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Chapter 442 The Governor He Yiqing

Chapter 442 Governor He Yiqing

During these years of taking office in Henan, he has seen through many things. Yu Chenglong has a deep feeling for things in the officialdom. Standing in this position, he no longer has the concept of right and wrong. All he has is his own interests and the last trace of his heart. Perseverance and change of power are never smooth sailing, and the storms in the court are sometimes bloodier than swords and guns.

How many people will fall under this power struggle? Min Zhengyuan is probably at the end of his official career, as is Li Zhengqian, the commander-in-chief. Luoyang is not much better, otherwise so many people would not start to alienate him. Yu Chenglong. However, the interests of the Central Plains not only involve the officialdom of Henan, but also the interests of Tie Mo, the governor of the three provinces. Tie Mo led his troops in bloody battles in the Central Plains, and it is impossible not to get any benefits. At least the market in northern Shanxi must be expanded. Going to the Central Plains is a business matter, but if there is no acquiescence in the officialdom, this matter will still not work. The cabinet is eager to intervene in Henan affairs, and most likely it does not want Tie Mo's influence to expand to the Central Plains. There will definitely be an open and covert fight between the two sides. of.

The people of the Central Plains are like the scorching sun in the sky, their hearts are burning. They have driven away the bandits and can return to peaceful days. People in many places even sing and dance to celebrate this happy time. But the people don't know that here Behind the excitement, an invisible war is taking place, and the issue of distribution of benefits after the war is always the most attractive.

On July 19, the fourth year of Chongzhen, the imperial court issued a document to Kaifeng Prefecture and Henan Prefecture in Henan Province. In order to coordinate the affairs of Henan and eliminate the turmoil caused by banditry, He Yiqing, the deputy imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was specially appointed as the governor of Henan to take charge of Henan's military and political affairs. Henan Prefecture and Henan Prefecture After receiving the order, Kaifeng Mansion immediately listened to He Yiqing's dispatch. When the official document was sent to Kaifeng Mansion, Deputy Capital Imperial Envoy He Yiqing was already on the way. It can be imagined how eager the cabinet was to protect Henan's interests.

Many things can be understood by just thinking about it. After a dispute in Nanzhili, Tie Mo established the Royal Navy Fleet and built the Donghai Trading Company, which took a piece of meat from the hearts of the Donglin Party. The officials who were extremely heartbroken felt all sorts of things. Be on guard and say that you will never give up the interests of the Central Plains again. The deputy capital imperial envoy He Yiqing came to the Central Plains with a heavy burden on his shoulders.

The appointment of He Yiqing as the governor of Henan caused an uproar in the official circles of Henan. It can be said that Henan officials had already begun to take sides before He Yiqing arrived. Obviously, most people chose He Yiqing as the governor. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the court was in a hurry The post of Governor of Henan will not be abolished. As long as the cabinet cannot fully control it, the Governor of Henan will not be abolished. If He Yiqing cannot complete the task, then another person will be replaced. In short, with the Governor of Henan here, the Chief Secretary of Henan and the Gone are the days when the Henan and Kaifeng magistrates monopolized power. From now on, except for the governor's yamen, other yamen will gradually lose the right to speak.

The Iron Governor is influential, but he will eventually return to northern Shanxi, and the Central Plains is not his territory. After careful consideration, many people chose He Yiqing. Even before He Yiqing arrived, someone had already written to express their position, and this person It was Lu Ziran who was a colleague of Kaifeng Mansion.

It's not a secret that Lu Ziran wrote a letter to He Yiqing. He asked people to send the letter out openly. Others were more or less secretive, but Lu Ziran was not the same. He didn't save any face for Min Zhengyuan. Min Zhengyuan's mood It is conceivable that he is the prefect of Kaifeng, and in the past he was almost on an equal footing with the chief envoy of Henan. The prefect of Henan and the chief executive of Henan are both in Luoyang. The prefect of Henan cannot help but look at the face of the chief executive of Henan, but Min Zhengyuan, the prefect of Kaifeng, does not need to , he could report anything directly to the court. Because of this, Min Zhengyuan could be said to have a transcendent status.

But now, everything has changed. There are fewer people coming to visit. Even if there is something going on in the yamen, they don’t even know what to do. They directly ask Lu Ziran for advice. Min Zhengyuan has not yet resigned, and he is already like this. If he had to wait When He Yiqing takes office, won't Min Zhengyuan become a decoration? If that's really the case, it would be better to resign and go back to his hometown to entertain his grandson. This can at least save some face.

Commander Li Zhengqian walked into the room with a complicated expression. Along the way, he saw the situation in the prefect's Yamen. He originally wanted to discuss with Min Zhengyuan what to do next, but seeing Min Zhengyuan's situation, he knew that this trip It was in vain. He found a chair and sat down, and asked with a grimace: "Master Min, what should we do next? Are we going to sit there and wait for death? Hey, we worked hard to exterminate the bandits, and Mr. Li almost gave his life in Meishan. , but the result is like this, it’s just that there is no reward, and the job in your hand has to be taken away. If you had known this, why did you work so hard before?"

Min Zhengyuan was just a little uncomfortable, but Li Zhengqian was completely angry. When exterminating the bandits, Li Zhengqian took the lead many times and fought with the bandits. He almost died at the hands of the bandits several times. He worked desperately for the court, and ended up like this. Li Zhengqian also knew the problem, and he deserved all the credit, but standing in the wrong team was a big problem. They should never have gotten too close to Tie Mo. But who could blame this? At that time, rogue bandits were raging in the Central Plains. , the imperial court was unreliable and sent Yuan Chonghuan over, who always followed the bandits to eat ashes. In order to eliminate the banditry as soon as possible, what else could he do if he did not establish a good relationship with the Iron Supervisor? Now, the bandits have left, and those people have begun to settle old scores. Since If you are not satisfied, then tell me earlier.

Min Zhengyuan showed a wry smile. Speaking carefully, Li Zhengqian was also implicated by Min Zhengyuan. But it is too late to say this now. The important thing is that the bandits have been driven away. The court has no worries and can engage in court tricks with peace of mind. See Li Zhengqian In anger, he had no choice but to persuade: "General Li, please be more open-minded. When we are in the official position, we should be able to figure out many things. If there are no surprises, then you and I will be ready to resign, and it will be considered as a reward." If you want to have a better ending for your career, you can't let your last bit of dignity go to waste here."

There are official rules in officialdom. When your superiors want you to leave, then you should leave. If you don't leave and let others drive you away, it will be a bit embarrassing. If you want to remove your official position, you must find a reason. When the charges of corruption and bending the law are listed one by one, wouldn't it mean that you will lose your security at the end of the year? If you resign yourself, you will be able to retain a good reputation.

After all, Li Zhengqian was not as open-minded as Min Zhengyuan. He had not done anything wrong. Even though he knew that his subordinates' combat effectiveness was seriously problematic, he still led his troops to block Chenliu and fought several fierce battles with Li Zicheng's troops. But even so, he still could not win a favor from the imperial court. Appreciation. Is it really so important to take sides? Is it true that there is no sense of community at all?

However, Li Zhengqian also knew that what Min Zhengyuan said was the truth. There was no unexpected situation and the matter was irreversible. This was the Central Plains, not Xuanhua Prefecture in northern Shanxi. Even if the Iron Governor was dissatisfied, he could not interfere with the court's normal personnel arrangements in Henan.

Just when the officialdom of Henan was busy with the team, a group of people had already entered Zhangde Prefecture, and finally the convoy stopped in Qi County. Qi County can be said to be the most mysterious place in Henan. It was the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty, and there was always a strange feeling about it. The same color. Whenever the literati passed through Zhangde Prefecture, as long as time allowed, they would stay in Qixian County for a night to feel the cultural atmosphere here.

A middle-aged man stepped down from the carriage. He was wearing a gray robe. He was not tall and looked like a wealthy man. But the way this man moved his hands and feet, he naturally showed the aura of a superior person, and his eyes always had a

A bit cunning. He is the deputy capital imperial envoy He Yiqing, the new governor of Henan. No one would have thought that he would arrive in Henan so quickly.

Qixian County is only a few dozen miles away from Kaifeng. If you speed up your journey, you can reach Kaifeng City in less than half a day. But He Yiqing still asked people to stop in Qixian County. The reason is actually the same as those of the literati. He is going to Kaifeng and working in Henan.

If you don't stay in Qixian for a night, you always feel that something is missing. He Yiqing is an out-and-out literati, and he is very interested in the elegant affairs among literati.

With two followers, He Yiqing walked quietly on the long street, and He Yiqing's brows gradually furrowed. The former ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty may be just a legend. At least the Qixian County seen in front of him was somewhat dilapidated, and pedestrians also looked at it.

With all the food, the streets and markets looked like a village in Gyeonggi Province. After walking for a while, I felt disappointed and said, "That's it, let's go back and rest."

Not long after, He Yiqing came to the inn where he was staying. He took up the post of governor of Henan and took charge of the Central Plains. He seemed to have unlimited glory. Because of this, many people in the six cabinet departments were very envious. After all, he became a feudal official, and after two years of qualifications,

When he returns to the capital, he might take over as the Censor of the Left and Right Government or become the Minister of the Cabinet. But He Yiqing is not too excited because he knows how heavy the burden is on him.

The Sixth Department of the Cabinet sent him to Henan, not only to take over power, but also to try their best to sweep Tie Mo's influence out of the Central Plains. If there is an opportunity, to further restrict Tie Mo's development. For this, He Yiqing deeply feels the great responsibility. Over the years

, although Tie Mo is not in the court, his influence is growing. Now the Yun Mansion of Xuan Mansion has become Tie Mo's private territory. Man Gui of Datong Mansion and his generals are also colluding with Tie Mo. Rogue bandits are raging in southern Zhili.

, Tie Mo suddenly bit off a piece of fat in Zhejiang. If it is not restricted, Tie Mo will be unable to control it in the future.

Of course, He Yiqing will not attack Tie Mo directly. He does not have the courage or ability. Thinking about Dai Yongsen's previous fate, you know how difficult Tie Mo is to deal with. Tie Mo and everyone in the cabinet have experienced

After in-depth research, Tie Mo's wings are now established, but it does not mean that there are no opportunities to take advantage of it. The seemingly monolithic interest groups in northern Shanxi actually hide many hidden dangers.

Zhang Bei is currently peaceful and calm, and it is not all because Zhang Bei can fight with his soldiers and horses, nor is it because of Aqige's prestige among the Mongolian ministries. There are some things that others cannot find out, but the six cabinet ministries can still find out if they want to.

There is a very special woman beside Tie Mo, and this woman involves the interests of all parties. It is also this woman who silently does many things behind the scenes and solves many troubles for Tie Mo.

At about 3:30 p.m., a man in his twenties entered the room. This man had a resolute face, and there was no expression on his face. The moment he stood there, he felt a great pressure.

The man's name is He Tang, and he is the adopted son of He Yiqing in his early years. He Tang is loyal and capable. He used to take care of many affairs for He Yiqing in Beijing. This time when he came to Henan, there were many things, so He Yiqing took He Tang to his side.


After He Tang closed the door, He Yiqing asked: "Tang, how did things go?"

"Father, everything is going well. The other party is some remaining bandits. They don't know the identity of the child. Even if something goes wrong, they won't be able to trace it to us!"

"That's good, you can continue to handle this matter. In short, don't make any omissions, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" He Yiqing ordered with a serious look. He Tang nodded lightly and was about to leave. He thought of something and turned back.

Asked: "Father, the second brother wants to go with the child. Do you think...can we let him follow?"

The second younger brother in He Tang's mouth is He Minghan, He Yiqing's biological son. Although he is a biological son, this son's ability is far inferior to that of He Tang. Many times, He Yiqing laments how great it would be if He Tang was his biological son.

Holding the tea and thinking for a while, He Yiqing frowned and whispered: "Then let him follow. But Atang, you should be optimistic about him and let him follow him to learn more. Don't make any mistakes. You also know that this is the case.

The body is big, there can be no room for error."

"Well, don't worry, adoptive father, the child knows what's going on!"

Watching He Tang leave, He Yiqing wanted to take a sip of tea, but the tea reached his mouth and he couldn't drink it. He always felt that his heartbeat was a little fast, as if something was going to happen.

Fugou Shashui River is quite famous in Fugou County, and even in the entire Kaifeng Prefecture. Probably because the water in Shashui River is golden, like spreading yellow sand. In the past, many people came to Shashui River to play, but recently

There are very few people coming. There is a mountain less than five miles northeast of Shashui, called Lishan. Just a few months ago, a group of bandits took over Lishan, and many people around it were harassed. Fugou County has already

Reported to Kaifeng, hoping that the imperial court would send troops to exterminate the Lishan bandits. However, because the Kaifeng government officials were busy standing in line or dealing with other matters, no one paid attention to this trivial matter. So far, the Lishan bandits are still safe.

The people around him knew about the situation of Shashui River, but those from out of town did not. It was evening, and a carriage was driving slowly along the official road.

When they reached the embankment of Shashui River, the carriage stopped. A man who looked like a guard next to him rode his horse forward and said softly: "Madam, this is evening, when the scenery of Shashui River is the most beautiful. Would you like to take a rest and take a look?"

Look at the scenery.”

"Well, let's have a rest. Everyone is tired. Let's stop and have something to eat. When we get to Fugou, we'll treat our brothers to something good."

"Thank you ma'am!"

After the man retreated, not long after, a charming woman stepped out of the carriage. She faced the setting sun and saw that the remaining fire and the Shashui River were connected together, and gold and red intertwined into a colorful landscape.

This chapter has been completed!
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