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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Blood splatters and life is about to end

The Tatar pushed the woman to the ground and ignored her cries.

The remaining Tatars almost held a woman in their arms, showing the ugliest side of their willfulness. One girl resisted a little, and the Tatar lying on her roared angrily, grabbed her neck with both hands, and laughed.

Tie Mo grabbed his left hand into the soil and let the cold snow touch his cheek. The chill did not calm him down, but instead the anger grew stronger and stronger.

Seeing that the girl was about to suffocate, Tie Mo couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up, and ran down the slope like a cheetah.

"Kill...Kill the Tatars..."

An angry shout, like thunder on the ground, made the Tatars who were still playing with the girl dizzy. The Tatar who wanted to strangle the girl just raised his head and saw a tower-like bald man rushing towards him.

He opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the strong man kicked him, and Tartar scraped the ground and fell two feet away.

The power of the kick was like a heavy hammer. The Tatar coughed blood and tried to get up. At this time, the bald man followed up, stomped down with his big feet, and hit the Tatar's neck.

The larynx was broken and he couldn't breathe. The Tatar covered his neck, blood oozing out from mouth to mouth, and he could only make painful coughing sounds from his throat.

Tie Mo was the first to charge, but it was Han Hu who rushed forward to save the girl.

"Kill the Tartars..."


Tie Mo rushed to the bottom of the slope and stabbed a Tatar who was still lying on the woman to the ground with his iron spear.

After all, it was my first time to kill someone, and I lacked a bit of ruthlessness in my bones. The shot failed to hit the vital point.

The Tatar rolled on the spot, ignoring the wound on his shoulder, and picked up the knife on the ground, "The Han...sneak attack..."

Tie Mo's eyes widened and he roared: "Fuck you...kill..."

The spear shook and stabbed forward again. The Tatar tried to push the spear head away with his sword, but when the sword and gun struck each other, he felt that the tiger's mouth was numb, and the momentum of the spear head continued unabated, and he was unable to stop it.

There was a pop, and the Tatar watched helplessly as the gun tip pierced his heart, letting out a howl like a beast.

He drew his gun and kicked the Tatar to the ground. The Tatar looked at the Han man who turned away unwillingly. This Han man was so powerful.

The Tatars had become a mess. They were caught off guard and several of them died in one encounter.

In fact, the Tatars are not weak. Those who dare to form a team to go south to harvest grass and valleys are all ruthless members of the Mongolian tribe. These Mongolians grew up on horseback, herding cattle and sheep, and hunting wild wolves. They can be said to be bow-horses.


If he hadn't been unprepared, he would never have been killed in such a panic by more than a dozen guardsmen.

It can only be said that these Tatars are too arrogant. When they came to Tuolingpo and rested, they were not wary at all and just wanted to have fun.

Arrogance will eventually have to pay a price.

In the blink of an eye, seven of the fifteen Tatars died, and the remaining eight Tatars gathered around the leading Mongolian man. They surrounded the city in a small circle, with scimitars in their hands like sharp fangs, and two guardsmen rushed at them.

He went up and died immediately under the knife.

At this time, the gap between the guardsmen and the Tatars became apparent.

After the initial panic, the Tatars showed their ferocity to the fullest. On the contrary, the guardsmen were eager to destroy the remaining Tatars, and several people died under the Tatar sword array.

The guardsmen still had an advantage in terms of numbers, but in terms of combat effectiveness and ruthlessness, they couldn't compare with the Tatars.

The remaining Tatars cannot be allowed to gather together, and we must find a way to separate them.

Tie Mo pulled Shi Hu over and whispered a few words. After a while, Shi Hu ran over with a bundle of dry grass. He took out the huozhe and lit the dry grass. Shi Hu roared, and the flaming pile of grass hit the Tatar's head.

The haystack fell to the ground and burned more and more. The Tatars dared not get together. They were afraid of setting fire to their clothes, so they dispersed in a hurry.

Seeing the right opportunity, Tie Mo roared angrily and rushed forward again with the remaining military households.

Tonight, either these Tatars will be killed or they will all die in the hands of the Tatars.

A Tatar came forward angrily. Tie Mo came forward with a gun, stabbed him to the ground, and then rushed towards the strong Mongolian man in black armor.

The strong man also saw Tie Mo, forced the monkey in front of him to retreat with a knife, and rushed towards Tie Mo to kill him.

The strong man saw that five Mongolian men died in the hands of this Han man.



The strong man was filled with anger, and his hands were fierce, and the knife was like a meteor, and he slashed it down quickly. Tie Mo could only block it by holding the gun barrel sideways. There was a clang, sparks flew everywhere, and a numbness came from the hands holding the gun.

Such fast knife skills and great strength.

Tie Mo didn't retreat at all. He saw the right moment, dragged his spear backwards, and swept it towards the strong man's head. The strong man didn't expect that Tie Mo not only didn't retreat, but also launched a counterattack. His eyes narrowed, and he quickly bent down to dodge. As soon as he lowered his head, Tie Mo didn't retreat at all.

, Tie Mo actually jumped up, bent his knees and slammed into him.

The strong man was horrified. He had no time to put away the knife, so he twisted his body forcefully and turned his left side over, avoiding the vital point.

A knee was pushed against him, which made the strong man gasp in pain, and two ribs on his left side were broken. If the knee was pushed against his heart, he would probably lose half his life.

The strong man took two steps back, breathing heavily, and his eyes became as red as blood. He spit out blood and showed a ferocious smile, "Hey... interesting, Han, you are very good at fighting...

.However, you are dead..."

"It's not certain who will live or die if I marry your mother!"

Tie Mo was also horrified. He could escape from this. This Mongolian Tatar is indeed a ruthless character.

As he spoke, the strong Mongolian man pulled off his black armor, revealing his thick black chest hair, and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Knife and gun, they were entangled again. The strong man fought more and more fiercely. Although Tie Mo had strange strength, he had too little fighting experience after all, and was gradually suppressed by the scimitar in the strong man's hand. The strong man whipped his leg and forced

De Tiemo could only hide to the side, but at this moment, the strong man's scimitar swept over from a strange angle.

Tie Mo's eyes widened and he cried out in pain. In a panic, he put his spear on the ground, stopped his body, and hurriedly hid back. But even so, the scimitar still left a heavy wound on his shoulder.

The thick smell of blood assaulted his nostrils. Before Tie Mo could stand firm, the strong man kicked him, and his chest felt as if it was broken. He flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

"Han dog... you are dead... you all have to die..."

The strong man clenched his fist and beat his chest, roaring loudly.

With red eyes and thick chest hair, he looks like a bloodthirsty monster!

Tie Mo felt sad, was he going to die now?

Just as the strong man's cold scimitar was about to cut down, a figure rushed over and hugged the strong man's waist.

It was a thin figure, his name was Han Niuer, an ordinary military household.

Han Niuer hugged the strong man's waist tightly and cried sharply: "You stupid blind man...quickly...kill him...kill him..."

Just as he was about to kill the Han dog, he was suddenly blocked by a sheep. The strong man was furious, staring at the eyes like bells, and hit Han Niu'er's chest with his elbows.

The elbow strikes were like a heavy hammer, and you could almost hear the sound of ribs breaking.

Han Niu'er almost lost the ability to think. He was so cruel that he opened his mouth and bit the strong man's neck.

The strong man let out a blood-curdling howl and tried to reverse the scissor, trying to kill the sheep hanging on his body.

Tie Mo finally came to his senses, picked up the spear, endured the severe pain in his body, and rushed forward.

The spear stabbed hard into the strong man's chest. One shot almost exhausted all the strength in his body.


The strong man looked at the spear stuck in his heart in disbelief, and the hand holding the knife lowered unwillingly. He fell heavily like a mountain, pressing the thin Han Niuer under him.

Tie Mo felt like his whole body was falling apart, and he had no strength to pull the gun out. Under the strong man, Han Niu'er kept twitching, coughing blood from his mouth, and red liquid flowed out of the corners of his eyes. He didn't know it was tears.

Still blood.

He tried his best to move the strong man's nearly 200 kilogram body away, and patted Han Niuer's cheek.

After a long while, Han Niuer opened his eyes and grinned miserably, "Ahem... let's kill him... ahem..."

Seeing that Han Niu'er was not in danger, Tie Mo lay beside Han Niu'er, with his limbs spread wide and his eyes looking at the stars in the sky.

The strong wind swept through, but the thick smell of blood lingered for a long time.

At this time, even a woman with no strength to tie a chicken could just walk over with a knife and kill Tie Mo and Han Niu'er.

In the distance, the firelight flickered, and Ruan Ergou had a knife stuck in his back. The blood stained the tattered coat on his body, but he screamed crazily, clenched his fists, and punched the Tatar's face one after another.

Gradually, the Tatar became a bloody mess and lost his voice. However, Ruan Ergou still punched him one after another until he could no longer lift his fists. Then he lay on the Tatar's body, smiling stupidly.


Tatar's face was rotten, and so were Ruan Ergou's hands.

"Hey... I killed another one... Two more... Two more... I have food to eat... Ahem...


At this time, only one of the fifteen Tatars was left alive. A young and thin man rushed towards the Tatars crazily, but was kicked to the ground by the Tatars every time. However, he fell to the ground every time.

He gets up quickly when he gets down, like a mad dog that cannot die.

Gradually, the remaining Tatar panicked, because he found that all his companions were dead and he was the only one still alive.

I really wanted to kill the mad dog in front of me, but I didn’t know where the knife in my hand was left. After I kicked the Han dog over, I was just about to escape when the Han dog came up to me again.

He was obviously as skinny as a stick, but where did he get the energy to fight like that?

The Tatar was also a little crazy. He gave up escaping, kicked the thin Han man over, bullied him, and punched him with his huge fist.

"Han dog...go to hell...go to hell..."

The thin man kept struggling, but after all he was no match for the Tatars.

Just as he was about to kill this clinging Chinese dog, the Tatar heard an angry roar and turned his head to look, only to see a bald man rushing towards him.

The bald man grabbed Tatar's waist, shouted angrily, and forcibly lifted Tatar over his head, then pushed him down and pushed his knees up.

With a click, Tatar's waist twisted in an irregular shape.

After Shi Hu killed the last Tatar, he helped the thin man sit up, "Ke La... Ke La..."

Xie Kaela vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and said with a sad smile: "Brother Dahu...I'm fine..."

Xie Kaila did not feel happy about the aftermath of the disaster, but looked sadly at the corpse of the Tatar next to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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