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Chapter 359

Chapter 359 Let you live a life

"Brothers, the living King of Hell is going deep alone. This is the best opportunity to kill this person. Don't hesitate...come...kill him..."

He was originally trying to encourage everyone, but he saw those people retreating hesitantly. Du Jianwen was a little confused. He really couldn't understand why this was happening.

The rumbling sound of horse hooves is getting closer and closer, which means that Xu Zhixin and others have been forced up. Now the leaders of the peasant army around them have no intention of continuing to fight. Du Jianwen has been hung on the flagpole, and they can

Don't want to make the same mistake again.

A strong man waved a red tassel gun, turned around and ran towards the south, "There must be a trap ahead, retreat quickly, go back to Datong..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was like a flood that broke a bank and fled southward. Du Jianwen, who was on the high slope, almost had his eyes popping out...

Stupid, a bunch of pigs, why are these people so stupid? Is the living King of Hell so scary? If you return to Datong at this time, you will probably be beaten up by the officers and soldiers within two days. If Tongling City cannot be defended, it will be really difficult.

Do you know what to do to guard the Chase? Do you rely on dreams?

This battle was fought in a confused manner. Tie Mo didn't know how he won, and Du Jianwen didn't know how he lost.

In the middle of the messy cavalry brigade, Xu Zhixin, who was dressed in military uniform, turned a little pale. It wasn't until Jintian that she understood what the real battlefield was like. All her previous pride was shattered in this sudden encounter. She had witnessed it.

After seeing the tragedy and danger on the battlefield, we understand how ridiculous the heroic and passionate imagination is.

The cold wind was still blowing over the high hill, and the wind passed by his ears, leaving a deep chill, like a knife cutting. Unfortunately, Du Jianwen could no longer feel it. He lowered his head and looked lonely, just like all the people in his life.

All hope was taken away. I really don't understand why a good opportunity ended like a charm. Leaving Datong City and rushing to Tongling was a carefully considered decision. In order to rush to Tongling, I almost risked everything.

Du Jianwen felt that his prediction was not wrong. The Living Hell King bypassed Datong and directly attacked Tongling City, which was definitely a big failure. The Xuanfu border troops were indeed terrible, but their strength was limited after all, and this is the south? Not the north.

, around Tongling? Especially the Sanchexia area? It is not suitable for large-scale cavalry operations at all. The advantage of cavalry is lost? The combat effectiveness of the Xuanfu frontier army is greatly reduced.

They have to deal with the soldiers and horses in Tongling City, and they have to face Zheng Guosong's army in the Nijiang River area? How much energy do they have to deal with the soldiers and horses in Datong City? There is not a single soldier outside Datong City? It's not that the Living King of Hell is arrogant? It's him.

I really can't send enough soldiers and horses to contain Datong City. If the troops leave Sanchexia at this time, they will definitely achieve miraculous results. When this decision was made, Wang Ye, Li Zijian and others all opposed it, but so what

?Wang Ye and Li Zijian can’t leave the city? Is it understandable? These two guys have no ideas and are frightened by the living King of Hell. They always want to defend Datong City. If the situation goes wrong? They can still abandon the defense of Datong.

Escape directly south.

Du Jianwen led thousands of soldiers and horses out of the city? Everything went as expected. The number of troops that the Xuanfu soldiers and horses could allocate was very limited, and even the living King of Hell went into battle in person. What a great opportunity, if Li Zijian also came with him

Leading troops to fight over, perhaps, the living King of Hell should withdraw from the Tongling battlefield and organize defense. Everything looks beautiful, but why are all those people afraid? The opportunity is right in front of them, and they actually ran away.

Faster than a rabbit. The most ridiculous thing is that the few officers and soldiers didn't even think about chasing him.

"Living King of Hell...you win...just kill me...if you want to kill me or cut me into pieces, it's up to you. Why humiliate me like this?" Du Jianwen had already ignored life and death.

Yes, it's really embarrassing to be hung on a flagpole.

Tie Mo waved his hand and signaled the guards to put Du Jianwen down, but he did not order Du Jianwen to be killed. Du Jianwen was unhappy. When the guards dragged him down, they kept shouting, "Living King of Hell!

If you are a man, just go ahead... What are you going to do? If you have the ability, just kill me... If I frown, I will take your last name..."

Tie Mo ignored Du Jianwen, just thinking about his own concerns. This battle seemed to be won, but in fact it was extremely dangerous. If he hadn't done the opposite and relied on the advantage of the cavalry to catch his opponent off guard, perhaps,

Everything is different. In fact, if Du Jianwen had not been captured alive, he might have died right now. It can be said that hanging Du Jianwen on the flagpole really frightened the bandits. At that time, it seemed

He was calm and composed, but in fact he was not sure at all. If those bandits had not hesitated or been afraid, and continued rushing to the high hill in a swarm, then there would really be nothing he could do to help someone.

Moreover, I am also very lucky. Judging from the previous situation, these bandits also have their own ideas, and they do not take Du Jianwen too seriously. In other words, these people are not direct descendants of Du Jianwen, they are probably put together temporarily.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to watch Du Jianwen being hung and run for his life.

He touched his sore right wrist and smiled with a complex expression. He hadn't been in battle to kill enemies for a long time, so his skills had fallen a bit. Suddenly he felt someone approaching, Tie Mo's back tightened, and he turned around to look.

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Miss Xu!"

"Well, we were able to repel the traitors this time, all thanks to the courage of the commander!" Xu Zhixin raised her hand with a serious expression. These words were not a compliment, they were completely sincere. You would never see this unless you were on the battlefield.

The other side of Tie Mo. This man is young and has risen to power in Mobei, not without reason.

Tie Mo's command on the battlefield is determined, and he is extremely brave when charging. Perhaps, only such a person is worthy of being followed by so many people. Whether he can fight is secondary, the key is to have the courage to charge.

"Ms. Xu is so complimentary. This time it's just good luck. If all the thieves from Datong City come over, we should think about how to defend ourselves with our tails between our legs!" He inserted the Ghost Head Sword into the soil and moved it.

He used his own skills and said, "Du Jianwen is definitely a talent. He appeared at the right time. Unfortunately, the people he brought did not listen to him very much. If the thieves were united and obeyed orders, then Tie Mou would be

Even if you have the power to reach heaven, I am afraid you will only lose."

There were some things that Xu Zhixin did not see, and even Du Jianwen himself was a little confused. But Tie Mo saw clearly that the defeat of the bandits was not due to Du Jianwen being captured alive, nor to the fear in his heart, but more to the defeat.


Speaking carefully, Du Jianwen is definitely a great general. From the Battle of Sanchexia, to the defense of Datong City, to this time rushing to the aid of Tongling, we can see the military talent of this man. This time, he almost killed him.

Iron someone's life.

Why is it said that Du Jianwen chose a good time? The siege continued for several hours, and the artillery fire continued, which cost a lot. Seeing that it was half successful, he retreated at this time, feeling unwilling to do so. Therefore, he knew that there were thieves in the direction of Datong City.

The reinforcements would not withdraw, but would choose to block and fight. Du Jianwen calculated this correctly, so he prepared to meet the enemy on the north side of Sanche Gorge instead of rushing towards Tongling City regardless.

Du Jianwen really wanted to rush into Tongling City, but Tie Mo was relieved. Tongling City had thousands of people under Du Jianwen's command, which would not affect the overall situation. Under the artillery fire, he didn't care about these thousands of people. However, there were less than two thousand people in Tongling.

It's different if we form an array ten miles away. If we don't drive this bandit army away, they may rush over at any time and destroy the hard-won gains.

Du Jianwen had calculated everything, but he had not calculated that the people under his command would be useless.


Tongling City was still suffering under artillery fire. Du Jianwen's reinforcements were repulsed. Zheng Guosong's army in the Nijiang River area in the north was also harassed by Liu Guoneng and found it difficult to move. One day when the city was attacked, when the sun set in the west, the sound of artillery stopped.

.For Tongling City, it seems to have gotten a rare respite. Night falls little by little, the half moon rises, and the stars are dotted.

A clear night sky is beautiful. A beautiful night seems to easily lull people to sleep. After a day of artillery fire, Tongling City was damaged, and the people who defended the city were even more exhausted. Many people withdrew from the city head and hastily

They ate something and found a place to fall asleep. In the cold winter, the deep chill did not wake them up. At this time, only sleep could soothe the fragility of their hearts.

In the government office, Xu Beichuan was leaning on a chair, covered with a thick cloak, motionless. Only his breathing showed that he was alive. He fell asleep, sleeping soundly. A day of bombardment, a day of fear,

Coupled with the death of his friend Zeng Qian, it was a heavy blow to him. After he came back, he didn't dare to think about anything. He just wanted to sleep. It would be better to wake up tomorrow and find that everything was just a nightmare.

Boom...a loud bang sounded in the night sky. With this loud bang, a bright light appeared in the south city of Tongling. Then there were calls to evacuate the whole city, and the patrolling people even yelled and panicked.

At a loss.

The sound of cannons rang again, like thunder from the sky, waking everyone up from their dreams. Boom boom boom... the booms brought everyone into the daytime world. However, in

At night, the life-threatening gunfire seemed even more terrifying. No one knew where the next shell would land. A young man climbed out of the ruins, holding a red tassel gun, his eyes full of despair.

"It's artillery again... It's over, Tongling City is over... This battle can't be fought..." As he spoke, the man burst into tears and his hands shook violently.

During the day, he watched familiar faces disappear before his eyes. There were twelve people in a team, and more than half of them were lost in the bombing. The leader of the team suffered the worst, being sent directly to the sky by a ball of fire.

It turned into several pieces. At that time, everyone vomited...

Xu Beichuan woke up and anxiously came to the city. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers did not attack the city, but simply bombarded it. Looking at the shivering people hiding behind the battlements, he smiled bitterly in his heart. If the officers and soldiers attacked the city at this time, he was afraid that

It doesn't take an hour to rush to the top of the city. Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that the morale of the soldiers under my command has long been lost. Do you blame them? Under such artillery fire, everyone will be fried to death.

Living Hell, Living Hell, don't you pay for your artillery shells? Xu Beichuan has never seen fighting like this, let alone using artillery like this. Sometimes, he even wonders whether Living Hell wants to directly use artillery to destroy Tongling City.

It was blown flat.

In the northwest of Tongling, accompanied by beautiful fireworks, Zheng Guosong rubbed his forehead anxiously, "What's going on up front? Can we get through?"

"Leader Zheng, the bridge in front has been broken by soldiers. The river is too deep. If we want to cross, we must go around from the south!" The scout's words made Zheng Guosong feel despair. In the winter, if he forcibly crosses the river, it is estimated that after crossing,

People were also frozen stupidly. What’s more, that guy Liu Guoneng was probably waiting on the other side.

At this rate, by the time he gets to Tongling City, the day lilies will probably be cold. Liu Guoneng, Liu Guoneng, this guy is really difficult to deal with. It’s not that Zheng Guosong doesn’t want to fight hard, but Liu Guoneng’s men are all cavalry, and they come and go like the wind.

No chance at all. But if you don't care, the opponent will pounce at any time and kill you for a while.

The night is so long, even more painful than the day.

When the sun penetrated the dawn mist, when Xu Beichuan was at his most desperate, the sound of artillery stopped. Not only did the sound of artillery stop, the officers and soldiers stationed in the east also withdrew to the south, making way for the road to the east.

At this moment, Xu Beichuan understood that the Living King of Hell was taking the initiative to make way for the people in Tongling City to break out. This was a clever move. Give me Tongling City and I will let you go from the east. As for Living

Xu Beichuan didn't know whether the King of Hell was trustworthy or not, but he knew that if he continued to stay in Tongling City, he would be doomed. To put it bluntly, sooner or later he would have to break out of the encirclement. Regardless of whether this was a conspiracy by the King of Hell or not, he seemed to have no choice but to avoid it.

Go this way.

At this time, the gates of Tongling City made a heavy creaking sound, and the defenders in Tongling City set out from the East City to escape the city that had been ravaged by artillery fire.

Xu Beichuan withdrew, so Liu Guoneng would naturally not be entangled with Zheng Guosong anymore. Zheng Guosong seized the opportunity, passed through the north of Tongling City, and chased Xu Beichuan eastward. The Xuanfu troops quickly occupied Tongling City, and

At this time, Zhou Dingshan's soldiers and horses arrived slowly. This tens of thousands of soldiers and horses passed through Lujiang City, Pingchuan Town, and arrived outside Datong City.

Poor Li Zijian and Wang Ye suddenly found that they were trapped. They had no place to escape. Originally they were stuck in Datong City, but they had a wait-and-see mentality. If the battle situation in Tongling City was favorable, they would go over and intervene. If once

The situation was unfavorable, so they immediately abandoned the defense of Datong and ran away. As a result, after one night, Xu Beichuan of Tongling City and Zheng Guosong of Nijiang River all ran away. Instead, the isolated city of Datong City was surrounded by officers and soldiers.

The people in Tongling City have escaped, but the people in Datong City cannot escape. According to common sense, this shouldn’t be the case!

No matter what, it happened.

Li Zijian was not Wang Ye, and he did not surrender from the imperial court, so there was no pressure to surrender the officers and soldiers. However, Zhou Dingshan had no intention of surrendering. He only rested for half a day and then ordered all troops to launch a fierce attack on Datong City.

He Jingyuan also came with several cannons to help out. How could the small city of Datong withstand such ravages?

In the evening, Datong City announced that it had changed hands. Li Zijian died under random gunfire as soon as he escaped from the city gate, but Wang Ye was nowhere to be found!


This chapter has been completed!
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