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Chapter 1022 Going to Raid North Korea

Chapter 1022: Go to conquer North Korea

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. After entering July, the sea breeze hit Liaodong, and the entire Korean Peninsula was severely flooded, especially the people near Nanpu. They could no longer survive. Civil unrest broke out throughout the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, and the Houyuan Dynasty just established by Woller also

It began to become unstable. Although Woller's power expanded rapidly, his foundation was too shallow after all. Disaster relief requires money and food, so if a large amount of money and food were used to relieve the victims, what would be used to feed the army.

Worrell did not think about it for too long. He would rather starve to death hundreds of thousands of people in the south than give away the precious money and food in his hands. Without money and food, the situation in North Korea would become increasingly difficult to control. At this time, Worrell had to

He was scared, because the Northern Shanxi Army was watching eagerly. If he launched an attack at this time, he would have no ability to resist at all.

The situation was so complicated that Worrell had to make a choice. In order to protect himself, he discussed with his subordinates for a long time and made a major decision.

Liaodong does not fight or cooperate. This situation may need to be taken a step forward. He and Dorgon do not trust each other. To break this situation, one person must show sincerity first. So Woller sent people to

Huining Mansion sent a letter, agreeing to peace talks, and then the Hou Yuan Dynasty would hand over Huanglong Mansion. It can be said that Woller was very courageous in offering Huanglong Mansion, because Huanglong Mansion was the strongest defense against the Jurchens in the entire northern Houyuan Dynasty.

The fortress of Huanglong Mansion was lost, and the large area of ​​land behind it lost its barrier.

Woller was full of sincerity, but Dorgon was doubtful of course, because he didn't think anyone would give up Huanglong Mansion. But on the day of the alliance, the city gate of Huanglong Mansion was opened, and spies made inquiries in various places, confirming that most of the soldiers and horses had left Huanglong Mansion.

, At this point, Dorgon had to believe everything in front of him. Looking at Huanglong Mansion City, Dorgon could think of Woller's purpose of doing this. Maybe Woller was forced by the situation in North Korea, but if an alliance could really be formed

Success, wouldn't it be good for the Jurchens?

Woller showed his sincerity. Dorgon was a powerful figure in the world and naturally had courage. He immediately ordered the army to retreat thirty miles and led a dozen knights into the Huanglong Mansion. The Huanglong Alliance that changed history happened like this.

Two heroic gangsters who could never come together decided to cooperate, and the first goal of their cooperation was to attack Dading Mansion.

Woller needed money and food, and Dorgon needed to avenge Jizhou. The two sides hit it off and immediately formulated a plan to attack Qingshan Mansion. Among the territories on the grassland that originally belonged to Lin Danhan, Qingshan Mansion was the easiest to break, but there were sensitive people nearby.

With Te personally in charge, I'm afraid that even if all Liaodong soldiers and horses are dispatched, Minte may not be able to frown. Minte is by no means an ordinary person. As soon as the news of the Huanglong Alliance came, he sent an order to Bai Lelie and Tangning to rush there.

Qingshan Mansion also redeployed its troops, and military reports were also sent to the capital.

On October 11th, the earth was golden autumn, and the yellow fleeting year enveloped everything. The Liaodong Allied Forces rushed towards the peaceful Qingshan Mansion with rumbling footsteps. Bai Lelie had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He strictly ordered all the troops not to go to war and to guard the city walls.

In this way, the first battle began. Dorgon seemed to have no intention of feigning an attack. At the beginning, nearly 20,000 troops rushed to the top of Qingshan Mansion. However, Bai Lelie was a brave general and was not easily defeated.

The war in Qingshan Prefecture is in full swing, but there is no movement at all in Jizhou Prefecture. Sometimes the quieter it is, the more scary it is. Dorgon is well aware of Minte's capabilities. This old fox is standing still. Who knows what the hell he is planning.


Min Te is enduring. Now there are wars in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Most of the domestic troops have gone to the Central Plains to put out the fire. The northern troops are very limited. It is really difficult to defeat the enemy in a large-scale head-on battle. Unable to find Min Te soon.

The breakthrough point was the baggage of the rebels in Liaodong. As far as he knew, the situation in Liaodong was not very good. Last year, the cold wave hit the northern part of Liaodong, killing countless cattle and sheep. This year, North Korea suffered two floods, and the situation was also miserable.

Therefore, Woller and Dorgon are both large grain-short households, and their grain and grass supplies are already insufficient. What will be the effect of a surprise attack on grain and grass baggage in the rear? Normally, Liaodong is too close to Qingshan Prefecture, so attacking grain and grass is meaningless.

Because you destroyed a batch, the rear will be able to transport it soon, but it is different now. Both Woller and Dorgon are poor peasants and cannot afford to lose.

On October 12, the Liaodong Allied Forces continued to attack Qingshan Prefecture. At this time, Minte, who had been standing still, ordered five thousand cavalry to set off from Jizhou and go straight to Huangzhou County in the northeast. The cavalry moved with great fanfare and did not seem to have any intention of covering up their whereabouts.

Le'er was commanding in full swing when a cavalry galloped over, "Report, Your Majesty, there is news from Huangzhou that thousands of Jizhou Prefecture cavalry are heading towards Huanglong Prefecture."

Woller trembled when he heard this. His family knew about his own affairs. Even if the soldiers and horses were strong, the food for the soldiers and horses was actually very pitiful. If the baggage transported by Huanglong Mansion was destroyed, then the hundred thousand troops would be hungry.

There was a war. With no choice but to do so, Woller hurriedly found Dorgon and said, "Dobel, things have changed. Minte seems to be interested in intercepting Huanglong Mansion's baggage convoy."

"What?" Dorgon was discussing with Duoduo and others how to lure Bellelie out of the city. When he heard Worrell's words, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Duoduo even slapped the table.

He cursed loudly and said, "If this old fox like Min Te has a chance, I must kill him alive. Huh, brother, please give me an order. I will personally lead the troops. I want to see what Min Te is capable of."


Normally, Dorgon would definitely agree, but this time he refused, shook his head, and signaled Duduo to calm down, he thought about it for a moment, and said in deep thought, "Send the order to all the troops, and the troops and horses will retreat twenty miles."

, give up the siege for the time being, and first ensure that the baggage is safe."

After listening to Dorgon's words, most people nodded. Most of the soldiers and horses of the Northern Shanxi Army were restrained in the hinterland of the Central Plains, so it would be fine if Qingshan Mansion was delayed for two days, but the baggage was different. If the baggage was lost,

It is estimated that it may not be completed in a month. It is prudent to withdraw the troops to protect the baggage. If you do not withdraw the troops and only send a small number of soldiers and horses to protect them, if you fail to protect them, you will fall into Minte's plan and be swallowed up bit by bit.

Well. Nowadays, the so-called Liaodong Allied Forces can't afford any losses, so they can only be as prudent as possible.

The Liaodong Allied Forces withdrew, but Minte breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't have much confidence if he really had to force himself. Now that he has bought time for the Qingshan Mansion, the next step is up to His Highness King Jin.

In the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Tie Mo was in a dilemma. The situation in Liaodong was getting harder and harder to control. Should we send troops to solve the trouble? The hall was full of old troops from Xuanhua Prefecture and Datong Prefecture. At this time, everyone looked ugly.

The land of Jingxiang, attracting two tigers to fight, seems to alleviate the current situation for the time being, but even if the land of Jingxiang is thrown out, it is impossible to reduce the number of soldiers and horses, because there must be enough soldiers and horses for defense to prevent the rebellion.

Just break out of Jingxiang.

The nearly 200,000 troops in the Central Plains cannot move, and Governor Sun's 100,000 troops have to guard against Huang Taiji's troops. So what troops will be used to conquer Liaodong?

There are no soldiers and horses, but Liaodong cannot ignore it. Let the two occupy Qingshan Prefecture. With Dorgon's courage, he will definitely march westward to Yunzhong Prefecture, attack the various Mongolian tribes, and then move north to occupy the newly occupied western region.

Leah Castle, by then the dying tigers will really rise, and the starving children will become bigger and stronger. Woller and Dorgon can only be in Liaodong. No matter what kind of things they do in Liaodong, it will be fine, because

Just a piece of Liaodong couldn't support them at all, but if they rushed out of Liaodong, Tie Mo couldn't bear it. He was not willing to do things like raising tigers and causing trouble.

Everyone said something to each other, and in the end they came to a very unanimous opinion, that is, Liaodong must be sealed off, and even Woller and Dorgon must be destroyed directly. But where did the soldiers and horses come from?

Now is the dilemma, it is the time for someone to step forward. Seeing everyone's frown, Liu Guoneng can't help but think to himself, he is an old brother who has been with the supervisor for many years. If he doesn't stand up at this moment, who will?

Come out? Thinking of this, he immediately stood up and said, "Your Highness, let Liu go this time. All you need to do is allocate Liu's 10,000 troops and horses, and put all the troops from Mongolia and Western Asia under Liu's command."


The Mongolian and Siberian Allied Forces sound nice to say, but in reality? Those Mongolian ministries are not subordinate to each other, and the barbarian army in Western Siberia is even more uncivilized. It would be crazy if such an army can be the main force, especially those Siberian Allied Forces, which have been living

The life of living like a baby and drinking blood will probably be regarded as a flowery land once you arrive in Liaodong. It would be nice if you don't turn into a group of bandits by then.

Let those barbarian troops who have been trained for less than a year go to the battlefield and be as reliable as possible. Of course Tie Mo knew what Liu Guoneng was thinking, but he would not watch Liu Guoneng die in vain, so he frowned, raised his hand and said

, "Old Liu, sit down, don't mention this matter anymore."

Liu Guoneng was very helpless. If this still didn't work, what should he do? Tie Mo had an idea in his mind, but it would be a bit risky. After whispering a few words to Wang Zuoguan, he frowned and said, "I, the king, will do something about Liaodong."

It has been decided that Liaodong must be conquered this time, otherwise we will just watch the tiger grow up. Instead of starting from Liaodong this time, the navy will be the main battle, starting from the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, I decided that this time, the troops and horses will start from Liaodong.

Starting from Shandong, the soldiers from various households were transferred to the command of Li Wanqing, the commander of the navy, and they went to Korea with me."

What? After listening to Tie Mo's words, everyone was shocked. What kind of virtue are those soldiers? It is estimated that there are not even 40,000 people who can really take action. Plus Li Wanqing's 10,000 navy, only five

One can imagine how risky it would be if thousands of people wanted to conquer Liaodong, not to mention that the King of Jin personally led the troops to prove it. Everyone stood up in unison, clasped their hands and said anxiously, "Your Highness has withdrawn his order. How can His Highness, who has a body of thousands of gold, go to the expedition in person?"

It’s not that people say that I have no one in northern Shanxi. If you want to conquer North Korea, please sit in the capital, Your Highness. Geng is willing to go!"

"Your Highness, General Chen Yaofeng is willing to go!"

For a time, there was an endless stream of people who recommended themselves. Seeing the caring attitude of the soldiers, Tie Mo was also satisfied, but he would not change his mind. Now he is the only one who really knows something about North Korea. If the others are placed in North Korea, it is estimated that

It's impossible to play, not to mention that everyone knows nothing about the navy, so how can it be done?

He stretched out his hands and signaled everyone to calm down, "No need to say any more, the matter has been decided. After I leave the capital, all matters in northern Shanxi will be entrusted to the eldest princess. All affairs in the capital can be left to Mr. Chen and the eldest lady. All matters in the army can be asked.

Mr. Wang, all troops and horses are under the control of Commander Sha, and everything is going according to the original plan. He orders Aqige to enter the bamboo forest of Yulin Prefecture, and Zheng Sen leads the troops to Xunzhou!"

The order was passed down, but everyone was silent. At this time, Chen Zilong waved his sleeves and walked out, frowning and saying in displeasure, "Why, look at each of you, but you are so powerful that you don't even obey His Highness's orders?"

After Chen Zilong's roar, no one dared to refute, they quickly lowered their heads and handed over their hands, "I will obey His Highness's will. We will guard the capital and kill all the rebels!"

Tie Mo gently closed his eyes. No one could predict the outcome of this expedition. Li Zicheng, Li Zicheng, in the final analysis, all the chaos was caused by this unbeatable bandit.

The thirteenth year of Chongzhen was always troubled. Although the hinterland of the capital was preserved and the Jurchen Tatars were driven away, the disasters of the Ming Dynasty were not hidden. There was turmoil in the southeast, Jiangling rebellion, and now the situation in Liaodong is unstable. Tie

Mo's heart was heavy, she looked up at the sky above the fence in late autumn, and stopped to wait quietly by her side. Although she didn't talk too much, she knew how heavy the pressure was on this man. Compared with the rogue bandits and the rebellion in the southeast, Liaodong

The chaos seems more urgent.

There are some things that I can't tell others, but I still understand them very well in my heart. If Liaodong rises, it will sweep through Qingshan Prefecture and Ningjin Prefecture, and go straight to Datong Prefecture in the west. In this way, not only the Mongolian tribes, but also Siberia will not be protected.

.The north fell, and the Jurchens rose again. With Dorgon's majestic talent and strategy, they were bound to attack northern Shanxi.

For the Ming Dynasty and even the people of Li, the capital is very important, but for the Northern Shanxi Army, Northern Shanxi is the foundation. If the situation is irreversible, even if you give up your vested interests, it is not impossible to give up Kaifeng Mansion to the rebels. Kaifeng Mansion can

Give up, but the northern part of Shanxi cannot be moved at all. Of course, this kind of thing can only be hidden in the heart. Could it be told to the people of the Ming Dynasty that the current King of Jin is not wholeheartedly preserving the capital?

The common people are easy to be fooled. If someone cheers up, they will easily follow suit. Once someone catches the advantage, the glorious image of the King of Jin may fall apart. Common people are very short-sighted, and all they see are often benefits. Once you have

If there is any disadvantage, all the good things in the past will be forgotten. No matter if you go to Liaodong, if the situation is irreversible, let her Hailanzhu bear the blame for abandoning Kaifeng Mansion. She does not need fame, because she, Princess Horqin, does not need to care about the Han people at all.


Walking forward, patting Tie Mo's shoulder, Hai Lanzhu said softly, "If you want to go to Liaodong, you need to send troops as early as possible. Otherwise, after winter, the weather turns cold and the water surface freezes, making it inconvenient for the navy to go out. Still.

Yes, the situation in Liaodong is dangerous, so you must be fully prepared."

He turned around and touched Hai Lanzhu's jade hand, and finally a smile appeared on his face, "Don't worry, I know it well. Although the situation in Liaodong is chaotic, there are not no shortcuts. But you, you have to be careful of Tian Zhiyang in Guangnan.

, The news came from Shadiao a few days ago that the surname Tian seems to be not simple, most of the Tian family are descendants of the Maitreya sect."

The Maitreya Sect has always been a ghost, but it can't find its roots. Tie Mo has always been afraid of the Maitreya Sect. If Tian Zhiyang's forces are really members of the Maitreya Sect, then the situation will be even more complicated.

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