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Chapter 218 Violent Resistance to Taxes

Chapter 218 Violent tax resistance

The letter was written under the instruction of Chongzhen, and explained in detail the collection of commercial taxes. After reading the letter, Tie Mo was happy. Chongzhen originally wanted to increase the commercial tax in Jiangnan, but in the end he cheated Shanxi merchants.

Tie Mo is not someone to be trifled with. Do those Qingliu Party members really think that the children of Shanxi merchants can be manipulated by others? You can sing the tombstone story of five people, why can't the Shanxi merchants sing the tombstone story of nine people?

Not long after, Chang Minyue, Qiao Liuyun, Cao Shengyu and other representatives of Shanxi merchants came to the Moon Palace. Cao Shengyu said angrily with a cold face: "General, look at this official document from the imperial court. It is simply too bullying. How could it be wrong?"

Are they like this?"

Qiao Liuyun also had a very ugly face, "Yes, we have contributed a lot to the court in the past two years, so why did we end up being so hot-tempered but cold-hearted to someone else? If they don't think well, how come they backhanded us with a knife?"

The Shanxi merchants were excited, and Tie Mo could understand it completely. He raised his hand and waited for calm down before saying: "Don't worry, everyone. I can't blame your majesty for this matter. This matter was drafted by the cabinet and initiated by the Ministry of Revenue. Those guys

People, even if they see that we have no one in the government, they think that we are soft persimmons that can be manipulated by others. Don't be too angry. If they want to cut our flesh, they have to see how good their swords are."

Cao Shengyu perked up and asked urgently: "General, what do you mean, we won't give you the money?"

Tie Mo raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Give him money? Give him a request. From today on, if the county governments in various places force the conscription, you will fight me. If you can't fight, I will support you. In addition, I will send people to each

Fang Bengo, let everyone know the faces of the people in the imperial court. Want to collect taxes? You can, give me the taxes from Jiangnan first, otherwise, we won’t be able to take away a penny from our hands.”

With Tie Mo's guarantee, Cao Shengyu and others were confident. Looking back now, I am really glad that I chose to form an alliance with Tie Mo. Without the support of the soldiers and horses in Tie Mo's hands, I would probably have no choice but to complain and dare to fight against him.

The imperial court, that was just a reason for the imperial court to confiscate the family and exterminate the clan.

In Shaanxi, soldiers and horses from all walks of life were eagerly waiting for the imperial court to send reinforcements. In the end, only Datong Prefecture sent a troop to station in the west, which was regarded as responding to the imperial court's call. As for the others, Mao did not see them. The imperial court had insufficient food and salary.

Instead of commanding the hungry troops, trouble broke out in Shanxi. The imperial court wanted to increase the merchant tax, and the Shanxi merchants complained one by one, and no one was willing to pay.

Gao Jie, the prefect of Taiyuan Prefecture, received instructions from the cabinet and issued an official document calling on merchants from Shanxi Prefecture in Taiyuan Prefecture to prepare the commercial taxes that should be paid within seven days. As a result, except for the Pingyang Kang family who expressed support, all other families expressed their uncooperation.

Gao Jie had been serving as the prefect of Taiyuan for some time, but he didn't expect that these Shanxi merchants were still so disrespectful. In anger, he went to find someone to invite Kang Dingyan.

The Kang family had no choice but to cooperate with Gao Jie. Everyone knew how unfair it was for the imperial court to impose commercial taxes. It did not include Jiangnan and only targeted Shanxi merchants. Everyone felt resentful about this. But since Tie

After the rise of Mo, Shanxi merchants such as the Chang family, the Cao family, and the Qiao family occupied the northern trade routes. The price of the Kang family's goods was getting higher and higher, and the Kang family's power gradually became weaker and weaker. In addition, the Kang family's previous and subsequent

The collusion between Jinhuang Taiji and others was also afraid that someone would find out about it and settle old scores.

Various reasons forced the Kang family to find a new backer, leaving the Kang family with few choices. At least in Shanxi, the only choice was Gao Jie, because behind Gao Jie was the cabinet.

After Gao Jie became the prefect of Taiyuan, Kang Dingyan helped a lot with many things. But this time, Kang Dingyan's actions were tantamount to pushing the Kang family to the opposition of all Shanxi merchants.

Kang Dingyan didn't want to be a traitor among Shanxi merchants, but he had no other choice. He and Tie Mo had a deep hatred. Should he lower his head and take the Kang family to join Tie Mo?


In the lobby, Gao Jie was pacing in the hall. Seeing Kang Dingyan come in, he quickly raised his hands and said: "Brother Kang, you are here. Hey, the official documents of the Yamen have been sent out, and people have been sent to urge them several times, but those few

The family just refuses to cooperate, and some people even say that if you want money, you will lose your life. You said this... isn't this trying to be cruel to me? What should I do? "

Seeing Gao Jie's depressed look, Kang Dingyan cursed secretly in his heart. The Sixth Department of your Cabinet has increased business taxes, only adding merchants from Shanxi, but not Jiangnan. No one can bear this.

Shanxi merchants are rich, but the Jiangnan gentry are even richer. Commercial taxes are twice as high as before. No problem. Shanxi merchants don't care about this little money, because they did collect too little commercial taxes in the past. But Shanxi merchants are causing trouble.

Is it because of this small amount of money? What Shanxi merchants are fighting against is the injustice of the court. If they tolerate it this time, won’t the court intensify their efforts to deceive Shanxi merchants in the future?

Looking at Gao Jie's appearance, he seemed to have suffered a huge loss. Kang Dingyan knew this very well, but as Gao Jie's ally, he had to try his best to find a way.

"Master Gao, you don't need to be angry. If you want to solve this situation, it's actually very simple. Just capture one of them and the other Shanxi merchants will be defeated."

"Which one?"

"Yuci Changjia!"

Hearing these four words, Gao Jie was shocked. Gao Jie was really hesitant to attack the Chang family. The Chang family had nothing to worry about, but the scary thing was that Chang Yinxu had a good son-in-law, "This...

.That Tie Mo is sitting in the Yun Mansion and has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, so he is not someone to be trifled with."

Kang Dingyan sighed: "Of course Tie Mo is not easy to mess with, but if you want to do something big, how can you not take any risks? Mr. Gao, don't forget, this is Taiyuan Prefecture. Yun Mansion is under the jurisdiction of Xuan Mansion, and Taiyuan Mansion is the same as Taiyuan Mansion."

And across the Datong Prefecture, no matter how powerful Tie Mo is, he has no right to interfere with Yuci's affairs. If he really sends his troops south, this private transfer of troops will be a capital crime."

"Furthermore, the matter of collecting commercial taxes is not a matter for Mr. Gao alone. There is no need to shoulder it alone."

Gao Jie stroked his beard and thought carefully. Soon, he raised his eyebrows and his eyes became more joyful.

Gao Jie quickly wrote a letter to Shanxi Governor Geng Ruqi, who then drafted an official document, sternly urging the Chang family to pay the business taxes. Chang Yinxu was not frightened. The Taiyuan prefect was useless, and the Shanxi governor

Of course it doesn't work either.

Chang Yinxu also had a bad temper and immediately wrote back a letter to Geng Ruqi.

The letter stated: As long as the governor asks the court to raise taxes from Jiangnan, the Chang family will pay the money immediately; otherwise, they will throw the money into the Yellow River and not pay.

In short, the general meaning is this.

After reading the letter, one can imagine Geng Ruqi's mood. What does it mean to throw money into the Yellow River and not give it to the court? In his eyes, is there still a court? Is there any dignity?

Geng Ruqi felt that his face was so painful that he was so angry that he rushed to Taiyuan with his men, and then ordered Gao Jie to send troops to Yuci.

Taiyuan Prefecture sent troops to Yuci to attack the Chang family.

The Chang family is not a vegetarian either. There are more than 300 people in the whole house, plus the bodyguards and strong men, all organized.

A conflict is inevitable.

This chapter has been completed!
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