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Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-One The General Hopes You Return

 Kinoshita Hideyoshi made a prompt decision and changed the name of Miao to Hashiba, becoming Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Takenaka Shigeharu continued with a smile on her face, as a child can be taught.

"Hashiba-sama, the third point is that you have to give up the Simeon strategy."

When Hashiba Hideyoshi heard this, he was shocked.

"What? Give up?

Takenaka-sama, I don’t want to, but this West Mino Strategy is the foundation of my life, if I give up, how can I explain to His Highness Oda?"

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head and said.

"The West Merion Raiders will not be abandoned, what I want is for you to give up participating.

You have received the reward of Tomoyuki Thousand Stones from the West Mino Strategy. This is the limit that the Oda retainers group can tolerate.

His Highness Oda has established you as a representative of the common people. No matter how you defend yourself, the retainers will exclude you from the Owari samurai family.

As for you, the only thing they can endure is this thousand stones, no more.

Therefore, you can no longer make meritorious deeds. One step forward will lead to an abyss and a dead end."

Hideyoshi Hashiba listened carefully and nodded silently.

Takenaka Shigeharu picked up the teacup, blew away the tea stems on the water, took a sip, and frowned.

It tastes terrible.

She collected her thoughts and continued.

"The West Mino strategy has been launched, and Her Majesty Oda, who has tasted the benefits, will not give up. She will definitely continue to promote differentiation and split the Mino samurai family.

I assert that the internally divided Mino Isshiki family will not last long before it will be captured by His Highness Oda.

Only when His Majesty Oda acquires Mino Country and completely overwhelms the Oda retainers with his strength can you continue to grow stronger.

And now, please be patient, Master Yushiba. Take the time to learn from me and become a qualified Ji Samurai as soon as possible."

Although Hideyoshi Hashiba felt unwilling to do so, he also knew that everything Takenaka Shigeharu said made sense.

She smiled bitterly.

"I understand, but I don't know if I will have the opportunity to work hard again in the future."

Takenaka Shigeharu solemnly said.

"There will definitely be an opportunity, and it's not far away. Her Highness Oda's reforms are shocking to the world, and she needs someone to distract the samurai.

Since she has chosen you and invested resources, with her character, she will not let you easily pass the test and enjoy the blessings, and will use you soon.

Your Highness Oda's talent and strategy will never stop at the two countries of Owari and Mino. Only those in the near future are her goals.

Omi Country is the main route from Nobi Plain to Konki, and it is also the heart of the world and a rich land.

If you want to make a name for yourself in the future, you will most likely land here in Omi."

Hideyoshi Hashiba bowed and said.

"After listening to Ji Yixi's words, I finally feel confident. Please continue to remind me in the future."

Takenaka Shigeharu bowed in return and encouraged.

"Master Yushiba, don't be impatient. In troubled times, everything can be done. You will have the opportunity to show your talents and gain your own future.

Just imagine, Asai Nagamasa, the lord of Kitaomi, is about to marry the son of the Oda family.

One day, with your own efforts, you may not be able to become the master of a country, receive favors, reward beauties, and bless future generations."

Hideyoshi Hashiba was stunned for a moment.

"Is this the Lord of the City?"

"Exactly. It is said that the wedding team is about to leave soon."

Hashiba Hideyoshi was born as a servant of Oda Nobunaga, so he naturally knew Oda City Lord, a son who was deeply favored by his Lord, but he did not expect that he would marry to Kitaomi.

At the beginning, Hashiba Hideyoshi also had a crush on Oda Ichi-kun, but when he met that boy, he gradually replaced the Ichi-kun.

She remained silent, savoring Takenaka Shigeharu's encouragement. No one knew the fantasy hidden deep in her heart.

Can you get the beauty you love when you become the master of a country? Impossible, and you are still not worthy of the humble and trustworthy man.

I want to stand beside him, I want to press him under my body, kiss and love him, and caress him.

Only by becoming... a person in the world...

A trace of transgressive thoughts arose in Hashiba Hideyoshi's heart. At this moment, she forgot her fear of Oda Nobunaga and her own embarrassing situation.

She only has one obsession that is almost crazy and impossible to realize.

Not crazy, not live.

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at Hashiba Hideyoshi, whose face was getting serious. He didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that her ambition was aroused by his success, he nodded in relief.

This is a new starting point for Takenaka Shigeharu, Hideyoshi Hashiba, don’t let me down.

This time, I will never fail again.


The wars after spring plowing have subsided one by one, and the short killings in the slack season cannot hide the desire to eat.

Harvesting wheat in the summer and rice in the autumn, each family is quietly accumulating to reserve strength for the new journey.

Kyoto, Imperial Palace Tea Room.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru summoned Akechi Mitsuhide and scolded him severely.

"What on earth do you want to do in Kanto, Mr. Yoshigan! He actually reopened the Kanto Palace, and what does he think of the shogunate in Kyoto!"

Ashikaga Yoshiteru slapped the table hard, and the tea in the cup splashed all over the table.

Takada Yukino on the side was silent, while Akechi Mitsuhide in front of him looked horrified and fell to the ground to apologize.

"Lord Gongfang, please calm down. The Kanto incident is in chaos. We don't know the details. The governor may have his own reasons."

She was panic-stricken on her face, but she was scornful in her heart. Do you Ashikaga Yoshiteru know what my Highness is going to do?

If you seduce him with a sword and tempt him to hold his nose and take the sword, aren't you sure that he wants to expand his territory in Kanto?

Now Mr. Qianxin no longer shouts, but Mr. Yiyin starts to act coquettishly as his wife, which is really disgusting.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru didn't know what Akechi Mitsuhide was thinking. He had recently forced the ministers to bow their heads and finally gained some authority as a general. It was the time when he was proud of himself and he didn't care what others thought.

She snorted coldly and said.

"It's not easy for him to go all the way to Echigo, so he wants to deprive the Shiina family of their duty as guardian of Echigo, and I allow it.

He also deprived the Echigo Kuroda family of their status as imperial family members and exterminated the clan, so I followed suit.

But how much does he want me to tolerate before it’s over?

The envoy to Echigo announced the edict for Uesugi Terutora. He said everything that needs to be said clearly. If he returns to the capital earlier, why not set up a service office there?"

After scolding for a while, Ashikaga Yoshiki finally showed off his drama. She just wanted Shiba Yoshigan to come back.

Akechi Mitsuhide sneered in his heart, wasn't he just thinking about his master's body?

Mitsurugi has the power to issue orders, and Yoshihiro Shiba exercises power in Kanto. He only needs to fill in a document afterwards and send it to Kyoto.

As he started working in Kanto, Ashikaga Yoshiteru became more and more anxious. It seemed that he had no intention of returning to Kyoto.

My own sword is like a meat bun beating a dog, and there is no return!

Especially the two recent events, one is the reopening of the Kato Palace, and the other is the announcement of the decree at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine.

As soon as the news came back to the Kyoto Imperial Palace, the general was instantly stimulated to the point of jumping, and he directly sent an order to Akechi Mitsuhide to see him, and the scolding was directed to Shiba Yoshigan.

Akechi Mitsuhide seemed to be submissive, but in his heart he disagreed.

This general has a tough look and a soft heart. If he is really cruel, he should directly declare an order to go to Kanto and reprimand the lord Shiba Yigen.

What's the point of dragging out Akechi Mitsuhide, the Kyoto agent, and giving him a scolding now? In the final analysis, I'm still afraid that Yoshihiro Shiba will be angry!

You useless general, if you have the ability, you can just scold the rightful master, vent your anger to the people below, and convey your thoughts, what kind of ability do you have!

Akechi Mitsuhide was scornful in his heart, but his face was frightened and frightened, and he respectfully accepted the general's scolding.

After scolding for a while, Ashikaga Yoshiki felt bored and waved her away.

Akechi Mitsuhide seemed to have received an amnesty. He scurried out of the tea room with his head lowered and the corners of his mouth raised.

"General, hehe."

In the tea room, Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at Yukino Takada beside him. She silently poured herself a cup of tea and sipped the tea carefully.

Although she was still indifferent as usual, the general felt a faint illusion that she was very happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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