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Chapter 45

Chapter 45 A sudden change in the camp

In the first year of Chongzhen, in mid-March, the weather became warmer, and the spring breeze blew across the north bank of the Yellow River, bringing layers of greenery.

In less than two months, Anzhuang Fort has changed greatly. Countless houses have been added to the south, and a large camp has been added to the southeast near the willow forest. At this time, there are bursts of gunfire in the camp, accompanied by high-pitched voices.

's roar.

Rows of horizontal bars, canoes, shooting ranges, and soldiers stood in neat formations.

These training subjects are slowly condensed from Tie Mo's military training methods of later generations combined with the current actual situation.

At first, the troops marched cross-country with heavy loads, which made the soldiers miserable and complained. However, after Tie Mo personally followed the training, no one dared to say anything anymore.

At noon, Tie Mo was in a good mood as he stood on the watchtower and watched the figures rushing in and out of the camp.

These people were all young men selected from tens of thousands of refugees. In order to make these people work wholeheartedly, they also ordered many new houses to be built.

Fortunately, everything was worth it. The calm Qingzhuang, the discoloration on his face faded little by little, and after continuous training, he slowly became a qualified soldier.

Everything was going in a good direction, but there was one thing that always gave Tie Mo a headache.

Although the bird gun in hand is good, according to Tie Mo's idea, it is still far behind. Loading the gun is troublesome and ignition is cumbersome, resulting in low shooting speed and frequency.

For this reason, Tie Mo trained in three-stage attack, but after seven or eight days of training, there was still a gap in firepower. If he used this kind of firepower to face cavalry or a large number of enemy troops, he would have no choice but to wait for death.

In desperation, Tie Mo changed the three-stage attack to a six-stage attack. The six-stage attack was enough firepower, but another problem arose, that is, the number of shots per shot was limited, and the coverage area was much smaller.

The way to solve this problem is very simple, train more musketeers and have more muskets.

However, with the current financial resources, we can only think about it first.

Zhou Dingshan was dressed in earth-blue clothes and wearing a red tasseled felt hat. Not only did he look a bit more majestic, but his face also had a bit more resoluteness.

Zhou Dingshan is a very strict person, which is why Tie Mo is particularly fond of him.

Now the camp is divided into three hundred-man teams, and Zhou Dingshan is one of the three team leaders.

Zhou Dingshan was too young, and people including Zhao Houhou and others had objections to Zhou Dingshan becoming the leader of the team, but Tie Mo insisted on his own judgment.

"Dingshan, how is the recruitment of spearmen and iron shield soldiers?"

"The manpower is almost ready, but the production speed of iron shields is still too slow. We have only received fifteen shields now."

"Fifteen dollars? That's enough. Let's train people first. Don't let these people sit idle."

The training of pikemen and iron shield soldiers was also carefully considered. The musketeers of this era had too many limitations. Not only was the shooting speed a big problem, but the shortcomings in close combat were even more fatal.

If the enemy is allowed to rush in front of them, the musketeers will only be slaughtered.

A group of musketeers who had worked so hard to train could only huddle in the fortifications and shoot, and could not fight in the field. This was not the effect Tie Mo wanted.

So, the idea of ​​the Iron Shield Soldier came up.

The iron shield in Tie Mo's imagination is different from the military shield used before. It is thicker, taller, and wider. Each iron shield weighs more than fifty pounds and is two meters high. There is a shooting hole in the middle of the shield, and there is a ring handrail on the inside.

This kind of iron shield forms a shield wall, which is like forming an iron wall in front of the musketeers, which greatly protects the musketeers behind. If there is an enemy attack, iron rods can be connected in series through the ring handrails to form an indestructible wall.

of iron walls.

Of course, because the iron shield is too heavy, it will slow down the marching speed, but it doesn't matter if it is slow, as long as it is useful.

The musketeers are equipped with iron shields, plus the spearmen, and they form an iron bastard. The speed is slow, but I can still push the enemy to death slowly.


On the school grounds, there was a burst of cheers, and a dozen military men surrounded a burly man, talking happily.

The strong man has thick limbs and thick eyebrows, and his laughter has a bit of a rough atmosphere.

Tie Mo looked at it and whispered: "Who is the strong man in the middle?"

"Oh, his name is Wang Junlie, from Yanchuan. This man once served as a monk in the temple, so the brothers in the camp call him Monk Wang."

"Monk Wang? He doesn't look like a monk. He seems to be quite authoritative."

"Yes, Monk Wang is diligent in his training and generous with his wealth. He didn't keep any of the settlement money he received before, but gave it all to a few acquaintances around him."

"Is this so?" Tie Mo nodded his head and frowned, "Dingshan, what do you think of this person?"

"Seeking wealth without retaining it, being righteous and able to endure hardships. In my opinion, Monk Wang is a man with great ambitions, and I am afraid he is not a person who has long been in the hearts of the people."

Tie Mo smiled and patted Zhou Dingshan's shoulder, "It seems we have the same view."

Zhou Dingshan's expression turned cold and he glanced at Monk Wang in the distance, "How about I find an opportunity to bring him..."

As he spoke, he slashed the air with his palm.

Tie Mo shook his head gently, "No, we have finally gained popularity. If we kill Monk Wang now, once people know about it, the reputation will be gone. Well, you can find a chance to have a meal with him.

Let’s have a good chat. As long as he’s not a fool, he’ll know what to do. If he doesn’t know how to show appreciation, then don’t blame us for being cruel.”

It's very courageous to dare to go to my territory and pull someone's head.


After leaving the camp, we saw that the original rural dirt road had been widened a lot, and there were many refugees busy building roads on the roadside.

On recruiting troops, building military camps, and building roads, the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in Tie Mo's hands were spent like running water.

At that time, I had a big quarrel with Zhou Dingshan, Zhao Hou and others because of road construction.

Tie Mo, who possesses the soul of future generations, is well aware of the importance of road construction. As long as this road together with the official road in the north is built, the caravan will go directly to Zhangjiakou through Anzhuang Fort, which will save more than fifty miles. At that time, the traffic will be

The number of caravans in Anzhuang Castle will increase sharply, and Anzhuang Castle will become prosperous because of this road.

As soon as I entered the village, I met Deng Kai.

Deng Kai, your face was already dark, but after meeting Tie Mo, your face became even more ugly.

Deng Kai cupped his hands hastily and hurried out of Zhuangzi.

In the past month or so, Deng Kai has become extremely honest, but the more he behaves like this, the more uneasy Tie Mo feels.

With Gu Chengliang's temperament, would he watch Tie Mo grow bigger step by step?


At night, with a cool spring breeze and silence, the Anzhuangbao camp suddenly burst into flames, accompanied by rumbling sounds.

Tie Mo woke up from his sleep, pushed open the door and came to the street, and saw Hao Sanpao running over in disheveled clothes.

"Xiaotie, someone is making trouble in the camp!"

Tie Mo frowned and walked eagerly towards the camp, but an imperceptible sneer flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Have you finally taken action?

This chapter has been completed!
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