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Chapter 141 Killing

Chapter 141 Killing

Looking at those people with numb expressions who only knew how to run for their lives, Tie Mo felt pathetic and irritating.

"Wan Qing, shout and tell them to run in both directions. Anyone who dares to rush towards us will be killed! Order to go down and maintain the formation. If anyone dares to rush into the formation, kill them directly!"


The common people rushed towards the military formation in front like a tide. For them, it seemed that escaping was everything and they had no time to care about anything else. Li Wanqing shouted at the top of his lungs, but it was of no use. In desperation, Li Wanqing could only be cruel.

The order to fire was given.

After years of training, the musketeers have developed a conditioned reflex for orders. When the leader of the team gave the order, they hid behind the shield wall and pulled the trigger.

One row...two rows...after bursts of gunfire, countless people fell in a pool of blood. The threat of death also completely brought their minds back to reality.

Finally, the crowd separated to both sides, and at this time Yuan Ma had already led his men to cover them up. Due to the previous attack by the people, the shield wall in front was somewhat scattered. If the rebels took the opportunity to rush through the shield wall, the firepower advantage of the musketeers would not be able to use it.


Although the musketeers all hold new muskets and are equipped with bayonets, they are not afraid of close combat. However, close combat is the last choice after all.

Zhou Dingshan sweated on his forehead in a hurry and shouted: "Quickly, insert the iron bars and stabilize the shield wall in front. The first team of musketeers, step forward to help and secure the shield..."

"The musketeers cover...Second team, shoot..."

Under the command of Zhou Dingshan, many musketeers stepped forward to help the shield bearer resist the shield and urgently inserted iron bars. In this way, a complete shield wall was formed before the enemy troops encountered each other.

The sound of gunfire is endless, and the firing frequency and lethality of the improved breech-loaded flintlock gun have been increased several times. For a row of a hundred people, only five rows of musketeers are needed to exert unimaginable fire coverage and damage.

People from the advancing rebels kept falling down. They were not afraid of death, but after all, people could not fight against bullets. Many people were not hit in vital parts, and they lay on the ground and let out painful wails.

The others did not care about their injured companions on the ground and still rushed forward. Many people were not killed by the guns of the officers and soldiers, but died under the trampling of their companions.

Tie Mo was in the center of the gun formation and saw the rebels breaking through the death zone composed of bullets without fear of casualties. Gradually, his scalp began to numb. It turned out to be a group of beasts. They not only eat people, but are also so cruel to their companions.

After suffering heavy casualties, the rebels finally hit the shield wall in front of them. After repeated attacks, they realized how terrifying this row of shield walls was.

The shield wall was taller and thicker than before. Even if I hit it with my body, I couldn't hit the shields in front of me. The shields looked like they were welded to death. At this time, the shield wall was crowded with people, and there was a fire behind it.

The gunman does not need to aim at all. One shot will cause someone to fall down.

The extremely ferocious thieves began to step on the shoulders of their companions to cross the shields, but waiting for them were not only swordsmen but also muskets.

The firegun in front of me was very strange. The barrel was equipped with a sharp blade, and it pierced a bloody hole in the body.

The casualties of the rebel soldiers increased sharply, but the pressure on Tie Mo's side was also much greater. As long as the rebel soldiers rushed forward without fear of casualties, the shield wall would be captured sooner or later.

Damn, they are indeed a group of man-eating beasts, and they are very difficult to fight with.

"Separate half of the manpower, retreat three miles, and form an attack formation. Stay here for another half an hour. When the time comes, everyone should retreat!"

Liu Guoneng gritted his teeth reluctantly and said: "In this case, our brothers at the front..."

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. If we continue to hold on, once the thieves break through the shield wall in front and rush into the formation, the advantage of the muskets will no longer be available. In real close combat, we are too few in number.

No match for the thieves!"

In more than a year, Tie Mo has grown from an ignorant soldier to a fierce warrior. He knows that on the battlefield, he must be decisive, and sometimes he has to choose to sacrifice some people in order to win.

Liu Guoneng hurriedly sent the order. After a while, the musketeers and the backup shield bearers in the rear retreated urgently. In order to buy enough time, the musketeers from the five teams in front accelerated their loading and shooting speed.

The constant sound of gunfire, death and blood failed to stop the thieves, but instead made these people become more ferocious.

Gradually, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Tie Mo's forehead.

I have fought so many battles and encountered many opponents, but this is the first time I have encountered such a ferocious opponent. None of the rebellious parties and bandits I encountered before were defeated and defeated, but they are not like Yuan Ma's people, who died.

The more there are, the harder they hit.

Liu Guoneng directed the shield wall to regroup, the new phalanx was finally formed, and Tie Mo also issued the order to retreat.

When the retreat order was given, the soldiers in the battle retreated one by one. Once they were out of the battle, they ran back. But the shield bearers and musketeers at the front were not so lucky. Even if they gave up their shields, they still could not get out of the battle quickly.

In just a quarter of an hour, the fighting soldiers were drowned in the wave of anger.

At this moment, Tie Mo's heart ached. In the blink of an eye, more than 300 lives had been lost. He never thought that the first battle in Shaanxi would be so difficult.

Tie Mo was heartbroken, while Yuan Ma was heartbroken.

It took a full hour to break through the phalanx of officers and soldiers. A rough calculation showed that more than two thousand brothers were killed or injured. As for the casualties among officers and soldiers, most of them only intensified after the shield wall was broken.

We have never encountered firearms from officers and soldiers before. When did the firearms of officers and soldiers have such terrifying lethality?

Yuan Ma, who suffered heavy losses, did not clean up the battlefield and return to Mizhi City, but continued the attack without stopping. Unfortunately, they could not catch up with the fleeing officers and soldiers, who could run very fast.

After chasing for three miles, the terrifying sound of gunfire rang out again. When he stopped and looked, Yuan Ma couldn't help but wailed in his heart.

As long as the new phalanx rushes to a distance of fifty feet from the phalanx, it is like crossing a chasm of death. As if the scene is replayed, countless people are wailing, and the blood quickly dyes the ground within the field of vision red.

Under this kind of ruthless harvest, even the most desperate beasts will have a heart of fear. A leader came to Yuan Ma, his hands trembling slightly, "Boss Yuan, are you still going to fight? The casualties among our brothers are too great."

, If we continue to fight like this, even if we can kill these officers and soldiers, we will not have a few people left..."

Yuan Ma waved his hand fiercely without even thinking, "Hit, send everyone up, bite this officer and soldier, I will turn the living King of Hell into a dead King of Hell today..."

No one in this team dared to question Yuan Ma's orders.

There were more than a thousand reserve troops left behind before, but they were sent up with an order from Yuan Ma.

"Crazy, really crazy...don't they know pain?"

Tie Mo couldn't understand the rebel soldiers in front of him. In his opinion, they were not charging into the formation, but seeking death.

This chapter has been completed!
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