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Chapter 458 mess up Zhang Bei

Chapter 458 Mess with Zhang Bei

After about half a cup of tea, Master Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief after the young man left. He was very afraid of the young master. He was young, but his heart and methods were ruthless. In fact, the young master was originally

The position of master is not his, but just because someone else showed some flaws, he was caught by him. After a lot of overt and covert fighting, he became the new young master.

Master Wuchen only knew that he wanted to follow the young master's instructions to confuse the people of Zhangbei and cause a big mess, but he never knew what the young master's real intention was. He wanted to ask many times, but he was afraid of offending the young master, so he did this

I endured it. It was late at night, but the outside of Yaowang Temple was not empty. Not only did some believers stay, but there were also some poor people gathered in groups under the nearby broken wall. These people included beggars and hooligans.

, they are all guys who are not happy with their lives.

"Hey, you heard what the Heavenly Master said before, right? If we want to stand up, we have to kill those demons." A middle-aged man had a sullen face and a hoarse voice. Perhaps he also knew in his heart that what Wuchen said was not necessarily true.

True, but there was another voice in his heart telling him that this was an opportunity for him to make a comeback. If he grasped it, he could change his destiny. His name was Xing Laiwang, and his name meant good luck, but he had been very poor in business and bartering in his life.

After encountering horse bandits, he learned how to make furs from others, and suddenly the workshop was burned down. In short, everything went wrong, and nothing has been accomplished until now. Many times, Xing Laiwang wondered if God had not opened his eyes and was deliberately punishing him.

The appearance of Wuchen Zhenren gave him other ideas. Perhaps it was not that his fate was bad, but that he was restrained by some people. Those people were the so-called demon incarnations. I have to say that Xing Laiwang was not an exception.

There are not many people like him in the world, especially in this troubled world. Xing Laiwang has his own ambitions, and some beggars also want to change their fate, and Master Wuchen's sermons gave them a reason.

Who are the monsters? Wuchen Zhenren didn’t say, so the monsters in everyone’s hearts are different, but their goals are roughly the same, which is to kill these monsters stepping on their shoulders and find a way out for themselves. The night passed in a hurry, and the times

Early in the morning, before midnight, countless people gathered around the Yaowang Temple. Last night, Master Wuchen performed a miracle, and the golden roc spread its wings and soared. This incident had spread and caused a sensation throughout Zhangbeicheng. In addition, what happened in Zhangjiakou

Regarding the matter, the people almost worship Wuchen Zhenren as a god and treat him religiously.

Standing at the entrance of Yaowang Temple, looking at the crowds of people, Master Wuchen felt a sense of arrogance in his heart. These people are his followers, and they will do whatever you ask them to do. If you...

.. I just thought about it and quickly shook my head secretly. He took two steps forward, waved the whisk, his solemn face became extremely serious, Wuchen Zhenren made a sign with his right hand, and said in a loud voice: "The world is unkind and treats all things like cud dogs.

If all living beings have the Dao, they will survive. The poor Daoists have little skills, but they also know that God has the virtue of good life. In today's world, monsters are rampant, making God angry. Because all living beings are indifferent, God punishes them, causing many places to suffer from drought for many years and no crops to be harvested.

It has also made countless lives precarious and homeless.”

As soon as Master Wuchen finished speaking, Xing Laiwang, who was standing at the front of the crowd, asked loudly: "May I ask the heavenly master, the incarnation of the navy demon, how can we, mortal bodies, see through the true form of the demon?"

What Xing Laiwang asked was exactly what Master Wuchen wanted to say most, so he pretended to think for a while and said in a deep voice: "The demons in the world are ever-changing, and they are no different from all living beings. However, demons take form, but their nature is difficult to change. Who can

Whoever causes injustice in the world and takes away the benefits of all people is a demon. Demons are among all living beings. Maybe there is someone among you and me who is the incarnation of the demon."

As he spoke, Master Wuchen flicked the fly whisk in his hand and pointed in one direction. He saw an old locust tree there. In winter, the branches and leaves of the old locust tree fell off, and there was a young man in Chinese clothes riding on the branch.

Looking around, Master Wuchen moved the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes, "For example, he is the demon in front of us, and he is also a demon star descending to earth."

Seeing Master Wuchen pointing at him, and saying that he was the incarnation of a demon. The young man in Chinese clothes was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses, climbed down the old locust tree, pointed at Master Wuchen and cursed, "You idiot,

What did you say?"

The young man in colorful clothes is named Qiao Ai, and he is a child of the Qiao family. He came to Yaowang Temple today just to see the excitement, but he never thought that Master Wuchen would target him. Qiao Ai was furious in his heart. If the situation were different,

, I have to give Wuchen Zhenren a beating.

Qiao Ai was thinking about how to deal with Master Wuchen, but he didn't realize that the eyes of the people around him were a little strange. Not long after, a voice popped out from the crowd, "No wonder this guy is arrogant and domineering, and does all kinds of evil. It turns out that he is actually a demon star who has come to earth."

, No wonder, no wonder..."

Xing Laiwang frowned and pointed at Qiao Ai, "So you are the demon star who descended to earth, and what the heavenly master said may not be taken seriously. I never thought that he really said it. You are a demon star and a disaster. I will kill you today to avoid you.

To bring harm to all sentient beings again..."

"You guys?" Qiao Ai's face changed drastically. Facing countless angry faces, he turned around and wanted to run away, but at this time he was surrounded. He couldn't escape, but he only took two steps before he was blocked back.

The two servants beside him wanted to step forward and fight, but as soon as they moved, they were knocked to the ground. Xing Laiwang knocked Qiao Ai to the ground smoothly, and glanced at Wuchen Zhenren from the corner of his eyes. When he saw the other party's eyes of approval, he suddenly became more energetic.

When he was satisfied, he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Folks, this guy oppresses good people and does all kinds of evil. He must be like a demon star. Today, let us kill this demon star and eliminate harm for the people."

Under Xing Laiwang's temptation, more than a dozen people have lost their minds. As Shanxi merchants, the Qiao family has a huge wealth, which makes people jealous, and Qiao Ai is not a fuel-efficient lamp. There are many people who are very attracted to the Qiao family and Qiao Ai.

For a moment, everyone stepped forward, punched and kicked Qiao Ai. Qiao Ai could only shrink to the ground and howl in pain. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him. Those who took action seemed to be just venting their suppressed emotions.

Finally, the crowd dispersed, but Qiao Ai was lying motionless on the ground, already dead. Some people were scared that Qiao Ai was dead, but there was also no way back. This was just the beginning, and Qiao Ai's death seemed to be the end of the world.

This triggered a fuse. On this day, Zhang Beicheng was no longer as peaceful as before. People formed gangs everywhere and began to arrest and kill people on the street. Because at first they arrested all the gangsters, but some people applauded, but gradually

Something was amiss, and some prominent figures in the city were also attacked, but most of them had not done anything evil.

In just two days, Zhang Beicheng changed completely. More and more people were making trouble. All the county government officials were sent to the streets, but it still had no effect. Many people began to take advantage of the chaos to grab things, and some people were even raped.

It's about women. But the initiator of all the farce is still staying quietly in Yaowang Temple. Master Wuchen is standing at the door of Yaowang Temple, looking at the people coming and going, with a complicated smile on his lips. He does it himself.

Chaos Zhang Beicheng, this feeling is really wonderful, as if the color of the world has changed at the turn of a hand.

Chaos, the more chaotic the better, now I have completed the task ordered by the young master. Although Tie Mo has strong soldiers, he may not have any good way to deal with this kind of thing. This kind of civil chaos, but

If you are not a bandit, how can you simply fight and kill? Hehe, just let Tie Mo have the headache. The next thing has nothing to do with him, he just wants to watch the show.

Zhang Beicheng was really in chaos, affecting almost every household. In the courtyard, Chen Qu held a shovel and blocked the door. His wife Asi also blocked the courtyard door. Chen Qu's face was twisted and he yelled at his parents in the courtyard.

Said: "Father, mother, please wake up. The Wuchen Master and the Heavenly Master are all lies. Look at what those people are doing. Boss Lin is always kind to others. What bad things has he done? But Wuchen

The real person actually said that he was the reincarnation of a demon, and you believe such nonsense. No matter what the child says today, you will not be allowed to go out. If you insist on going out, just step on my body."

Old man Chen tugged on his beard, his expression extremely ugly, "You bastard, how dare you doubt the Heavenly Master, aren't you afraid of being punished by God? The Heavenly Master has successfully summoned a sign from the heavens, how can it be false in full view of the public? The Heavenly Master is in Zhangjiakou, but he is not the only one who governs

Okay, an old man who has been blind for 20 years has passed on word of mouth and it cannot be false, but you just don’t believe it. Get out of here and don’t force me to do anything to you.”

Old Chen's wife also stamped her feet and persuaded: "Son, let me listen to you. The Heavenly Master can really save us from the sea of ​​suffering this time. You must not offend the Heavenly Master, you know?"

"You...you..." Chen Qu's face froze with anger, and he trembled loudly and said: "Why don't you let you go? How did Master Wuchen get the heavenly omen?

I don't know, but some method must have been used. Why are you going out at this time? General Tie has thousands of troops and horses, how can he allow Zhang Beicheng to be in chaos? When the army enters the city, there will be a killing spree...

..At that time, all the heavenly masters and so on will die, and you should not be buried with them."

"Young man... You son, I can't control you anymore?" Old Chen was so angry that he picked up the wooden stick next to him and rushed over. For a while, the whole yard was in a commotion.

The Chen family and his son almost represent two groups of people in Zhang Beicheng. Now Zhang Beicheng is in chaos. Many people are making trouble, but most of them are being coerced. At this time, in the Moon Palace, Tie Mo is not what others imagine.

Although he was so anxious, at least on the surface he seemed calm.

Wang Zuoguan dropped his piece, looked at the chessboard, and said with a meaningful smile: "Supervisor, the person who should jump out has already jumped out. According to my subordinates, it is time to close the net, otherwise, our losses will be too great.


"Well, there are a lot of bastard things popping up, but Mr. Wang, don't you think things are still too simple as it develops now? Do you think the other party's real intention is for some people in Guhong to cause trouble?"

Wang Zuogao shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Of course it can't be that simple, but for us, we can't delay it. No matter what the other party's real intention is, we have to close the net. As far as my subordinates know, there are already people in the city.

Sixty percent of the shops were affected, and the Qiao family, Chang family, etc. also suffered heavy losses. If we don't take action, it will be too late."

"Is it so serious? Hey, let's close the Internet cafe and see if we can get anything out of those people's mouths!" Tie Mo pointed at the chessboard with his finger, then stood up and stretched.

A simple sentence, but it determined the life and death of countless people. Following Tie Mo's order, the cavalry stationed not far north of Zhangbeicheng quickly rushed into Zhangbeicheng. After receiving Tiemo's order, Orger dispersed the troops and horses.

He began patrolling the streets and killed anyone who dared to mess around on the street. Orger didn't care whether they were ordinary people or not. As long as they made trouble, they would be killed.

As Orger's cavalry entered the city, the entire Zhangbeicheng was wailing. Under the shadow of swords and swords, there were sporadic gunshots. Under the bloody methods, those who made trouble finally woke up, and some people roared and tried their best.

Some people backed down. Many of them took advantage of the opportunity. Now that the border army is using such bloody methods to clean up the situation, it would be better to withdraw early. Unfortunately, there has never been such a good thing in the world, and Orger will not let it go.

Those who are just outsiders, in short, as long as they have caused trouble, if they are caught, their heads will be chopped off without any room for negotiation.

Under the bloody suppression of Orger's army, Zhangbeicheng quickly became much quieter. Orger was beaten or killed, and Xing Laiwang unfortunately became a prisoner.

The Moon Palace is not only the residence of Tie Mo and others, but also close to the south gate of the Moon Palace, there is the most terrifying cell in northern Shanxi, known as the "black cell", which is often used to imprison some important criminals.

On this day, Zhang Beicheng was no longer as chaotic as before, but the black cell became much more lively. Standing at the door, you could hear all kinds of screams coming from inside, and the hair on the back of those who heard it went up.

The tall and thick Xing Laiwang was hung on an iron frame, and his body had been beaten to a pulp. At this time, Xing Laiwang didn't even have much strength to scream. He drooped his head and kept breathing heavily. Orger sat aside.

, kept playing with the riding crop in his hand, "Xing Laiwang, I might as well tell you, if you don't say something useful, you will only suffer more. Don't think about death, if you commit suicide in front of your eyes

, the general cut off his head and used it as a urinal."

"I...General, the villain is just a peripheral person. He just asked me to help Master Wuchen to confuse the people. I don't know anything else. The villain is a down-and-out businessman, and he only met those people recently.


Xing Laiwang raised his head vigorously, and as he spoke, muddy tears flowed down his face. He swore to God that he really didn't know much.

Orger shook his head and cursed with some annoyance: "You bitch, if you say you are useless at all, why would I give you such a happy experience? Continue to work hard, say something useful when you can, and then send him on his way."

Xing Laiwang's already pale face twisted into a ball. His biggest dream now was to die quickly, but Orger didn't give him a chance at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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