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Chapter 311 Difficult and fierce battle

Chapter 311 A tough battle

Zhang Damai was attacked by tens of thousands of peasant troops and quickly cleared the outer defenses of the south bank ferry. Due to the pressure from Gao Yingxiang, Luoyang was unable to mobilize reinforcements. At this time, all the pressure came on Tie Mo.

Tie Mo also didn't expect that Zhang Damou would work so hard. In order to recapture the south bank ferry, he pressed all the soldiers and horses up. Isn't he afraid that he will lose his wife and lose his troops? The current situation is something Wang Zuogao and others did not expect.

Arrived. The soil at the south bank of Maojin Ferry is soft and the terrain is not open. It is simply a nightmare for cavalry. The cavalry cannot be used, and the combat effectiveness of the Xuanfu army is greatly reduced.

Because we came to fight in Henan, considering mobility, the main army only had a small number of musketeers and shield soldiers. Of course, the dismounted cavalry could also be used as infantry, but Tie Mo was not stupid enough to let the cavalry dismount to fight the rogue bandits.

, got kicked by a donkey, right?

Reinforcements, it would be great if there were reinforcements. Apart from Henan Prefecture, the only one that can mobilize reinforcements now is Hangu Pass. But Tie Mo didn't dare to think about Hangu Pass. Ding Luyan didn't have many soldiers under his command.

, it is no longer easy to hold on to Hangu Pass. Under such circumstances, it is a bit fanciful to expect Ding Luyan to break common sense and attack Zhang Damou from behind.

If Ding Luyan had enough soldiers and horses, I believe Hangu Pass would definitely send troops to rescue them. However, the actual combat strength of Hangu Pass was less than 6,000.

Under the repeated orders of Tie Mo and Wang Zuoguan, the Xuanfu troops and horses have gradually shrunk and concentrated at the ferry. Now we can only see if we can rely on artillery and musketeers, and rely on the terrain of the ferry to repel Zhang Damou.

If you can't retreat, you will have to retreat to the north bank. I never thought that the first battle to cross the Yellow River would be so difficult.

Zhang Damou's soldiers and horses have not yet pressed forward, but Tie Mo's face is already extremely ugly. From the time when he started his own army at Wei Mo to the rise of Zhang Bei, he has never fought such a useless battle, as if his hands and feet were tied up.

He has 30,000 elite cavalry. If they were placed in a flat area, he would not be afraid of a hundred thousand bandits. It would be better now to let Zhang Damou be beaten so badly. Ten miles south of the ferry, Zhang Damou was

The army was divided into four parts, recuperating their strength, preparing to launch a general attack on the ferry, and driving the officers and soldiers back to the north bank in one fell swoop. At this time, the riverside dock was also a busy scene.

Hai Lanzhu, dressed in red armor, stood on the bow of the boat, staring at the shore. Behind her stood several scribes. One of the scribes persuaded with a bitter face: "Madam, please don't embarrass me. Superintendent

The commander asked you to return to the north bank first for your own good. Now the war is not going in our favor. If you make any mistake, the supervisor will be confused."

"Shut up, I'm going back to the North Coast. What to do with the baggage?" Hai Lanzhu gritted his silver teeth, with a layer of frost on his beautiful face. After finally transporting the supplies to the South Bank, this was the situation. Those things

The supplies were collected with great difficulty. For these supplies, Chang Minyue and I stayed awake for almost four days and nights.

Several clerks did not dare to say a word, baggage? At this time, no matter how much baggage is not as important as the lady. If the lady is not safely sent back to the north bank, if something really happens, the supervisor will definitely send them and a few followers first.

Cut it.

Not long after, Chang Minyue got on the boat with a cold face. After seeing Hai Lanzhu, she gently shook her head, "It's no use, that guy is determined to let us go back to the north coast."

"Then go back. We can't help you with what happens next. In that case, let him worry less!" Hai Lanzhu sighed softly.


On the first day of August in the third year of Chongzhen, near noon, Zhang Damou, who had finished his rest, finally ordered a general attack on the ferry. On this day, the sound of killing on the south bank of Maojin Ferry was loud, and the earth shook. In order to avenge his shame, Yuan Ma led the

His own cannibal army has become the vanguard. Sometimes I really have to admire Yuan Ma. He relied on his fierce strength to create a terrifying beast army. This cannibal army has less than 3,000 people.

The troops are bloodthirsty and crazy, and are not afraid of death. Blood will only make them more excited.

Yuan Ma held up his bloody head, his eyes were red, and he grinned wildly: "Kill... Brothers, rush over and capture the King of Hell alive. I will cook him and divide him and eat him..."

"Oh...oh..." Many people roared like beasts. They seemed to have forgotten what happened in Mizhi City back then. Geng Zhongming commanded a defense line composed of a thousand men and horses.

Within half an hour, Yuan Ma opened a gap. In desperation, he could only order to retreat.

Under the guard of his own soldiers, Geng Zhongming retreated without saying a word. He accidentally looked back and his scalp went numb. He saw a bandit soldier grabbing an arm and opening his mouth with his teeth exposed.

There was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He...he was eating meat, and the madman-like grin in his eyes was so terrifying.

This was the first time Geng Zhongming met Yuan Ma. Although he had heard about cannibalism, he still felt a little nauseous when he actually saw it. When he was in Liaodong, what kind of thing had he not seen? But something like this was swallowing human flesh directly on the battlefield.

, it is unheard of, not even the wild wolves in the forest can do such a thing. In a certain respect, this man-eating army is more hateful than the Tartars.

Holding back his nausea, Geng Zhongming accelerated his retreat, retreated to the second line of defense, pushed away the person in front of him, lay on the ground and vomited. It was not until he vomited out the acidic water in his stomach that he felt better.

Liu Guoneng patted Geng Zhongming on the shoulder and said with a wry smile: "It seems that Brother Geng has seen the horror of Yuan Ma. In order to defeat Yuan Ma, the governor suffered a lot and was almost buried under Mizhi City."

Liu Guoneng never dared to look down on Yuan Ma, and he was not ashamed of him as a human being, but the group of beasts gathered by this man were definitely the most capable soldiers and horses under Zhang Damou. In the blink of an eye, a large number of peasant troops had rushed to the second line of defense.

Fortunately, the terrain on the south bank of the ferry is not open, and the peasant army cannot deploy all its troops. Otherwise, the pressure will only be greater. But even so, the two defense areas guarded by Liu Guoneng and Zhou Dingshan are still in danger, especially the northeastern Tianpo highland guarded by Zhou Dingshan.


Tianpo Highland is actually just a mound. Unfortunately, the mound is too narrow and long. Zhang Yichuan, Wei Yang and Du Wen joined forces and attacked from the east and west directions, making it difficult for Zhou Dingshan to see from the beginning to the end. In the end, Zhou Dingshan's men

There are only more than 2,000 musketeers. If these musketeers form a musket formation, they will be extremely powerful, but if they are scattered on the high ground on the field slope, they will not be able to form a fire coverage.

Gunshots continued to sound, and peasant soldiers kept falling down wailing, but these gunshots could not stop the peasant army from advancing. Zhou Dingshan had no choice but to order all troops to gather in the east, and use intensive firepower to temporarily

Du Wen's attack was repelled. Du Wen was repulsed, but the west side was seized by the peasant army.

"Chen Yaofeng, lead half of the troops and guard the east side. No matter what, you will definitely be able to carry the general for two hours. If you let the thieves come over, I will chop off your head!" Zhou Dingshan gave the order extremely seriously, and Chen Yaofeng felt in his heart

I was shocked and suddenly felt extremely stressed.

Zhang Yichuan and Wei Yang still have nearly ten thousand fighting men. Can they hold back a thousand musketeers for two hours? But the military orders are overwhelming, and Chen Yaofeng dare not say no.

"Don't worry, general, if I can't withstand two hours, I will throw this broken body here!" Putting down his harsh words, Chen Yaofeng turned around to supervise the battle. Looking at the opponent's back, Zhou Dingshan couldn't bear it. He knew how cruel this order was.

He also knew how difficult this task was. However, he, Zhou Dingshan, couldn't do anything because he only had so many soldiers and horses under his command.

The battle for Tianpo Highlands has entered a fierce stage. After fighting for a long time, the thieves' heads were already congested with blood, and many of them didn't know what death was. Chen Yaofeng personally supervised the battle and led his troops to fight, but he watched the people coming from the other side.

Thief, he sighed inwardly. This time, it was probably doomed. He didn't expect that someone like him, Chen, would die here.

From the ferry command post, Tie Mo's angry curses were heard. The battle in Tianpo Highland was very tragic. More than half of Zhou Dingshan's troops were lost. Without reinforcements, the fall was only a matter of time. Orger stood aside and said loudly:

"Supervisor, let the general go up with the people. If you don't go, General Zhou will really not be able to hold on."

Tie Mo held the table with both hands and said nothing. His brows were furrowed and his shoulders were shaking, as if he was making a difficult decision. After a long time, he raised his head, with a ruthless look in his eyes, "Orge, your life is divided."

Give me half of it and take it to Tianpo Highland."

"Here!" Orger stood up straight and said loudly. At this time, Wang Zuo was anxious and rushed up to stop Orger, "Supervisor, no, those are cavalry who have been on the battlefield for a long time. Let them guard the high ground.

...No matter how we fight this battle, we will all lose..."

"Hey, sir, do you think I don't know the truth behind this? But sometimes fighting is not just a business. The life of the cavalry is life, but the lives of other people are not. Now, they need this inspector.

Send reinforcements. If we do nothing, what will those brothers who are still fighting bloody battles think? In order to protect the precious cavalry, are we in vain to care about the lives and deaths of those brothers? "

Tie Mo looked heavy and punched the table, "No, I can't do it. Orger, go ahead... After two hours, you will withdraw..."

As Tie Mo's order was issued, half of the cavalry under Orger's command became infantry and were pushed onto the high ground. The reason why this choice was made was a helpless move. If reinforcements were really needed, only the soldiers under Orger's command would be needed.

Horses are most suitable. A considerable part of Org's troops and horses are the original Naiman people. These Naiman people are skilled in bow and horse.

Using cavalry as infantry is definitely the stupidest behavior. Anyone who knows some military knowledge knows this truth. A long time ago, someone calculated that one cavalry is worth at least five infantry, and the life of the cavalry is higher than that of five infantry.

Infantry is too valuable. The training and training of cavalry requires more than ten times the resources of musketeers.

The training of musketeers is simply simpler than that of the previous infantry. With basic drills and operations, they can be competent in half a year, but cavalry cannot. Because of this understanding, when Orger's soldiers and horses rushed up the high slope, the frontline soldiers

I felt another warm current pass through my heart. The supervisor did not regard them as cannon fodder to attract firepower. This feeling of being valued is really wonderful.

With the addition of Orger, the peasant army's offensive on the Tianpo Highlands was immediately blocked. What Zhang Damou couldn't accept was that the officers and soldiers who had just been beaten and stalled suddenly burst out with a force, and they were very sure of themselves.

The big offensive was blocked.

At the ferry command post, Tie Mo and others were waiting anxiously. Orger's soldiers and horses had already pushed up, but no one knew how much impact it would have on the battle situation, because with the timely reinforcements, in general, Zhang Damu was greatly affected.

Still the one with the advantage.

The sound of hasty footsteps sounded, and an orderly soldier's feet became weak and he stumbled. He stumbled into the command post and gasped: "Superintendent...the thieves have retreated...retreat."


Tie Mo's eyes widened and he was stunned for a while. Then he stood up and punched the air, "Great! Tell He Jingyuan to give him another hour. After one hour, if the cannonball still can't land,

If it gets on the head of a thief, I will twist off his head and stuff it into the cannon barrel."

Wang Zuoguan breathed a long sigh of relief. At the same time, he also admired Tie Mo's previous decision. It was only now that he realized the difference between himself and Tie Mo.

Tie Mo may not be able to cover everything, but he is courageous and has a grasp of people's hearts that Wang Zuoguai cannot reach.

Military morale is sometimes more important than anything else!

On the other side, Zhang Damou was not discouraged. In his opinion, no matter what the officers and soldiers did, it was a useless struggle. After attacking for half a day, all the troops were already exhausted. Perhaps it was because they were too confident. Zhang Damou did this at this time.

He made a stupid decision. Even later, every time he thought about it, he would have the urge to commit suicide.

The peasant army retired, which gave the Xuanfu soldiers and horses a rare chance to breathe. Zhang Damou thought of recharging his strength and driving the officers and soldiers back to the north bank tomorrow, but how could he know that in just a dozen hours

Here, the hand of death is slowly opening.

In the early morning of the second day of August, the sunshine drove away the thin fog, and the peasant army, which had finished its rest, launched a new round of attack with infinite confidence.

Just as Zhang Damou expected, the vigorous peasant army broke through the defense line in a push-and-pull manner, especially in the Tianpo Highlands. Yesterday's difficult officers and soldiers were also beaten to the point of running away.

Victory seems within reach!

Countless peasant troops rushed down from the Tianpo Highlands, the crowds of people were like black ants. Yuan Ma laughed loudly and kept licking the blood from the corner of his mouth. Go ahead, the tide of victory will flood the position of the Living King of Hell.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the distance, and then, a spark seemed to bloom in the crowd, the earth shook, the sky and the earth turned pale...

Boom boom boom, loud noises kept coming, and scenes of blood-colored fireworks bloomed in front of our eyes. Under each firework, it heralded the death of several brothers.

Cannon, artillery...

This chapter has been completed!
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