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Chapter 284 Blossoms Everywhere

Chapter 284 Blooming everywhere

As the gap was opened, Geng Zhongming and Shang Kexi took the lead and rushed in. Shang Kexi took the lead, with a big knife in his hand like a sickle of death, and there were almost no survivors under the knife.

Man Gui and Tie Mo had been staying at the rear, holding telescopes and watching the situation on the battlefield. After a long time, Man Gui asked with some envy: "Who is that? He is a fierce general."

"This man's name is Shang Kexi." Tie Mo looked at it for a while and then realized who Man Gui was asking. Hearing Shang Kexi's name, Man Gui nodded his forehead and said in surprise: "He is the killer under Mao Wenlong? Tsk, tsk,

It is said that this old boy is quite a thorn in his side, I can really take him under my wing, it is indeed very powerful."

"Where is it?" Tie Mo smiled modestly. He didn't think there was anything worth bragging about. After Mao Wenlong died, Shang Kexi, Geng Zhongming and others were not welcomed in Liaodong. If we give them a chance at this time, we are not afraid that they will not sacrifice their lives.

As for whether Shang Kexi and others will defect to the Tatars in the future, don't worry too much. As long as they are not fools, they will not do such a thing. Of course, if the Tatars really become powerful and still cause the Ming Dynasty to fall apart, then

At that time, whether Geng Zhongming and others betrayed or not did not have such a big impact.

Since he is using these people, he is confident that he can control them. Mao Wenlong can make these people swear loyalty to the death, why can't he do it himself? Pay equal attention to kindness and power, treat them fairly, will they run to join the Tatars if they are good?

For the generals of the Ming Dynasty, surrendering to the Tatars was absolutely a last resort. If they had a choice, they could not surrender to the Tatars, even if they became rogues. To surrender to the Tatars would mean that future generations would be doomed, and they would be condemned forever.

However, who could have expected that the Tatars would occupy the Ming Dynasty at this time is a joke, unless they are gods. At least for now, the generals of the Ming Dynasty will not choose any other way to go.

Surrender to the Tartars.

Take monk Geng Zhongming as an example. At this time, they probably would not surrender to the Tatars even if they died in battle. If they died in battle, they could still ensure a good life for their descendants and their families. Xuanfu is not Liaodong, and these old troops of Mao Wenlong will not be squeezed out here.

Just like in history, if Geng Zhongming and his gang were tortured to death, the whole family would not end well, and surrendering to the Tatars would be a helpless choice.

Shang Kexi is a thorn in the side, Tie Mo knows this very well. However, there are many thorns in Yun Mansion, and he doesn't care if there is one more Shang Kexi.

Shang Kexi was really good at fighting. He was like a ferocious beast, leading his men on a rampage and killing everywhere. The enemy soldiers in the city were frightened by the news. Finally, seeing that there was no hope of counterattack, Zhao Ronghe decisively ordered the abandonment of Shenmu City, and the defeated troops began to retreat towards the bend of the river.

Fortunately, Zhao Ronghe was not completely panicked and did not forget to send troops to the rear.

If no one stops them, the Xuanfu and Datongfu cavalry will definitely go on a killing spree. The peasant army in Shenmu City fled in groups. Orger and Zhou Dingshan tried to pursue them, but they were blocked by Zhao Ronghe's deputy Ren Fei.

The terrain in the north of Shenmu City is very special, with undulating high slopes on one side and soft sandy land on the other. There is only one road in the middle that can allow cavalry to pass through on a large scale. If the cavalry wants to catch up, they must break through Ren Fei's defense line. Zhou Dingshan also

Don't be greedy, just don't rush to chase, and settle down to eat Ren Fei's enemy.

Zhou Dingshan pushed Chen Yaofeng behind and left the main attack opportunity to Orger. He had already obtained the credit for killing Baihan Valley, so he would not take the credit if he could. When marching and fighting, among colleagues, it is most taboo to eat alone.

Zhou Dingshan's ability to be the number one general in the Yun Mansion at such a young age is inseparable from his maturity and wisdom.

Orger knew what Zhou Dingshan meant, so naturally he would not let go of this opportunity. If someone else gave up the opportunity, it would be too embarrassing for him if he still couldn't finish it.

Southeast of Shenmu City, Lou Daji, Liu Guoneng bypassed the outer city and led his troops to pursue him. When they were twenty miles away, they encountered a large number of peasant troops who intercepted them. This troop originally went to aid Changle Fort, but Baihangu was defeated and killed.

As soon as the news came, Zhang Cunmeng's first reaction was to ask the five thousand troops to turn around to meet Zhao Ronghe.

Baihangu was defeated and killed, his troops were almost wiped out, and there was no threat to the north of Shenmu City. Under such circumstances, Zhang Cunmeng did not think that Zhao Ronghe could defend Shenmu City. Fortunately, Zhang Cunmeng sent troops to respond, otherwise Zhao Ronghe's troops would have fled all the way to Hequ.

It was a heavy loss.

Liu Guoneng and Lou Daji led their troops to pursue the pursuit, but failed to get any benefits, so they had to give up temporarily. However, with the capture of Shenmu City, it was equivalent to having a bridgehead in Hetao. The road to the north of Changle Fort had also been opened, so there was no need for it.

He was worried that the peasant army would gather heavily and come to fight for their lives. If Wang Ziyong ordered all the troops to encircle and suppress them, he would have to abandon Shenmu City and retreat to Juyanhai along Changle Fort.

On the vast grassland, no matter how large the peasant army is, Tie Mo is not afraid. On the grassland, large-scale regiments fight, and the peasant army is no match. With a large number of cavalry and musketeers in hand, coupled with artillery support, no matter how large the peasant army is,

, is also useless.

Next, the soldiers and horses of Xuanfu and Datongfu were not idle, and began to attack the Ningxia military town westward. Since the peasant army stationed the main soldiers and horses in Shenmu and several strong cities in Hequ, Ningxia, Gansu, and Suide instead

There are not many troops in Chujun Town. Now that the defenders of Shenmu City have retreated, the three military towns have immediately become rootless grass. In order to protect themselves, they can only abandon many places and huddle in Ningxia Military Town, relying on the city walls to resist the attacks of officers and soldiers.

On April 11th of the third year of Chongzhen, officers and soldiers bombarded the Ningxia military town. The ancient earthen city wall could not withstand the continuous bombardment. Under this crushing attack, in less than a day, the officers and soldiers broke through the Ningxia town.

, more than half of the tens of thousands of peasant soldiers in the military town were killed or injured, and the rest were surrendered. At this point, the western part of the Hetao has fallen into the hands of the officers and soldiers.

As the officers and soldiers showed off their skills near the sacred tree, Chen Qiyu was not idle. He ordered Hong Chengchou, Liu Yingyu, and Cao Wenzhao to lead his troops to launch a counterattack. Chen Qiyu adopted Hong Chengchou's strategy, dividing his troops into more than a dozen groups and attacking in all directions.

Once you encounter an obstacle, retreat immediately. If the peasant army cannot cope with it, an attack with a small number of troops will immediately turn into a large army pressing the situation.

Cao Wenzhao led his troops to patrol, following Hong Chengchou's rear, and launched a strong attack wherever there was an opportunity. Within a few days, Wang Ziyong was very angry. Unconsciously, Wang Ziyong found that there was war smoke all over his territory, especially

There were several fortified cities in the south that seemed to be in turmoil. Letters asking for help were everywhere, but for a while, they couldn't figure out where the officers and soldiers' real main attack direction was.

It’s not that Wang Ziyong didn’t understand the tricks of Cao Wenzhao and others. In the past, Wang Ziyong often used this method. His soldiers and horses attacked everywhere, hitting wherever there was an opportunity, and running away when there was danger. In the past, this method made the officers and soldiers ignore their heads.

, I didn’t expect that it was Wang’s turn to have a headache now. I understand, but there is no good way. I can only continue to be beaten passively. Of course, you can gather a large army to counterattack. With just one counterattack, the officers and soldiers in the south will have to retreat obediently.

Continue to defend Xi'an Prefecture.

Unfortunately, there is no way to counterattack. The elite officers and soldiers in the north are making a big fuss. If all the troops and horses are massed towards the south and storm Xi'an Prefecture, Cao Wenzhao and others will definitely retreat, but who knows if the officers and soldiers in the north will make a fuss.

Moth? You must know that the person leading the army is Tie Mo. Maybe the Living King of Hell will take the opportunity to swallow up the entire Yan'an Mansion if he shows his power.

Over the years, Wang Ziyong traveled all over the country and experienced many battles, but Tie Mo was definitely the one who gave him headaches.

How did Wu Yangui, who was in the limelight at the time, end up? It was not because he was brought down by the Living King of Hell. Wang Ziyong learned a lot from Wu Yangui. When Wu Yangui was defeated and killed, the fundamental reason was that Wu Yangui was reluctant to leave one city or one place and was killed.

The officers and soldiers fought with their noses hanging, and fell into the pit bit by bit. They must not step back.

Wang Ziyong came up with a stupid idea and ordered Zhang Yichuan, Yuan Ma, Zhang Damou and others to abandon several cities near Xi'an Prefecture and shrink to Ganquan and Sanshui to build a few fortified cities.

Not to mention, the stupid method used by the king really had a miraculous effect. It seemed that he had abandoned several cities, but concentrated his troops into a few limited fortified cities, while still maintaining a neat line of defense. Each city had sufficient troops.

, the officers and soldiers were not afraid no matter where they attacked. The peasant army clung to the defense line and refused to fight. For a time, Hong Chengchou was full of ideas and was at a loss.

In Ninghou Town, Hong Chengchou and others all gathered together and looked at the map in front of them helplessly. Seeing that no one spoke, Cao Wenzhao stood up and said: "Everyone, this is not going to work. No matter what, we have to find a way to hold some people back."

Only thieves can do it. If the king is allowed to free up enough troops to attack Hetao, then the reinforcements from Xuanfu and Datongfu will be in danger."

Liu Yingyu felt a headache and said distressedly: "General Cao, we all understand your concerns, but you have also seen the current situation. The traitors are determined not to tangle with us."

Hong Chengchou frowned deeply, snorted, and suddenly reached out and patted the table, "Since the harassment is useless, let's attack one place by force. Hong didn't believe it. We pretended to attack one place. Wang Ziyong still dared to send troops to it.

Northern tune?”

Cao Wenzhao raised his eyebrows and took a deep look at Hong Chengchou, because Hong Chengchou's method coincided with what he had in mind. So, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said lightly: "Master Hong, if we choose a place to attack,

Cao suggested attacking Ganquan City. Cao didn’t believe it, but Wang Ziyong dared to give up the entire Yan’an Prefecture for the sake of the Loop.”

As soon as Cao Wenzhao said this, Hong Chengchou's eyes lit up. He quickly clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's wonderful to attack Ganquan City. Haha, General Cao is really a god in using his troops. Hong also wants to see what Wang Ziyong has."

I don’t have the courage to give up Yan’an Mansion.”

Ganquan City is known as the southern gateway of Yan'an Prefecture. Once Ganquan City is lost, most of Yan'an Prefecture cannot be saved. Wu Yangui's defeat was because Ganquan City could not be saved. This time it is just a repeat of the same trick. As long as Wang Ziyong wants Yan'an Prefecture, he must concentrate

More troops are guarding Ganquan City. At least Zhang Damou's troops cannot be moved.

As long as Zhang Damou's troops are unable to move, the officers and soldiers in the north are safe. With Zhang Cunmeng's strength, it is almost impossible to defeat the nearly 20,000 elite soldiers of Xuanfu and Datong. Cao Wenzhao has great confidence in Tiemo

, as long as Zhang Damou's main force can be held back here, Tie Mo will definitely have a way to recapture the entire Hetao. Of course, Cao Wenzhao will not tell Hong Chengchou the previously planned plan to share the spoils.

Although he has a good relationship with Hong Chengchou, Cao Wenzhao will not cause trouble for him because of his different paths in civil and military affairs. The matter of dividing the spoils is purely helpless. Ever since he became the commander-in-chief of Suide, he has never had a good life. Suide Army

Not to mention that the town was occupied by the peasant army, who wanted to expand the army and recruit troops, but the court had not allocated military pay for half a year. If he didn't think of a way, the people under Cao Wenzhao would mutiny.

On April 16th of the third year of Chongzhen, Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou and Liu Ying met together and suddenly launched a fierce attack on Ganquan City. For a time, Ganquan City was in turmoil. Fortunately, Yuan Ma had a group of desperadoes under his command.

Zhang Yichuan, Wei Yang and others rescued Ganquan City in time, so that Ganquan City was safe. However, the posture displayed by the officers and soldiers did not mean to harass and feign an attack at all, as if they wanted to swallow Ganquan City in one bite.

Yuan Ma had no choice but to ask Zhang Damou for help, and Zhang Damou was now in a dilemma. At this time, it was not only Yuan Ma who asked Zhang Damou for help, but Zhang Cunmeng from Hequ was also anxious for reinforcements. Zhang Damou wanted to guard Ansai City and Yan'an City.

The number of soldiers and horses that could be divided was limited, so naturally it was impossible to consider everything, so he could only choose one place to support. After much deliberation, he could not make up his mind, so Zhang Damou left this troublesome problem to Wang Ziyong.

Wang Ziyong cursed in his heart. It seemed that there was no need to think too much about this problem. He must be protected first. But once the troops were concentrated to deal with the living king of hell in the north, Ganquan City might be lost. Once Ganquan was lost, Yan'an Prefecture would not be protected. Without Yan'an Prefecture

, the officers and soldiers will definitely attack Qingyang Mansion. Once Qingyang Mansion is breached, his life will be lost.

Of course, you can retreat to the northwest, but Wang Ziyong is not willing to do this. If the Hetao is lost, there is still much to be done as long as you occupy Yan'an Prefecture and Qingyang Prefecture. It is not cost-effective to save the Hetao but face the worry of your life. Ming

Knowing that protecting the Loop was the best choice, Wang Ziyong chose to protect Ganquan. At this point, he no longer needed to take risks.

The next day, Wang Ziyong ordered Zhang Dasheng to rush to Ganquan City to help prevent officers and soldiers from flooding into Yan'an Prefecture. At the same time, he ordered Zhang Xianzhong of Mizhi City to provide effective support to Zhang Cunmeng.

Zhang Xianzhong was somewhat dissatisfied with the king's order for his own use. In the battle of Zhenxiwei, he lost many troops and lost so much supplies. Now most of the people in the army are frightened by the living king of hell. They haven't recovered yet, and they have to go again.

Support Zhang Cunmeng.

Liu Wenxiu was very unhappy and said in a cold voice: "What do you mean, Chief Wang? We encountered difficulties before, but we didn't send a single soldier. Now the Loop is in danger. Do you remember that we are here?"

Zhang Xianzhong didn't want to send troops to Hequ, but he would not be so short-sighted as Liu Wenxiu, "Shut up. Although Leader Wang's order is a bit unscrupulous, it will not do us any good to just sit and watch the officers and soldiers occupy the Hetao. So be it, but

I hope you will take seven thousand brothers to Hequ tomorrow, so that no matter what the outcome is, Chief Wang will not be able to find any problems with us."

"Yeah!" Sun Kewang nodded heavily.

Early in the morning, Sun Kewang ordered his troops and horses to leave Mizhi, but as soon as they left Mizhi within fifty miles, they encountered Orger's cavalry. The two sides fought fiercely, and when the battle reached Shenshi, Sun Kewang led the remaining soldiers back to Mizhi.

This chapter has been completed!
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