pale and he answered.

"I don't dare."

Suddenly there were nearly two hundred Ji warriors, which was very expensive, but she did not dare to refuse and could only agree.

Yiyin nodded with satisfaction.

Although he intends to form a group of Hime warriors known as Ouchi, he does not dare to trust the Echigo samurai too much for the time being.

Therefore, the number of imperial concubines cannot exceed the number of concentric members of the Shiba family.

At least a one-to-one balance must be maintained in order to control the new armed force of the imperial guards.

Yiyin continued to talk to Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"In the Guandong Waiting House, I want you to do three things for the supplies of Tongxinzhong and Yunai.

Samurai Ji must have white rice to eat, pickled radish to satisfy his needs, and salted fish to ensure it."

As soon as he said this, Daxiong Chaoxiu's face became more and more ugly, his lips trembled and he didn't know what to say.

Imperial office, I can’t do this!

This chapter has been completed!
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