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Chapter 838: Rewards and Compassion

 Shiba Yiyin looked out the window, it was almost early summer with a strong spring feeling.

At this time, five days had passed since the Battle of Shiritarizaka, and he followed Terutora Uesugi back to his residence in Hinomiya Castle.

On that day, Teruhora Uesugi was so murderous after seeing the tragic situation of Yoshiyin that he drove and killed more than 3,000 soldiers of the Ichijo Sect. For a time, Zuisen Temple was filled with mourners.

Yoshigan sighed. At that time, he let go of his worries and fell asleep in Uesugi Teruhora's arms, unable to stop this.

There are more than 3,000 female members. It can be said that every family in Ruiquan Temple has died, and some families have already lost all their women.

A gentle knocking outside the door brought Sibo Yiyin's thoughts back, and he asked.

"What's up?"

The sliding door opened, and Kamao clan bowed and said.

"His Majesty Jinbo has arrived at the Imperial Palace. His Majesty Uesugi invites you to come over and preside over the military meeting."

Yoshigami licked his lips, took the Jinhaori from Naomasa Ii who was serving at his side, and subconsciously shook it.

Not heavy, no added ingredients.

Naomasa Ii looked at him with a smile on his face, his expression a little bit offended.

Yiyin is too lazy to argue with her, he likes to make his own decisions, right? One day he will be sent to work under Shima Shengmeng.

Dao Shengmeng is very strict and can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If you mess around in private, your buttocks will be broken.

Yoshigan tightened his new jinhaori, picked up the two letters on the slip, and walked out.

Kamao clan kowtowed to the ground and waited for him to pass by before standing up and following the guard together with Ii Naomasa.

There were layers of guards standing outside the porch, bowing and saluting when Yiyin passed.

Yiyin sighed and couldn't help but shook his head.

This time the Tongxinzhong suffered heavy losses, with fourteen people killed in the battle. Including Kamao clan and Ii Naomasa, only eighteen people were left, with nearly half of the casualties.

Yiyin turned around and said to Kamao clan.

"This war, the rewards from the common people, and the compensation for those who died in the war, do you have any regulations?"

The New Tongxinzhong is a new army reorganized after the Kamo clan came to power. Before, there was only a selection mechanism, and the wartime military merit rewards were still vacant.

The old Tongxin people led by Yamazaka Yukimori used the Andu land as the standard of reward, and their treatment was extremely generous.

Yoshihiro asked this question because he was soft-hearted. These big girls beat him fiercely and gave Kamao clan a chance to offer favorable conditions.

Kamojigo stepped forward, only one shoulder behind Yoshiyin, and answered.

"In the imperial office, the new Tongxinzong are all the elite children recommended by various families. They are young and not yet married.

Pensions for those who died in war are given to their families, but those who have made meritorious service in war will serve in public service by your side, and the rewards will be held by their families.

Before going into battle, I discussed the issue of rewards with Mr. Shima, Mr. Big Bear, and each family in Shimogotsu. They all said that it is difficult to define the rewards. If the rewards continue, they will most likely become the public property of each family.

Therefore, I think it is more pragmatic not to reward the land with land security, but to give money and food."

Yoshigan suddenly stopped, catching the Kamo clan who was following him off guard. She almost bumped into Yoshigan's shoulder, froze suddenly, and took another half step back.

Yiyin looked back at her with an angry look on his face.

"You mean, if I give you land, their family will dare to devour it without permission?"

Kamojigo explained.

"It's not about swallowing them up, it's about returning them to the public. Because they are all half-grown girls who were forced into Yuan Dynasty and have no husbands or heirs.

Even if there is a reward, there is no one to help them manage these private properties. According to the rules, it must be distributed and managed by the family. Especially for those who died in battle, they have no descendants, so the pension can only be given to the family.

Most of the Hime warriors in Yuanfu were like this just now, just like the Matsushiro Senshi you gave to Sanada Hime, they are now being managed by someone from the Sanada family."

Yiyin was silent.

Agricultural society is like this. The Chinese dynasty is based on clan unity, and Japan also pays attention to family business and public property. Therefore, having many children and grandchildren is a blessing. If you are single, you will be bullied by others, and you will be deprived of your family after death.

This cannot be wrong.

In the agricultural era, productivity was scarce, and a famine could often starve most of the tribe to death. The only way to survive was to stick together tightly.

But Yiyin felt uncomfortable in her heart.

For these girls who died in the war, their pensions will not be used for the people they care about. Instead, they are considered public property and will be distributed by the family supervisors and other powerful people in the family.

It's not that Pu Sheng's township doesn't want to fight for land rewards for its subordinates, the Wu family cares most about land.

Why didn't she give it?

I am just worried that some people will be greedy and swallow up all the rewards that these little bachelors worked so hard to get back.

Therefore, the Pusheng clan requested that the rewards be distributed in money and grain. At least the money would remain in the hands of the people of the same heart and they could use it freely.

Shiba Yiyin knew that her thoughts were good, but he just couldn't swallow this breath. Everyone loved him and fought for him, so he couldn't let them suffer such a dumb loss.

Yoshigan glanced at Ii Naomasa who was walking behind, and suddenly had an idea.

"Jing Yiji, I have something I want you to do for me."

Naomasa Ii stepped forward and bowed.

"Please give me your instructions, please."

Yiyin looked at her serious little face and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This little girl who was outspoken and dared to remonstrate was the best person to do this kind of thing.

he said.

"From today on, you will be the adjutant of Pusheng clan and help her supervise two things.

First, after everyone joins the group, they must first write a letter of entrustment, which states who will hold the land for their rewards and compensation.

The holding letter is allowed to be changed, and you can write whoever you like. The land that is awarded by Tongxinzhongen is private property and is not included in the public property of each family. The holding letter is filed and managed by you.

Secondly, ensure that the land rewarded and compensated by Tongxinzhong can be put into the hands of the agent. If there is a situation of plundering in the local area, Tongxinzong can appeal and you will take charge of it.

Promise me not to let my comrades fighting side by side shed blood and tears."

Naomasa Ii's blood boiled when he heard this, and the little girl bowed deeply.

"Please rest assured, if I don't do it well, I will commit suicide to wash away the shame of not living up to your expectations."

The most important purpose of Sibo Yiyin's actions is to ensure the interests of the people who follow him.

The girls will all grow up, and the land they are now being rewarded with is the wealth that they will use to start a family and start a business in the future. No one can take it away!

Of course he had to protect his subordinates who bullied Shiba Yiyin. Otherwise, his reputation as a benevolent and righteous master would be wasted.

In addition, Yoshigan also provides a layer of protection for Naomasa Ii. This child is too careless. He is only ten years old.

This time, Yoshiyin entrusted her to Jiangma Huisheng, and she dared to confront Jiangma's family governor, rushed to Shiratari Saka, and fought towards the front line.

If Jiang Ma Huisheng hadn't given Si Bo Yiyin face, and if the people hadn't seen that she spoke upright before the war and tried their best to protect her, this child would have died long ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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