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Chapter 151 The Dilemma Before Cao Wenzhao

Chapter 151 The problem facing Cao Wenzhao

After taking office as the governor of the three sides, the first thing Yang He did was to order the troops of Xuanfu, Datongfu, and Liaodong towns to go south. At the same time, he ordered Wu Guofu, a veteran general in northern Sichuan, to hold back Wang Daliang of Shangluo Road, and ordered Shaanxi troops to prepare

Liu Yingyu led his troops northward and cooperated with the troops in the three towns of Xuanfu to defeat Wu Yangui who was entrenched in Yan'an Prefecture.

Yang He's intention is obvious. Shaanxi's troops are insufficient, so he should concentrate his forces to eliminate one of the chaos groups first.

Yang He's decision was not wrong, but he really overestimated the combat effectiveness of the local soldiers and horses in Shaanxi.

Liu Yingyu, as Shaanxi's military commander, knows the situation of the various guards in Shaanxi best. It seems that there are more than 30,000 guards under his command, but in fact the quality of the soldiers is uneven. He can cooperate with Wu Guofu to control Wang Daliang's rebellious party.

In Shangluo Road, it is already the limit. Going to northern Shaanxi to annihilate Wu Yangui is simply a daydream.

If the literary officer opens his mouth, the general will run away and break his legs.

Liu Yingyu was very angry, but he couldn't say that after two days of delay, he still left Tongguan for northern Shaanxi. However, Liu Yingyu was also a veteran on the battlefield, and he had already compiled a letter and sent it to Mizhi urgently before departure.

This trip to northern Shaanxi was more due to the imperial order. After all, the Governor of the Three Borders, Mr. Yang He, was staying in southern Shaanxi. If nothing was done, the imperial court would definitely be angry. I definitely wanted to go, but it had to be in northern Shaanxi.

The army must cooperate. If the border troops don't hold back Wu Yangui's rebels, and the rebels take the opportunity to move out of Ganquan and stage an ambush on the way, then Liu Yingyu will be in bad luck.

Hancheng in southern Shaanxi, with wars raging all over Shaanxi now, Yang He inspected southern Shaanxi, and later the rebel Wang Jiayin went south to besiege Xi'an Prefecture. Xi'an Prefecture could not go back for the time being, so Yang He stopped in Hancheng.

Staying with Yang He in Hancheng were several officials from the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi Province, one of whom was Hong Chengchou, the chief envoy to participate in the political affairs.

In view of the current situation in Shaanxi, Yang He frowned, but could not think of any good ideas. Especially after the imperial court allowed him to take charge of all military and political affairs in Shaanxi, the burden on him became even heavier. Recently, it is even more important for Shaanxi

The soldiers prepared Liu Yingyu's behavior and were angry. He ordered Liu Yingyu to go to northern Shaanxi, but the other party actually delayed it for two or three days. If he hadn't urged him repeatedly, I'm afraid Liu Yingyu would still be hiding in Tongguan.

"It is really shameful that the army is well prepared and does not want to serve the imperial court at this critical moment."

Yang He's face looked ugly, and Hong Chengchou also frowned. However, Hong Chengchou didn't think Liu Yingyu had done anything wrong. Wu Yangui was not Wang Daliang. There were many rebellious officers and soldiers under his command, and their combat power was not

Wang Daliang's refugees can be compared.

I understood very well, but I didn't know how to persuade Yang He.

Mr. Yang is devoted to serving the country, but he knows almost nothing about military affairs or the world. At this time, urging Liu Yingyu to go to northern Shaanxi to fight Wu Yangui, isn't this forcing him to die?

Liu Yingyu was not a fool. How could he easily send troops northward without saying hello to the border troops in northern Shaanxi in advance? Unfortunately, Mr. Yang could not see this at all. Moreover, Hong Chengchou also had some opinions on some of Yang He's policies.

Micro words.

Mr. Yang gave orders to various troops, mostly focusing on appeasement. Haha, appeasement, what appeasement? The court cannot effectively provide disaster relief. Even if those rebellious gangs put down their swords and guns, they will continue to rebel in a few days.

When hungry people rebel, it's because they can't survive, and lack of food is the fundamental reason. Without food, what's the point of recruiting officers and soldiers?

If there is no surplus food for the rebels, there is only one way, and that is to kill them.


Mizhi, Tie Mo and others from Northern Shaanxi gathered together and discussed what to do next.

Yang He is now nominally the largest official in Shaanxi. He is not only the governor of the three sides, but also controls all the soldiers and horses in Shaanxi. Now that Yang He has an order, it would be unreasonable if he does nothing. After all, Yang He now represents the imperial court.


Liu Yingyu has already led his troops northward and is expected to arrive in northern Shaanxi within two days. What should we do then? Fight or not?

"Hey, Governor Yang has given us a big problem!" Cao Wenzhao pinched his eyebrows. Since he joined the army in Liaodong, he has experienced countless battles, large and small, and he has seen a lot. But even though

Even so, I still can't think of any effective ideas to deal with the situation at hand.

Li Zicheng's sudden rebellion caused heavy losses to the border troops in several towns in Ningxia and Gansu. Even Wang Guo and Li Xianzong died on Gaobai Mountain.

The northern Shaanxi frontier army was originally divided into two groups and marched hand in hand. Now the frontier army on the Bailuo City side has been completely disabled. The frontier troops in several towns in Gansu and Ningxia are still hiding in Bailuo City and licking their wounds. How can they still have the energy?

Cooperate with the Mizhi border army to attack Yan'an Prefecture?

I thought it would take a lot of ideas, but there is one problem that cannot be avoided, that is, relying solely on the border troops of Xuanfu, Datongfu, and Liaodong towns will have too few troops.

Military strength has become an unsolvable problem. Even if Cao Wenzhao had a strategy and was good at marching and forming formations, he could not create an army by spreading beans and producing thousands of soldiers and horses out of thin air.

"General Tie, General Lou, if we stay in Mizhi City and stand still, the imperial court will probably order us to send troops within a few days. No matter what, we have to do something."

Tie Mo and Lou Daji looked at each other, and even Cao Bianjiao next to him scratched his head.

"What else can we do now? The troops and horses in Bailuo City have been destroyed. With less than 10,000 troops, how can we face nearly 100,000 thieves? Now Li Zicheng has led more than 3,000 troops to join the rebellion.

The Party, Wu Yangui and those people are trying to bring harm to us."

As soon as Cao Bianjiao finished complaining, Cao Wenzhao yelled, "Shut up, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

Lou Daji quickly raised his hand and smoothed things over, "General Cao, don't scold Xiao Cao. What he said makes some sense. Now that the morale of the rebels is high, how can we protect ourselves even if we don't have enough troops?

I am thinking of attacking Yan'an Mansion. If we really follow Governor Yang's order, even if we can defeat Wu Yangui in the end, it is estimated that not many of us and Liu Shoubei's men will survive."

"If we really want to fight, it's not impossible unless... we increase our troops..."

When Lou Daji said the word "increase troops", he smiled bitterly. Cao Wenzhao looked at his forehead in distress, his expression getting darker and darker.

In fact, Cao Wenzhao also knew that the increase in troops was a dream. The important towns on the nine sides also had their own interests to consider, especially Xuanfu, Datongfu and Liaodong had to guard against the Mongols and Jurchens, and they would not send more troops to Shaanxi.

Bottomless pit.

Anyone with a brain knows that the civil unrest in Shaanxi cannot be suppressed. There is not enough food. God will still have droughts every year. The civil unrest cannot be stopped unless all living people in Shaanxi are killed.

Because they understood it, from the beginning, Hou Shilu, Man Gui and others had small calculations, thinking about letting their troops show off. The troops were sent purely because of the imperial order, and they had to be sent. But if they continued to increase the number of troops in Shaanxi, then

I'm sorry, please prepare the food and grass first.

It is unrealistic to increase troops. But without increasing troops, it is almost impossible to defeat Wu Yangui who is entrenched in northern Shaanxi.

This chapter has been completed!
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