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Chapter 753 Sanada Flattery

 Sanada Nobushige was so elated when she heard this that she didn't even care that Umino Riichi mocked her about her ambition to marry Odaisho.

She nodded repeatedly and said.

"Listening to Ji's words is better than ten years of reading.

What Liu Niang said makes sense! When I get to Xinfatian City, I will flatter the Lord in the mountains every day.

I am familiar with this skill, and I can use it all the way I did to coax my grandmother and my mother, and make sure she is satisfied."

Umino Riichi was speechless, trying to persuade her a few words was too much. It was obvious that she looked so confident that she didn't bother to persuade her.

Go away, you wild monkey.

Sanada Nobushige was excited by the thought and geared up.

"We want to prove that the Sanada people are the most loyal group of Hime warriors to the Odaisho.

You must practice your foot drill commands well. Anyone who is lazy is not my sister!

Those who are fooling around are not my sisters, Sanada Nobushige! I don’t have such sisters!”

The more she spoke, the more excited she became. Behind her, Sarutobi Sasuke, Nezu Sadamori, and Mochizuki Yukitada looked at each other with sad faces.

This wild monkey has gotten angry, and everyone will be in trouble. Come on, she is the one who is in charge now.

That requirement to stand at attention, take a moment, and walk in unison is really a bit disgusting.

After saying this, Sanada Nobushige asked Umino Riichi again.

"Liu Niang asked me to give up the opportunity to fight in Yuechu Noden and concentrate on training just to flatter Odaisho?

Actually, I think it’s okay to practice and fight at the same time. Isn’t fighting bravely also a sign of loyalty?”

Umino Riichi said.

"You want to go to war, but the imperial office may not think so.

I think that the Imperial Palace will restrict the Shiba warriors from participating in battles, so I will give you a warning first. I hope you will not be too careless to ask for a battle and embarrass the Imperial Palace."

Sanada Nobushige wonders.

"how do I say this?"

Umino Toshi glanced at Sanada Nobushige and said helplessly.

"You play all day long and have a great time, but have you ever paid attention to information about Shangyue?

Lord Ohkuma Asahide has been compiling and sharing the internal intelligence documents of the Kanto Palace. In Joetsu Kasugayama Castle, the Etsuchu Jimbo family has negotiated the conditions for sending troops with the Uesugi family.

The reward given by the Jimbo family for this dispatch was tens of thousands of koku for the land east of the Kurobe River in Shinkawa County, China, including Miyazaki Castle.

Yutai led his troops to quell the rebellion in Xinfatian. After the war, they would definitely take a piece of Xiayu territory to feed the Yutai people who went to war this time as a reward for their military merits.

If you eat one more bite at the Kanto Shrine, the Uesugi family will eat less.

That's just the land of Shimotsutsu. Yuechuang Shinkawa County is close to the territory of Uetsu and is next to the Uesugi family's bed. How can they let the Odaisho get a piece of the pie?

Given the wisdom and martial arts of the Imperial Guard, they will definitely choose to retreat on their own initiative to reduce friction between the two sides, so it is unlikely that the Imperial Guard will send troops."

Sanada Nobunaga touched his head and sighed.

"The Uesugi family is really stingy."

Umino glanced at her and was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

The new Uesugi family is so stingy that it almost makes them cry. Uesugi Teruhu is also obsessed with sex and turns Echigo country into a two-pronged duopoly.

The new Uesugi retainers were not happy, but they couldn't resist the hard-fisted Uesugi Terutora, so they could only circle around in the circle she had drawn.

Shiba Yoshiyin has only been here for a year, and he has already captured Tomei Castle, Daxiong Chaoxiu's headquarters, Honjo Shigencho's headquarters, and Kaji Jinggang's headquarters.

Kanto Shiba's forces accounted for about 30% of the military and food services of Nakashita Etsu. Coupled with Yoshigan Shiba's own prestige and military strategy, could the Uesugi retainers not feel fearful?

If Echigo's Shiba power continues to grow like this, Echigo will no longer be the new Echigo of the Uesugi family, but will be occupied by the Shiba family.

A wise lord like Shiba Yoshigan will definitely restrain his behavior, control his behavior more carefully, and eat less to avoid causing stress reactions among the new Uesugi retainers.

As for the territory of Etchu Noto, it must be given to Uesugi Teruhora to send troops to occupy, so as to avoid disputes over the division of accounts after the war.

The dual politics of the Uesugi and Shiba families in Echigo has reached a critical point. Only by entering the Kanto Plain and making the pie bigger can the increasingly fierce internal conflicts be offset.

Umino Toshiichi said to Sanada Nobushige.

"The dual-headed politics is unstable and the conflicts are fierce and difficult to control. The only way out is the Guandong Strategy.

I conclude that your two highnesses will quickly put an end to the chaos in Noto in central Vietnam. At the latest, they will send troops to the Kanto Plain after the autumn harvest.

Since we can't send troops to cross the central border, we need to contact more Shino clan members in Nishi Ueno to prepare for the army to march south to the Kanto Plain.

The imperial office must be very pleased to see you taking the initiative to lay out Nishi Ueno. Only by doing things in the right direction can we get twice the result with half the effort and win the favor of the master."

Sanada Nobushige nodded slightly and looked at the indifferent Umino Riichi with a wide smile.

After all, she is Liu Niang, and her brains are very good. If you can trick her into working, you will really make a lot of money.


Kasugayama Castle, Castle Tower.

In Uesugi Teruhora's hand was a reply letter from Shiba Yoshigan, which made her laugh out loud.

After all, it was Duke Qianxin who was invincible. In late winter and early spring, he defeated Xinfatian Changdun and nipped the rebellion in the bud.

The Echigo Kingdom was troubled, with constant internal and external troubles. Terutora Uesugi was always running around, and it was a painful job for the firefighters.

Now with the help of Shiba Yoshigan, she only needs to sit firmly in Kasugayama Castle and pay attention to the changes in Echu Noto. To the east, Shiba Yoshigan helped her to calm down the chaos in Shibaden.

Terutora Uesugi was secretly happy, she was such a good helper, and her love was not in vain.

She giggled in the chair, and Naoe Keizuna, who came next to pay her respects, was immediately embarrassed. He couldn't even look at her, and he couldn't do it even if he didn't look at her. He could only cough loudly to interrupt his master's thoughts.

Teruhora Uesugi came back to his senses, looked at the serious-looking Naoe Keizuna, and said with a half-smile.

"Mr. Naoe, are you feeling ill? The spring cold is not gone yet, so you still have to take care of yourself and don't catch cold."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Naoe Keizuna reluctantly bowed and thanked her. She had no choice but to discuss something with her lord.

Seeing that she was deep in thought and speechless, Uesugi Teruhora found it difficult to speak, so he took the initiative to speak.

"What happened again? Hasn't the retainer group already approved the matter regarding the post of the divine protector?

The land east of the Kurobe River belongs to my family. After spring plowing, we will send troops across China to assist the Jimbo family in annihilating the rebellious Shiina family.

Any more questions?"

Terutora Uesugi hated Shiina Yasuin, who almost killed him in Vietnam.

If she hadn't colluded with Etchu Ichikune to plot evil, Uesugi Teruhora would have fled back to the Jimbo family's territory in embarrassment, and Shiba Yoshigan would not have taken the sword that completely ended the possibility of the relationship between the two.

Previously, because of Yoshino Shiba's guarantee, Teruhora Uesugi had to withdraw from Vietnam and prepare for the Kanto Strategy, leaving him with no chance for revenge.

Who would have thought that the situation would change so quickly, and that the Godly Protector Nagasaki, who had previously patted his chest and said that Echigo had me and that there was no need for Echigo to interfere, would actually be so embarrassed that he asked for help from Echigo.

Uesugi Teruhora finally found an opportunity to retaliate, so he waited for the spring plowing to end and went to crush Shiina Yasuin to ashes.

This chapter has been completed!
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