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Chapter 354

Chapter 354 Pingchuan Mystery

Li Zijian didn't know that he had made another big mistake. Just as the drums were rumbling, the real army of officers and soldiers had extinguished their torches and quietly headed west.

At dawn, the situation under the city was clearly visible. At that time, Li Zijian almost spit out a mouthful of blood because he found that the officers and soldiers camp was empty. Except for a few flags flying in the wind, there was not even a rabbit in the camp. Where were the officers and soldiers? For a moment,

Li Zijian was thinking about this problem. When Li Zijian woke up from his sleep, he entered another nightmare. Looking at the empty camp of officers and soldiers, his head was about to explode. He felt that every time he fought against the living king of hell,

It's never been smooth sailing before. It was fine before, but this time it's better. As soon as I hit it, there will be no one left.

The officers and soldiers suddenly disappeared in Pingchuan City. Li Zijian couldn't sit still. He sent out scouts. In short, he must find the traces of the officers and soldiers as soon as possible. There were thousands of troops. How could they fly without a trace? Of course the officers and soldiers wouldn't.

Even if you disappear, you will not hide it deliberately.

There is a canyon to the north of Datong called Sanche Gorge. As the name suggests, the canyon has a large capacity and is wide enough to accommodate three or two horse-drawn carriages traveling side by side. In the past, there was a group of bandits active in Sanche Gorge, but they were later wiped out by the imperial troops, so Sanche Gorge

No more trouble.

After Tongling reinforcements arrived at Sanche Gorge, Du Jianwen ordered the army to stop and rest, and sent scouts to climb up from the spines on both sides to see if there were any ambushes. Although Sanche Gorge was wide enough, there was only one canyon in the middle, which was definitely

It was a good place to lay an ambush. Du Jianwen was familiar with the art of war, so he would not make the mistake of underestimating the enemy's advance. Du Jianwen was waiting for news from the scouts, and Liu Guoneng was also paying close attention to Du Jianwen's movements. When he saw the peasant army stopped outside the canyon, he

I had to sigh. Fortunately, no ambush was arranged in Sanchexia. Otherwise, it would be all in vain. Once Du Jianwen is alerted, the next battle will not be easy to fight. "Every general will obey the order and must do it."

To appease your subordinates, you must not reveal your whereabouts. Wait until Du Jianwen's troops have passed the Sanche Gorge before sending troops up. If anyone's whereabouts are revealed, he will be killed."

Liu Guoneng led his troops to make a false shot in Pingchuan and suddenly appeared in the Sanchexia area, but it was not easy. Naturally, he did not want to waste all his previous efforts because of a slight oversight.

With Liu Guoneng's repeated orders, everyone finally endured their temper and did not rush to send troops to both sides of the valley. After staying for an hour to confirm that there was no ambush, Du Jianwen finally ordered the entire army to pass through the canyon. Tens of thousands of troops passed through the Sanche Gorge.

Slowly, it took half an hour, but after Du Jianwen passed the canyon, he did something admirable. He kept his deputy Quan Qilong and gave him three thousand troops. Quan Qilong

His mission was to guard Sanche Gorge to prevent the enemy from making a surprise attack on Sanche Gorge and cut off the retreat route of the army returning north.

Du Jianwen's cautious move gave Liu Guoneng a big headache. This Du Jianwen was worthy of being a queen of a famous family, and was much more powerful than Li Zijian and his like. Just by dividing his troops into Sanchexia, you can see how smart this person is and how he has an overall view of the situation.

It's even more unusual. Before I even got to Chase, I was already thinking about everything.

Du Jianwen's troops finally passed the Sanche Gorge, but Quan Qilong's troops stayed behind. At this time, Liu Guoneng faced a problem. In this case, should we fight or not? If we fight, he will definitely follow.

The thieves who were left behind at Sanchexia fought for a while, and they could no longer care about Datong. Liu Guoneng had always been a decisive person, and he quickly made a decision. He glanced at Sanchexia and said sternly, "Don't worry about Du."

Jianwen and Datong are together. Commander Sha has been leading troops for many years. He knows how to delay and avoid war. You have only one task, which is to seize Sanchexia for me within an hour. You must not give Du Jianwen time to react."

Liu Guoneng had to concentrate all his energy on dealing with Sanchexia. Even though Sanchexia only had 3,000 soldiers and horses, the terrain here was advantageous. More than 3,000 people were scattered on both sides of the canyon. With a small number of people, he wanted to capture Sanchexia in a short time.

Chexia is tantamount to wishful thinking. And judging from Du Jianwen's previous military deployment, this is definitely an extremely difficult figure. If he finds out that someone is attacking Sanchexia, he will never hesitate and will give up rushing to rescue Datong as soon as possible.

, who turned back to rescue Sanchexia, so the time left for him was not long. If he could not capture Sanchexia before Du Jianwen rushed back, then the strategy of besieging Datong and throwing bait for fishing would not be successful.

Liu Guoneng gave the death order, and all the generals took it seriously. After they were ready, when the first shout appeared, chaos broke through the quiet night sky. The attacks of the officers and soldiers came so fast that Quan Qilong could not parry at all, so he could only

They were retreating steadily, but even so, soldiers were constantly being overtaken by the officers and soldiers, and they were hacked to the ground. In the vast Sanche Gorge, for several miles north and south, they were entangled and fighting everywhere.

Quan Qilong didn't know how many officers and soldiers came, but he knew one thing for sure. Without reinforcements, Sanchexia would definitely be lost. "Huh...huh...hurry out and tell someone."

Leader Du, don’t go to Datong and return for reinforcements quickly, otherwise something big will happen.”

Quan Qilong is not a fool. Does he know what will happen if Sanchexia is lost and the officers and soldiers encircle Datong? By then, Du Jianwen's army plus Datong will all fall into the hands of officers and soldiers. By then, Tongling will

Leader Xu in the city was in a dilemma. The more than 10,000 troops under Du Jianwen's command were the limit of what Tongling City could send.

Sha Diao had received the order from Sanchexia in advance, so naturally he would not fight Du Jianwen head-on. The brigade was divided into three and continued to attack in detours. In short, even if Du Jianwen led his army into Datong City, he would not

No matter what, he just couldn't go back. Gradually, Du Jianwen felt that something was wrong, so he gave up the garrison in Datong City, and also called his own soldier commander over, "Ma Guan, something is wrong, you

Quickly send someone to find Quan Qilong to confirm if there is anything going on behind the scenes."

Du Jianwen is really powerful. He guessed that something had changed just through a series of actions of the officers and soldiers on the opposite side. If he hadn't met a sophisticated person like Liu Guoneng, maybe everything could have been turned around. However, Liu Guoneng acted decisively.

Cruel, at this time, there was no sound of killing in Sanchexia. Quan Qilong had retreated to the mountainside at the northern end, and was finally shot through the head by Xu Zhixin with an arrow. However, Maguan did not reach Sanchexia at all, and encountered him halfway.

The defeated soldiers broke up and fled. When they heard that Sanchexia had been captured by the officers and soldiers, Maguan was stunned.

After the fall of Sanchexia, the officers and soldiers no longer had any worries, and the army rushed to Datong to outflank Du Jianwen's rear. After hearing the news of the fall of Sanchexia, Du Jianwen could only sigh, gave up the entanglement with the sand sculpture, and entered Datong as quickly as possible.

However, Du Jianwen felt no comfort at all. He knew that Datong City did not have a strong defense and could not stop the attacks of the officers and soldiers.

If you are fighting outside, you must attack and save them. The problem is that few people know what must save. Datong, Datong, originally this place was supposed to be the rear area, but now it has become the most dangerous front line, but we know that the officers and soldiers will return to the encirclement point for reinforcements.

, but you can’t help but rescue.

Another dawn came, Datong was peaceful, and Sanchexia was also cleaning up the battlefield. But for Xu Beichuan of Tongling City, it was like being struck by lightning. Sanchexia was lost, Datong was besieged, no matter Du Jianwen and those

He couldn't lose tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, as well as Datong City. He had to save it, and the officers and soldiers must be in a tight formation. He could have held on and relied on the fortified city, but in the end, he was still captured by the officers and soldiers. After thinking about it,

, Xu Beichuan wrote a letter to Li Zijian.

A letter was sent to Pingchuan Town, but it was a letter asking for help from Xu Beichuan. The letter only wrote eight words, "Abandon Pingchuan and reinforce Datong." The eight concise words made Li Zijian's heart bleed. Then,

Li Zijian was furious and tore the letter into pieces, "Xu Beichuan, you damn thing want me to die. I'm taking good care of you in Pingchuan. You want me to go to Datong, hmph!"

Li Zijian is really angry. He defended Pingchuan City well, but he didn't expect that something happened at Sanchexia. After knowing that all the officers and soldiers were going to the vicinity of Sanchexia, Li Zijian was still very proud. He felt that finally

He stopped harming Pingchuan, but what happened next almost pissed him off. Not only did Xu Beichuan send reinforcements to Datong, but he was also cut off from his retreat and blocked in Datong City. As far as Datong was concerned, how could he

Damn it if you can hold it. To put it bluntly, those soldiers and horses have become the possessions of the officers and soldiers. They should have given up on them, but now Xu Beichuan has written a letter, saying something about reinforcements for Chase.

The meaning is very obvious. If you, Li Zijian, do not reinforce Datong, after Du Jianwen and I are defeated, once Datong is lost, the road to the north will still be opened, and your Li Zijian's Pingchuan Town will become a worthless one. If I, Xu Beichuan, don't care about it at that time,

You, Li Zijian, can't defeat the officers and soldiers, so why not take advantage of the moment and join forces to defeat the enemy? It's better than going alone. To put it bluntly, Xu Beichuan is forcing the palace to force Li Zijian to send troops together to defeat the enemy.

Xu Beichuan was ruthless enough. Did Li Zijian refuse? Of course he couldn't refuse. No matter which way you looked at it, he couldn't face the officers and soldiers alone. And as Xu Beichuan said, if you join forces and make a big move, you still have a good chance of winning.

, but if you fight with others separately, you will definitely lose.

As a result, Li Zijian could only follow Xu Beichuan's suggestion and order his thousands of troops to regroup and leave Pingchuan Town. When Li Zijian's troops were slowly moving towards Datong, there was also a group of troops that were slowly moving towards Datong.

Move to Pingchuan Town. Abandon Pingchuan and reinforce Datong. This was originally Xu Beichuan's last resort, but who could have imagined that this arrangement would become the biggest failure on the Tongling battlefield.

Because of Xu Beichuan's intention to gather troops in Datong, Pingchuan Town became a completely undefended place.

On the way to Datong, Li Zijian was cautious all the way, for fear of being intercepted by officers and soldiers. However, the journey was smooth sailing, and no trace of the officers or soldiers was seen until ten miles away from Datong. In this way, Li Zijian's troops and horses moved smoothly.

After entering Datong City, Du Jianwen and Wang Ye were naturally very happy. With these thousands of fresh troops, they were more confident in defending Datong. However, they didn't know that Li Zijian had a question mark on his head at this time, and he didn't even feel like eating.

"Brother Du, I advise everyone not to be happy too early. Li walked all the way, but he didn't touch the shadow of the officers and soldiers. Under Datong City, I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I never thought that the officers and soldiers would get out of the way on their own initiative.

The road seems to be intentionally sending reinforcements into the city."

Du Jianwen was stunned and couldn't help but frown, "Is there still such a thing?"

Du Jianwen thought it was just the scene below the city, but he didn't expect that there were no officers and soldiers intercepting him along the way. Calling for reinforcements was not like calling for reinforcements, and encirclement was not like encirclement. What on earth did the officers and soldiers want to do?

"Pingchuan Town? Could it be that what the officers and soldiers really want is Pingchuan Town?" After muttering to himself, Du Jianwen firmly shook his head. What's the point of going to that miserable place in Pingchuan Town? Datong is at the southern end of the fort.

Tao can provide a springboard for the attack on Tongling, but Pingchuan Town has no such effect.

If the officers and soldiers wanted to attack Tongling from Pingchuan, they would have to pass near Datong, so it was pointless to capture the miserable place of Pingchuan alone.

The night was as cold as water. No one in Datong City was sleepy, and people outside the city were also not sleepy. Du Jianwen stood at the top of the city, looking outside with some confusion. Before midnight, the officers and soldiers stationed outside the city began to gather.

, even though they were several miles apart, they could still faintly hear the noise coming from the distance. The officers and soldiers were about to break camp? At first, Du Jianwen thought that the officers and soldiers were going to attack the city at night, so he was very scared.

The soldiers guarding the city were on full alert, but the results returned by the spies were that the officers and soldiers were gradually leaving Datong in an orderly manner and moving towards Pingchuan.

Before, Du Jianwen had also thought that the officers and soldiers might go to Pingchuan Town, but Pingchuan Town was really meaningless. What did the officers and soldiers want to do after all this trouble?

"If we investigate further, we must find out what the officers and soldiers want to do. Are they going to sneak attack Tongling City?" Du Jianwen is really afraid that there is some conspiracy hidden inside. If the officers and soldiers want to bypass Datong and attack Tongling, that would be a good thing.

The defense of Tongling City is very strong, and it cannot be defeated by a sneak attack. If the officers and soldiers really want to attack Tongling City, then Datong City will naturally have no time to take care of it. When the time comes, under the attack from the north and the south, how can the officers and soldiers be invincible?

The spies cheered up and after confirming again and again, they sent the news back to Datong City. The officers and soldiers really went to Pingchuan Town. Overnight, the officers and soldiers outside Datong City were almost gone.

Du Jianwen was a little confused, and Li Zijian leaned against the battlement and yawned tiredly, "Brother Du, since the officers and soldiers have withdrawn, Datong is fine for the time being, so let's go to bed first."

"If Brother Li is tired, just rest by yourself!" Du Jianwen looked down on Li Zijian in his heart. There was a bit of contempt in his tone. Li Zijian was annoyed, snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.

Pingchuan Town was no longer defended. It can be said that Liu Guoneng and Sha Diao captured Pingchuan without any effort.

At night, midnight came quietly, and the cold wind hit the face like a biting knife, making people numb from the cold. Xu Zhixin was wrapped in a thick cloak, with almost only her eyes exposed, "General Liu, are you sure we will take over?"

Can we capture Tongling if we come down?"

"Don't worry, Miss Xu. Since the supervisor is here in person, he must be fully confident!"

Liu Guoneng didn't know much about the specific plan, but he knew Supervisor Tie Mo very well, and he never fought an uncertain battle.

In the middle of the year, a long motorcade arrived at Pingchuan Town under cover of darkness. Along with it was Tie Mo, whom Xu Zhixin had always wanted to see.


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