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Chapter 297

Chapter 297 Blood and Fire Come from the Same Origin

Sun Kewang nodded solemnly, and the two led the army towards the southeast. Half an hour later, countless peasant troops began to drill into the ancient elm forest. At this moment, Sun Kewang actually hoped that the leading general of the other side was an idiot, and if he ordered

It would be wonderful to catch up with everyone.

Relying on the terrain of the woods, I can completely inflict heavy damage on this cavalry, which will be a great achievement.

No one wanted to fight with the Yunfu cavalry in an open area. The peasant army had fought many times with the Xuanfu soldiers and horses, and they had more or less figured out some rules. After entering the ancient elm forest, many peasant soldiers did not need to be ordered by Sun Kewang.

The soldiers dispersed consciously, each looking for a position, intending to take advantage of the complex terrain of the woods to inflict heavy damage on the cavalry. Unfortunately, the cavalry led by Zhou Dingshan slashed for a while and stopped three miles away from the ancient elm forest. The cavalry did not enter the forest, but

It was running around the outside of the forest in the southwest direction.

Liu Wenxiu was a little confused. Even if the opponent didn't pursue him, he should have retreated to Yuci County. Why did he run to the southwest? But now, there was no way to figure out these problems. If the cavalry didn't come in, he would have to take advantage of this short period of time.

It was time to take a good rest. I had been attacking the city continuously before, seeing the victory imminent, and then being beaten by the Yunfu cavalry. It can be said that I was exhausted physically and mentally, and my morale was low.

To the south of the ancient elm forest, Geng Zhongming played with the telescope in his hand and marveled at it. As a leading general, he was no stranger to telescopes. Since the appearance of this object, Pi Dao has also found someone to get a few, but the telescope he used before

The effect of the mirror is much worse than what is used today. The military telescope currently equipped by the generals of Xuanfu can see farther and clearer.

Through the telescope, the ancient elm forest five miles away can be seen clearly. Since the peasant army entered the ancient elm forest, Geng Zhongming ordered all troops to hide. Looking at the sky, I can't help but feel anxious. If Zhou Dingshan has not arrived,

He must not take action rashly when reserving a location. He was anxious, but Geng Zhongming's face remained as steady as a mountain without any panic. However, Li Jiucheng and Li Yingyuan were a little unsteady, "Did something go wrong? How about we take action first?"


"No, if we act rashly, the bandits will definitely counterattack under desperate circumstances. Even if we can block the attack of the bandits, we will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Wait a minute. Although General Zhou is young, he is a god with his troops, so he probably won't."

Halfway through the words, Li Yingyuan exclaimed, and saw a loud arrow rising into the sky from the southwest, followed by another loud arrow, three consecutive arrows, which was the agreed signal. Geng Zhongming was overjoyed, held his telescope tightly, and said coldly.

Said: "Act as planned, everyone, this is our first joint operation. Don't lose the face of my old Pi Dao team!"

"Brother Geng, don't worry. Iron Governor gave us brothers a chance. If we still can't seize it, we might as well go back to fishing!" Li Jiuzheng clenched his fist with his right hand and beat his chest. When Governor Mao died, Li Jiucheng and others were already a little nervous.

He was disheartened. Pi Dao's old troops were not allowed to be included in the Liaodong system. From now on, they would either be kicked away or suppressed to the point of being out of breath. When he was on the verge of despair, Governor Sun sent a summons from Yun Mansion.

This is an excellent opportunity, but it also requires ability, because the Iron Governor does not raise mediocre people under his command.

Li Jiucheng and Li Yingyuan quickly took action. They gave an order and the soldiers who had already been ambushing in the south of the ancient elm forest placed many fire starters at predetermined locations. There were also some people who carried wooden buckets and kept scattering black rice dumplings.

The liquid slipped from the vegetation, glowing with a blurry brilliance under the sun. If Sun Kewang saw this scene, he would be shocked and lead his people to flee towards Yuci County. What these people poured was not something else, but

Tung oil, a large number of barrels of oil are sprinkled in the forest. If someone sets a fire, what will happen?

Sun Kewang and Liu Wenxiu, who knew nothing about this, began to advance southwestward with a large number of peasant troops after a short rest. By this time, they were no longer afraid of the Yunfu cavalry. As long as they left the ancient elm forest, they would

It's not far from Yueyang City. Even if the Yunfu cavalry is setting up defenses outside, so what? Leader Zhang's reinforcements are probably nearby. If there is a fight, it's not certain who will suffer.

Apart from the sound of footsteps and heavy breathing, there was no noise in the ancient elm forest. The occasional birdsong in the past could no longer be heard. Gradually, Liu Wenxiu felt uneasy in his heart. This was southern Shanxi, not Shaanxi.

In the north, the people here have not yet reached the point of chewing tree bark and eating all the birds and beasts. Suddenly, Liu Wenxiu stopped, and Sun Kewang next to him also turned over and dismounted, holding the horse's rein and observing the surroundings carefully.

Liu Wenxiu touched Sun Kewang anxiously and whispered: "You feel it too?"

"Well, something is wrong. The birds in the forest are doing amazing things, and the outside of the forest has become extremely quiet. Something is wrong. Come on, please send people to the front to investigate!" Although a group of scouts were sent to explore the road before, and the news returned was nothing unusual.

However, out of caution, Sun Kewang would rather use more manpower than take risks. The further he went, the more uneasy he became.

Sun Kewang was from a lower class background and did not have any outstanding military talents, but he was as keen as a hunter, especially his sense of danger, which was generally very accurate. There was no sound in the forest, and there were no pursuers behind him. This was unreasonable.

They walked about a mile further and arrived at the middle of the ancient elm forest. At this time, someone escaped from the spies sent out, and they brought back a surprising news. In fact, even if the spies didn't say anything at this time, Sun Kewang and Liu

Wenxiu also understood everything.

In front of me, there was a sky-high flame. On the left, in front, and on the right, there were fires. The overwhelming fire surrounded the entire ancient elm forest. The fire was getting closer and closer, and you could even hear the sound of pipa playing from the burning trees.

At the end of May, the wind is mostly from the southeast, and the breeze is like a fire dragon sweeping over. The hot and burning smell in the wind makes people's scalp numb.

Sun Kewang was stunned. He had never encountered such a situation since he raised the army. This was a raging fire, and there were elm trees around it. It was a desperate situation.

"Ah" Fire and water are ruthless and will never stop for the sake of living beings. In the blink of an eye, the fire has spread. The people at the front had no time to react and were instantly swallowed up by the flames. A peasant soldier screamed loudly, hoping that his companions could

Save yourself, but at this time, if you don’t have time to take care of yourself, who has the thought to save others.

Click, an ancient elm tree could not withstand the burning of the fire and fell down with a groan. Several peasant soldiers nearby fled in shock, but two people were still trapped underneath. The flames jumped up and wrapped them up instantly.


In front of everyone, life is so fragile, as humble as ants. Many people have panicked. They can fight with the officers and soldiers, and even swim across the glacier, but in the face of the fire, they have no courage to fight.

"Run away, run away." A peasant army soldier was lying on the ground with difficulty, trying to grab something with his hands, but he grabbed two handfuls of hot and charred earth. His body was on fire, like a wriggling fire beast. His clothes were covered with fire.

After being burned and stuck to the skin, the entire back became charred and rippling, and the red flesh was exposed, making it look so terrifying.

Run away. If you don't run away, everyone will be burned to death here. Many people turned around and ran as fast as they could. Sun Kewang couldn't stop them even if he wanted to.

The fire is raging, the south wind is gusting, and the hope of survival is very small when fleeing with the wind. If the fire cannot catch up, the black smoke alone can suffocate people and even lose their sense of direction. Sun Kewang and Liu Wenxiu cannot control their troops.

, they can only take their cronies upwind. After passing the wind and passing through the place where the fire is most intense, there is a possibility of escaping. Running with the wind, Sun Kewang is not that stupid. Even if he escapes by chance, so what.

Facing the officers and soldiers who are waiting for work?

Fire, fire everywhere, this ancient elm forest has become the best crematorium. Blood-red flames soared into the sky, burning everything, and all life evaporated and turned into fertilizer in the fire. The peasant army in the ancient elm forest

There were too many. As they scrambled to escape, it became chaotic and crowded. Coupled with the thick smoke that spread over them, everyone coughed violently, could not see the road clearly, and almost ran away blind.

Some people went to the left, some to the right, trampling on each other, and soon they were killing each other. In the thick smoke, a strong man waved the ghost head knife fiercely and cursed: "Get away

, get out of my way, don’t block the road.”

"Get out of here, there is fire over there, why don't you run over there?" No matter how much the other party is willing to give in, both parties feel that they have chosen the right direction. If they disagree, they start fighting in order to survive. The fire engulfs the helpless people.

Killing each other, there were screams, curses, and even crazy laughter. The world was in chaos, the forest was crazy, and the earth here was full of blood and fire.

A teenager squatted on the ground and shivered. He cried helplessly and didn't know what to do. No one pitied him. Someone took him to the ground. Soon more people stepped on him. When the fire spread,

He has become a dead body.

On the other side, Sun Kewang's troops, who were traveling against the wind, also paid a heavy price. How could it be so easy to get through the area where the fire was most intense? Along the way, I dodged many broken trees and encountered countless fires.

After being in danger so many times, he finally managed to break through. After looking around, Sun Kewang only felt a pain in his heart. There were more than 3,000 followers when he came, but after breaking through, only more than a thousand were left. They were either burned to death or

He couldn't breathe and suffocated to death in the thick smoke area.

At this time, Sun Kewang was holding a rag in his hand, and a strong smell of urine came from it. In order to survive, Sun Kewang held back all the urine he had accumulated, and relied on the rag soaked in urine to survive.

Killed by heavy smoke.

His clothes were in tatters, his face was dark, and there were burns in many places. The fire was still spreading to the north, and faint screams could be heard in the distance.

Under the black dust, Sun Kewang's face became ferocious and frightened. It's over, it's all over. How many people can survive in this fire? At this time, not to mention Sun Kewang, even the extremely shrewd Liu Wenxiu also raised his eyebrows.

There was a deep sense of fear. That fear had seeped into my bones.

The living king of hell is really terrible. When one of the 20,000-strong army came face to face, most of them were taken away by a fire before they could fight each other. I want to ask, is there anyone else in the world that the living king of hell hates more? In this world,

, it seems that there is nothing that the King of Hell would not dare to do. Back then, Geng Zhongming set a fire at the gate of Yinzhou Pass. This time, it was a fire again.

Geng Zhongming is terrible, but the Living King of Hell is even more terrifying. Without the permission of the Living King of Hell, would Geng Zhongming dare to do such an inhumane thing?

Officers and soldiers have never used such methods to suppress bandits. In the final analysis, the so-called bandits are not alien Tatars, but mostly refugees who cannot survive. Because of this, the imperial court used to suppress bandits mainly with gentleness, and it was very easy to defeat the bandits.

Massacres rarely occur. However, the appearance of Tie Mo broke this rule of thumb. No matter what others think, Tie Mo will dare to use any method as long as he can win. Set fire, break mountains, and release water. Because of this,

All the bandits are afraid of Tie Mo.

Perhaps it's because Tie Mo rarely killed anyone in the past six months. He even had a peace negotiation with Zhang Xianzhong when he was in charge of the West Guard. Because of this, it gave Zhang Xianzhong an illusion and he temporarily forgot about Tie Mo.

Mo was so fierce that he actually wanted to attack the Chang family. Everything went smoothly, but with the arrival of the Yun Mansion army, everything changed.

Sun Kewang felt that he should have advised Zhang Xianzhong at the beginning, not to offend anyone but the Living Hell King. This bastard simply killed people without batting an eyelid and did not treat people as human beings. Chang Yinxu was the prospective father-in-law of the Living Hell King and took action against the Chang family.

Isn't this a tiger plucking hair from its head? I don't know why his adoptive father vowed that Yuci City would be defeated, but Sun Kewang felt that he really didn't feel any relief when he defeated Yuci City.

Liu Wenxiu patted Sun Kewang on the shoulder and looked forward with difficulty, "Brother Sun, don't think too much. At this point, whether you can survive or not, you can only leave it to fate. Cheer up, you still have to rely on the road ahead.

As for you, if the other party sets this fire, they must have ambushed soldiers and horses outside and rush out, which will inevitably lead to a fierce battle."

"Haha" Sun Kewang smiled miserably, looking at the charred earth and the burned dry tree trunks all around, like a devil with teeth and claws, "Wenxiu, do you regret it? We shouldn't have come to Yuci in the first place. Listen to me and attack Pingyang Mansion nearby.

Isn't it great? The Kang family in Pingyang Prefecture is also a very wealthy family in southern Shanxi, not much worse than the Chang family."

Liu Wenxiu showed a wry smile, "Brother Sun, don't you think I haven't thought about it? But things are not that simple. Pingyang Mansion can fight, and we have already fought. Not to mention the many Shanxi soldiers and horses gathered there, there is another

The important reason is that we cannot attack Pingyang Mansion. Although my adoptive father did not say it clearly, we can more or less guess that there seems to be some secret dealings between the Kang family and Chief Wang."

"I see!"

Some things are beyond Sun Kewang's control. The most important thing now is to rush out alive. Step by step, he walked through the burned-out woods. As soon as he stepped out, he saw a group of soldiers and horses lying in front of him in the distance, blocking the way.

On the way to Yueyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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