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Chapter 564 You and I both miscalculated

 Anesama Nobu-kun came forward and questioned.

"Your Highness, the Uesugi Army's logistics line crosses the Saikawa River and the Chikuma River. We can completely cut off its supply line at the Kawanakajima Plain.

If logistics is disrupted, military morale will be in chaos."

Takeda Harunobu shook his head and said.

"As long as I stay in the plains of Kawanakajima, Uesugi Teruhora will definitely descend the mountain with his entire army, cross the Chikuma River and go north to fight me.

We have assembled an unprecedented army just to defeat the Echigo samurai family in one fell swoop and make them fear our Koshinobu samurai family from now on.

In this case, why bother trying to deprive yourself of food? Go to Haijin City to gather all your forces and wait for an opportunity to fight hard!"

Anesama Nobu-kun thought about it, and it was indeed so.

The Takeda family has assembled 20,000 soldiers, while the Uesugi family has only 12,000 soldiers. If the two sides fight head-on, there is no reason why the Takeda family will lose.

So she bowed and no longer objected.

Takeda Harunobu looked around the audience and said.

"Let's go, Princesses. Let's go to the Kawanakajima Plain and embrace our victory!"


Takeda Harunobu sent out troops. She led the army from Chausu Mountain to the north and entered Kawanaka Island from the west.

But to Uesugi Teruhora's surprise, she did not stay on the Kawanakajima Plain and attack the Uesugi Army's logistics depot.

Takeda Harunobu directly led his army across the Kawanakajima Plain, crossed the Chikuma River, and joined the defenders of Kaizu Castle.

At this point, the Takeda Army had 20,000 troops in Kaijin Castle and faced off with the Uesugi Army of 12,000 troops at Tsumeyama.


Uesugi Teruhora was furious on the wife's mountain, and Takeda Harunobu was more cowardly than she imagined.

She originally thought that Takeda Harunobu would first cut off the Uesugi Army's logistics line on the Kawanakajima Plain before making other reactions.

Then, Uesugi Teruhora will quickly go down the mountain, cross the river and go north for a decisive battle with Takeda Harunobu. At the same time, send a partial division to block the cross-river support of the Kaizu Castle defenders at the ferry.

Who would have known that Takeda Harunobu would slip across the Kawanakajima Plain and directly enter Kaijin Castle to join the defenders without giving her any time or chance.

Now things get interesting.

The logistics line of the Takeda Army at Kaizu Castle passed at the foot of Tsumayama and was threatened by the Uesugi Army.

The Uesugi Army's logistics line on the Kawanakajima Plain also passed under the nose of Kaijin Castle.

The two sides faced off against Haijin City at Zimanu Mountain, but neither side was willing to move first.

On the wife's mountain, the Uesugi army's main formation was holding a military meeting.

Naoe Keizuna questioned.

"Your Highness, Takeda Harunobu did not cut off our logistics, but instead gathered all his forces together.

I always feel that she is not escaping from a decisive battle as we thought before, but rather seems to be concentrating her forces in the hope of a decisive battle."

The ladies nodded, and Kakizaki Keijia said.

"In this case, why don't we stick to the spot and wait for the Takeda Army in Kaijin City to run out of food without fighting her?"

Murakami Yoshikiyo shook his head and said.

"This is impossible. There is a large amount of military rations stored in Haijin City, and the lack of food will not shake the morale of the army for a while.

On the contrary, our situation is more dangerous.

On the Wife and Nv Mountain, the running water in the streams is not enough to supply 12,000 people. If we are accidentally besieged, the water shortage will be more serious than the food shortage."

Terutora Uesugi nodded and said.

"Calm down, don't be impatient, we'll wait for Takeda Harunobu's reaction."

Yoshigan Shiba was nearby and glanced at Terutora Uesugi in disappointment.

Her plan had failed, and the logistics line used as a bait was ignored by Takeda Harunobu. The Uesugi army was embarrassed to stay on the Wife and Daughter Mountain, in a dilemma.

At this time, is it the Takeda Army in Kaijin Castle who is having a hard time? Or is it the Uesugi Army in the wind blowing on the mountain? It is obviously the Uesugi Army.

Uesugi Teruhora actually continued to wait and see, and Yoshihiro Shiba couldn't help but feel worried.


Yoshigan Shiba never expected that Terutora Uesugi's keen sense of smell would indeed touch the eagerness to try behind Takeda Harunobu's uncharacteristic behavior.

The one who couldn’t hold back his anger at first turned out to be Takeda Harunobu!

She gathered 20,000 soldiers and lost some of her former wisdom and calmness. It's not surprising that she was restless, the old members of the Takeda family were all here.

Uesugi Terutora's mobilization power was not inferior to Takeda Harunobu, but she still chose to leave Uesugi Kagenobu to lead part of the army to guard the country.

Therefore, her mind is more stable.

As a fellow daimyo, Terutora Uesugi keenly felt the huge psychological pressure behind Takeda Harunobu's excessive mobilization of 20,000 soldiers.

On the one hand, after overloaded mobilization, the entire army was left with empty territory outside and was afraid of something happening.

On the other hand, with all the capital here, we can only win, not lose. Failure will be a disaster.

Because Takeda Harunobu has gathered more troops, her strategic determination is worse than that of Uesugi Teruhora, and she hopes to fight Uesugi's army in a decisive battle.

However, Uesugi Teruhora could keep his composure, and Uesugi's army entrenched themselves on Wife and Daughter Mountain, leaving Takeda Harunobu at a loss as to where to start.

Kaijin Castle Castle Tower, Takeda Military Council.

Takeda Harunobu was sitting on the main seat and said with a frown.

"Uesugi Teruhora occupied Tsumabushiyama and did not move for several days.

Although it has no impact on our army, the disruption of Chikuma River’s logistics is not a good thing after all.”

Takeda Nobushige looked at his sister in surprise, feeling that she was not as usual and a little restless.

Both sides have gathered tens of thousands of soldiers. This is a rare war in recent years. How can we be so impatient?

It had only been a few days, and Teruhora Uesugi was wasting his time first. The Takeda Army ate and drank well in Kaijin Castle, which was more comfortable than the Uesugi Army blowing wind on the mountain.

Just as she was about to say a few words of comfort to her sister, someone behind her came out and bowed. It was Kansuke Yamamoto, who had been doing well recently.

In the first case, Yukitaka Sanada was persuaded to surrender and captured Toishi Castle. Later, Kaizu Castle was reinforced, and the level of construction was extremely high, which was rewarded by Takeda Harunobu, who had just arrived.

Two meritorious deeds made her appear in front of Takeda Harunobu a lot. Now that the governor is worried, she has an idea in her mind, so naturally she will speak out to relieve her worries.

"What your Highness said is absolutely true. Poor logistics is a taboo for military strategists. I have a plan that can help my lord defeat Uesugi's army."

Takeda Nobushige frowned and gave a veiled warning.

"Uesugi Terutora is a famous general, and the reputation of the Echigo samurai family for their bravery is known throughout Kanto. How can Lord Yamamoto make such an assertion lightly?

What is the strategy to defeat the enemy?

The two armies have more than 30,000 soldiers, and they are all going all out, so you have to hold your chin when you speak!"

Kansuke Yamamoto was so shocked by her words that he lowered his head and did not dare to say any more.

She has a high status in the Takeda family. She is good at building forts and is highly valued by Takeda Harunobu. But compared to Takeda Nobushige, she is far from worthy.

At this time, I was warned by Takeda Nobushige. I felt humiliated and a little nervous, so I didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Takeda Harunobu stretched out his hand to stop Takeda Nobushige's aggressiveness and said gently.

"Yamamoto Hime is an honest person, don't scare her. Since this is a military discussion, you should speak freely.

Yamamoto Hime, just tell me and I can judge whether the countermeasures are appropriate."

Takeda Nobushige was blocked by his sister's subtle words and kept silent.

She was worried that her subordinates would see her lord's anxiety and intended to use rhetorical strategies to attract favors.

Yamamoto Kansuke was not a war general, and she said she could defeat Uesugi's army as soon as she opened her mouth, which immediately aroused Takeda Nobushige's disgust.

However, Takeda Harunobu was determined to fight, and she needed an excuse to persuade the high-level martial artists sitting here to join her in fighting.

Yamamoto Kansuke showed up and played into her heart, so of course she couldn't let Takeda Nobushige scare her back.

The two sisters had different thoughts, and they both looked at Yamamoto Kansuke, waiting for her strategy to defeat the enemy.

This chapter has been completed!
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