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Chapter 1051: The Shock of the Common People

Chapter 1051: Common People's Impact

The royal capital is the supreme place in Korea and cannot be invaded, so Li Ziqian reinforced the city wall impeccably and as solid as a rock. But he did not expect that he, Li Ziqian, would one day be the one to attack the city. Because he knew the power of the royal capital wall, Li Ziqian

He wouldn't be stupid enough to attack rashly. Even the Han people know how to take advantage of them. Doesn't he, Li Ziqian, know that?

Don't do anything now, just besiege the city. The royal capital is short of supplies and will run out of food and grass in just half a month. By then, the soldiers and civilians of the royal capital will have no food to eat. There is no need to attack the city by yourself. The people in the city will start rioting on their own.

By that time, it would not be easy to break into the royal capital. No matter how stupid the people of the royal capital were, they would never think that Tie Mo was better than Li Ziqian.

After all, Li Ziqian was a rare outstanding figure in Korea in the past century. To describe him as cunning as a fox is not an exaggeration. For a whole day, Li Ziqian's soldiers and horses did nothing but surrounded him dryly, but against the Jin who defended the city.

For the Northern Army, it was nothing short of a torment, because as long as someone besieged the city, you had to brace yourself and concentrate 100% to deal with it. Over time, even a tough guy wouldn't be able to stand it.

In the evening, the officers and soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army all had a wish in their hearts, that is, Li Ziqian should attack the city quickly. If he kept going like this, his heart would collapse before he collapsed. If this was all, Li Ziqian was also well versed in the art of war.

Tao, and even learned from Zhuge Kongming's method of taking Hanzhong. At night, the officers and soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army finally took a nap, and the rumble of war drums could be heard outside the city.

Almost instinctively, all the resting soldiers quickly got up and fired rockets, illuminating the distance, only to find that there were not even a single person attacking the city. Now everyone knew that it was Li Ziqian's trick, just to consume northern Shanxi.

The morale of the army was weakened, and the soldiers were exhausted. He knew it was a trick, but had to guard against it. Li Ziqian was sure that the Northern Shanxi Army would not dare to leave the city because of its inferior strength. As a result, by the next morning, there were almost no soldiers in the Northern Shanxi Army.

Man stares at a pair of red eyes.

Because Li Ziqian beat the drum in the middle of the night, even the Iron Superintendent didn't have a good rest. Fortunately, days like this will not continue. Yesterday, Shang Kexi was almost ready. Next, it will be Li Ziqian, the old boy, who has to worry.

At noon, Cui Zhuo, Li Ziqian, and Li Fengti were once again surrounded on three sides, as if they had agreed upon it. Seeing this posture, Tie Mo was no longer polite. He was pleased to send the order and acted according to the plan. At three o'clock in the morning, morale was high.

At that time, Li Ziqian was very happy to see the sick and wilting look at the top of the city. He also came up with this plan of exhaustion. He didn't expect the effect to be so good. If he persisted for a few days, he probably wouldn't need to wait for half a month before he could resume his duties.

Take back the royal capital.

When the time comes, Tie Mo can't say, at least the woman Kim Tae-hee won't be able to escape. Li Ziqian also likes Kim Tae-hee. After all, a direct descendant of the Kim dynasty can win a lot of people's hearts if used properly.

Li Ziqian was in high spirits, and at this moment, the south gate of the royal capital slowly opened. If Li Ziqian's army were here, they would be stunned. Is opening the city gate at this time looking for death?

Obviously, the officers and soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were not looking for death. They did not leave the city. They waved their swords and guns, scolding the men and women, and even the Korean servants urged them with great force, "Hurry up, hurry up, follow closely, hurry up!"

Leave the city and leave the south gate within half an hour. Anyone who stays in the city after half an hour will be killed without mercy."

Those North Korean servants kept driving away the people of the royal capital, beating and scolding them at every turn. Their behavior made even the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army frown. They couldn't figure out who the outsiders were, and why they were looking at these North Korean servants. Are they outsiders? However, with the help of these Korean servants, the effect was remarkable. Fearing the threat of death, the people of the royal capital fled Nancheng almost as fast as they could.

A total of 130,000 people were all driven out of the south gate. Even if such a large number of people were spread out on the flat ground, it would be a piece of cloth with no visible edges, let alone near the royal capital? What are the people of the royal capital like? The king's capital was surrounded like ants, and the capital was their home. How could they be willing to leave?

"The Han people want to kill us, these hateful Han people. King Li Ziqian is in the east of the city. Let's go to the king quickly and beg him to save our lives." I don't know who shouted, and everyone burst into tears. Some were worried about their lives, and some were worried about their lives. Thinking of taking back the family property, hundreds of thousands of North Koreans came to attack Li Ziqian's various troops anyway.

The horses rushed away.

Li Ziqian looked at the situation of the defenders for a while, and then planned to return to the camp to rest. He still had no idea of ​​​​attacking the city today. He turned his horse's head, but saw a wave of soldiers and horses in the distance. Before he could ask, he saw A school captain rode over in a panic and said, "Your Majesty...many villagers are coming...so many...brothers can't hold it anymore..."

Li Ziqian was confused. What are you guys? After a while, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that the Han people had driven out half of the people in the capital. At this moment, Li Ziqian seemed to have tens of millions of people in his heart. The mud horse galloped past, and then roared angrily, "Where are my scouts? Where are all the scouts? Why have such important news not been sent back?"

Poor Li Ziqian, he completely wrongly blamed the scouts. As soon as the south gate opened, the scouts wanted to come back to report the news, but they ignored the people's madness.

There are hundreds of thousands of people standing on the ground, and there is a thick human wall. The scouts have tried their best, but they have not been able to break through the human wall. At this moment, they are still struggling in the sea of ​​​​people. , some people were so crowded that they became dizzy.

Li Ziqian rode his horse to see the situation. It would have been better not to look. When he saw the crowd that was as dense as ants, his heart beat wildly. He didn't mind winning over people's hearts, but now there were hundreds of thousands of people. If Li Ziqian Accept these people and stop fighting this war. If the Han people take the opportunity to attack again, why not just cause chaos?

So Li Ziqian endured his heartache and quickly ordered, "Quickly, order the left-wing troops and horses to quickly separate the people. We must not let the people rush into the camp, let alone break the formation."

Li Ziqian had no choice but to do this, but there was only one result, and that was to be pointed at the nose by the people of the capital and cursed, "Your Majesty, you keep saying that you are benevolent, righteous, virtuous, and kind, why don't you save someone in the face of death? Your Majesty, you are so cruel. My heart!"

In short, the people in the capital were crying and scolding, but Li Ziqian didn't care. After he recaptured the capital and gave him a little benefit, those who scolded him would naturally praise him. Are the people still like this? Li Ziqian was very resourceful and dealt with Appropriately, the left-wing troops were only in chaos for a while before regaining control of the situation.

Cui Zhuo was also a ruthless man, and he did even more extreme things. He directly ordered two thousand-man troops to block the outside with knives. Anyone who dared to come over would be killed without even a single explanation. Youdao is a heavy code used in troubled times. What is the situation now? How can there be time to appease these irritable people? Cui Zhuo did this to save worry, but it caused a consequence, that is, the people of the royal capital who were killed and cried for their fathers and mothers ran to the west. This time Li Zhuo could Fengti felt even more miserable.

Li Fengti was young and vigorous, and was deeply educated in loyalty and bravery. How could he be cruel to the people? He could only persuade people with sincere words. It was not easy enough to appease the people and not make trouble. After a while, there was another incident in the north.

A group came, and now eight thousand soldiers and horses were caught in the middle by tens of thousands of people. If Li Fengti could order the people to be driven away by bloody means like Cui Zhuo, there was still hope, but he still hesitated.

After such a quarter of an hour of hesitation, the people rushed the two wings of troops into chaos.

Tie Mo had been paying attention to the situation outside the city. When he learned that Cui Zhuo was cruelly driving the people to the west, he knew that the opportunity had come. Young man Li Fengti could not cope with such a complicated situation.

Li Fengti was benevolent in his heart, but just one thought of benevolence would lead to endless disasters. Li Ziqian knew his son very well, so he was afraid that Li Fengti would not be able to cope with it, so he urgently sent Wang Yingren to help, but when Wang Yingren arrived,

, the situation has completely gotten out of control, and the people and soldiers are mixed together. If you want to separate at this time, it does not mean that you can separate them.

The time was almost here. Tie Mo put on his silver armor uniform, and tens of thousands of soldiers and cavalry from northern Shanxi were also ready. He mounted his horse, with Shi Senming behind him. Fortunately, Li Wanqing and others lined up in a row. "Open the city gate, the enemy has already been in chaos."

The formation is a perfect opportunity for thieves. Success or failure depends on this one move. All generals will obey the order and kill Li Ziqian!"

"Kill Li Ziqian...Kill Li Ziqian" shouts spread outside the city. As the city gate opened, countless soldiers rushed out. Li Fengti's face turned pale and his lips trembled because the timing of the Han people's attack was too tight.

That's right. At this moment, he only had one thought, and that was to withdraw. If it was too late, not a single one of the more than 8,000 soldiers outside the West City would survive.

The cavalry of northern Shanxi are in front, and the horses are burdened by a chain of iron chains.

Responsible cutting, sharp iron ropes have no mercy. As long as those who stand in the way, whether they are enemy soldiers or civilians, will all die. The civilians are already in chaos, and these are even more chaotic. Time tramples on itself, pushes each other, and all kinds of dark sides of human nature.

Revealed here.

The crazy people began to attack the North Korean soldiers who were blocking the front. The soldiers were also angered by their own people. I went back to the rear just so that you can escape. How can you repay kindness with hatred? Unfortunately, no one will be reasonable at this time. Everyone wants to

To survive is to kill.

Outside the west city wall, the soldiers of the royal capital had no power to resist. Those who were killed threw away their armor and were defeated like a plague. In fact, at this time, Li Ziqian had another way to reverse the situation, which was to rush in through the open south city gate.

The Royal Capital, and then slowly control the situation from inside and outside. Unfortunately, when the defeated plague came, all Li Ziqian could think of was how to preserve his strength. How could he still want to get the Royal Capital?

The defeated troops mixed with the common people and fled in panic. Cui Zhuo's troops became the first victims of the routed troops. Sweeping by the routed troops, Cui Zhuo's troops were completely thrown into chaos. Cui Zhuo secretly cursed God, there are so many

When people rush over, they can be crushed into meat pies by just stepping on them. The Han people don't have much to do, they just need to wave their knives after the defeated soldiers. How can they continue to fight this battle?

At the same time, Cui Zhuo also felt that he and Li Ziqian had really miscalculated. They completely ignored that the Han people did not need to be responsible for the people of the capital. If he and Li Ziqian were bound to guard the city and protect the people, how could they drive the people to serve as pawns?

After all, the king is a Korean capital, not a Han capital. However, everyone is accustomed to thinking that the Han people who occupy the capital will win over the people and treat the people well. Now, treating the people well is just stinky bullshit.

, they just drove half of the people out of the city.

With the defeat of the west and north, Li Ziqian's defeat was inevitable. However, Li Ziqian was a famous military master in the world. He immediately ordered to abandon the temporary position on the east side and evacuate directly to the Miao Town camp. At the same time, relying on the Miao Town camp A line of defense was established around the camp wall, allowing only the soldiers from the royal capital to pass through, while all the people were kept outside.

At this moment, Li Ziqian no longer cares about his reputation. As long as he can preserve his strength, he is willing to do anything. Many people died under Li Ziqian's sword, but the effect was significant. The chaotic flow of people was finally blocked. , the pursuit of the Northern Shanxi Army also stopped outside the main camp of Miao Town. But it was victorious after all. Smoke was filled outside the royal capital city, scattered flags were everywhere, corpses were next to each other, almost three commoners sandwiching a king All soldiers.

In the main camp of Miao Town, when the statistics after the war were calculated, Li Ziqian felt that the blood of his heart was rushing to his throat, and he almost lost his breath. There were only less than 10,000 soldiers left in the army of more than 30,000. Haha, he, Li Ziqian, is suffering. The power that had been cultivated for more than ten years was destroyed like this.

If time gives us a lifetime, we should use our hands to decide what the future will be like. If the light is obscured by thick fog, we should have the courage to pierce the dawn.

At this moment, Li Ziqian, who once dominated North Korea, faced a difficult choice. Although the Northern Shanxi Army has not yet attacked the Miaozhen Camp, as time goes by, the Northern Shanxi Army will definitely completely defeat the Miaozhen Camp. Because how can others be allowed to snore next to the couch? Tie Mo now has the absolute strength to capture the Miao Town camp, but after losing more than 20,000 troops, Li Ziqian no longer has the confidence to hold the Miao Town camp.

Forcibly staying in the main camp of Miao Town is tantamount to striking an egg with an egg against a stone. He failed, but it does not mean that he will perish from now on. Inside the big tent, the faces of the soldiers in the royal capital are not very good-looking. They have just experienced a tragic defeat, which is a sign of morale. When he was depressed, of course, the most frustrated and depressed person was Cui Zhuo. From Hanyang City to the Royal Capital, almost every head-on collision ended in failure. This time he finally gained the upper hand, but was defeated by hundreds of thousands of people in the Royal Capital. Already.

"Your Majesty, Cui feels that the purpose of garrisoning the Miao Town Camp has been lost. It is better to retreat north to Pingchuan City while the Northern Shanxi Army is also resting. If the Han people calm down, they will attack Miao Town sooner or later. The battalion took action." Cui Zhuo's words were tantamount to telling everyone that the Miao Town camp could not be defended, and it was also a disguised way of belittling the combat effectiveness of the royal capital's army.

This chapter has been completed!
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