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Chapter 493 Conversation between women

Chapter 493 Conversation between women

Jin Mingwan stood there quietly. She just glanced at Zheng Chenghua lightly and did not argue. Unlike Zheng Chenghua, she naturally had her own judgment since she decided to take this step. Li Yunhai had approached Tie several times before.

Mo talked about marriage, but was blocked every time. Jin Mingwan knew very well that the biggest obstacle to this matter was not Tie Mo, but the woman around him.

Regarding the marriage, Jin Mingwan was very attentive and had some understanding of this young powerful official of the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, when his father proposed the marriage, he would never agree to it. In any case, at least this Iron Governor

It's still very good. If I had to choose between Dorgon and Tie Mo, of course I would choose Tie Mo. In Jin Mingwan's impression, Dorgon is a very barbaric person, and he seems to be the so-called warrior in the entire female tribe.

Batulu, they are all bloodthirsty butchers.

Jin Mingwan, who has admired the civilization of the Central Plains since she was a child, has a special interest in the Ming Dynasty, so she does not have much resistance to marrying the Ming Dynasty. In addition, given the current situation of the Jin family, marrying the Ming Dynasty is also the best choice. Unfortunately, in imagination, it should be

Things that went very smoothly encountered many obstacles. This time Yuan Chengnan deliberately caused trouble, which was a good opportunity. Didn't Mrs. Xiao keep putting off talking about it? Then make the matter bigger, put it on the surface, and talk to her.

Will Mrs. Xiao care about Yuan Chengnan's conflict or not? If she really lets it go and gives up the benefits brought by this marriage, it proves that the Jin family has really misjudged the situation and not marrying is actually a good thing. But Tie Mo and

Xiao Ruxue knew how important this interest was, so she couldn't ignore it. As long as she ignored it, she would have to talk about it carefully.

Jin Mingwan was waiting, but Zheng Chenghua didn't know these things, and thought that Jin Mingwan had already admitted defeat. He winked at the people around Yuan Chengnan, and was about to take them, when there was a noise on the street.

After a while, I saw Zhou Dingshan pushing in with a group of people. Zhou Dingshan walked up to Jin Mingwan in a few steps, cupped his hands and said: "Miss Jin, my wife wants to talk to you about something. Leave the matters here to Zhou."

At this moment, a faint smile flashed across Jin Mingwan's lips. She nodded and said softly: "Thank you, General Zhou!"

Zhou Dingshan smiled and turned to look at Zheng Chenghua opposite, "General Zheng, you seem to be a little unfair in this matter today. It is not the Three Thousand Battalion's turn to intervene in the affairs of the City Patrol Department, right? Also, this Yuan Chengnan has no chance.

You forcibly seize other people's goods for no reason, but you don't care, but you cause trouble for others. What are your intentions? Now, envoys from all over the world are watching the congratulatory ceremony in the capital. If you are so unfair, how can I, the Ming Dynasty, save my face?"

Now that he decided to intervene, Zhou Dingshan would not give Zheng Chenghua any face. He said something that contained a gun and a stick, and directly made Zheng Chenghua speechless. Obviously Zhou Dingshan wanted to attack Yuan Chengnan, and now Yuan Chengnan was frightened.

, could only look at Zheng Chenghua next to him. The reason why he rushed to stir up trouble in the capital of Ming Dynasty was because of the support of Master Cheng and General Zheng. If there was no one to support him, even if he had eighteen courages, he would not dare to make such a fuss.

Zheng Chenghua didn't know how to refute Zhou Dingshan for a while, but he knew that he must not let the other party touch Yuan Chengnan. This was related to North Korea's interests. If the Jin family wanted to marry the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet would certainly fight for benefits, and the Yuan family was

The best partner. Zheng Chenghua frowned and took two steps back. The soldiers of the Three Thousand Battalion behind him suddenly took a few steps forward, protecting Zheng Chenghua and Yuan Chengnan behind them.

"General Zhou, I think your control is too lenient, right? Our Three Thousand Battalion is responsible for guarding the safety of the capital. It is our job to assist the City Patrol Department in maintaining order in the city. When I see something happening here, I come here to take care of it.

Regardless, what's wrong? If General Zhou feels it's unfair, he can go to the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment to inquire. But for now, General Zhou is advised not to mess around. As you said, the envoys from various countries are still in the capital.

Hey, if you and I get into a fight at this time, I'm afraid it would be bad. If something happens, the court will lose face. I'm afraid you and I can't bear this responsibility, right? If the court blames me, no one can afford it!"

Zheng Chenghua said in a cold and threatening voice, Zhou Dingshan's expression remained unchanged, he hugged his arms and said relaxedly: "If something happens, the Superintendent will naturally come forward. As for General Zheng, you should worry about yourself."

After saying this, Zheng Chenghua's heart froze. Zhou Dingshan seemed to say it casually, but it seemed to stab Zheng Chenghua in his heart. If something really happened, he would probably protect Zhou Dingshan with iron ink, but Zheng Chenghua

What? Zheng Chenghua knows the adults above him too well. They care about too many things. Take reputation as an example. For their own sake, those people would probably abandon him, Zheng Chenghua, because this kind of thing has happened before.


If he really got into a fight with Zhou Dingshan, it seemed that he was the only one who suffered the loss afterwards. Thinking of this, Zheng Chenghua hesitated in his heart. Yuan Chengnan didn’t know what Zheng Chenghua was thinking. Didn’t Master Cheng promise to take advantage of the opportunity?

To cause trouble, do you want to capture Jin Mingwan? If the two sides didn't fight, wouldn't my previous work have been in vain? I felt anxious and couldn't help but approach Zheng Chenghua, urging in a low voice: "General Zheng, why don't you take action?"

Zheng Chenghua's heart suddenly became angry, but he couldn't say it directly. He could only groan with a sullen face: "In full view of the public, on the long street of the capital, the imperial soldiers and horses are fighting. How can it be unworthy? Mr. Yuan, let's forget about today's matter."

Right. Moreover, you have also seen that the warriors of the frontier army under Zhou Dingshan are one to ten. If we really fight, we will suffer the loss, and maybe we will also hurt Young Master Yuan, what do you think?"

As he spoke, Zheng Chenghua's eyes flashed sharply, and his sharp gaze was directed at Yuan Chengnan, which frightened him so much that cold sweat ran down his back. Yuan Chengnan could understand Chinese, and he also felt Zheng Chenghua's fierce eyes.

If he doesn't listen to Zheng Chenghua, this general of the Celestial Dynasty will give him Yuan Chengnan a stumbling block. Although he doesn't know why General Zheng suddenly changed his mind, he must not go the other way at this time, otherwise only he, Yuan Chengnan, will suffer.


Under the threat of Zheng Chenghua, Yuan Chengnan had no choice but to give up his unrealistic ideas. Soon the conflict seemed like a farce, ending in an anticlimax. Even the people thought that the two sides were going to fight. As a result, Zheng Chenghua led his people

He left in dejection, and even Yuan Chengnan, who had caused trouble at the beginning, did not stay for a long time. Now Cheng Jiming and others are still attending the congratulatory ceremony in the palace, so naturally they cannot interfere in matters outside the palace, but it does not mean that they are deaf and blind.


After the congratulatory ceremony, there was a state banquet. At the banquet, there was a dazzling array of fine wines and delicacies. Cheng Jiming and others exchanged cups with envoys from various countries, and everyone drank with their faces glowing red. Just when he was feeling dizzy, someone came to Cheng Jiming

There were whispers around him, and soon Cheng Jiming's eyes widened, and he was less drunk. This Zheng Chenghua was getting more and more careful. But now was not the time to settle accounts with Zheng Chenghua, so Cheng Jiming could only secretly

Sigh, it’s fate, and a good plan was ruined by Zheng Chenghua.

Cheng Jiming was in a bad mood, and Zheng Chenghua was equally uncomfortable. This time he violated the cabinet's wishes, and Zheng Chenghua's life would be difficult in the future. However, he did not regret it. If he had followed the cabinet's plan and negotiated with Zhou Dingshan's National People's Congress

If there is a fight and things get serious, there will definitely be accountability in the end. If they are really held accountable, neither Zhou Dingshan nor Zheng Chenghua will be severely punished. If something like this happens on the day of the Congratulations Ceremony, the leading general will most likely lose his head.


Zhou Dingshan is protected by Tie Mo. As long as Tie Mo wants to protect it, no one can really touch Zhou Dingshan. Tie Mo can influence hundreds of thousands of border troops, and it is not easy to protect one person. But Zheng Chenghua cannot do it, and the cabinet

How much price can Zheng Chenghua pay to keep him? When the cabinet feels that it is not worth it, it is likely to abandon him as a chess piece. With the same punishment, the probability of Zheng Chenghua being unlucky is dozens of times higher than that of Zhou Dingshan. Therefore,

It is right not to act in accordance with the cabinet's ideas. The worst that can happen is that you will make the cabinet unhappy and be demoted or go home. At least you are still alive and will not lose your life.

In an exquisite courtyard, Xiao Ruxue sat cross-legged at a low table. A maid was busy with her delicate hands, a small fire was swaying, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing. Jin Mingwan was sitting opposite, and she was like a quiet lady at this moment.

The lady no longer had the recklessness of dancing with guns and clubs. Xiao Ruxue secretly smiled bitterly in her heart, Jin Mingwan was really a shrewd woman, no wonder Jin Liu was willing to marry Jin Mingwan to the Ming Dynasty.

"Miss Jin, actually, the supervisor has told me about your matter several times. I wanted to talk to you several times before, but I just couldn't make time. Fortunately, I have some free time today, so we might as well have a good chat. Your father, Jin

Your Excellency and the King have a very good idea, but we also have some concerns. Have you ever thought about it, Miss Jin? It’s just a wedding, and we will send a fleet to work on your territory. Isn’t this not worth it?


Everyone knew the purpose of this meeting, so Xiao Ruxue didn't want to waste time. Jin Mingwan had already been dragged out of her patience, so it was a good thing to talk straight to the point. But after hearing what Xiao Ruxue said,

After saying this, she slowly frowned and said somewhat unhappily: "Isn't it enough that my two families are marrying each other to work together for a great cause? Don't forget that my father's influence spreads all over the ten cities in the south, and he has more in his hands.

There are tens of thousands of warriors who are good at conquering and fighting."

"Ten southern cities? Miss Jin, it sounds nice to say it, but do you really own these ten southern cities? Those tens of thousands of soldiers are even more ridiculous. As far as we know, these soldiers and horses under your father's command are not very good. There is Zheng Zhilong's fleet in front.

When Japanese pirates invaded later, when was there any decent resistance? After the marriage, whether it was fighting against the Japanese pirates or against the Jurchens, we still mostly had to rely on our soldiers and horses."

Xiao Ruxue said with a sarcastic smile, which made Jin Mingwan quite embarrassed, but she didn't know how to refute it. In fact, the soldiers of the Jin family and even the soldiers of the entire North Korea really had no impressive achievements in the past few hundred years. In the past, Zheng Zhilong

When the fleet docked, they defeated the soldiers and horses of southern Korea and forced the nobles of Korea to trade with them. Later, the Japanese pirates invaded, let alone the Japanese pirates. The entire Korea was beaten to disgrace by the Japanese pirates.

There was no idea of ​​marriage. The reason for the marriage was because of the strength of the Ming Dynasty Navy, especially the Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses on Pi Island, which were very close to North Korea, so it was naturally convenient to send troops.

"Madam, I admit that what you said makes some sense, but the marriage is very beneficial to both of our families, so why bother to stop it? I know that there are several outstanding women in the governor's family, and I can't influence a few of them, right?


"Miss Jin, you are wrong. The reason why you are blocking it is definitely not because of fear. You also said that a marriage is good for both families, but the marriage must be fair. Are you right? If it is a marriage, the supervisor will send troops to help.

That's right, but in the future, if you guys turn your back and become ruthless, what should we do? The Kim family is the Kim family, but it doesn't represent the whole of North Korea, right?"

Jin Mingwan considered Xiao Ruxue's words carefully, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true. The Jin family and the Li family were really interested in the marriage now. The Jin family was motivated by their own interests, while the Li family was forced by the situation.

When the situation in North Korea improves, it will be different whether the royal Li family will still have the same thoughts as the Jin family. In short, the Jin family wants to become the spokesperson of the Ming Dynasty in North Korea through marriage, but the Li family is not like this. There are many variables here.

, it is normal for others to have concerns.

After thinking about it, Jin Mingwan showed a wry smile, "What Madam said is something I have never thought of. So, Madam, have you ever thought about how to protect our respective interests? To be honest, this matter is not for me to talk about.


Xiao Ruxue nodded lightly, "It's very simple. The marriage is a tie. We need stronger guarantees. The marriage can be agreed, but we have to station troops in Xichuan City. Only in this way can we safely intervene in North Korean affairs. Of course,

If Miss Jin does not agree, she can leave the supervisor and go talk to the court. I believe the court is broad-minded and will not have so many demands."

As we all know, the Ming Dynasty rarely took advantage of its subordinate countries for the sake of the face of the higher country. Jin Mingwan went to the Ming Dynasty court to talk, and he would naturally get a good answer. But the question was, could the Ming Dynasty really send troops to North Korea?

The answer is no. If you can talk to the court, why waste time with Tie Mo?

With a wry smile, Jin Mingwan shook her head and said, "Hey, this matter is too important. Please forgive me for not being able to accept it. My father will have to discuss it with the king."

"Miss Jin, why don't you understand? This matter only requires the consent of your Jin family. Now Xichuan is nominally a territory of the Jin family. As for the head of the country, do you think he will agree? If at this time, your Jin family

We also need to consider the thoughts of the country’s leader, so I think it’s okay not to talk about cooperation!”

Xiao Ruxue's words were very straightforward. Since the Jin family decided to marry the governor, they planned to be the pawns of the Ming Dynasty. In other words, the Jin family was ready to commit adultery. In this way,

Why should we consider the opinion of the King of Joseon anymore? In the future, the Jin family and the Joseon royal family may still be at war with each other.

If you don’t understand this matter clearly, there is really no need to continue talking about it. What can you achieve by talking to a fool?

Jin Mingwan could also hear the meaning of Xiao Ruxue's words, and gradually she felt helpless. Although Jin Mingwan was smart, she was not a politician after all. Such things were definitely not something she could figure out in a short time. Fortunately, she was not able to figure it out in a short time.

Xiao Ruxue didn't push it and gave Jin Mingwan time to think about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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