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Chapter 1001 Confused

Chapter 1001 is confusing

After listening to Zhao Ding's words, Bao Wenhan's eyes were straight with anger, and he shook the iron rope like a madman, "Zhao Ding, you bastard, I said that you really don't know anything, why do you have to force me to do it?"

, please, let my poor wife and children go."

Zhao Ding did not retreat, he clenched his fist and punched Bao Wenhan hard on the cheek, "Bao Wenhan, don't test Mr. Tie's patience, just tell everything you know. Is it useful? Tell me."

No matter what happens, Tie Mou has the final say. Don't worry, as long as you are willing to say something useful, I will not only not harm your wife and children, but will also send troops to protect them from any harm. What, you are a businessman,

This account should be settled."

In the end, under Zhao Ding's strong pressure, in order to save his wife and children, Bao Wenhan slowly told what he knew. In fact, as Zhao Ding expected, Bao Wenhan's status in the Maitreya Sect was not high.

The first time I spent money to buy the architectural drawings of Chenghuang Terrace, it was just ordered by the people above. After getting the drawings, I gave them away. Bao Wenhan never saw what the other party looked like from the beginning to the end.

After listening to Bao Wenhan's narration, Zhao Ding didn't look very good. He knew that Bao Wenhan didn't know much. Maybe what Bao Wenhan said now was all he knew, but he was still unwilling to give up because

Bao Wenhan is the only hope to quickly open the gap.

Shaking his head, Zhao Ding took two steps back and said, "Bao Wenhan, these are the only things that can't help you. If you have nothing else to say, don't blame Tie for being cruel. If your wife and children are

It's not Tie's fault to kill them, but your fault, because you didn't try your best to save them, and you put their lives in a dangerous mess."

"No..." Bao Wenhan was so frightened that he burst into tears. He shook his head, his brows were squeezed together, and he kept thinking. He racked his brains to dig out something useful, even a little bit, otherwise Zhao

Ding will definitely use his wife and children as bait. I don’t know whether he can catch fish in the end, but his wife and children will definitely die.

No, he can save his wife and children, he cannot let them die because of his own fault. As if he remembered something, Bao Wenhan raised his head and said hurriedly, "I remembered it, I remembered it... Mr. Zhao, the guilty people

I remembered something. That day, Hall Master Xing asked the villain to deliver two carriages to Jingdong Street. After the carriages were delivered, Hall Master

As for what it is, I really don’t know. Mr. Zhao, please, this is all I know, and I will tell you everything I know. Please don’t harm my wife and children."

How could Zhao Ding care about threatening Bao Wenhan? He hurriedly led people to Jingdong Street. Whether Bao Wenhan delivered the car during the day or at night, there was no need to ask. He must have brought the car over during the day.

It is stored in a car dealership on Jingdong Street and handed over to Hall Master Xing at night. Hall Master Xing should transport things by car at night. During the day, not to mention two large cars, even a small cart will escape.

It's just an inspection by the city patrol.

No matter what is on the car, it must be very important. Where did Hall Master Xing transport those things? It's not too far away. Two large cars walking on the street at night are too eye-catching, and they were carried out recently after Haishi

Curfew, that is to say, the scope of goods delivery is within a square where Jingdong Street is located. There must be a curfew between squares at night, unless people from the Maitreya Cult can install wings on the carriage, or everyone has a pair of wings to pull the carriage.

The carriage flew through the air.

Zhao Ding knew what he had grasped. He closed his eyes and felt it quietly, as if he was catching some smell. Jingdong Street ran from east to west, with many buildings on both sides. Searching house by house would be time-consuming and laborious.

, it’s too easy to alert others and make people hide them. So where do the people of the Maitreya religion hide their things?

No matter what was being transported, it must have something to do with the Chenghuangtai Sacrifice Ceremony. Thinking of this, Zhao Ding got on his horse, hit the horse and galloped away to the west. As night fell, the horse's hooves were in a hurry, and a group of palace guards did not dare to ask more questions.

Because the order they received was to protect Mr. Zhao and to obey Mr. Zhao's orders unconditionally.

Zhao Ding rode his horse to a building. When he raised his head, he could see two vermilion doors with three large characters "Fayin Temple" written on the door plaque.

Fayin Temple is far behind Ci'en Temple, and the incense is not as good as that of Fayin Temple. However, Fayin Temple also has its own characteristics, that is, there are many flower gardens in the temple, beautiful scenery, and the Lingyin Pagoda, which is second only to the bell tower of Xiangguo Temple.

.(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1001 Confusing

Fayin Temple is located to the south of Jingdong Street, and further south of Fayin Temple is the City God's Terrace that is being renovated. If the Maitreya Sect has ulterior motives and wants to destroy the City God's Terrace, and the scope of its operations is near Jingdong Street, then the only possible place is the one closest to the Chenghuang Terrace.

Fayin Temple. After stroking his short beard, Zhao Ding gave instructions, "Pay close attention to Fayin Temple tonight. If there is anything unusual, report it in time. Don't break in privately. I will personally enter the temple to investigate tomorrow morning."


Although he is suspicious of Fayin Temple, Zhao Ding will not rush in. If he enters Fayin Temple at night, the thieves will run away in fright. But it is different during the day. Recently, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the City God's Platform Sacrifice Ceremony, various places in the capital have been busy

During the strict investigation, even if you lead troops to inquire during the day, it will not arouse suspicion. Isn't it normal for the city patrol soldiers to inspect the temples and check for hidden dangers?

More than a dozen guards of the Dudu Palace and experts from the intelligence service spent the whole night staring outside Fayin Temple, but found nothing. Early the next morning, Zhao Ding changed into an official robe and led a group of patrol soldiers into Fayin Temple in the name of checking for hidden dangers.

.In recent days, Mr. Zhao Dingzhao, the Minister of Civil Affairs, has been transferred to Chenghuangtai to thoroughly investigate potential safety hazards. It is no secret that he led people to inspect Fayin Temple today. This is normal.

Because of Zhao Ding's distinguished status, Master Liaofan, the abbot of Fayin Temple, personally welcomed him out. Master Liaofan was also an accomplished monk. His eyebrows were gray and wrinkled, and his fingers kept twisting the beads. When he saw Zhao Ding walking in, he clasped his hands together.

, proclaimed the name of the Buddha, "Master Zhao has come to make the small temple more glorious. Lao Na, on behalf of the monks in the temple, respectfully welcomes Master Zhao."

Zhao Ding hurriedly returned the gift and said solemnly, "Master, I have overrated you. I have heard about Master Fan's profound Dharma for a long time. I have been listening to Lin's teachings, but I can't find the time. Today, due to the sacrificial ceremony, I have to thoroughly investigate the hidden dangers, which bothered you."

Temple, I hope Master Haihan will do the same."

As the saying goes, the important place of Buddhism should not be disturbed lightly, but Ci'en Temple has cooperated with the government to thoroughly investigate hidden dangers, and Fayin Temple must not fail to cooperate. Master Liaofan smiled slightly and said calmly, "Master Zhao is responsible for his duties, so how can we blame him!"

"Okay, thank you for your understanding, Master." Zhao Ding clasped his hands and returned the salute, and then said to the captains around him, "Let's disperse to investigate. Remember, you must not destroy anything in the temple, let alone disturb the temple.

Masters, please cleanse me."


The sergeants separated, and Zhao Ding also found a reason to visit the temple. At least, until now, everything was normal. Of course, Zhao Ding could not browse the scenery. No matter how beautiful the flower garden of Fayin Temple was, he was not in the mood to look at it. Zhao Ding's expression

Leisurely, he really looked like a pilgrim browsing the scenery of the temple, but he came to the back door of the temple unknowingly.

There are two gates in Fayin Temple, one is the main gate, and the other is the side gate on the east side. Since it rained lightly in the morning and the wind was not strong, the ground was very wet and covered with a layer of green leaves. When we came to the side gate,

, stretched out his hand to touch the stone bricks on the side. Suddenly, he noticed something in his eyes. Zhao Ding did not bend down, but rubbed it with his boots, then turned around and walked back along the original path.

Under the Lingyin Tower, there were many pilgrims coming in and out. Looking up, Zhao Ding frowned involuntarily. There were some tourists standing outside each floor of the Lingyin Tower, but the top floor was empty. Normal situation

Most pagodas have a habit of leaving one floor empty, but that is because most of the pagodas enshrine Buddha statues or temple bells on the top floor. But Fayin Temple does not have a temple bell, and I have never heard of a Buddha statue being enshrined on it.

, why is there no one? I have doubts in my heart, but my expression remains unchanged.

Half an hour later, the soldiers patrolling the city had inspected the entire temple. Zhao Ding found Master Fan and said to He Shi, "Master, you are disturbing me. If I have time the other day, Tie will come to Master Fan again to ask for Buddhist teachings. I hope Master will not bother you."

Be bored."

"How could it happen? Sir Zhao, please go away slowly. If Mr. Zhao comes in the future, I will definitely serve you with fragrant tea!"

Shortly after leaving Fayin Temple, Zhao Ding asked the people next to him, "Why is there no one on the top floor of Lingyin Tower? Have you checked?"

"Oh, I went back to Mr. Zhao and asked. It's because the top floor was recently renovated and a central column was installed, so it's not open for the time being. @ essence\/书馆·无码first~~ I personally checked with someone at the end, and there is nothing on the top floor.


"Huh? Nothing unusual?" Zhao Ding smiled slightly. He had just looked inside his boots, and there was some sulfur powder on them. How could there be sulfur powder in a monk's temple? This is a forbidden thing. Hum, okay

The Dilingyin Tower has never had any problems, Qian. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1001 Confusing

Why are you trying so hard to repair the central pillar? Everything is very abnormal, but Zhao Ding still decided to stand still for now, because until now, he has not figured out where those things are hidden, let alone how many evil things are hidden in Fayin Temple.

Party, acting rashly is not necessarily a good thing.

After Zhao Ding secretly took control of Fayin Temple, he hurried back to Prince Jin's Mansion, conspired with Tie Mo, and then left quietly.

It was another night. Master Liaofan, the abbot of Fayin Temple, did not meditate and rest. Instead, he walked to Lingyin Pagoda. At this time, Master Liaofan's steps were brisk, heavy and powerful, and he did not look a bit decrepit. When he walked into Lingyin Pagoda, a flash of light flashed beside him.

Two big men came out, bowed their hands and bowed respectfully, "I have seen the leader, and his subordinates have made arrangements, so there should be no problem. But leader, did Zhao Ding discover anything when he came during the day?"

Master Liao Fan is disguised by the man in black robe. Facing Zhao Ding during the day is quite stressful. In some ways, Zhao Ding is more terrifying than Tie Mo because this person is good at capturing details. I can send it today

It is not easy to go to Zhao Ding. "You must be more careful. Zhao Ding is very observant. I don't know if he has discovered anything. Pass this order to all ministries to be honest. In addition, I also inform Zhao Laosan's people."

Say it, don’t make any moves before the sacrificial ceremony, lest you reveal your flaws and be caught by Zhao Ding.”

"Yes." The man cupped his hand, but he didn't agree in his heart. Is Zhao Ding that powerful? There are so many things hidden on the top floor. Those people haven't discovered it yet. The leader has been too careful this time. The plan is so thorough, so there is no need to worry.

It is estimated that Tie Mo has put all his energy on the City God's Platform at this moment and will not pay attention to other places.

On the seventh day of June, early in the morning, strict control was carried out around the entire Chenghuangtai. The city patrol soldiers guarded several blocks near the Chenghuangtai, and passers-by were strictly inspected. Liu Guoneng was personally responsible for the inspections in the city, and he decided

According to a rule, when people pass by the Chenghuang Tower, they must not only show their identification, but also have someone they know as a witness. If it is just one person, they will not be allowed to pass even if they have identification.

Liu Guoneng’s rule sounds unacceptable, but special times require special treatment. It’s a bit of an excessive rule, but its effect is very obvious. If some people with ulterior motives still want to sneak in easily, it will be extremely difficult. @ essence

\/Bookstore* First update~~ Since tomorrow is the sacrificial ceremony, the control on the streets is very tight, and there are also dense sentries outside Fayin Temple.

Zhao Ding was sitting in a private house, his brows furrowed into the Chinese character "Sichuan". Why hasn't there been any movement from Fayin Temple? It's really abnormal. Tomorrow is the sacrificial ceremony. Those people should take action no matter how much they can endure it.

In the evening, Fayin Temple remained as usual, with pilgrims leaving one after another, and a few young monks cleaning the courtyard. As the sun set, the sound of Zen rang out, but listening to the peaceful Sanskrit sounds, Zhao Ding's heart sank a little bit.

Go down.

No, something must have been overlooked. No matter how calm the other party is, it is impossible for them to do nothing and rush into Fayin Temple? No, this can only alert the enemy, and may capture a lot of gangsters, but the gangsters hiding elsewhere will be

It doesn't mean much if we can't find it and can't complete the battle, because as long as one fish slips through the net, tomorrow's Chenghuang Tower will be under great threat.

Zhao Ding was walking around the house, and the oil lamp gave off a dim yellow light, which could barely illuminate the house. Zhao Ding kept hitting his forehead, and his old habit relapsed. Half of his temples felt like a stroke, and the pain was severe.

On the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, everyone had to be present at the sacrificial ceremony, especially members of the royal family. Tie Mo did not ride a horse. It was not that he was afraid that riding a horse would be too conspicuous and make him an easy target for others to attack. But why do more if you can do less?

What's the matter? The ghost-headed knife was stuck on the wooden board, the carriage was driving slowly, and sitting opposite was the Xiangchen Princess Zhu Ziyan with a calm look on her face. Today, Zhu Ziyan was dressed in pink palace clothes, with her wide crotch revealing the fair skin under her neck.

The City God's Tower soon arrived. The ceremony official was wearing a large purple jacket, holding an imperial edict in his hand, talking eloquently, and the sound of horns was heard.

Chapter 1001 Confusing
This chapter has been completed!
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