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Chapter 995: Treasure Court abandons martial arts

 The Echigo Kingdom was covered in heavy snow, and both the rebels and the counter-rebels were gearing up for a big fight when the snow stopped.

In the neighboring country of Yamato, the climate in the Nara Basin is much warmer than that of Kanto. But in the heart of Kofukuji Nagakaku, this winter is bitterly cold.

At this time, she was in the main hall of Xingfu Temple and in the side room of Zhongjin Hall, talking about Dharma and sutras with two high nuns in the temple.

By the time the three of them finished speaking, it was almost dusk.

Changjue looked at the main hall and seemed to see the worshiped Sakyamuni smiling at her. She said with a heavy heart.

"That's it for today."

The two high nuns put their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name to show their respect for the host.

One of them is an old nun with gray hair, tall and thick, with short arms and legs, and is as strong as a warrior. However, there is simplicity and compassion between his eyebrows and eyes, which is in obvious contrast with the bravery in his body.

She is Yinrong, the host of Xingfu Temple's sub-yuan and Baozhouyuan.

Although the other person is dressed like a nun, she has a natural beauty that is difficult to abandon. Her eyebrows are stretched out and she is young and pretty.

If there were any samurai from Kyoto here, they would be surprised that this person looks like Ashikaga Yoshiteru, as if he had the same face carved out of the same mold.

It's just that Ashikaga Yoshiki has been practicing swordsmanship all year round and has a strong and unyielding temperament. But this nun has a kind face and kind eyes, and is very scholarly.

She is the host of Yichengyuan, Jueqing, and leads the door of Yichengyuan.

These two people are both high nuns of Kofukuji Temple, and their status is second only to Nagakaku, the head of Kofukuji Temple.

Hoho-in is a nun in the temple, and Hoho-in Yinrong created the original Hoso-in-style spear technique. In addition to the current spear art where plain spears are the mainstream, she created the cross-text spear school, and is a master of spear art.

The religious status of Ichijoin Kakukei is higher, and it is one of the two ruins of Kofukuji Temple.

Since ancient times, Japan has attached great importance to the order of superiority and inferiority. No matter the original emperor's court or the current samurai family, the hierarchy is strict.

The Wu family has a guardianship system that evaluates the family's status. The sect also has its own family trace system, which stipulates the level of the temple.

When the Nichiren sect was strong and destroyed the Ichiko sect's main temple several times, it was destroying its legacy.

When the Nichiren sect fought with the Ichiko sect, the Tendai sect was frightened and took the opportunity to destroy the Nichiren sect's main monastery in Kyoto in order to destroy the traces of her sect.

At this point, the Nichiren sect lived in Shoucheng, hanging out with craftsmen and merchants. Even though its power was not bad, the temple structure was inferior to others, and it could not be ranked among the first-line sects such as Tendai sect, Shingon sect, and Yixiang sect.

Honnōji Nichigen went to seek help from Oda Nobunaga, but a few words from her aroused his anger. He lost his Buddhist heart, and was dragged down by King Kong's angry eyes. He also felt aggrieved in this regard.

Kofukuji Temple originally belonged to the Hosho Sect, but now it has been merged into the Shingon Sect. It is said that the two Buddhist sects merged, but in fact it is that the Hosho Sect has been doing poorly in recent years, and it will be over sooner or later without anyone to help it.

He might as well move closer to the Shingon sect while his old background is still there, in exchange for lasting incense, in order to plan for a follow-up.

However, the Shingon sect was happy to win over the Hosho sect and Kofukuji Temple, but there were two problems to solve.

First, Hosō Sect Kofukuji Temple let go of its secular power and handed it over to the management of the Yamato family of the nun samurai family.

When the Shingon sect took over Kofukuji Temple, how to deal with the relationship with these nuns and samurai families was a very troublesome problem.

After several generations of lords, the Tsutsui family became the dominant family and became the biggest threat to Kofukuji Temple.

Secondly, in terms of religion, Kofukuji Temple has two main gates, Mahayana-in and Isho-in.

The sect is quite restrained towards secular power, but it is ruthless towards its religious colleagues, leaving no room for compromise.

The ruins of the Mahayana-in gate have been occupied by various generations of Kofuku-ji lords dispatched by the Shingon sect, while the ruins of the Ichijo-in gate have been the focus of disputes for generations.

Changjue glanced at the young Ichijoyuan Jueqing. The fact that this person could successfully inherit the Ichijoyuan sect was also a sign of the religious forces' efforts to please the secular forces.

When the news of Jueqing's inheritance of the Ichijo-in Gate came to Kyoto, the Odaisho was very happy for a long time.

Jueqing's life experience is a secret among the top brass of the Shingon Sect, and only a few top brass know about it.

Even she herself thought that her Buddhist practice was valued by her master, so she inherited the mantle and legacy of Yiyangyuan after his death.

In fact, in this island country with a strict hierarchical system, even if religion escapes from the world, it cannot escape the fate of dragons giving birth to dragons, phoenixes giving birth to phoenixes, and mice's sons coming to dig holes.

Master Changjue sighed, Baobaoyuan Yinrong remained calm, and young Jueqing couldn't hold his breath and asked.

"Why does the Lord sigh?"

Changjue said.

"This morning, I got the news.

The Tsutsui family united with the Kazuo family and the Juichi family to exterminate the Ochi family on the grounds of disrespecting the Buddha."


Jue Qing was shocked, but Yin Rong remained silent.

The Tsutsui family, the Ochi family, the Shiao family, and the Juichi family are collectively known as the four Yamato families, and they are the leaders among nuns and warriors.

In recent years, the Tsutsui family has become the dominant family, leaving Kofukuji Temple with a thorn in its back. Through the Battle of Yamato, Master Nagakaku teamed up with Shiba Yoshigan to severely suppress the Tsutsui family governor Junkei.

Since then, Nagakaku has been going smoothly. He divided himself up to win over the other three companies, suppressed Tsutsui Junkei, and felt proud of himself.

But the secular world has its own ways of playing the game, and she only gained the upper hand by relying on Tsutsui Junkei's fear of Yoshihiro Shiba and not resisting.

But since Yoshihiro Shiba went to Kanto, and Junkei Tsutsui joined the diplomatic service of the Shiba family, Mitsuhide Akechi, everything changed.

Nagakaku didn't even know when Tsutsui Junkei had won over the Kazuo family and the Toichi family.

With lightning speed, they slaughtered the Yue Zhi family who followed Chang Jue closely and planned to make a comeback, catching Chang Jue off guard.

Jue Qing was young and didn't know the inside story, so he kept mumbling.

"How could they use the name of Buddha to harm their fellow disciples?"

Yin Rong glanced at her with slight contempt. This child came to power too early and was too naive.

Of the four Yamato families, the Tsutsui family and the Ochi family are the most powerful. When the Shingon sect took over Kofukuji Temple, the Ochi family was unruly and the Tsutsui family was on their knees.

As a result, the first generation owner failed to observe the situation. He favored the Tsutsui family and suppressed the Ochi family, resulting in the Tsutsui family becoming the dominant family.

Afterwards, several generations of seat lords were unable to bring things right. Fortunately, thanks to Sibo Yiyin, this generation of lords had a chance to put things right.

However, I have always felt that this person's Buddhist teachings are profound, but his understanding of secular politics is too shallow.

She gave Peking University and 100,000 koku to Shiba Yiyin, thinking that she could check and balance the Tsutsui family, but she didn't know that she had completely offended the Yamato nun samurai group.

The sect is far less concerned about land than the nuns and warriors. If there are believers, there will be new offerings and land for donation.

But for the nuns and warriors, they have ruled Yamato for hundreds of years, and the land has long been theirs. What Nagakaku gave away was their flesh and blood.

The Ochi family is from the Yamato Genji family, and has been a famous family for hundreds of years. When everyone could not defeat Shiba Yoshigan, and Nagakakuxu and Nagasaki were in trouble, they sincerely took refuge in Kofukuji Temple.

This is naked betrayal!

Therefore, Shiba Yiyin left, Akechi Mitsuhide remained silent, and the Ochi family was directly destroyed by the nuns and warriors.

We can't defeat the Sibo family, can't we deal with you, the traitorous Yuezhi family?

Changjue sighed, Jueqing was shocked, but Yinrong felt cold in his heart.

If you don't understand politics, don't touch the secular world. No matter how vicious Tsutsui Junkei is, she has no ambitions for religious power.

Because she doesn't understand and knows she can't get it.

But Nagakaku insisted that if he wanted Kofukuji Temple to return to the era when the four Yamato families knelt down and licked the temple, he was seeking death.

If one day the orthodoxy of Kofukuji Temple is cut off, this generation leader Chokaku will be the sinner of both the Shingon Sect and the Hosho Sect!

Yinrong sighed and said.

"From today on, the Treasure House will discard all the weapons in the compound. From now on, we will not talk about martial arts, only Buddhism.

Nuns should recite sutras well, and people from outside the world should not participate in worldly disputes."

After saying that, she fluttered her sleeves and left. Behind her, Changjue's face was ashen, and her Buddha's heart was lost.

This chapter has been completed!
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