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Chapter 10 1 Shot Killing Little Red Riding Hood

Chapter 10 Kill Little Red Riding Hood with one shot

A canyon corridor divides Baiyao Mountain into east and west mountains. The official road to Zhangjiakou was built based on the canyon corridor.

When the official road was built here, it was to save labor and effort, and it was close to Zhangjiakou. With dense vegetation on both sides and turbulent pine forests, it was the best choice to build the official road here.

However, in recent years, this official road has become a nightmare for businessmen.

Bandits appeared out of nowhere and set up checkpoints in the canyon. When the bandits are in a good mood, they will charge you some tax and let you leave. When they are in a bad mood, they will directly withhold all the goods.

I have the intention to take a detour, but in many cases, time is tight, and detouring will waste time and money. In desperation, I have to take the risk of taking the canyon official road.

At this time, a convoy slowly entered the canyon, with several large trucks filled with goods.

More than twenty swordsmen nervously observed the mountains and forests on both sides.

At the front of the motorcade, a young man was holding a long gun, followed closely by the middle-aged man beside him.

"Dad, why do you have to go this way? Those thieves are not easy to get rid of!"

The middle-aged man folded his hands and sighed softly, "You think I don't want to? But the owner of the cargo is in a hurry. If we take a detour, we will arrive at Zhangjiakou two days late, which will delay the cargo owner. Our escort agency cannot afford to compensate."


"Hey, but these thieves are quite abiding by the rules lately. If you give them some money, they will let them go!"

The young man frowned and tightened his grip on the spear, "I hope so!"

The young man raised his head and looked at the winding canyon, feeling lost in his heart. What happened to the Ming Dynasty? There were more and more civil unrest, and now even the territory of Shuntian Prefecture was not peaceful.

The thieves set up a card to collect taxes, but the officers and soldiers were nowhere to be seen. It's ironic to think about it.

At the beginning, the bandits were not so arrogant, and soldiers from the nearby guard station also came to suppress the bandits. But somehow, after fighting a few battles, the bandits became stronger and stronger, while the number of guardsmen became smaller and smaller.

, even Deputy Qianhu, who was in charge of suppressing bandits, died on Baiyao Mountain.

Since then, Baiyao Mountain has become such a climate that the government officials and policemen in nearby counties wish they could stay in the city every day, let alone go out to suppress bandits.

After walking for about half an hour, a wooden building checkpoint appeared in front of us.

When several men in ragged coats on the wooden floor saw the motorcade, one of them grinned, rubbed his hands and laughed.

"Hey, here comes a big fat sheep, it's time for us to get rich!"

A man ran down the wooden building and shouted twice. After a while, a burly man walked up to the wooden building. He had a yellow complexion and a short beard. He was wearing a black robe and a cloak outside.

The cloak is hunting, red as blood.

He is Little Red Wolf, one of the bandits in Baiyao Mountain, whose real name is Sun Buxiang.

At the checkpoint, the convoy stopped, and the middle-aged man in the lead bowed his hand toward the wooden building.

"Zhou Guozhong, a certain Shouyang Hanwei escort agency, I don't know who is in charge!"

One of the minions pointed to the side and said loudly: "This is our leader, the King of the Mountain, Little Red Wolf."

Zhou Guozhong's brows jumped wildly, and he gestured to the person behind him without leaving a trace, "Be careful, we bumped into him!"

There are several groups of people on Baiyao Mountain. These thieves want to seize official roads and get more benefits, and they are often beaten to death.

Later, several groups of people really couldn't fight anymore, so they came up with an idea. Everyone took turns guarding the official road, and one family guarded the road for two days. Among the families, the little red wolf was undoubtedly the most greedy. When they encountered him guarding the pass, they were often beaten.

Robbery everything.

Zhou Guozhong did not expect that he would be so unlucky that he would encounter the greedy little red wolf guarding the checkpoint.

"Wolf leader, I wonder if we can do this for convenience. We understand the rules, and we won't lose a penny!"

Just as he was about to speak, the little red wolf pulled him aside, holding on to a protruding wooden board, and said with a grin: "Money? I don't need that little money from you?"

"Hey! I don't care what escort agency you are in. You'll be unlucky if you run into me. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll keep the goods and let you pass the checkpoint safely!"

"Isn't this bad for a wolf? Even if you are a thief, you still have to follow the rules!"

With a sneer, the gun-wielding boy glared angrily.

Zhou Guozhong's face changed drastically, and he secretly screamed that something was wrong. He just wanted to pull the young man back, but it was already too late.

On the wooden floor, the little red wolf's yellow face turned gloomy, and he pointed at the young man with a grin.

"Boy, you are very brave. What is your name?"

"If I don't change my name, I won't change my surname, Shouyang Zhou Dingshan!" The young man shook off Zhou Guozhong's hand and looked at the little red wolf fearlessly.

"Okay...Okay, are you worthy of talking to me about the rules? Then I will teach you what the rules are!"

Little Red Wolf waved his right hand, and the bandits behind the level let out a chaotic roar.

Zhou Guozhong stamped his feet angrily, turned around and shouted at the people in the convoy: "Hurry, turn the car around, and leave quickly! Let ten people leave with the car, and the others will block me."

While talking, the little red wolf rushed out of the checkpoint with dozens of bandits, and they rushed over with strange screams. Zhou Dingshan shook his spear and spat hard. Before he could step forward, someone grabbed his arm.


"Dingshan, go back to me and leave with the convoy. I'm still alive and it's not your turn to take charge yet!"

"No, I won't leave! Dad, I'll kill these damn thieves with you!"

"You...you bastard, do you want our old Zhou family to become extinct? Give me..."

"Dad, be careful!" Zhou Dingshan threw Zhou Guozhong to the ground and inserted a flying knife into the soil behind him, with a little blood on the blade.

Zhou Guozhong touched the scar on his cheek in shock. If his son hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been killed by the flying knife.

As expected, these famous thieves all have some unique killing skills.

Unable to allow Zhou Guozhong and his son to relax, Little Red Wolf waved his swords and led his men to rush forward. The little red wolf set his sights on Zhou Dingshan and led more than a dozen people to surround Zhou Guozhong and his son.

The Zhou family's father and son were not weak in kung fu, and they showed no fear in the face of more than a dozen bandits. Especially Zhou Dingshan, who had a spear in his hand that was like a swimming dragon, appearing and disappearing, and several bandits died under this spear.

Facing such a tough Zhou family father and son, Little Red Wolf gradually felt a sense of fear. He quietly stepped back, turned his hands, threw the two knives in his hands, and stabbed Zhou Dingshan in the back.

Zhou Dingshan was busy dealing with the bandits in front of him and did not pay attention to what was behind him. At this time, it was too late to realize the danger.

Zhou Guozhong's eyes widened. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he forced the person in front of him back with a knife, and rushed towards Zhou Dingshan.

Zhou Dingshan was hit hard by Zhou Guozhong and fell to the ground, but two steel knives stabbed him in the body.

His chest was stabbed with two steel knives, dripping with blood. Zhou Guozhong knew that he was bound to die. He waved the knife in his hand frantically, trying to gain some space for Zhou Dingshan.

"Dingshan...go quickly...go quickly..."

"I won't...Dad...I won't leave..." In an instant, Zhou Dingshan's eyes were filled with tears, and the hand holding the gun was dripping with blood.

"Hurry up...The Zhou family cannot become extinct..."


Zhou Dingshan raised his neck and let out a heart-rending roar. His neck was covered with veins and his expression was ferocious. He took a serious look at Zhou Guozhong, who was like a bloody man, and jumped up and started to kill towards the outside.

Zhou Dingshan was like a dry land tiger, his spear was so powerful and heavy that several bandits were unable to stop him for a while, forcing him to stab two to death and break out of the encirclement.

The little red wolf was shocked, picked up a steel fork, stabbed Zhou Guozhong to the ground, and roared: "Catch up with that little bastard, I must not let him escape..."


Zhou Dingshan wanted to fight for his life, but he had to escape. His father's death could not be in vain.

Along a rugged mountain road, I ran away in panic, with the angry scolding of the little red wolf behind me.

Little Red Wolf is not an idiot. He knows very well that if he doesn't kill Zhou Dingshan today, he will definitely die in Zhou Dingshan's hands tomorrow.

This Zhou Dingshan is as brave as a tiger. If given time, it will become a big disaster.

The eyes were full of pines and cypresses, and the vast surrounding area was dark. Zhou Dingshan leaned against a pine tree, panting violently, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Is...are you going to die here?"

The little red wolf was getting closer and closer, and Zhou Dingshan was almost desperate. At this moment, an angry roar sounded in the pine forest.

"Uncle Sanpao...quickly...kill Little Red Riding Hood to death with one shot..."

Soon after that, there was a bang, and only a glimmer of fire flashed in the darkness.

The little red wolf rushing forward never dreamed that there would be a deadly murderous intention hidden in the dark. By the time he sensed the danger, it was already too late.

I felt a sharp pain all over my face, as if poison was eating my heart, and the little red wolf rolled to the ground wailing.

"My face...my face..."

In the dark mountain forest, the sound of killing shook the sky.

"Rush...kill Little Red Riding Hood..."

"Kill...kill the little red wolf..."

The little red wolf was rolling on the ground in pain, but his ears were not deafened.

Little Red Riding Hood? I am a wolf!

What the hell is Little Red Riding Hood?

This chapter has been completed!
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