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Chapter 371 A Box of Ambergris

Chapter 371 A box of ambergris

Outside Funing Village, towards dusk, the sky was filled with clouds like fire, like a red ribbon. Li Zicheng stopped here, but he was always a little uneasy. Normally, the progress in Tyranny Town should be going smoothly, but for some reason, he felt uneasy.

He was a little on edge. Suddenly there was an unusual noise, and he looked up in shock. He saw more than a dozen soldiers gathered together not far away, noisily. Li Zicheng couldn't help but frown. He kept giving orders repeatedly, which is not allowed in the army.

Private fight.

As he walked over, the soldiers quickly moved out of the way, and several leaders quickly ran over and saluted, "See General Li, you are not in the house, why are you out?"

"Tell me, what's going on? Why are the generals making trouble?" Li Zicheng ignored the leaders and asked with a cold expression. He has always been disgusted with this kind of thing. The peasant army often fights for petty profits.

Fighting and even fighting, this resulted in many leaders having grudges and not being of the same mind during the war. Therefore, he strictly ordered his subordinates not to do this, but if there is a problem, go to the superiors to solve it. Right now, over there in Tyranny Town

The fight was in full swing, but there was internal strife in Funing Village behind them.

One of the leaders, Ruan Wenxiu, hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "Back to the general, it's just a small problem. Several brothers used to get some good things from Yuhang together, but now there is a conflict over distribution issues."

"Huh?" Li Zicheng was very angry. It was this kind of nonsense again. He had told him hundreds of times but it still didn't work. But he was also curious about what it was that caused the conflicts between several leaders. Not long after, came

When I got a wooden box of money, I looked at the contents in the box and frowned, "Ambergris? No wonder you are all so jealous!"

Ambergris is a fine spice and is loved by dignitaries. It can be said to be very valuable, more valuable than gold. Half a box of ambergris is equivalent to tens of thousands of taels of silver. Li Zicheng was very puzzled.

How could there be such a large amount of ambergris?

"Where did you get so much ambergris? Why didn't you report it before?" Li Zicheng looked at the leaders with complicated expressions. For a moment, the scalps of several leaders were numb and they looked a little panicked. According to the rules, the leaders of each department robbed

After collecting the supplies, some of them must be withheld and finally handed over, and the looted supplies must also be reported. It is already a very bad act to dare to smuggle such a large amount of ambergris without telling them.

"General, it's not that we deliberately concealed it. It happened for a reason. This box was found in a town near Yuhang before we retreated. Then we started to evacuate in an advanced way. We didn't have time to report the supplies!" Ruan Wenxiu hurriedly came out!

Please explain clearly, otherwise if Li Zicheng misunderstands, everyone will have a difficult time in the future.

Li Zicheng's complexion finally improved a little, and then he reached out and picked up a piece of ambergris. It was just a small piece, but it had a faint fragrance. Li Zicheng knew something about ambergris. If it was not lit, it would not have such a strong fragrance.

That's right. After a moment, he was stunned and suddenly remembered something. There seemed to be something wrong with this. He put down the ambergris and turned to look at Ruan Wenxiu and others, "Didn't you raid the surrounding towns before?

What? Didn’t you find this box of ambergris before?”

Ruan Wenxiu thought for a while, scratched his scalp and said: "I searched it before, but I didn't find it at that time, otherwise how could I have left such a precious thing behind. Later, before retreating, I searched again and found this thing in an inn.


"No, you fools have been fooled." Li Zicheng threw away the ambergris in his hand and his face turned darker. "Why don't you think about it carefully? You didn't find it the first time. Obviously this thing is not there."

In the inn, after just a few days of searching, why was there a box of ambergris? If it were you, would you risk putting a box of ambergris in the inn? Wait for others to snatch it? "

After Li Zicheng finished speaking, the expressions of Ruan Wenxiu and others also changed. The peasant army was stationed in Yuhang and Qiantang and would plunder the surroundings at any time. If there was something good and it was too late to hide it, who would put it in the inn?

Moreover, the first time I searched, there was nothing. The second time I searched, there was an extra box of ambergris in the inn. I didn’t think it was anything before, but now that I think about it carefully, there is a big problem. What do you think, this box of ambergris

The smell of saliva seems to have been given to the peasant army intentionally by someone else.

Ambergris is more valuable than gold, but there is a big problem: it is easy to be spotted. Anyone with a sensitive nose can smell that kind of fragrance and find it all the way, not to mention that others are still interested.

for it.

"No, it's 80% that the King of Hell has plotted against him. Ruan Wenxiu, quickly organize your manpower and send someone to pay close attention to the situation in the east. If there is any abnormality, immediately..." Before Li Zicheng could finish speaking, a minion

He opened the courtyard door in a panic, and before he could enter, he shouted loudly: "General, something bad has happened. The living king's cavalry has rushed over. It seems that they are heading for Funing Village. At the moment, leader Mao Dahu has already led

Someone stopped me..."

"What?" Li Zicheng gasped. Is the King of Hell crazy? The large-scale use of cavalry in this area is killing the horses. No matter how surprised he was, the King of Hell really hit him, and Li Zicheng had to deal with it carefully.

.Li Zicheng never thought that he would encounter such a thing, and he didn't have a good idea for a while.

The main force went to Tyranny Town to wipe out the remnants of the Beijing camp. Li Zicheng was also cautious and hid near Funing Village and held down his troops. If the Living Hell King led troops to Tyranny Town, he could still fight out from behind to delay it. Similarly, if the Living Hell King

It is impossible to find a decisive battle with him in a short time. Funing Village is located in a remote place, and it will take a while to find it. But I never dreamed that things would be involving ambergris. This box of ambergris

, they are just a group of leading party.

To the east of Funing Village, Mao Dahu is no longer a tiger, but a sick cat. Looking at the cavalry swarming past, his head is buzzing and he still can't recover. Looking at it, those cavalry are not very fast.

Many cavalrymen even dismounted and acted as infantrymen with swords in hand. It can be seen that these cavalrymen rushed over and suffered a lot. But in a place like this, a large number of cavalrymen rushed over on horseback, which was already very unexpected. The Living King of Hell is really a

Crazy guy, he can do anything.

Mao Dahu wanted to stop him, but he couldn't stop him. He had less than a thousand men under his command. He was frightened by the Yunfu cavalry who suddenly came to him. Many people did not react and were shot by the cavalry in the distance.


"Quickly, retreat, inform the general, we can't stand it anymore, retreat to the west!" Mao Dahu was very reckless, but he was not stupid. This group of cavalry rushed here without hesitation to damage their horses. They must have a plan. Relying on Funing Village,

It is almost a dream to block these ferocious Yunfu cavalry. It can only be said that General Li is too confident. When Lu Weiliang and Li Yan left, they took away 70% of the troops. At present, the troops near Funing Village are limited, most of them

It's irresistible.

As Mao Dahu thought, Orger and Zhou Dingshan paid a heavy price for their attack all the way. The men were fine, but the horses suffered a lot of damage. Many horses accidentally lost their hoofs. The water town in the south of the Yangtze River sounds very beautiful.

, but for the Yunfu cavalry across the north, it was nothing short of a disaster. The war horses were injured, and the restless brothers cried in distress.

The damage was huge, but the more it happened, the more Li Zicheng had to pay the price he deserved. Many of Orger's men were from the Mongolian tribes. They loved horses as much as they loved their horses. Seeing Funing Village right in front of them, Ao

Erge got off his horse and shouted to Zhou Dingshan: "General Zhou, go to the west quickly. Today I will take my brothers as infantry. I want to see what those bandits are capable of."

Zhou Dingshan nodded seriously. These Mongolians were not only skilled in bowing and horseback, they were also very brave when dismounted. Perhaps this is the reason why the supervisor sent Orger's troops here. Orger's men are immediately warriors.

Dismounting is also a hero. Zhou Dingshan led his troops westward for a while, and also imitated Orger to dismount and became an infantryman. It was not that Zhou Dingshan was like this, but there were actually many paddy fields around Funing Village. After winter, it was very muddy, and the war horses were here

Running is asking for death. Like Orger, Zhou Dingshan feels sorry for the war horses under his hands. War horses, like cavalry, must be fed and trained for a long time. After the loss of each war horse, it is a trouble to replace it.

War horses and cavalry are completely different from infantry. If the infantry is lost, a strong man can be trained for a few months. However, whether it is war horses or cavalry, if they do not train hard for a year and a half, they will not be able to form combat effectiveness. Cavalry loves horses, artillery

Love guns, the same reason.

Zhou Dingshan felt very upset. Not only did he dismount his horse and become an infantryman, he also allocated part of his troops to look after the horses. In this way, there were even fewer troops that could be invested. The same was true for Orger. The troops were limited, but Zhou Dingshan did not worry too much.

, as long as Li Zicheng is not a fool, he will know what to do. If Li Zicheng dares to leave a large number of soldiers and horses to fight, it can only be said that Li Zicheng does not know whether to live or die.

Soon, gunfire rang out, and Zhou Dingshan's men spread out, moving closer to Funing Village with the muskets in their hands. Every gunshot would put a little pressure on the peasant army near the village. Li Zicheng looked at the

Box of ambergris, suddenly felt the urge to kill, greed is harmful to people. The soldiers of the living king of hell caught up so quickly. If they say it has nothing to do with ambergris, Li Zicheng dares to twist off his head.

The facts are no longer important, what is important is how to deal with the problems at hand. Li Zicheng has never thought about fighting with the officers and soldiers outside. After all, he has no confidence to confront the tens of thousands of Xuanfu frontier troops. Living under the command of the King of Hell.

The soldiers and horses were extremely powerful in combat, unparalleled in all nine countries. In a poor place like Funing Village, there was no way to fight head-on. What's more, most of the soldiers and horses under his command had gone to Tyranny Town.

"Tell everyone to abandon unnecessary supplies and evacuate to Lin'an immediately. In addition, inform Tyranny Town to evacuate immediately. Once the soldiers and horses of the Living King of Hell attack, everything will be over!" Li Zicheng didn't even think about the confrontation this time.

No, he didn't even fight him when he met him, he just became a deserter. It's not that he is timid, it's because he recognizes the reality. But, after all, he feels a little unhappy in his heart. With such a retreat, some of the supplies brought from Yuhang will be discarded.

All the things ended up in the pocket of the Living King of Hell.

Because Li Zicheng was aware of the current situation and retreated very quickly, Orger and Zhou Dingshan did not achieve many results. However, as soon as Li Zicheng withdrew, Li Yan and others in Tyranny who were still blocking the Beijing camp troops also immediately chose to retreat.

Li Yan withdrew, but there was one person who was unwilling to withdraw. After the war reached this point, if he worked harder, he could annihilate the Beijing camp in Tyranny Town. This was a huge reward, and how could Wang Yan give it up.

Lu Weiliang galloped on his horse. Seeing that Wang Yan's troops showed no sign of retreat, he couldn't help but became a little anxious. "Brother Wang, retreat quickly. We just got the news that the people of the King of Hell have already come to kill us. If we don't retreat now, what's the point of waiting?"


Wang Yan glared at Lu Weiliang fiercely: "Look at those officers and soldiers, they are already defeated. We just need to work harder, and you and I can show our face in front of King Chuang. At such a critical moment, can they retreat? Do they want to retreat?"

If you withdraw, but Mr. Wang does not withdraw, what will happen even if the Living King of Hell sends troops to come? Wang is confident that he can kill these officers and soldiers before the Living King of Hell arrives..."

"Are you crazy? Our mission has been completed. The officers and soldiers have evacuated Wanqiu Town. Our army can evacuate safely. Why bother here and increase casualties? You have to know..." Lu Weiliang wants to continue

At this time, Xu Beichuan ran over on horseback, stretched out his hand to pull Lu Weiliang, and gently shook his head, "Brother Lu, stop talking... Since the leader Wang has made up his mind, let's go our separate ways.


Wang Yan glanced at Xu Beichuan with a look of disdain. Humph, if this group of people hadn't caused trouble halfway, he might have wiped out these Beijing troops long ago. Just because they didn't say hello and suddenly appeared, Beijing was forced to do so.

The battalion fled northeast from Wanqiu Town. If the officers and soldiers were still trapped in Wanqiu Town, why did Wang need to pursue them here?

Lu Weiliang smiled bitterly and sighed, seeing that he couldn't do anything, he cupped his hands and galloped away. Wang Yan spat angrily and shouted at the top of his voice: "Brothers, work harder, half an hour later,

Let’s withdraw too!”

Now some of the trusted leaders around him are a little confused. If they want to evacuate, they evacuate together. Why do they have to stagger the time? How do these people know what Wang Yan is thinking? Wang Yan is not stupid, and the nickname of Guofeng is not for nothing.

Yes, his perception of danger and the speed of retreat are unparalleled among the peasant army. Even if he retreats on the spot, he will be ashamed. He just said he would not withdraw, but it was just out of anger. You, Li Zicheng, sent someone to say withdraw, so I will

Come on, you are my father.

Wang Yan has always been dissatisfied with Li Zicheng and Li Yangchun, and will compete with each other whenever there is an opportunity. The credit he has now been disturbed by Li Zicheng, and now Li Zicheng has given up. If he is so obedient, who will he become?

Wang Yan lowered his offensive intensity and retracted his troops, ready to retreat at any time. These changes could not be hidden from the soldiers of the Beijing camp who had been fighting desperately. Qiao Beiming soon realized that something was wrong. Li Zicheng's troops suddenly withdrew, and Wang Yan

Yan also began to shrink back, something must have happened. After thinking about it for a moment, Qiao Beiming's face lit up, and he felt full of strength again, "Brothers, hold on, our reinforcements are coming, the soldiers and horses of the Iron Governor Division

We’re almost here, beat these sons of bitches..."

This chapter has been completed!
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