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The first eight hundred and forty chapters main characters list

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Yoshigan Shiba, the governor of the family, Kenshin of the Shingon clan, leader of the local powerful faction in the shogunate, and the fiancé of Ashikaga Shogun Yoshiteru.

Iga Maeda system

Maeda's interests, the general of the Konki Shiba leader, and the leader of the Konki military commander faction.

Maeda Toshihisa, the mother of Maeda's interests, helps with housework.

In the Dazang Chang'an, Maeda Toshihisa was promoted to Hime Samurai, and Maeda was sent to Kanto to serve as a companion to Shiba Yoshigan, a talent in internal affairs and public security.

Owari Maeda series

Maeda Toshiie and Owari Shiba served as acting officers, assisting Oda Nobunaga in conquering Mino and were highly used.

Murai Nagai Yori, Maeda Toshiie's retainer.

Ina Chuji, under the orders of Maeda Toshiie, went to Kanto to work as a companion and water conservancy expert for Yoshihiro Shiba.

Kyoto Akechi

Akechi Mitsuhide, who served in the diplomatic service of Suba in recent years, was the counselor of Yoshihiro Saba, the manager of Chutong Group, and a follower of the Shingon sect.

Saito Rizo, along with Isshiki Yoshiryu, defected to Akechi Mitsuhide and became a retainer.

Saito Ryuuki, the surviving daughter of Isshiki Yoshiryu, was protected by Akechi Mitsuhide.

recent information department

Fujibayashi Anzu, one of the leaders of the same group among the Ninjas.

Fujibayashi Mukuro, the younger sister of Fujibayashi Anzu, the head of the same group among the ninjas, and the governor of the Fujibayashi family.

Sakai Port Takata System

Takada Haruno, the head of the Shiba family, the manager of the Sakai Port Shinsengumi, the manager of the Hokurikudo Trading Route, and a follower of the Shingon sect.

Yuigahama Yui, leader of the Sakai Port Shinsengumi, was marginalized.

Imai Munehisa was a subordinate of the Sakai Port Merchant, Hime Samurai, and had the privileged right of way to the Yodogawa River. He was asked by Takada Yono to join the Iichiko Sect.

Isamu Kondo, the leader of the Miburo clan under the Sakai Port Shinsengumi, and the natural Rishin-ryu clan.

Okita Souji, one of the leaders of the Mibu Wolf, has the highest martial arts skills but is in poor health.

Hijikata was three years old, and he was a wolf military advisor who was born in Rensheng. He was a cruel man.

Kyoto Takada system

Yukino Takada, the head of the Shiba clan and professor of swordsmanship in the shogunate.

Yamato series

Nizi Katsuhisa, one of the leaders of the Nizi party in the mountains, has been in charge of housekeeping in recent years and is the manager of the Yagyu group.

Yagyu Munenuki, Shiba Kametsuke, leader of the Yagyu group.

Kanto Shisho Yamanaka Department

Yamanaka Yukimori, one of the leaders of the Yamanaka Nizi Party, the deacon of the Kanto Palace, and the manager of the Yutai people.

Honjo Shibunaga, the governor of the Chichibu clan clan of the Yangboku clan, betrayed the Yangboku clan, defected to the Kantō shrine, and was the leader of the Otai people.

Ji Jingzuna, whose sister committed seppuku, was re-employed by Shiba Yiyin, the leader of the Yue faction of the Yutai people, and the governor of the clan of the Sasaki clan in the north.

Kanto Spurling Island System

Dao Shengmeng, leader of Peking University and others, acting official of Kanto Sibo.

Omi Todo Department

Todo Torakaka, the governor of the Omi Todo family under the Shiba family.

Todo Takatora, the daughter of Todo Takatora, one of the recent military commander sects.

Iga Otani system

Otani Yoshitsugi, one of the recent military commander factions.

New Tongxinzhongxian

Pusheng's Township, Sibo Yiyin's surname Yuanfu, Tongxinzhongbi.

Ii Naomasa, Shiba Yiyin's nickname Yuanfu, and other adjutants, supervised the distribution of pensions and rewards, and preserved and held the documents on behalf of the pensioners.

Kanto Public Service Sanada Department

Sanada Nobushige, the second daughter of Sanada Masayuki, served as an official in the Shiba family, and the leader of the Sanada faction in Otai

Sarutobi Sasuke, Sanada Nobuhige's friend, and Yuki sent by Yoshigan Shiba.

Umino Riichi, Umino Rokuniang, Sanada Nobunagashi, Sanmu Shoujo.

Nezu Sadamori, Sanada Nobushige's retainer.

Mochizuki Yukitada, Sanada Nobushige's retainer.

Kanto Information Department

The Third Taifu of Baidi, the leader of the same group of Ninja Army.

Kirigakure Saizo, a disciple of the Three Taifus of Hundred Lands, and a jounin in the same military group.

Kanto Service Department Logistics Department

Daxiong Chaohide, former minister of the Sino-Vietnamese Guardian and leader of the Faction. Now attached to the Kanto Palace, head of the Hokurikudo Trade Route Kanto Shiba, and general affairs manager of the Kanto Palace.

Mitsunari Ishida, adjutant of internal affairs at the Omi Kanto Palace.

Department of Foreign Ministers of the Kanto Palace

Ogasawara Nagatoki, governor of the Ogasawara family, guarded by Shinano. After the battle of Kawanakajima, he joined the Kanto Imperial Palace.

Shinbada Shigeie, the sister of Shinbada Choatsu, the abandoned master of Kawanakajima, was beheaded by Shima Shengmeng.

Minoru Irobe, the daughter of Katsunaga Irobe, was punished and exiled to Kaijin Castle after the Battle of Kawanakajima.


Oda family

Oda Nobunaga, family governor.

Niwa Nagahide, the chief minister of the Naoomidan, and a close confidant who came from the Wild Boys.

Shibata Katsuie, the chief minister of the retainers group and the leader of the Oda military commander faction.

(Sakuma Morimasa, the daughter of Shibata Katsuie’s brother.)

Hashiba Hideyoshi, a rising civilian star of the Oda family.

(Haisuka Masakatsu, Yuli sent by Oda Nobunaga.

Hideyoshi Kinoshita, sister of Hideyoshi Hashiba.

Kato Kiyomasa, Hashiba retainer.

Fukushima Masanori, Hashiba retainer.

Asano Nagamasa, Hashiba retainer.

Takenaka Shigeharu, Yuli sent by Oda Nobunaga, Hashiba Hideyoshi's advisor.)

Maeda Toshimasa, governor of the Maeda family in Huangzi City.

Ikeda Hengxing, Oda Nobunaga's sisters, mother's clothes and many pens.

Takigawa Kazumasu, a good friend of Ikeda Tsuneaki, and one of the leaders of the Mother Clothes.

Katsunari Mori, a fierce general of the Naoomi Regiment, controls the reserve team directly under Oda Nobunaga, and is a veteran from Mino.

Hidetaka Kawajiri, same as above.

Lin Xiuzhen, the elder of the Oda family.

Sakuma Nobumori, Oda Shigeomi.

Sasa Narimasa, Oda Shigeomi, joined the Mother Clothes.

Oda City Lord, Oda Nobunaga's younger brother, married Asai Nagamasa.

Saito Nobun-kun, husband of Oda Nobunaga.

Hinano Hiroshi, leader of the Higashi-Mino samurai family, surrendered to the Oda family.

Inaba Yoshichichi, one of the three people from Simino, surrendered to the Oda family.

Ando Mamoru, one of the three people from Simino, Takenaka Shigeharu's mother-in-law, surrendered to the Oda family.

Ujie Naomoto, one of the three Nishimino people, surrendered to the Oda family

Without defeating Koji, Nishimino forces the samurai family to surrender to the Oda family.

Tsuchida Gozen, father of Oda Nobunaga.

Oda's letter bag, Nobunaga's younger sister, is in Oda Nobunaga's mother's clothes, approaching the flag book in front of everyone.

Oda Nobsumi, daughter of Nobuyuki, nicknamed Oda Nobunaga.


Matsudaira family

Matsudaira Motoyasu, family governor.

Hattori family, Matsudaira Ninzu.

This book has been repeated many times and passed down to generations of veterans.

Honda Tadakatsu, the leader of the Dogmatist faction, and the leader of the Mikawa Banner.

Sakai Masachika, Matsudaira clan, Sakai's second daughter is the family governor.

Shigetada Sakai, daughter of Masachika Sakai.

Tadashi Sakai, teacher Matsudaira Motoyasu, the eldest daughter of the Matsudaira clan, the family governor, and the banner leader of Higashi Mikawa.

Okubo Tadayo, the daughter of the Kamiwada Okubo branch family. Okubo Tadasa, Okubo Tadayo's sister.

Ishikawa Sumasa, Okazaki Jodai, Nishi Mikawa Flag Head, Pure Land religious believers.

Yasuyuki Kondo, one of the three members of Yuanjiang.

Tadashi Suganuma, one of the three members of the Toe family.

Suzuki Shigeki, one of the three people from Yuanjiang.



Ashikaga Yoshiki, the general who conquered the barbarians.

Ashikaga Teru-kun, the younger brother of Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

Odaisho, the father of Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

Sanyuan Qingyu, governor of the Sanyuan family.

Mitsuhide Mibuchi, the daughter of Haruka Mibuchi, the guardian of Kitakawachi.

Hosokawa Motonsune, Izumi Hosokawa's family governor, returned to Kyoto and participated in politics again.

Hosokawa Fujitaka, the actual controller of the Izumi Hosokawa family and the Mibuchi family.

Wada Yomasa, Omi clan shogunate, former Rokkaku retainer from Koga County, served in the shogunate's diplomatic service.

Ise Sakyuo, the deacon of the political office, was suppressed and fell from power by Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

Ninagawa himself was the acting official of the government office.

Ninagawa's elder daughter, Ninagawa's daughter.

Niki Yoshimasa, Niki family governor, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru's close minister.

Yagyu Munegen, the shogunate's chief minister.


Rokkaku Family

Rokkaku Yoshihide, the retired former family governor.

Rokkaku Yoshiharu, the current governor of the household, murdered Gotō Kentoyo and his daughter, and was forced to form a clan with his retainers, the Rokkaku clan, with limited power.

Mekada Tsunayoshi, a close confidant of the former family governor, was killed in battle together with Norada.

Pu Sheng Xianxiu, the mother of Pu Sheng's clan and an important minister.

Shindo is a virtuous and important minister.

Goto Kentoyo, the most important minister of the retainers group, was killed by Rokkaku Yoshiharu.

Goto Takaharu, the second daughter of Goto Kentoyo, succeeded the family governor after the death of her mother.


Asai family

Asai Hisamasa, the retired former family governor.

Asai Nagamasa, the current governor of the house, and her husband Oda City Lord.

Akao Kiyozuna, the number one family elder of the Asai clan.

Haibei Gangqin, family elder, adviser.

Isano Yuanmasang, a fierce general and an important minister.

Aguan Zhenzheng, adviser, important minister.

Hidetaka Takanoze, the lord of Hiden City who rebelled from the Rokkaku family.



After Mihao Changqing, the family governor, ordered Anzhai Dongkang to commit suicide, he died of illness due to shame.

Mihao Yixian, one of the four Mihao sisters, died of illness after Mihao failed to go to Luo.

Anzai Toyasu, one of the four Miyoshi sisters and the leader of the Awaji people, was forced to commit seppuku by Miyoshi Nagakei.

Shihe Yicun, one of the four Miyoshi sisters, died in battle in Yamato when Miyoshi went to Luo.

Miyoshi Yoshihiro, the daughter of Miyoshi Nagakei, died in the battle of Yamato when Miyoshi went to Luo.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, the daughter of Shihe Icun, was adopted by Miyoshi Changqing as the heir to the Miyoshi family.

Matsunagahide, Miyoshi Nagakei Naoomi, Lord of Yodo Castle, and Akechi Mitsuhide were on good terms.

(Matsu Nagasaki, the daughter of Mats Nagasaki, joined Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's side public service.

Honda Masanobu, who ran away to the Matsudaira family in Mikawa Country, was a follower of the sect and a retainer of Matsunaga Hide.

Gaoshan Chongyou, a devout Nanman believer from Gaoshanzhuang in Settsu Island County, whose Christian name is Rusding.)

Sanhao Changyi, one of the Sanhao trio, the leader of the Settsu clan.

Miyoshi Masayasu, one of the three Miyoshis, manager of the Sakai Port Customs Office.

Yancheng Youtong, one of the three good people, an important minister.

Shinohara Nagafusa, the leader of Awa and an important minister.

Miyoshi Yasucho, Miyoshi's powerful sect, neutral faction, was sent to Sakai Port by Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to check and balance Miyoshi Masakushi's power.


Uesugi family

Terutora Uesugi, family governor.

Renzhong, Xuanyuan Ren.

Kensei Uesugi, adoptive mother of Teru Uesugi, former governor of the Yamauchi Uesugi family.

Naoe Keizuna, leader of the Kodai people, head of the Sugi family on the Hokuriku Road trade route

Naoe Kanetsugu, the daughter-in-law of Naoe Keizuna, the head of the Uesugi family of Naoe Jinkan.

Kakizaki Keie, the leader of the Naojin Regiment.

Usami Sadamitsu, the leader of the old guardians, was forced to commit suicide by Uesugi Teruhora. (Usami No-kun, the son of Sadamitsu, was killed by Usami Sadamitsu.)

Saito Nobubu, leader of the Central and Vietnamese Uesugi people.

Hojo Takahiro, the leader of the Kashiwazaki Plains Uesugi clan, was killed by Yoshigan Shiba.

Mouri Kehiro, daughter of Hojo Takahiro, leader of the Kashiwazaki clan. She deeply hated Yoshigan Shiba for killing his mother, and deliberately did not rescue her during the Battle of Kawanakajima.

Nagao Masakei, governor of the Ueda Nagao family, was killed by Usami Sadamitsu because of Uesugi Teruhora's pressure.

Uesugi Kagekatsu, the daughter of Nagao Masakage, was young, and her power was represented by Uesugi Kagenobu.

Honjo Minoru, a close confidant of Kasugayama Castle Jodai and Terutora Uesugi who is both a teacher and a friend.

Uesugi Kagenobu, the governor of the Nagao family of Furushi, and the leader of the Nagao clan of Teru Uesugi.

Nakajo Fujisaki, the leader of the Sanura Party of Yangbei Zhong and the governor of the Zong family, has entered the Uesugi family.

Irobe Katsunaga, the leader of the Chichibu Party in the northern part of the country, has entered the Uesugi family.

Xinfatian Changdun, the leader of the Sasaki Party in Yangbei, launched the Xinfatian Rebellion and was exterminated.

Murakami Yoshikiyo, the governor of the Murakami family, and the general of Shinano. After the war in Kawanakajima, he joined the command of Terutora Uesugi.

Murakami Yoshitoshi, the daughter of Murakami Yoshikiyo.

The chief of Yamamotoji Temple, the governor of the Yamamotoji family, and the former guardian of the Echigo family.

The filial elder of Yamamotoji Temple is the eldest daughter of Yamamotoji Temple.

Yamamotoji Katsuchō, Yamamotoji Shouchō’s second daughter.

Kachi Hidetsuna, governor of the Sasaki clan of the northern Yangbei clan, participated in the Shinbada Rebellion and committed suicide.

Fifty-year-old Nobumune, a member of the Northern Sasaki Party, participated in the Xinfatian Rebellion and set himself on fire.

Takemata Keizuna, a member of the Sasaki Party of the Yangbei School, has entered the Uesugi Genealogy School.

Yasuda Nagahide, Yangbei people met with the governor of the Dangzong family, and entered Uesugi Teruhu's side to serve the public closely.

The Suwon family was full, and the Yangbei family met with the governor of the Suwon family. They entered Uesugi Teruhu's side and worshiped the public closely.

Kawada Nagauchi, Uesugi Teruhora, the leader of the Omi faction, both wise and courageous.

Yoshie is strong, Uesugi Teru is close to the crowd, and the Omi faction is a samurai.

Nagasaka Sasaka, Teru Uesugi, and the Omi sect's martial arts.


Takeda family

Takeda Harunobu, family governor.

To endure the crowd, to endure the waves.

Kosaka Masanobu, Takeda Harunobu's lover, the most beautiful woman in the Warring States period, and one of the leaders of the Hatamoto clan.

Takeda Nobushige, Takeda Harunobu's second sister, Kawanakajima died in battle.

The third sister, Takeda Noburen and Takeda Harunobu, are the leaders of one sect.

In the prosperous scenery of Shan County, General Chibei was responsible for the leadership of generations.

Yamamoto Kansuke, a master of fortification, died in the battle of Kawanakajima.

Nobuharu Baba, one of the leaders of the banner community.

Iito Homasa, the former general of Akibi, died in the battle of Kawanakajima.

He was a man of great fortune and great power, and he was responsible for the important ministers of the generation. He died in the battle of Kawanakajima.

Itagaki Nobukata, an important minister of the generation, died in the battle of Kawanakajima.

The elder of the family, Master Nobuhige Takeda, was killed in battle on Kawanakajima.

Nobu-kun Anayama, a member of the Takeda clan, desires to invade Suruga Country, and is the leader of a semi-independent force.

Oyamada Nobushige, Takeda's in-law, leader of a semi-independent force, serving outside the Hojo family.

Masatoshi Hoshina, the garrison of Takato Castle, and the leaders of the Shinano sect.

Yoshiyasu Kiso, leader of the southern believers.

Suwa Noriyo, leader of the Chinese faith community.

Yukitaka Sanada, leader of the Eastern Faith.

Masayuki Sanada, the daughter of Yukitaka Sanada.

Yukiyuki Sanada, the eldest daughter of Masayuki Sanada.


The Mino Isshiki family is destroyed

Ise Yilong, the governor of the family, died of illness.


Hatakeyama family

Hatakeyama Takamasa, family governor

Youzuo Changjiao was killed by his daughter Youzuo Xinjiao.

Youzuo Xinjiao, the daughter of Youzuo Changjiao, is independent in Nanhei.

Naomasa Yasumi was a traitor to the Hatakeyama family and was attacked and killed by Yoshigan Shiba.


Noto Hatakeyama family

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna killed Onai Sosada and was expelled from Noto Kingdom by the retainers. Later, through the mediation of Shiba Yoshigan, he returned to Noto Nanao Castle.

Onai Sosada, one of the Hatakeyama Seven, the actual leader of the Noto Hatakeyama family, was killed by Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna.

Mitsumasa Iikawa, a loyal minister of Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, was born in Matsunami Castle, Juzhou County, Noto Province, and was both wise and brave.

Wen Jing Xuzong, the daughter of Wen Jing Zongzhen, is the current governor of the Wen Jing family.

Wen Jing Jinglong, the daughter of Wen Jing Xuzong and the heir to the Wen Jing family.

Miyake Nagamori, the daughter of Onei's successor, adopted the Miyake family and became the governor of the family, and the lord of Sakiyama Castle in Juzhou County, Noto Province.

You Zuo continued his glory and was able to become the governor of the You Zuo family.

Yuzuo Nengguang, the daughter of Yuzuo Xuguang, there is a female named Jingguang.

Chang Xulian, the governor of the chief family, the lord of Xianshui City.

Chang Lian Long, the daughter of Chang Lian Long, appears to be honest but is actually cunning, wise and brave.


Tsutsui family

Tsutsui Junkei, the head of the Yamato nun samurai family, had a good relationship with Akechi Mitsuhide, and suppressed Kofukuji Temple in a low-key manner.

Matsukura Shigenobu, a great minister.


Asakura family

Asakura Yoshikage, family governor.

Asakura Sotechi, Asakura's military god, died after the battle of Daishoji River.

Asakura Keiki, the adopted daughter of Asakura Sotetsu, succeeded Asakura Sotetsu as the Tsuruga Sheriff, the leader of the Tsuruga people, and a participant in the Hokurikudo trade route.

Asakura Kagekage, the sister of Asakura Yoshikage, the chief of Ono County, and the leader of Ono County.

Former wave Yoshitsugu, retainer.

Yu lives in Jinggu and is a retainer.

Tomita Nagashiba, retainer.


Honganji Temple

Hongan Temple Xianru, the Dharma Master.

Lai Lian, who appears as a confidant, is the general of Shishan.

Xia Jian Laizhao, the chief general of Yuezhong.

After seven miles of Lai Zhou, General Jiahe.

Shimo Noraijun and Daishoji River were killed in battle.

Haomu Laixin was framed and killed by Qili Laizhou.

Genjin Sugiura, the leader of the Northern Ichiku clan of the Kaga Ichigo clan.

Xiajian Zhongxiao, Xiajian Laizhao's daughter.

Shixuan of Shengxing Temple, the master of the imperial workshop of Anyang Temple in Yuezhong, the presiding officer of Shengxing Temple, the head of the nuns of Anyang Temple, and the granddaughter of the eighth generation Dharma master.

After realizing it, he became a nun of Shengxing Temple.

Miaoyi, presided over by Ruiquan Temple, the head of the nuns in Ruiquan Temple, and the Taoist tradition belongs to the five generations of Dharma masters.


Death of the Shiina family

Shiina Yasuin, the governor of the family, went out to battle in Ezhong and was attacked and killed by Yamamotoji Sadencho in Mitani.

Xiaojian Changguang, an important minister and a follower of Yuezhong Yixiang Sect, died in the battle in Sangu together with the family governor.


Jimbo family

Divine protection, long-term position, family governor.

Xiaodao Town, leader of the old leader faction, Lord of Fire Palace.

Terashima's position was determined, and the leader of the new leader faction, Uesugi Teruatora, returned to Etsutsu via the Hokuriku Road. When he was besieging Shiba Yoshigan, he was killed in a surprise attack by Kamao clan.


Hojo family

Hojo Ujiyasu, family governor.

The second mother of the Fuma ninja, the leader of the Fuma ninja of the Hojo family, a branch of the Shoshu Ranha ninja, and the enemy of the Koshu Tōha ninja.

Hojo Ujimasa, the eldest heiress.

Ashikaga Yoshiji, the daughter of the Ashikaga Haru family, is currently the Kanto general, lives in Kasai Castle, a branch of Odawara Castle, and is a puppet of the Hojo family.


Hatano Onomichi, the rising leader of the Hatano family, expelled the Hosokawa clan and obtained the Tanba Kingdom. Later, he reconciled with the shogunate and gained the protection of Tanba.

Hatano Haremichi, the daughter of Aimichi, the governor of the family, and the guardian of Tanba, was captured by Miyoshi Yoshihide during the Battle of Miyoshi Kamiro, which led to the surrender of Tanba Kingdom and passive death of illness.

Hatano Hideharu, the daughter of Harumichi, currently the governor of the family and the guardian of Tamba, raised an army to resist the rule of the Miyoshi family.


Nanman religion

Francis Xavier, a Westerner, a great figure in the Nanman religion who came to Japan and then left, and one of the founders of the Page Society.

Louis, Flos, Portuguese, Priest of the Southern Barbarians, Member of the Order of the Pages

Peter, Bautista, a Westerner, a priest of the Southern Barbarian Church, and a member of the Self-defense Society.


Guo Xin, Yao Shi, disappeared.

Suzuki Shigehide, the leader of the Zaga clan, the guardian of Kii country, and a follower of the Ichijo sect.

Nagakaku, Koni of the Shingon sect, is the head of Kofukuji Temple.

Tenkai, Tendai Sect nun, and Hieizan nun.

Tsuda Muneki, a great businessman in Sakai Port.

Kakukei, a high-ranking nun of Kofukuji Temple, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru are twin girls.

Uesugi Kensei, the former governor of the Yamauchi Uesugi family, adopted Uesugi Teruhora as his adopted daughter.

Nichigen of Honnōji Temple, Nichiren sect Kōni, and presiding officer of Honnōji Temple.

Nagano Yamasa, the leader of Nishi Ueno Minawa clan.

(Kamiizumi Nobutsuna, Sword Master, Ueno Ippongun.)

Ii Naotora, the governor of the Toe Ino family, entrusted his adopted daughter Ii Naomasa to Shiba Yoshigan.

Yinrong, the host of the Treasure House of Xingfu Temple, is an expert in spear skills.

Sen no Rikyu, Sakai gathered the crowd to accept the head of the ten people in the house.

Kobe Gumori, the leader of the samurai family in the eight counties of Northern Ise.

Guan Nobusheng, leader of the martial arts family in the eight counties of Northern Ise.

Kitahata Yujiao, leader of Minami Ise, Ise Kuniji.

Satake Yoshitaka, the governor of the Satake family in Hitachi.

Konishi Lonzo, a medicine dealer in Sakai Port, a Nanman believer, whose Christian name is Paul.

I saw Yiyao in the house, and the governor of the family in Anfang.

Ema Huisheng, the governor of the Hida Kingdom Ema family.

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