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Chapter 257 Liaodong General's Worries

Chapter 257 Liaodong General’s Worries

Yuan Chonghuan was arrested and imprisoned, which was just the beginning. Also arrested at the same time were Wang Qia, Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhu Guoyan, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, etc.

Because the Tatars held the customs, a large number of people were arrested on charges of inaction or desertion. The next day at the court meeting, another incident occurred in the court. Because Qian Longxi had a relationship with Yuan Chonghuan, Chongzhen sent Qian Longxi to the capital in the name of forming a party.

Take it.

At the court meeting, Zhou Tingru, the Minister of War, accused Wang Qia of corruption and bending the law, which led to the mutiny of Shanxi soldiers, and pointed out Wang Qia's several crimes. These charges can be said to be solid and undefendable. In addition, Wang Qia also brought the blame on himself, so the cabinet acquiesced.

The treatment of Wang Qia. But it was Qian Longxi, Qian Qianyi, Zhang Fengyi and others' turn to plead for mercy.

"Your Majesty, Lord Qian has an old relationship with Yuan Chonghuan. That is normal. Lord Qian had the responsibility of supervising all officials at that time. His contact with foreign generals was definitely not for the purpose of forming a clique for personal gain. Your Majesty, please be aware of this!"

"Your Majesty, please look into it carefully and make sure Master Qian is innocent!"

In the blink of an eye, half of the civil and military officials in the court knelt on the ground to plead for Qian Longxi. Their words were sincere, and Chongzhen even believed what they said. No one noticed that Chongzhen's hand holding the dragon chair was trembling slightly at this moment. What a group of good ministers.

Ah, killing Yuan Chonghuan, these people all applauded, but killing Qian Longxi, but each one was like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, it is really hateful.

Was Qian Longxi unjust? It was indeed a bit unjust. He and Yuan Chonghuan were not in cahoots for personal gain, but it was not unjust to execute him. Chongzhen hated Qian Longxi to the core. This man was so young and an important minister in the court.

Whenever something happens, he doesn't want to share the worries of the court, but always plays tricks and takes the lead in creating obstacles. Take the pledge of donations as an example, is Qian Longxi poor? He is not poor at all. His hometown has hundreds of acres of land and half of the county's property.

They all belong to his family. They are obviously powerful and extremely rich, but they are only willing to give out a few dozen taels of silver and look like they are bankrupt.

Chongzhen wanted to use Yuan Chonghuan as an excuse to seize Qian Longxi and frighten the duplicitous guys in the court. However, he did not expect to encounter such a big obstacle.

"Well, I will continue to have people investigate Qian Longxi's matter. Let those who have meritorious deeds enter the palace first!"

Chongzhen relaxed, and Qian Qianyi and others naturally would not hold on to him. Next, Hou Shilu and others entered the palace one after another to pay homage to the Holy En. At this time, Wang Chengen took out an imperial edict and read it out, saying that the Ministry of War

The matter of becoming the Minister of War can be regarded as confirmation of Hou Shilu's entry into the court as the Minister of War. Tie Mo and others had already heard the news, so naturally they didn't find it strange, but Zhou Tingru was a little annoyed.

In order to bring down Wang Qia, take charge of the Ministry of War, and enter the cabinet, Zhou Tingru tried his best. He finally cooperated with the emperor and sent Wang Qia away, but in the end he took advantage of Hou Shilu. Isn't this making wedding clothes for others?

Zhou Tingru was very unwilling, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it. Hou Shilu was a top three Jinshi during the Wanli period. He had guarded the border for many years and had brilliant military exploits. It can be said that he needs qualifications, connections and connections, and he needs to take credit from his old friends. He should be the Minister of the Ministry of War.

, no one dared to say no.

In the court hall, Tie Mo, Hei Yunlong and others quietly observed the entire Jinluan Palace, Cheng Jiming, Qian Qianyi and other court ministers were also observing them, especially paying special attention to Tie Mo.

Now that Hou Shilu has entered the court as an official, the Xuanfu has been under the command of Tie Mo. Although he is still the deputy commander-in-chief, it is because Tiemo is young and has insufficient qualifications. He is afraid that he will be criticized. Taking charge of the Xuanfu is just a disguised form.

The position of Protector and Commander-in-Chief of the Xuan Mansion will belong to Tie Mo sooner or later. The most important thing is that he is a student of Sun Chengzong.

This student is different from the nominal students like Yuan Chonghuan. This is a close disciple who was taught by Sun Chengzong himself. In other words, Tie Mo and Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian were classmates. With this relationship, the emperor must have a different regard for Tie Mo.

Sun Chengzong's sign was hanging, and the problem of Tie Mo's improper background was solved.

It is hard to imagine how far Tie Mo can grow in the future. If he were to completely control the Xuan Mansion and Datong Mansion, it would not be a good thing for the Ministry of War.

But, can it be stopped? You see, Hou Shilu and Sun Chengzong have already begun to pave the way for him.


In the Wenhua Hall, after the dynasty dispersed, Tie Mo was summoned to the imperial study alone. At this time, in addition to Chongzhen's master and servant, there was also Sun Chengzong in the imperial study.

Chongzhen was wearing a beige brocade robe, with a smile on his face, a trace of age hidden between his brows, and a wisp of white hair visible on his temples. It was obvious that Chongzhen was in a good mood. Tie Mo straightened his official robe and gave a quick salute.

"Come on, come on, there are no outsiders here, just relax. You and I are both students of Teacher Sun. According to outsiders, we are considered to be in the same sect, haha!"

"I don't dare!" Tie Mo clasped his hands and lowered his head in fear. Although Chongzhen said so, just listen to it yourself, but you can't take it seriously. There is a saying that the emperor's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea. Who knows what Chongzhen was thinking in his heart?


Sure enough, seeing Tie Mo knowing how to advance and retreat, and respecting etiquette, the smile in Chongzhen's eyes became a little brighter, and his eyes towards Tie Mo softened a little, "Okay, sit down and talk, I am not a man-eating tiger."

After thanking him again and again, Tie Mo sat down next to Sun Chengzong. When talking about business, Chongzhen's face became more serious, "General Tie, you have been to Shaanxi. I want to hear some truth about the situation of rogue bandits in Shaanxi."


Tie Mo frowned, thought for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what specific point do you want to know?"

"I want to know, can these bandits be wiped out? When will peace be restored in Shaanxi?"

"Your Majesty, the rogue bandits in Shaanxi cannot be solved in a short time. They will kill Gao Yingxiang and Wang Ziyong, and naturally others will replace them. The civil unrest in Shaanxi stems from the fact that the people do not have enough to eat and have been famine for many years. Civil unrest cannot be

If the government does not provide enough disaster relief, the civil unrest will not stop."

"A few months ago, the imperial army besieged Gao Yingxiang. If Gao Yingxiang and his bandits could really be eliminated, the pressure would be reduced in a short period of time, but the fundamental problem would not be solved. Unfortunately, the Tatars blocked the border and lost the opportunity!"

As Tie Mo continued to speak, Chongzhen's face became more and more ugly. This is the truth, but the truth is often too harsh. In the civil and military dynasties, the only people who dared to tell Chongzhen that the bandits were endless, Sun Chengzong and Tie Mo in front of him were probably the only ones. Remember.

In the past, when the court was discussing matters, those people would all shout that as soon as the imperial army arrived, the rogue bandits would disappear. But when it came to the issue of food and wages, they all became mute, and none of them could come up with a good solution.

After a long time, Chongzhen sighed with a wry smile, "Hey, you made everything right."

At this time, Tie Mo knew what was happening in Shaanxi. As the Tatars blocked the pass, soldiers and horses from all walks of life rushed to Beijing to help the king. As soon as the soldiers and horses besieging Fengxiang Mansion withdrew, Gao Yingxiang seized this golden opportunity and attacked northward.

After arriving at Pingliang Mansion, they cooperated with Wang Ziyong and swept across northern Shaanxi. In mid-November, feeling the bitter cold in northern Shaanxi and not having much food, Wang Ziyong and Gao Yingxiang had the idea of ​​crossing the Yellow River south. Soon, Li Zicheng was ordered to cross the Yellow River south.

Battle at Xiegu Pass.

Gao Yingxiang and Wang Ziyong also knew that there was little hope of continuing to attack Xi'an. Yang He was like an iron bastard, guarding Xi'an tightly. Once the Tatars left, the imperial army returned and continued to attack Xi'an.

If the government delays, it will only make the same mistakes again.

Crossing the Yellow River south may be the best way to get in and out. Li Zicheng fought again at Xieguguan and captured Xieguguan in just one day. One day later, Li Zicheng's army entered Hanzhong Prefecture. At this time, there was still an army hidden in Hanzhong Prefecture.


During the siege by the imperial court, Hua Xiaorong turned south to escape, and finally fled to the mountains of Hanzhong Prefecture to hide. Later, the imperial army attacked Fengxiang Prefecture, making Hua Xiaorong unable to go back for a while, and could only continue to hide in the mountains.

Hidden. Now that Li Zicheng's troops have left Xieguguan, Hua Xiaorong's opportunity finally comes.

Hua Xiaorong's troops suddenly went down the mountain, crossed the West River, and attacked Hanyin. Since all the soldiers and horses in Hanyin were blocking the Ziwu Pass to guard against Li Zicheng, they really didn't expect that a group of soldiers and horses would suddenly attack Hanyin City.

It took Hua Xiaorong half an hour to capture Hanyin. In this way, the three thousand soldiers and horses of the Hanyin garrison were attacked from two sides and blocked in the Ziwu Ancient Road.

The soldiers and horses of Hanyin originally went to block Li Zicheng, but instead, they were blocked at both ends by others. After hearing the fall of Hanyin, the morale of the soldiers and horses of Hanyin collapsed and they collapsed without a fight. Soon Li Zicheng's army rushed in after the defeated soldiers.

Hanzhong Mansion.


Tie Mo felt his head was buzzing, and he found that history had completely deviated from its original track. Huang Taiji rolled back to Liaodong earlier than in history, and in Shaanxi, Gao Yingxiang and others also made the southern crossing earlier than in history.

Yellow River's thoughts.

The rogue bandits cannot reach the Yellow River, and they can cause harm to Shaanxi or the northwest. But if they cross the Yellow River and enter Sichuan, Sichuan or the Central Plains, the entire Ming Dynasty will be turned upside down. How many people and how much food are there in the Central Plains of the Ming Dynasty?

"Your Majesty, we must not let the rogues pass through Hanzhong! Otherwise, the beasts will enter the sea and it will be difficult to control them!"

"Yes!" Why didn't Chongzhen know this truth? He restricted the rogue bandits to Shaanxi. No matter how much rogue bandits can cause harm, they will only cause harm to the rotten place of Shaanxi. Shaanxi is already rotten, how can it get worse? What if the Central Plains changes?

, the entire Ming Dynasty will be shaken.

Suppressing bandits and providing disaster relief all require money and food. Thinking of money and food, Chongzhen felt a headache.


Outside the capital, there were many military camps. Many people received rewards for repelling the Tatars, and the officers and soldiers in the camps were naturally happy. But only the Liaodong side was lifeless. From the generals to the soldiers, there was no joy on their faces.

Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao, was sent to prison, putting everyone in the army at risk. Everyone knows that if the imperial court intends to attack people from Liaodong, it will definitely be more than just governor Yuan. Whose turn will it be next? Zu Dashou? He Kegang or...

other people?

However, there was one person who was the most calm, and this person was Zhao Shujiao. When Yuan Chonghuan was imprisoned, he felt unhappy, but he was not worried or panicked. At most, he just sighed.

Zu Dashou, He Kegang summoned more than a dozen important generals from Liaodong. He Kegang frowned, full of worry, "The Jin Yiwei arrested Governor Yuan, and it seems they intend to attack us."

"General He, we, the children of Liaodong, are struggling to support Liaodong and are beaten to death by the Tatars every year. How can the imperial court treat us like this?"

A young general was very dissatisfied. His face was angry, and with a scar on his face, he looked very scary. He Kegang glanced at the person who spoke, and it turned out to be his subordinate Zuo Liangyu.

He Kegang looked at Zuo Liangyu and nodded lightly, "Yes, how can the imperial court treat a meritorious official like this? Therefore, I discussed with General Zu and decided to jointly submit a letter to protect Governor Yuan. If the imperial court

If it really can’t accommodate us, then we will go back to Liaodong.”

On the other side, Zhao Lijiao frowned when he heard this. Although He Kegang's words were about rescuing Yuan Chonghuan, he was actually asking everyone for their opinions. If the imperial court intends to pursue people from Liaodong, then they will directly go to Liaodong and support troops.

Self-respect. This kind of thinking is really suspected of treason. However, Zhao Shujiao said nothing.

Soon, everyone made a decision, and not one of the dozen or so people objected. At this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that they were all in the same boat. For the sake of the overall situation of Liaodong, they could only advance and retreat together. Because of this,

Zhao Shujiacai said nothing.

The next day, before the court meeting began, at dawn, a eunuch came to Sun Chengzong's house and said that Chongzhen had something important to discuss with him.

Tie Mo had just entered Beijing and did not have a house. There were many Shanxi merchants who provided accommodation. However, Tie Mo still listened to Sun Chengzong and lived in the Sun Mansion. Therefore, when the eunuch with the eunuch came, he knew about it. Look at the sky, Tie Mo

Mo was a little worried, so he found a carriage and accompanied Sun Chengzong into the palace.

At the end of Mao Shi, the sky was dark and the wind was as cold as a knife. Tie Mo was not summoned, so he could only hide outside the courtyard and wait.

In the Wenhua Hall, Chongzhen slapped the table angrily, "Teacher, look at this official document, what is this? If they don't let Yuan Chonghuan go, they will go back to Liaodong. They are threatening me. After all, they are soldiers of the imperial court.

Or are they private soldiers raised by others?"

Looking at the official document, Sun Chengzong didn't look too good. No matter how wise Sun Chengzong was, he never expected that such a thing would happen.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to be angry. The current plan is to find a way to calm down the Liaodong soldiers and horses. As the saying goes, to untie the bell, you must also tie the bell. This kind of thing requires Yuan Chonghuan to come forward!"

Although Sun Chengzong didn't say it clearly, Chongzhen still understood. He was asked to talk to Yuan Chonghuan, but Chongzhen really didn't want to see the great emperor of tomorrow being threatened by the border troops and asking his ministers for advice.

Outside the Wenhua Palace, Tie Mo leaned against the palace wall and shivered. This damn weather was really deadly. It was not only cold, but also very humid. If he didn't pay attention, a wisp of ice would hang on his forehead.

"Hey, it's the same thing, teacher. Have you forgotten me? I'm not allowed to enter the imperial study room. I'll ask someone to pass on a message. You can go to the side room to warm up."

Tie Mo was very sad. He couldn't enter the royal study at will, but he could go to the side rooms. But the emperor didn't say anything and he didn't dare to barge in. At the door, two guards looked like stone men. They raised their eyebrows and suppressed laughter.

While he was feeling annoyed, a faint yellow light lit up behind him, followed by a series of crisp chuckles.

"Giggle, you are interesting!"

"Huh?" Seeing the person coming, Tie Mo wanted to say something casually, but remembering that he was in the palace, he quickly took out his hand from his sleeve and gave a respectful salute, "My lord, please see the Queen, may you be blessed!"

Jin An.”

"Forgive me, General Tie, don't let the cold wind blow in here. Since Mr. Sun and His Majesty have forgotten you, I think we have important matters to discuss, and we won't be able to finish them in a while, so why don't you go with me to the imperial dining room to warm yourself up.


It was okay not to mention the imperial dining room, but when it was mentioned, Tie Mo's stomach began to growl.

This chapter has been completed!
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