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Chapter 448 The situation in Mobei

Chapter 448 The situation in Mobei

In fact, no one wants to see this kind of thing happen. Originally, this matter was left to Geng Zhongming, but Geng Zhongming was busy with military affairs, so he followed Qin Liangyu to Bashu to suppress the bandits. Before leaving, Geng Zhongming

The matter here was handed over to Shang Kexi and other old brothers. After all, Kong Youde was also an old brother from Liaodong. Geng Zhongming also wanted to save a bit of face for the other party and try his best to resolve the matter without involving his family. But Geng Zhongming and others

How could you imagine that your generosity would be exploited by Kong Youde? As a result, everyone has an unshirkable responsibility.

Shang Kexi had a straightforward temperament and valued loyalty above all else. Kong Youde did this and dragged everyone down. For a moment, Shang Kexi felt like he had been betrayed by his brother for many years. His face was gloomy, the veins on the back of his hands swelled, and he fell silent.

After a while, he suddenly yelled: "You bastard, how could he do this?"

Pulling out the knife, Shang Kexi swung it several times and chopped the small tree in front of him into several sections. It didn't matter that Kong Youde defected. The key was how should Shang Kexi and other old Liaodong troops deal with themselves? Since dragging his family and his family to Zhangbei, Supervisor

He was quite generous to his family. He not only gave him the opportunity to lead the troops in the war, but also treated him without distinction. His family lived in the Zhangbei area, and they were very free and not under the supervision of the government. Everyone had already recognized that Iron Inspector was so generous.

He accepted Zhang Bei and recognized Yun Mansion.

However, the governor's generosity and kindness were taken advantage of by Kong Youde. Not only did he defect, but he also took his family away with him. Zhang Bei was hundreds of miles away from Kaifeng, and he was able to make arrangements for his family in advance. This shows that Kong Youde had this ability.

The idea has not been coming for a day or two, I am afraid that I have been ready for it a long time ago. Kong Youde's behavior made Shang Kexi and others very embarrassed, and I don't know how the generals in northern Shanxi will treat these old Liaodong troops in the future.

The news of Kong Youde's defection spread throughout Kaifeng Mansion in a short period of time. Chen Qiyu, who was far away in Hulao Pass, also heard about it. This incident happened so suddenly that Tie Mo was very passive, and his subordinates

This has never happened before. Although the Monkey Rebellion happened before, it was different in nature from Kong Youde's defection. After hearing about Kong Youde's defection, Chen Qiyu specially sent Hong Chengchou to Kaifeng to see if he could

What can I do to help?

Tie Mo was in a very bad mood and had a bad look on his face for two days in a row. Although he still didn't know who Kong Youde's next family was, he could roughly guess it. After Kong Youde left Kaifeng, he did not go south or westward, but chose to go to

Running east towards the sea, there are only two choices, either to join Zheng Zhilong or to join Huang Taiji. Kong Youde is good at water warfare, which is something he is proud of, but Zheng Zhilong, as the overlord of the southeastern sea, has the most indispensable men.

There are people who can fight in naval battles, but the Liaodong Tatars have a dark eye for naval battles and are in urgent need of talents like Kong Youde. Therefore, Kong Youde will probably defect to the Tatars.

Kong Youde defected to Huang Taiji. This was definitely the last thing Tie Mo wanted to see. If his generals went to defect to Huang Taiji, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of the world?

But sometimes things are like this, you don't want something, so you just get it. On the second day of September in the fourth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led a group of ministers to Dongjiang Town and dressed up to welcome Kong Youde and his party. Kong Youde was greatly moved and swore allegiance to Huang Taiji to the death. No matter what

What the two said was somewhat true. At least there was great joy between the two parties, and Huang Taiji even entrusted Kong Youde with important tasks. After that, Huang Taiji wrote everywhere and publicized it, and even let Kong Youde show his face outside Jinzhou City.

Kong Youde is not a dispensable little character. There are many people who know him in Liaodong. After learning about this incident, the Liaodong generals were almost furious, and it didn't take long for the official document to be sent to the capital.

In early September, when the imperial court responded, Tie Mo had already embarked on his way back to northern Shanxi. Most of the matters in the Central Plains had been settled. The imperial court issued a decree on Henan and asked Sun Chuanting to take over the post of governor of Henan. Although Sun Chuanting had a lot of time

It was a headache, but at least he was an upright man and would not do those shameful and dirty things. On this point, Tie Mo still trusted Sun Chuanting. Tie Mo could not delay his return to northern Shanxi to stabilize the situation in the north.

Recently, the trade route from Urg to Zhangbei has been frequently attacked by Mongolian cavalry. Especially after July, the Mongolian ministries in Mobei also showed signs of being ready to move. Since Abadai Khan was defeated, the members of the Northern Khalkha Division

According to Tie Mo's expectation, Mobei should be in chaos for a few years. In this way, Mongolia in Mobei would have no time to worry about going south, and northern Shanxi could develop stably for a few years, and he could free up his hands to suppress bandits and then deal with them.

Lin Dan Khan and Huang Taiji.

But sometimes things go against expectations, and Abadai is defeated, but another person appears in Mobei. This person is Bato of the Northern Khalkha. Bato and Abadai Khan are from the same film, and they also have some relatives.

According to the relationship, according to seniority, Bator would call Aba Dai his uncle. However, the various Mongolian tribes often fought and annexed each other, so this relationship was equivalent to no more. After Aba Dai was defeated, his influence declined rapidly, and Batao seized it.

Taking this opportunity, he successively annexed several small tribes around him.

Seriously speaking, Ba Tuo is quite tolerant. At first, Ba Tuo only annexed a few small tribes and then stopped immediately. This also caused other Khan kings not to pay attention to him, and the northern Shanxi Province did not pay attention to him either. Ba Tuo

Tuo relied on the few soldiers and horses in his hands to get both sides, and gradually became bigger. In addition, the elite soldiers from northern Shanxi went south to the Central Plains to suppress the bandits. Mobei was temporarily without anyone to govern. Ba Tuo endured it for about half a year, and finally got help from all sides.

When the forces were exhausted, they annexed the surrounding Lanster tribe and Uyarta tribe in one fell swoop. These two tribes were quite powerful tribes in Mobei. After annexing these two tribes, Bato's strength quickly increased.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Bato had become the most powerful leader, and Bato also took the opportunity to raise the banner and call himself Bato Khan.

Bato's ambition was fully exposed, but at this time, all the ministries were exhausted, and they were no longer able to control Bato. In this way, Bato had just the right time to go on an expedition, and in just two months, he conquered all the Mobei tribes and officially replaced him.

Abadai Khan. Bato was able to unify Mobei so quickly not only because Bato was able to fight and had a smart mind, but more importantly because Bato himself had the blood of the golden family. After the disastrous defeat of the Mobei tribes that year, they actually

They all held their breath and wanted to go to Monan to take back their own kingdom. But Bato's strength impressed many people. The tribes in Mobei were willing to go south again under Bato's leadership to avenge their shame.

Ba Tuo has never been a reckless person. He knew that it was almost impossible for him to attack northern Shanxi with Mobei's existing strength, so he got in touch with Lin Danhan, and the two parties agreed to send troops together to attack Hanhai.

Grassland. Before that, Atuo had already started to order various horse teams to harass passing caravans. The prestige of Jebutan Zumba Living Buddha in Mobei was unimaginable. Bato would not be stupid enough to attack Urg, but this was not the case.

It means that he will not attack the caravan.

Aqige, who was based in northern Shanxi, knew that the Hanhai Grassland was facing threats, so he began to mobilize troops to the newly built Ulan City. However, the troops in northern Shanxi were really limited at this time. It would be very good to be able to defend Ulan City. If you want to

It is almost impossible to defend the Hanhai Grassland. A few months ago, Lin Dan Khan actually started to deploy troops and generals, with the target directed at the Hanhai Grassland. As Lin Dan Khan’s most trusted general, Minte naturally had a duty to defend the Hanhai Grassland. He used more than 10,000 troops to defend the Hanhai Grassland.

Approaching the eastern part of the Hanhai Grassland. However, Huang Taiji on the Liaodong side showed no movement and seemed to have secretly reached some kind of agreement with Lin Danhan.

The grassland situation was critical. If it weren't for this, Tie Mo wouldn't have rushed back. But as soon as he arrived in Shanxi, he received an official document from the court. The court scolded Tie Mo bloody, which made Tie Mo very upset.

It's a fire. Who could have predicted what happened to Kong Youde? Everyone has his own ambitions, so why is he still guarding Kong Youde every day? Now it has become an indisputable fact that Kong Youde defected to the Tatars. The court was embarrassed, and he, Tiemo, was even more embarrassed. As a result,

The imperial court puts all the responsibilities on someone else, so the imperial court has no responsibility at all?

Feeling embarrassed, the imperial court ordered an attack on the Liaodong Tatars and killed Kong Youde. They issued an official document specifically to respond to him. What happened to Tie Mo? Hai Lanzhu had been following him, and when he saw Tie Mo's face became so ugly, he raised his hand.

Picking up the official document on the table, he glanced at it hastily, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Well, those people are really trying to convict you. No, just because of a Kong Youde, he actually ordered Northern Shanxi to punish the generals of various ministries.

Launch an investigation, huh, you are trying to break up Northern Shanxi."

"Come on, ignore those people. I have something to ask you. Your father hasn't sent any news recently?" Tie Mo frowned, and he still had some opinions about Bu He and Wu Keshan.

Now Lin Dan Khan is ready to make a move. Huang Taiji has opened the door for Lin Dan Khan. The Horqin tribe is so close and no news has been spread. The future father-in-law Bu He Khan is a bit incompetent.

"Okay, don't worry about this. I guess Lin Danhan and others are doing things too secretly. I guess Dad's letter is on the way right now." Hai Lanzhu glared at Tie Mo with some dissatisfaction, although he hoped

My father and brother turned to Zhang Bei, but the position of the Horqin tribe meant that they could not have a clear attitude.

On September 17th, the fourth year of Chongzhen, Tie Mo and his party finally returned to Xuanfu after a long absence. Tie Mo only stayed in Xuanhua Town for half a day, and then hurried to Zhangbei. At this time, many people had gathered in Zhangbei City.

, Ma Fang, Lou Daji and others all came after hearing the news. Mobei Mongolia and Lin Danhan were coming fiercely, but it was not like the small fights before. If a fight really broke out, no one could survive alone. So they couldn't escape.

Man Gui brought Lou Daji over to see how to fight next, and get some benefits from Tie Mo by the way.

Returning to the Moon Palace, a girl wearing a lotus-colored gown rushed towards her with a smile, followed by a huge green wolf. Tie Mo hugged the girl, spun around a few times, and rubbed the wolf's head.

After more than a year, Mengmeng has not changed much, but Nunu’s size has grown a lot, and she looks like a big girl at a glance.

Hai Lanzhu couldn't stand it anymore, so she raised her hand and patted Nunu, "You damn girl, why don't you let go and let outsiders see you? You are not young anymore, so pay attention to your words and deeds."

Nunu pouted and made a face, but did not take Hai Lanzhu's words to heart. At this time, Aqige walked out of nowhere, her expression was excited, and she obviously missed her a lot, but she was more cautious after all.

Dharma was like a slave. After everyone entered the room, Tie Mo just held Aqige's jade hand and said softly: "I have suffered for you for so long."

After just one sentence, Aqige's eyes turned red and tears filled her eyes, "Huh, you have some conscience. You can worry less. This bandit suppression lasted for more than a year. How can I care about so many bad things?"

Come here? That bastard Lin Danhan took the opportunity to bully us. A military report was sent from Ulan City the day before yesterday. Minte has sent his general Tuha to capture several pastures in the southeast of Hanhai. He is currently resting here and may attack Ulan at any time.


"Huh? Lin Danhan moved so fast?" Tie Mo was slightly surprised. In any case, Lin Danhan should have waited until Mobei took action, but now it was Lin Danhan who took the lead in provoking the conflict.

Isn't he afraid that Huang Taiji will suddenly come from behind him at this time? In other words, Huang Taiji really gave Lin Danhan any strong guarantee?

"Inform Tuo Buhua to hold on to Ulan City. In addition, I will ask Lou Daji to lead some of the elite troops of Datong Prefecture to station in Ulan City. I believe that no matter how fast Minte is, he will not be able to break through Ulan City in a short time. etc.

After staying up for half a month, I let that old boy Lin Danhan walk around because he couldn't eat anything."

Tie Mo needs time. Elite soldiers from northern Shanxi went to the Central Plains to suppress bandits. They fought in all directions in the southern Zhili and Central Plains. In September, they marched hundreds of miles back to northern Shanxi. Even the iron-clad men couldn't bear it. Now all the troops and horses are exhausted.

He was so unbearable that he had no energy to support a big battle. I am afraid that it was because of this that Lin Danhan, the old fox, dared to choose this moment to act unscrupulously.

Tie Mo is really confused now. Lin Dan Khan dared to safely and boldly send his troops to the west and join forces with Bator to launch troops on the Hanhai Grassland. It is really unusual. According to common sense, no matter what kind of guarantee Huang Taiji gave Lin Dan Khan

, Lin Danhan would not believe it either. The contradiction between the two sides is so deep-rooted that it is almost integrated into their bones and blood.

During the night, intelligence from Liaodong was sent to Zhang Bei one after another. After reading these messages, he finally solved the mystery in his heart.

It turns out that a major event happened within the Jurchens in June this year. The Jurchens Beile Dorgon was in charge of Haixi. He spent nearly a year not only replenishing more than a dozen cattle records with white flags, but also changing the ordnance. Then in June

Yue unified the Uranala tribe. At this point, Dorgon was able to show off his talents. Then Dorgon took advantage of the warmer weather to expedition to the Black Water River and annexed several small tribes in the Huawai Land, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds.

After annexing various tribes in the Heishui River, Dorgon began to launch a crusade against the last powerful tribe within the Jurchens that was not subordinated to them. This was the Jurchen tribe in the East China Sea, also known as the savage tribe.

This chapter has been completed!
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