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Chapter 930 Azuma County Changes Hands

 Not only Uesugi Teruhu didn't believe it, but the eyes of everyone present were full of doubts.

Ueno Country was the bridgehead for the Echigo army to enter the Kanto Plain and the most important foothold.

In order to advance the Kanto strategy smoothly, over the past year or so, Echigo has used all their strength to coerce and induce the local samurai to recruit and investigate.

The two countries of Echigo and Ueno are divided by the Echigo Mountains, with Echigo to the north and Ueno to the south. Ueno Country is adjacent to the two northern counties of the Echigo Mountains, Azuma County to the west and Numata County to the east.

The best route for Echigo's army to enter the Kanto Plain is to go from the Central Echigo area of ​​Echigo to Sakado Castle, Yoshida Castle, and Numata Castle.

This is to use Yuzawa in the Echigo Mountains and pass through the valley stream along the water instead of climbing over mountains and ridges in the towering mountains.

The area around Numata Castle is the source of the Tone River in the Numata Basin. The open plains are conducive to military deployment. Convenient water transportation greatly reduces the pressure on logistics and can support the army to enter the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain.

Numata County is backed by the Echigo Mountains. In theory, if the Echigo army captures this place, the enemy will not be able to bypass the rear and threaten the army's logistics line.

However, there is still a gap to the west of Numata Castle, and that is Azuma County in the northwest corner of Ueno.

Ueno Country is divided into east and west parts.

Nishi Ueno is an extension of the Koshishin Mountains and is mountainous and hilly. Higashi Ueno is connected to the Kanto Plain, and the central and southern parts are mostly plains.

Since ancient times, Ueno in the west has been barren, while Ueno in the east has been prosperous. Azuma County and Numata County are located on the east and west sides of Mount Shimochi in Ueno. Azuma County occupies the Azuma River, and Numata County occupies the upper reaches of the Tone River.

There are a few plains and basins along the Azuma River in Higashi-Azuma, while Nishi-Azuma is basically barren mountainous land.

This territory is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the mountain people are unruly. Sanada Nobushige said that he captured the entire Azuma County in just ten days. Who can believe it?

Yanqi City, Songshan City, and Gaoshan City at the northern foot of Haruna Mountain and Zichi Mountain are connected in a line from west to east. Each mountain city is more difficult to attack than the other.

It was difficult for Numata Castle to defend the Takayama Village of Azuma County to the west, and it attacked the basin from the hills, giving it a military advantage.

Originally, Terutora Uesugi was planning to persuade the Saito family of Iwaki Castle to surrender and neutralize the threat to the west of Numata Castle.

The power of the Saito family in Iwaki Castle is weak, and it is difficult for them to resist the Echigo army with force. Moreover, her family is nominally a subordinate of the Shirai Nagao family.

The Shirai Nagao family turned to Uesugi Teruatora, and her family had already persuaded the current governor of the Saito family, Norihiro, to join them. They were all retainers of the Yamauchi Uesugi family, so it was natural for them to join Uesugi Teruatora.

But Sanada Nobushige's letter completely disrupted Uesugi Teruatora's plan.

Teruhora Uesugi lowered his head and pondered the authenticity of this matter, and Yoshihiro Shiba was also worried about gains and losses.

Of course he hopes that this is true, and that Sanada Nobushige can help him greatly enhance the voice of the Kanto Minister in Ueno Country.

If Azuma County is taken by the Kanto Palace, it can threaten Numata Castle to the east, and scare the Shirai Nagao family to the southeast.

Shiba Yoshigan and the Uesugi retainers group negotiated with the local samurai family in Ueno, and their backs were straightened and their tone became tougher.

The key now is to figure out whether this thing is true? Is Sanada Nobushige exaggerating his military exploits, or is he really awesome?

Uesugi Teruhu couldn't help but ask.

"Did the military intelligence mention how she captured Azuma County?"

Yoshigan Shiba handed the document in his hand to Terutora Uesugi and said.

"See for yourself."

Uesugi Teruhora hurriedly took it and took a closer look. Shiba Yoshigan glanced at the Kamao clan. She was so interested that she bowed and left, closing the door and going out.

Then, Yoshigami said to Naoe Keizuna and Ohkuma Asahide.

"The Sanada people under Sanada Nobunaga's command are all young Hime warriors from the Shino clan.

This time when she went back, she directly disbanded the Sanada clan and asked her subordinates to go back to persuade the sisters of the same clan and win the support of the Shino clan."

Da Xiong shook his head at Chao Xiu.

"I have heard a little about the names of the Shino Tribe, and they are indeed quite powerful in the Toxin and Nishi Ueno areas.

But Iwaki Castle has stood in Azuma County for hundreds of years, and the mountain city is steep. The Saito family defended the castle in a dangerous way, how could it be overthrown so easily?"

Naoe Keizuna did know some things about Azuma County and said.

"If she can really unite the three Shino clans in Azuma County, it is not impossible.

The Saito family's power in Iwaki City has long been reduced to what it once was, and the Shino clan in Azuma County has a large number of people. The Saito family has been driving a wedge between the Shino clans.

Over the years, the Saito family has used various means to divide themselves, pulling one faction against another, and thus managed to maintain their position.

I heard that the Habio family of the Shino family has been doing well in recent years, and even got married to the Nagano family of Minawa Castle.

The Saito family of Iwakoku City also helped the Habio family to defeat another local wealthy Shino family, the Kamahara family.

If the Shino clan can unify their opinions and join forces to join forces, the Saito family will indeed be no match."

Da Xiong frowned at Chao Xiu.

"Even if the Shino clan is powerful, they can't attack the city so quickly, right?

The three cities of Yanqi, Songshan, and Gaoshan are all mountain fortresses that cannot be defeated by force, and the siege and surrender will also take a long time."

Terutora Uesugi, who was reading the military intelligence battle report, interrupted.

"So, she stole the city overnight. Taking advantage of the fact that Saito Norihiro didn't know that the Shiye clan had rebellious intentions, she quickly sent out troops and succeeded in the sneak attack.

According to military information, the three Shiye clans swore an oath of alliance on the mountain and established a sisterhood agreement. In the west, Azuma raised his troops and marched day and night to surprise Azuma in the east.

Samurai Shimono, who served in the Saito family, secretly opened the city gate for them, and Iwaki Castle changed hands overnight.

Norihiro, the governor of the Saito family in Iwaki Castle, could not resist, fled back to the castle tower, killed all his family members and set himself on fire. The loyal retainers serving the castle followed him by committing seppuku.

It’s just nonsense!”

Terutora Uesugi was watching and cursing at the same time. This logic does not make sense.

The Saito family of Iwaki Castle was a vassal of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi and a subsidiary of the Shirai Nagao family. Even if Saito Norihiro was defeated, it would not be all doomed, so why would the whole family die?

You must know that Terutora Uesugi inherited the Yamauchi-Uesugi family, and she is the current governor of the Yamauchi-Uesugi family. Saito Norihiro has already hooked up with Echigo through the Shirai Nagao family.

When Echigo's army marched south, if she was willing to stand up and cheer for Uesugi Teruhora, this local bully's family business could continue.

Therefore, as long as Saito Norihiro surrendered, it would be inconvenient for the Kanto Palace to kill her. Because by status, she was a retainer of the Yamauchi Uesugi family and a subordinate of Uesugi Teruhora.

Sanada Nobunshige attacked Iwaki Castle, captured Azuma County, and took away Saito Norihiro's family property. Both parties can go to Shiba Yoshigan and Uesugi Teruhora to file a lawsuit and ask the Lord for arbitration.

In order to unite the old party of the Yamauchi Uesugi family in Ueno, Uesugi Teruhora will definitely speak for Saito Norihiro.

In order to unite the Uesugi family, Shiba Yoshigan will also order Sanada Nobushige to cede part of his territory so that the Saito family's family business in Iwaki Castle will not disappear.

Facing the Shino clan's surprise attack, Saito Norihiro should be careful to save his life and look forward to a comeback.

Now, she actually chose to kill her whole family first and then commit suicide. This is completely against common sense.

Sanada Nobushige’s move is too dark!

This chapter has been completed!
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