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Chapter 1026 Princess Jin Taiji

Chapter 1026 Princess Kim Tae Ji

Fatty Gao was scolded a lot behind his back, but the Iron Superintendent was happy to see the results. In such a strange atmosphere, Chen Weifeng led a soldier to leave Nanpu and headed towards Wenshan. The cold winter was coming, and the grass and trees were knotted.

The road to Wenshan was not easy. Along the way, Chen Weifeng finally understood how pessimistic the current situation was. The road was rugged and mountainous, making it unsuitable for a large army to march. There were hordes of homeless people on the roadside, and the ground was full of hungry people.

, a miserable scene, occupying North Korea, and also being responsible for the belly of these Korean refugees, what an arduous task it is.

The situation was not good, and the more determined he was to persuade Jin Zishan. At the foot of Wenshan Mountain, there was a village. The village was built on the mountain. The gate of the village was made of Yun Song. There were four big characters written on it, "Mighty and Domineering", in a magnificent font, like

Wenshan also shows the ambition of the owner of the village. The two stone lions face east and west, symbolizing the rising sun in the east and the setting sun in the evening, which means looking at the world. This is Wenshan Tianwang Village and the private land of Jinzi Mountain.

Jin Zishan is over thirty years old, with sharp eyes and a slender appearance. But don’t think that Jin Zishan is easy to bully. He is actually the most sinister person in North Korea, known as the "Smiling Tiger". Wenshan is not like Nampo.

Too far away, a huge naval force appeared in Nanpu. It was not that he didn't know about it, but he just didn't know where it came from. Just when he was about to send someone to find out the details, he suddenly heard that there was an envoy from the Celestial Dynasty outside the stronghold asking to see him.

Jin Zishan took his time and focused his attention on a middle-aged man sitting down. This man had a goatee, was short in stature, had a big nose, and was not very coordinated. But don't underestimate this man.

This person is the number one person in Jinzishan's account, and is known as "Yam Luo Military Advisor" Cui Chengxiu. Jinzishan can occupy Wenshan and compete with Li Ziqian. Cui Chengxiu has contributed a lot, so Jinzishan relies heavily on him. "Mr. Cui, how can you treat the envoy

How do you think about it?"

Cui Chengxiu smiled slightly and said confidently, "Your Majesty, you just need to remember one thing, no matter what anyone says, you just need to shake your head!"

"Huh?" Jin Zishan was a little confused. He frowned and asked, "Wouldn't this make people unhappy? Isn't that bad?"

"Haha..." Cui Chengxiu didn't take it seriously and tugged on his beard and laughed, "Why should the king be confused? He just wanted to make the envoy angry. If he is not angry, what reason does the king have to use the murderous knife?"

Jin Zishan was stunned. Of course Cui Chengxiu understood Jin Zishan's doubts. Youdao means that the two sides are fighting without killing the envoy, not to mention that the two sides are not fighting. Cui Chengxiu explained calmly and patiently, "The Song Dynasty people have just arrived.

, the purpose of coming to see the king is nothing more than to unite with the king and use the power of the king to deal with others. It contains evil intentions in the first place.

Now another pawn is sent here. He is really insincere. To kill him is to tell Akito that cooperation is not impossible. Show sincerity. The king is not easy to bully. To kill him is to tell them.

, even if the Celestial Empire comes, we will still be in charge in the Hanyang area!"

It turns out that this is the case. There is no way I should be a barbarian anymore.

Outside Nanpu City, a group of people suddenly appeared. It is a bit inappropriate to say that they appeared suddenly, but there is no other suitable way to describe it. There are many people coming and going in Nanpu City, and this group of people is the most conspicuous and the most abrupt.

.A woman was dressed in a purple outfit, holding a long sword in her hand. She was tall, with skin as white as snow, a jade face like an orchid in the garden, and a proud temperament.

Her long hair was tied into a simple ponytail, but she was even more beautiful. She was a beauty, a very beautiful beauty. For a moment, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army seemed to see another Xu Meiling.

She has a noble name called Kim Tae Hee, an orthodox descendant of the Joseon Dynasty, at least she thinks so, so she has always retained her unique arrogance. When she came to Nampo, even she didn’t know what her future was like.

After learning that King Jin of the Ming Dynasty personally led troops to occupy Nanpu, she was surprised, happy, and scared. In short, she felt very complicated. Surprise and joy can be easily explained. With the dignity of King Jin of the Ming Dynasty, how could he not be surprised when he conquered Nanpu?

It's a joy, and it's easy to understand. She is not an ordinary Korean woman. Even if she is wandering in Feihu Ridge, her ears are still listening to the things outside. The three words "Tie Mo" are not only powerful in the Central Plains, resounding throughout the Khitan, but also her.

Heard something.

This man is simply a myth. In ten years, he has grown from a silent

Unknown to all, the neglected frontier army was based in northern Shanxi, leading the troops in battle step by step. After several years, relying on the invincible military front, he carved out a huge world. He showed his sharpness and left no stone unturned.

Showing his ambition, he was promoted to the throne and told the whole world that he would follow Li Tang's example, wipe out the world, and become the master of the world.

Often ambitious people who don't know how to hide themselves lose, but he won, relying on his invincible civil and military skills to defeat the arrogant Mongols in an incredible way, and became a powerful official in the Celestial Dynasty.

There is a hero in everyone's heart. For Kim Tae-hee, who is over 20 years old, if a man like this is not a hero, who can be a hero? So, when she learned about Nampo, she was happy that she could finally meet a hero.

So graceful.

But fear followed closely behind. I was really afraid. I had heard about Tie Mo’s methods for a long time. How brave Dorgon was. He fought in the north and south without victory.

Damn, he came to Nampo not just to be a spectator. Now that all the heroes of North Korea are together, who can stop him from sweeping Liuhe. If you want to own North Korea, you must join forces vertically and horizontally, and join forces to get twice the result with half the effort, and it is Kim Tae-hee who has the most power.

She is weak, and no one Tie Mo would choose as her ally. But when it comes to annihilation, her tiger-headed army will become the first victim.

Kim Tae-hee is not a coward. How can a coward be able to control the Tiger Head Army as a woman?

When Woller swept across North Korea, he was not afraid, because so what if Woller was so powerful, he was still devastated by the chaos in North Korea? But Tie Mo was not Woller. For some reason, he always felt that this man

With the ability to completely control North Korea, the crisis faced by northern Shanxi was no more severe than it is now. It was not because he conquered the country and fought his way out with the sword in his hand.

The chaos in North Korea cannot stop him. If this is the case, then she, Kim Tae-hee, has to find a way out for Feihu to lead thousands of men.

Walking towards Nampo step by step with a heavy heart, the soldiers at the gate of the city moved forward with guns drawn, and unceremoniously blocked the path of Kim Tae-hee and his party, "Who is coming?"

Kim Tae-hee comes from a well-educated family, and of course she understands Chinese. She frowned slightly and said proudly, "Please pass the message to His Highness, Prince Jin, that Princess Kim Tae-hee of North Korea is here to pay her respects!"

The city gate guards were all stunned, Princess of Korea? Princess of Korea should be named Wang, how could she be named Jin? They were confused, but after looking at it, the captain hurried towards the city. At this time, Tie Mo was accompanying Mu

While the heroines were playing chess, Xu Meiling was responsible for pouring tea and water, "Report to Your Highness, there is a woman named Kim Tae Ji outside the city, claiming to be a North Korean princess, and wants to meet Your Highness."

It’s really frustrating to play chess with Xu Meiling, a bad chess player, because no matter what the Iron Governor does, he will always lose in the end. Xu Meiling acts like a rogue, which is really even a trick for gods. Now I hear that something is going on

, quickly pulled up the chessboard and sat upright. The boss, Xu Meiling, was not happy and glared at the captain who came to report the news, making the captain feel nervous.

Tie Mo really didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard the captain say the words "Kim Tae Ji" again, he finally came to his senses. Xu Meiling, holding the teapot, seemed to have come to her senses, "Haha

, Kim Tae Ji? She is not staying in the Flying Tiger Territory. What is she doing here? Aren't she afraid that the officials will kill her with a knife? Hey, it seems that this woman is quite courageous. It is not unreasonable to be able to command the Tiger Head Army.


Mu Nuxia was not interested in why Kim Taiji came. She waved her hand and said anxiously, "Go, bring that annoying woman in, and you must teach her a lesson. It will ruin people's interest."

Mu Nuxia gave the order directly, which made the Iron Superintendent speechless. He could only wave his hand to signal the captain to do as he was told. It would be false to say that he was not surprised by Kim Tae-hee's arrival. The Flying Tiger Leader was located between Hanyang and Nampo

In the meantime, if Hanyang is to be taken, the Flying Tiger Leader must be wiped out. In short, no matter from which aspect, the Northern Shanxi Army will attack the Tiger Head Army. Now that Kim Tae Ji has come to Nanpu, isn't she looking for death? Count on the Iron Governor.

Will she show pity to her? Although Mu Nuxia is quite jealous, she also knows that her man is not a good person. If the overall situation requires it, not to mention one Kim Tae Ji, even ten Kim Tae Ji should be killed, let alone Kim Tae Ji.

No matter how beautiful she is, can she be more beautiful than Li Zicheng?

Xu Meiling put down the teapot and neatly straightened Tie Mo's messy hair, "Sir, Kim Tae Ji is here this time.

, you have to think carefully about how to deal with it!"

"Well, this is not urgent. Let's listen to what she says first. But it's quite interesting. This woman dares to come to Nanpu. Not only is she brave, but she also has a gambling spirit. Hum, I don't mind using this princess.

Your Highness, I offer you the Golden Dragon Flag!" Tie Mo shook his head and smiled, which meant a lot. Sometimes, he has no choice. Since he has decided to cooperate with Jin Zishan, no matter what aspect, Kim Tae Ji's tiger-headed army cannot be retained.

Otherwise, given the relationship between Jin Zishan and Kim Tae Ji, how can they sincerely cooperate?

I heard that according to seniority, Jin Zishan has to call Kim Tae Ji aunt, which is really interesting.

At Nanpu City Gate, knowing that the visitor was Kim Tae-hee, Xu Cheng personally welcomed him out. He stood in front of the gate and looked carefully. He saw that Kim Tae-hee was dark-colored, dignified, and exuding a strong sense of nobility.

Xu Cheng also admired Jin Taiji a little. It was rare for a nobleman in trouble to maintain such vigor and vitality. "Princess, His Royal Highness the King of Jin is waiting at the palace of the city lord. Please come with me."

When Xu Cheng observed Jin Taiji, Jin Taiji was doing the same thing. What kind of master was Youdao?

There is a trick. Jin Taiji followed Xu Cheng, and the rest of the entourage also wanted to follow into the city, but they saw guards on both sides fighting each other with swords and guns, blocking them directly.

Jin Taiji frowned, seeming to be displeased. Xu Cheng did not explain, but waved his hands and said solemnly, "Please remove your swords and weapons. My Highness is benevolent and righteous, and he is polite and submissive. Don't use these dirty things to attack others."

Got him."

A bunch of Koreans cursed in their hearts. They heard that this Iron Man was a butcher of thousands of people. He killed the enemy in the Yongding River and shed blood without blinking an eye. Now that he is better, he even said that he was afraid of being frightened by the weapons.

In fact, everyone understood that the Han people were about to disarm. In short, they could enter the city, but when the time came, it was up to him to kill or behead His Highness the King of Jin. All the entourage glared at her, but Kim Taiji slowly calmed down. She took a deep breath,

It seems that a decision has been made.

Now that I have come to Nanpu, I have never thought about returning empty-handed, either risking my life here, or returning to the Flying Tiger Territory with an ally. I raised my hand and looked back solemnly, "I handed over my weapons, I believe it."

His Royal Highness, Prince Jin, has a great mind and will not embarrass us."

The followers had no choice but to listen and handed over their weapons obediently. Entering Nanpu City, Jin Taiji's eyes were still on Xu Cheng, "Don't you know the official name of the emperor?"

"Princess, my subordinate Xu Cheng has been favored by His Highness the King of Jin. I have been granted the title of Right Minister of the Ministry of War and the post of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy."

Minister, it can be said that his official career is prosperous.

Kim Taiji was a little surprised, but she didn't know that Xu Cheng had another identity. If she knew that the man in front of her was a relative of His Highness Prince Jin, she might be shocked.

In the city lord's palace, Tie Mo had been waiting for a long time. After receiving the communication, Jin Taiji passed through the layers of guards and came to the hall. Tie Mo was in the main seat in the north, and Xu Meiling was dressed in black and handsome. Jin Taiji thought of many ways to meet.

scene, but when I really saw Tie Mo, I still felt an invisible pressure. This kind of man should be elegant and quiet, but this man's eyes were like lightning. What I saw was not the literary talent, but the bravery.

Man. His eyes are like knives, full of aggression, and his powerful aura makes people breathless.

Kim Tae-hee has always been very proud, but in front of this man, she couldn't help but lower her head and couldn't say a word.

This is a man who has experienced hundreds of battles and is invincible. He has come from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and he always exudes a formidable smell of blood.

"Are you Kim Taehyung?" It's just a sentence. There is no surprise or admiration, but some are surprisingly plain. Beauty is in front of you and you are not tempted, and Mount Tai collapses in front of you but your face remains unchanged. This is what a hero is. He is always confident with his appearance.

, it seems that he is no longer so confident at this moment, this man is too calm, and the woman next to him is as beautiful as her.

Why is this happening? Kim Tae-hee clenched her fists and dug her nails into her flesh. Only pain could bring her back to her senses. She had been out of breath from the moment they met. She had to resist and gain some initiative.

Okay. Thinking in her mind, she raised her head with all her strength and looked directly at Tie Mo on the seat, "Are you Tie Mo?"

The voice was calm and seemed to be a little disappointed, as if he was saying that the King of Jin is famous all over the world, but today's meeting is nothing more than this, and there is no etiquette in the celestial court.
This chapter has been completed!
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