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Chapter 50 Hidden Deepest Spy

Chapter 50 The deepest hidden spy

"Today, if anyone recognizes me as Tie Mo, then stand aside. If anyone doesn't care about life and death, then don't blame me for being rude."

The people brought by Deng Kai were all military households in Anzhuangbao. Although these people followed, most of them were on the fence. Now that Tie Mo had said harsh words, many people began to hesitate.

Tie Mo would not let their ink stains go down, and said with a cold face: "Deng Kai and the Mantou Mountain Bandits intend to attack our unit, but our unit has no choice but to fight back..."

Listening to Tie Mo's words, Deng Kai's eyes widened with fear. He was crazy. Tie Mo, this mad dog, was really going to kill him.

"Stop him, stop him." Deng Kai waved his hand to let others rush upward, but he turned around and ran away with two people.

Tie Mo thought it was funny, so he just glared and made the military households cower and move out of the way.

If this idiot Deng Kai stayed to supervise the formation, the military households could still fight. If he turned around and ran away, who would still pay attention to his orders?

Tie Mo and his men chased slowly, while Deng Kai took Ma Miao and Ruan Sangou and fled down the mountain without their lives. At this time, Deng Kai was full of regrets. If he had known better, he would not have rushed up the mountain. But who could have thought of Tie Mo?

He is a fool who dares to kill his colleagues in public.

As they were about to go down the mountain, before Deng Kai could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a muffled groan behind him.

Looking back, Ma Miao was lying on the roadside covered in blood, obviously lifeless. Next to the body, Ruan Sangou was holding a short knife with a sneer on his face.

"Sangouzi...what are you doing...you killed Ma Miao..."

Ruan Sangou curled his lips and did not deny it. He said nothing, held the dagger tightly, and stabbed Deng Kai in the abdomen.

Everything happened so suddenly, Deng Kai only felt a pain in his abdomen, and then he fell to the ground softly.


"Why?" Ruan Sangou smiled coldly, "Haven't you figured it out yet? Brother Tie needs to know your every move, so I fell out with Brother Tie."

"You... are so tolerant that you didn't take action until now... No wonder Monk Wang's matter was leaked so quickly. It turned out to be you..."

"Yes, it's me, but I only knew that you planted a spy, and I didn't know that it was Monk Wang. It's only because Monk Wang didn't hide it well, and you, you can go see Yang Dayong!"

Crouching down, Ruan Sangou held down Deng Kai's head, aimed at the neck, and stabbed him without hesitation.

As soon as Deng Kai died, Ruan Sangou held the dagger behind his back, scratched his left arm, and then threw the dagger into a nearby pit.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Ruan Sangou held on to the stone wall and cried: "Master Tie... help me... Monk Wang is actually ambushing me here. Master Deng and Ma Miao...


Tie Mo patted his thigh hard and pointed at Deng Kai's body in a depressed tone, "I told you to search the mountain carefully, but you insist on taking the credit from me. Look, you will be punished!"

Looking at the scene in front of me, anyone who is not a fool will know what is going on.

Ruan Sangou was the spy who hid the most deeply. Everything was planned by Tie Mo. From the beginning, he never thought of letting Deng Kai leave alive.

But so what if you know?

The more this happened, the more he had to pretend not to know. Tie Mo killed Yang Dayong and then Deng Kai in the same way. If he wanted to kill a military householder in Anzhuang Fort, wouldn't it be as easy as crushing an ant?

Deng Kai's death made the military households in Anzhuang Fort understand one thing. From now on, there can only be one voice in Anzhuang Fort.

I don't know who took the lead, but all the hundreds of soldiers knelt on the ground.

"Master Tie, from now on the brothers will listen to you. I only hope that you can lead the brothers to avenge General Deng Qi."

"Easy to say, it's Tie's job to avenge General Deng Qi. Brothers, get up!"


The next day, the military report about Mantou Mountain was circulated to Dusi and Huai'an. Of course, the blame for Deng Kai's death was also dumped on Monk Wang.

The Huai'an Institute responded immediately. Gu Chengliang and Wei Xiang led their troops to go up the mountain, but were blocked by Tie Mo at the intersection.

Wei Xiang and Gu Chengliang were unwilling to give up the iron ore and copper mines, so they wanted to take them back. Naturally, Tie Mo refused to give in. The two sides started a fight at the Sanchakou. As a result, Wei Xiang and Gu Chengliang took the

The man returned to Huai'an in disgrace.

As soon as Wei Xiang's troops retreated, Tie Mo occupied Mantou Mountain and refused to leave. He issued an official document stating that on the grounds that there were still bandits remaining in Mantou Mountain, troops and horses needed to be stationed for a long period of time to suppress the bandits.

Tie Mo has made it clear that he owns Mantou Mountain. Wei Xiang and Gu Chengliang have nothing in common, so who can make him stronger than others?

Are you saying that there are copper and iron mines on Mantou Mountain? If you say this openly, wouldn't it involve the Kang family and other major forces?

Tie Mo dared to occupy Mantou Mountain blatantly because he was sure that no one would talk about the matter of Mantou Mountain openly.

Once the matter of Mantou Mountain is made clear, then according to the rules, the iron ore and copper mines will be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. As long as the matter of the mine is not made clear, everyone can still discuss it. It used to be the Kang family, but now it is

Tie Mo, let’s talk to whoever occupies Mantou Mountain.

It is true that the Kang family is powerful, but they will not risk public outrage by making things clear.

When Mantou Mountain changed hands, only the Kang family suffered a real loss. The other families did not suffer any loss at all. Instead, they may have gained a lot of benefits.

Two days later, Chang Minyue arrived at Mantou Mountain.

Although Chang Minyue came alone, she represented the Chang family and several other Shanxi merchants.

Tie Mo was surprisingly cheerful about cooperation. By doing this, Tie Mo also sent a signal to several other Shanxi businessmen. I believe someone is easier to talk to than the Kang family. As long as everyone cooperates sincerely, the benefits will only be more than before.

It will be less than before.

After another four days, the detailed cooperation plan was finally finalized.

Tie Mo took 30% of the profits from the Mantoushan Mining Institute, and the rest went to the Chang family and several other Shanxi merchants.

Tie Mo was very generous and almost gave up most of the benefits to a few Shanxi merchants. But everything was worth it, because only benefits can bring the two parties together.

This is just the beginning. Slowly, Shanxi merchants will be gathered into their own interest groups step by step. Hum, as long as you get on the pirate ship of Tie Mo, then don't think about it anymore.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​wanting over Shanxi merchants has been around for a long time. Instead of letting Shanxi merchants support Houjin in Liaodong, why not win them over to my side and use them for my use?

How can I say that I am an out-and-out Ming Dynasty man, a native of Shanxi? As long as the interests of Shanxi merchants can be guaranteed, Shanxi merchants will still support Hou Jin? Unless they are kicked in the head by a donkey.

In the past, I always couldn't figure out why the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce supported the Manchus in the late Ming Dynasty. I thought this was incredible. Isn't this an act of treason?

After truly coming to this era, I gradually understood the helplessness of Shanxi merchants.

Since Emperor Tianqi passed away and Zhu Youjian came to power, the eunuch party has suffered a devastating blow. And those Shanxi merchants who supported Jin party officials have become aliens in the eyes of the court. A few months ago, Shanxi merchants were exempted from the

The right to supply arms to the border.

And these are just the beginning. In the future, the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce will continue to be suppressed, and the rights and interests in their hands will slowly be transferred to the Jiangnan gentry.

There is a saying that destroys a person's wealth is like killing his parents. If the imperial court continues to suppress Shanxi merchants, do they still expect Shanxi merchants to work hard for the Ming Dynasty?

The Shanxi merchants did not want to betray their country, but they had to find a way out, and in the north, the only way left was Houjin.

In this world, patriotism is all idealism, used to fool fools. The only thing that really determines the direction is interests.

What Tie Mo wants to do is to open up another path for Shanxi merchants. He believes that as long as there is sufficient benefit guarantee, no one will be stupid enough not to support his own people but to support outsiders.

Tie Mo had only one comment about the emperor Zhu Youjian sitting in the Forbidden City.

A young and energetic young man full of ideals!

Zhu Youjian was too young, and he thought that a good reputation among the people must be good. As soon as he came to power, he led the Donglin Party to kill all the eunuchs. The factory guards were the eyes, ears, and limbs of the emperor. The eunuchs checked and balanced all officials and maintained

Balance in the court.

The art of balancing the court of eunuchs based on factory guards was used by emperors of all dynasties starting from the time of Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, and continued until the Tianqi Dynasty. However, it was destroyed in the hands of Zhu Youjian.

The factory guard suffered a fatal blow. Will the factory guard still serve the emperor wholeheartedly in the future? The Eunuch Party has been almost wiped out. Who will check and balance the Donglin Party in the future? Zhu Youjian can't feel anything now, but he will know how serious the consequences will be later.


The most important one is taxation. The prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River is the private land of the Donglin Party. Do you expect the Donglin Party to collect its own taxes?

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were successive years of famine, but not all places were poor. There were still three places with money and grain. The money bags in the hands of Shanxi merchants and Jiangnan gentry, and the grain bags in the hands of Qilu wealthy people.

However, the Jin Party and the Qi Party were suppressed, and the Shanxi merchants and Qilu gentry were also suppressed. Will these two families give blood to the imperial court? The Donglin Party does not collect its own taxes, so where did the Ming Dynasty's taxes come from?

The three wealthy families in the Ming Dynasty refused to donate blood to the court, and were forced to have no choice. In the end, all the pressure was passed on to the people, thus further exacerbating the civil unrest in the late Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youjian actually had good intentions, but he did bad things with good intentions. As soon as he came to power, he made a fatal mistake that an emperor should not make. No matter how many things he did in the next ten years, it would be in vain.

The emperor pays attention to balance. There needs to be party struggle in the court. The emperor is not afraid of party struggle, but is afraid of forming parties for private rebellion. Without party struggle, no balance, no checks and balances, everything is vented through one nostril. What else can this emperor do? Slowly

He becomes a puppet.

Tie Mo would not follow Zhu Youjian on the road of no return, let alone watch Shanxi merchants being forced into the arms of Hou Jin.

Now that we have come to this era, we cannot let the Ming Dynasty fall into the hands of the Manchus.

This chapter has been completed!
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