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Chapter 1044 Dorgon's Arrangement

Chapter 1044 Dorgon’s arrangements

The city of Hanyang was broken, and Cui Zhuo knew that there was no hope, so he led the remaining soldiers to evacuate from the north gate desperately, and the group of people fled in confusion. The goal of the Northern Shan Dynasty army was to occupy Hanyang City, and they did not have much interest in Cui Zhuo. After taking Hanyang,

The first thing Tie Mo did was to plant a sun-moon Bagua flag at the head of Hanyang City, with a red background and eight directions around the Sun-Moon Bagua. This flag was the flag of the Kim Dynasty of ancient Korea, and the Taigeuk flag of later generations.

There is a big difference.

Raising the Sun and Moon Bagua Flag is also to prepare for the unification of the original Silla and Baekje forces. South of the Han River are mostly Silla and Baekje survivors, and the forces are complex. If these people are recruited in the name of the Northern Shanxi Army, these people may not be

If you are willing to surrender, it would be much more convenient for Kim Tae-hee to do this as the Queen of North Korea under the flag of the Sun, Moon and Bagua. Kim Tae-hee’s biggest role lies in this. Her identity is a sharp weapon. Use it well.

More effective than thousands of troops.

Kim Taiji couldn't say anything about Tie Mo's arrangement. From the day she went to Nanpu City, she knew that such a day would come, but she didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. She would occupy the Han River and use Tie Mo's

With the help of the strength of the Shanxi Army, half of North Korea could no longer be saved. Looking at the gunpowder smoke that still had not dispersed in Hanyang City, Kim Taiji felt mixed emotions in her heart. The people of Hanyang City looked sad, but the soldiers and civilians of the Baishui Army were smiling.


Tie Mo came behind Jin Taiji and stretched out his arms to hold the frail beauty in his arms. Jin Taiji was unhappy in his heart. Of course he understood, but did Jin Taiji have any other choice? He touched the woman's smooth wrist and smiled lightly.

He said, "Princess, from now on you will have to shoulder the responsibility of being the Queen of Korea. There are so many big and small forces south of the Han River, so you have to put some thought into it."

"Yeah" the voice was like a whisper in the night, with a bit of resentment. Kim Tae-hee didn't like this queen status at all, because in this position, it was inevitable to cause more killings. There were so many forces south of the Han River, and there was no need for less.

To meet the soldiers.

Let’s not mention what happened in Hanyang City for now, let’s just talk about Cui Zhuo. He led the remaining soldiers to flee north, and finally came to Wenshan. At this time, Cui Zhuo felt that the world was huge but there was nowhere to stay. I think Cui Zhuo was born

A famous family, full of talents, but now he has ended up like a loser. It's not that Cui Zhuo has never thought of surrendering to the Northern Shanxi Army, but he also has his own concerns. Even if he surrenders, can Kim Taiji and the Tiger Head Army tolerate him?

What's more, can the Northern Shan Army come all the way to unify North Korea, or even withstand Liaodong's counterattack? Everything is unknown. At least Cui Zhuo thinks that the Northern Shan Army may not win in the end, because the strongest force in North Korea is still

Li Ziqian from the royal capital and Wang Bengu from Xichuan City. These two have large armies, and with the support from Liaodong, they will definitely stop the Han people.

After thinking for a long time, Cui Zhuo decided to go to Pyongyang, the royal capital. Compared to Wang Bengu, Li Ziqian seemed to have a broader vision and a much broader mind.

After the Hanyang War, the Northern Shanxi Army was busy recuperating, but Li Ziqian didn't want to see this situation. To be on the safe side, he also revised a letter and sent it to Zhenhai Mansion in Liaodong. At this time, Woller was in Zhenhai Mansion, and because of his sensitivity,

Special heavy troops gathered in the northwest direction, and Tuobuhua defended the city, refusing to fight. The two sides were at odds with each other, and the Liaodong Allied Forces either advanced or retreated. Unable to think of any clever strategies for a while, Woller and Dorgon

They returned to their residence first.

Woller had already made a preliminary plan, and wanted to improve it before discussing it with Dorgon, but a letter from Li Ziqian completely disrupted his plan. Looking at the letter in his hand, Woller almost lost his eyes.

Staring out, although he knew that Tie Mo's soldiers and horses could fight, the development of the situation in North Korea was still too unexpected. Tie Mo actually attacked Tianwangzhai, Chunchuan, Luchuan and Hanyang within half a month, especially Hanyang.

However, the North Korean Fortress, which is comparable to the royal capital Pyongyang City, imitates the architecture of the Tang Dynasty and cannot be conquered by ordinary people.

It is expected that the Northern Shanxi Army will not open up its situation until at least the end of February. Who would have thought that the situation in North Korea would become clear so soon. The plan could not keep up with the changes. Putting down the letter, Woller said in a deep voice, "Prepare your horses, I am going to go there."

Daning Mansion."

That night, Woller led his family generals Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi to Daning Mansion. With Woller's current status, there was no need to go to Daning Mansion in person, but because the matter was serious, Woller was afraid that there would be too many

Ergon couldn't figure out the situation, so he made a trip himself. After several hours of running around, he finally arrived at dawn.

When he arrived at Daning Prefecture, Dorgon was really surprised when he heard that Worrell had come to Daning Prefecture in person. After thinking about it for a while, he went out to greet Worrell in person.

Dorgon went out to greet him in person. He was very polite and gave Quan Wo Leer face. After being led to the study, Dorgon asked with a smile, "Wu Leer Taiji, why did you come to my Daning Mansion in person?


The corner of Woller's mouth curled up, as if he had a toothache. He murmured in his heart that Dorgon could still laugh, but he probably wouldn't be able to laugh after a while. "Hey, Your Majesty, a certain family is here to tell you.

One thing, not long ago, Tie Mo led his troops to defeat Chunchuan and Lu Chuan. Now Hanyang City has also fallen into the hands of the Northern Shan Army. Li Ziqian just sent a letter, hoping that I can mobilize some troops for him. "

Just as Woller thought, Dorgon's smile froze on his face, "What? The Northern Shanxi Army captured Hanyang City? How is this possible?"

Don't blame Dorgon for not believing it, it was really unbelievable, but after he heard the story of the fall of Hanyang, he could only lament that God is blind. That old guy Cui Zhuo is also smart, and he doesn't play with sulfur powder. He really thinks that iron

Mo was working hard, which was a good thing. He had saved so much sulfur powder and failed to defend Hanyang, but lost Hanyang. Suddenly Dorgon understood why Woller came in person. Didn't Li Ziqian want reinforcements? Woller

Le'er definitely didn't want to send reinforcements. If he wanted to send reinforcements, it would have to be Wang Bengu's forces, and Wang Bengu had a close relationship with Dorgon.

Woller wants Dorgon to order Wang Bengu and Li Ziqian to cooperate fully. In normal times, Dorgon would be happy to pretend to be ignorant and would never admit that he has an inherent connection with Wang Ben. It's just that the current situation is urgent and he can't care.

That's a lot.

Woller's troops will definitely not be transferred to North Korea. Even if Woller is willing, Dorgon will not agree to it. Once the troops in Liaodong are empty, Minte and Tuobuhua will definitely annex the east of Dadingfu and attack Liaodong.

To carry out a massacre, for the sake of Liaodong, Woller's troops could not move.

"Huh, let's see. I have some friendship with that Wang Bengu, so I will write a letter soon to persuade him to give up his prejudices and cooperate with Li Ziqian for the time being. Of course, we need the help of Voller Taiji in this regard, Mr.

Without you, I can’t even touch Li Ziqian.”

Dorgon's answer was very clever. He only said that we would cooperate for the time being, but he did not say that we would continue to cooperate. The meaning was very obvious. The current situation is now. After this dilemma, who owns North Korea in the future will decide on their own merits.

Of course Woller heard the meaning of Duo Ergun's words, and he didn't take it seriously. Li Ziqian has been a powerful official for so many years, and his power and prestige is definitely not comparable to that of Wang Bengu. Hum, the real fight for Korea is open and honest.

, can Wang Bengu beat Li Ziqian?

If he had been able to fight, Wang Bengu would not have been driven from the throne of the royal capital to Xichuan City. Woller cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Thank you for your help. In short, the longer the Koreans can block it.

, the more beneficial it is to us. Besides, it’s time for both of us to make up our minds. Is it time to move the Dading Mansion?”

Woller didn't want to wait any longer. Things would change later. The Northern Shanxi Army had already occupied Hanyang City. How long would it take to unify North Korea? Even with Li Ziqian and Wang Bengu here, they might not be able to stop the Northern Shanxi Army.

, the only hope is to capture Dading Prefecture before the Northern Jin Army breaks through North Korea and reaches Liaodong. As long as Dading Prefecture is occupied, even if Tie Renren has great power, he will not be able to easily solve the Liaodong problem.

Dorgon frowned. In his heart, he originally hoped to let Houyuan soldiers and horses attack Dadingfu first. Wouldn't it be good to use the Northern Shanxi Army to weaken Houyuan's power? But this idea is a bit unrealistic now.

Okay, let alone the fact that Woller is as cunning as a fox and refuses to be fooled, Guang Tiemo can no longer delay his aggressive move. It seems that he can only spend money to attack Dading Mansion.

After a long time, Dorgon nodded vigorously, "Okay, Woller Taiji is right, it's time to take action."

Woller returned satisfied, and Dorgon seemed to have gotten what he wanted. In short, the two met very happily. Dorgon's urgent report was quickly sent to Xichuan City. As the headquarters of the Wang family, Wang Bengu's

It can be said that the power is big and the roots are deep, and the power is stable. In fact, Wang Bengu has no thoughts about the use of troops by the Northern Shanxi Army. In his opinion, it is best for Li Ziqian and the Han people to bite dogs, and both sides will suffer. It is just Dorgon's order to send

After coming over, Wang Bengu couldn't help but think about it carefully.

"Really, are the Han people that powerful? They actually asked Li Ziqian to go to Liaodong to ask for reinforcements." Wang Bengu was confused for a while. Could it be that Li Ziqian was afraid of heavy losses, so he dragged him into the water with Wang Bengu?

Wang Bengu kept thinking, but unfortunately it was precisely because of these thoughts that he could not compete with Li Ziqian. How long had it been, and he was still thinking about these little ninety-nine. But in the end, Wang Bengu decided to send troops to attack Nanpu City, etc.

After taking Nanpu City, he stayed away. Nanpu City was not Li Ziqian's private land. Whoever occupied it belonged to him. On that day, Wang Bengu asked his confidant Wang Houliang to lead 15,000 people from Xichuan City to Pingyuan and Jinchuan.

Arrive at Yatsuqiao Town, southwest of the royal capital.

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the coalition forces that had been brewing for several days finally rushed towards Nanpu City. In order to attack the small Nanpu City, Li Ziqian and Wang Bengu mobilized almost 30,000 troops. The small Nanpu City was actually dispatched.

With an army of 30,000, it can be seen that Li Ziqian and Wang Bengu are bound to win Nanpu City. Li Ziqian wants a victory more than Wang Bengu. This is the first time he faces the Northern Shanxi Army. If he loses,

It doesn't matter if Nanpu City cannot be defeated. The most important thing is that the impact on morale is too great. Now the soldiers are affected by the Northern Shanxi Army's capture of Hanyang City. They feel that the Northern Shanxi Army is like a heavenly soldier and a heavenly general. If this mentality is not broken, in the future,

You will lose as many times as you fight.

On Ganghwa Island to the west of Renzhou, in order to cope with the coalition forces of Li Ziqian and Wang Bengu attacking Nanpu City, Tie Mo rushed from Hanyang to Ganghwa Island on the first day. After learning the number of coalition forces, Tie Mo couldn't help but eat a meal even though his heart was big enough.

Surprising. The army of more than 30,000 people is still a battle-hardened soldier. This battle is not easy to fight.

Xu Cheng was in charge of the defense of Nanpu City, so he knew the endurance capacity of Nanpu City best. At this time, he couldn't help but worry, "Your Highness, Li Ziqian sent out such a large army, it will be difficult for Nanpu City to hold on. Now our army has just experienced a series of battles.

It is unrealistic to travel a long distance to support Nanpu, and it is uncertain how useful the White Water Army and the Tiger Head Army will be. Therefore, it is best to be cautious in this battle."

"Well, what brother said is absolutely true." Tie Mo nodded slightly. If there were ten thousand people, Tie Mo would not be afraid. With the bravery of Nanpu City and the Northern Shanxi Army, they would definitely be able to repel the invaders, but the enemy

If it were 30,000 people, then the situation would be different. No matter how courageous Tie Mo was, he would not be stupid enough to think that a few thousand troops could defeat 30,000 troops. This was Nanpu, not a meadow, and the cavalry had no use at all.

How should this battle be fought? Tie Mo was thinking about it, and everyone else was thinking about it too. Xu Meiling twirled her fingers and said with some uncertainty, "Husband, if you really can't do it, don't defend Nanpu City."

Sanniang's words really woke up the dreamer. Yes, why do you have to guard Nanpu City? I used Wang Yingren to trick Li Ziqian before, so why not use Nanpu City to sing another show for Li Ziqian?


Soon, Tie Mo had a bold idea in his mind, "Shang Kexi, you leave Ganghwa Island immediately, take away all the cavalry, enter from Hushan and lurk near Pyongyang. After Li Ziqian's army arrives at Nanpu City, you can

Lead the cavalry to roam around and harass the royal capital. In short, make as much noise as you can, but there is one prerequisite: don't get stuck in the quagmire and be unable to pull yourself out."

"Here." Although Shang Kexi didn't understand why there was such an arrangement, he still accepted the order respectfully.

"Brother, please go to Nanpu City and try to evacuate all the soldiers and horses from Nanpu. In addition, don't forget the most important thing. When you leave, tear down all four gates of Nanpu. Don't leave a single door panel. The city head gate

The first one must put up a flag to welcome General Li Ziqian to Nanpu."

Xu Cheng rolled his eyes, and seemed to understand a little bit what trick the Iron Governor wanted to play, an empty city strategy? But it was not a simple empty city strategy. Shang Kexi's cavalry should have a magical effect.

"The rest of us will rest for now, and then I, the King of Sui, will go together to greet Li Ziqian. Hum, I will give Li Ziqian a big gift!"

As he spoke, Tie Mo laughed sinisterly twice, his laughter making people go crazy. Xu Meiling narrowed her almond-shaped eyes and curled her mouth. This guy probably had some bad intentions again. Li Ziqian met him.

, it can be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes.

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