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Chapter 515 Huluting Town

Chapter 515 Huluting Town

Zhao Lin was making his own arrangements, and he also expressed admiration for the decision of the Living King of Hell. This kind of determination to attack with an entire army and complete the victory in one battle is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Zhao Lin's plan also completely gave up on the long-term plan.

Sichuan, Manchuan without foreign aid, is like a bird in the fire, and it is only a matter of time before it is burned to death.

Manchuanli's position in the triangle defense is somewhat awkward, so there are not many soldiers and horses stationed here, only two thousand people. After the nearly 10,000 troops arrived at Manchuanli, they immediately launched a fierce attack on the outer city wall. Because they knew

The city's defense was weak, but Xiang Ke had no reservations. He could not even launch a tentative attack. Nearly five thousand troops surrounded Manchuanli and attacked from three sides. In just one hour, the relatively low city wall was breached, and soldiers from the Northern Shanxi Army broke in along the corridor.

In the city, more than 2,000 thieves were killed and injured, and less than 300 people were left who fled from the south with the people in the city. As a result, not long after leaving the city, they ran into the Shanxi soldiers and horses guarding the outside.

These Shaanxi soldiers and horses have been longing for military glory for a long time. When they saw these traitors, they pounced on them, which was a huge achievement. The unlucky thieves met the Shaanxi soldiers and horses who were eager to make contributions, and finally the whole army was annihilated.

After capturing Manchuanli, I was happy but I didn't feel any sense of pride. With Manchuanli, the next plan would be smoother. Starting from March 27th, the area around Tianzhu Mountain became obviously busy, with more and more elite officers and soldiers.

The soldiers rushed to Tianzhu Mountain, and the strength of the troops in this area further expanded. On the seventh day of April, the elite infantry and cavalry, Shaanxi soldiers and horses, and Bashu soldiers and horses were added together, and the total number reached as many as one hundred thousand, which was so terrifying.

The number of soldiers and horses is definitely the highest in history. To put it bluntly, there is no need to fight. The number of people alone is enough for Zhang Xianzhong and other leaders to drink a pot. After everything is prepared, the attack on Yan'an Prefecture finally begins.


Everything was as Zhao Lin expected. The officers and soldiers were full of confidence in attacking Yan'an Mansion, and they were ready to fight to determine the outcome. As for Tianzhu Mountain, only more than a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled people were left to garrison. To put it bluntly, this time

The number of officers and soldiers at that time had grown to the point of no return. Why do we need a retreat when we can obviously win in one battle? If we leave a retreat, it will destroy our prestige.

The officers and soldiers were very arrogant. No matter how angry Zhao Lin was, he could only endure it. There was nothing he could do. Who could let his strength be inferior to others? On the ninth day of May, Zhao Lin and others, who had endured for a long time, finally fought their way out of Tver City and went straight to Tianzhu.

Zhao Lin was cautious enough and waited until the officers and soldiers left Tianzhu Mountain for two days before taking action.

More than ten days have passed, and there has been no change at all at the Tianzhu Mountain garrison. When Zhao Lin's soldiers and horses arrived, the old, weak, sick and disabled guards guarding Tianzhu Mountain only made a slight resistance, and walked towards the card along the widest slope of Tianzhu Mountain.

Fleeing in the direction of Orr, the Slavs once again recaptured Tianzhu Mountain.

"Spread the news that we captured Tianzhu Mountain. Hum, let's see what the Living Hell King wants to do." Zhao Lin finally let out a bad breath. The arrogant Living Hell King really thought that if he had the upper hand in strength, he would definitely win the war.

Well. After all, war depends on strategy, but it is a pity that the arrogant King of Hell has already become blind.

The officers and soldiers want to work together to solve the problem of civil unrest in Shaanxi, but what if this morale is exhausted?

Zhao Lin always felt that the Living King of Hell was too confident and regarded the rebels as nothing. The news of the fall of Tianzhu Mountain spread quickly. It is said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves. Tianzhu Mountain changed hands repeatedly, which made the situation in northern Shaanxi extremely unstable.

It was a bit messy. Just as Zhao Lin expected, two days later, after learning that Tianzhu Mountain had fallen, the officers and soldiers began to stop advancing, seeming to be in a dilemma.

Four days have passed since they marched in Manchuan. The huge soldiers and horses slowly walked on the plains of northern Shaanxi, and the fields around them were desolate. When the news of the fall of Tianzhu Mountain came, the army stopped. The huge soldiers and horses were divided into

The three routes are all concentrated three hundred miles south of Yan'an Prefecture at this time. The camps stretch for hundreds of miles. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see military tents covering dozens of miles. There is no trace of disappointment on Tie Mo's face.

, On the contrary, I was still a little excited. I didn’t expect the thieves at Zhulin Pass to be so impatient and take action so quickly. This plan was formulated by Wang Zuoguan, and naturally it had to be arranged by Wang Zuoguan. Before noon, the commander-in-chief

More than a dozen generals gathered here. Seeing that it was almost done, Wang Zuogao stood up and planned the next move, "Currently, the bandits from Zhulin Pass have reoccupied Tianzhu Mountain. News from the spies in front has been gathered near Tianzhu Mountain."

There are more than 15,000 traitor soldiers and horses. It can be said that all the traitor soldiers entrenched in our south have gathered near Tianzhu Mountain. This gives us a good opportunity to eliminate the disaster in the south in one fell swoop. This time, General Liu Guoneng will

Lead five thousand cavalry from the west to penetrate behind Tianzhu Mountain and block the enemy's retreat from Tianzhu Mountain to Zhulin Pass. In addition, from now on, the West Camp and South Camp will break out of their camps and move to the southeast to make a return attack.

In addition, General Orger led 20,000 Mongolian cavalry to quietly approach Tianzhu Mountain, and cooperated with General Liu's cavalry to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy."

Liu Guoneng and others stood up to accept the order without any hesitation. Wang Zuogao divided his troops into one light and one dark. The commotion was so loud that tens of thousands of troops were moving together, so naturally they could not hide from the thieves.

Wang Zuoguan never thought of hiding it from the traitors. Early the next morning, the camp that stretched for hundreds of miles became busy, and more than half of the soldiers and horses were divided. After the manpower was divided, there were only less than 40,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the camp.

People, these soldiers and horses were dispersed and stationed in several camps, and their deterrence was not as good as before. Considering safety issues, Wang Zuoguan sent people to invite Tie Mo, Hai Lanzhu and others to the rear. At this time, the spring was bright and beautiful, and Tie Mo

The others were placed in a small town called Hu Lu Ting. Ever since Zhang Xianzhong's bandits went north, the people in Hu Lu Ting had fled at large.

Zhang Xianzhong was notorious. According to legend, the people were afraid of him like a tiger, and their first reaction was to flee for their lives. The town was empty, which saved Zhou Dingshan a lot of trouble. Zhou Dingshan felt that it was very necessary to do this. Now there are tens of thousands of troops

Based in northern Shaanxi, the only hidden danger was the safety of Tie Mo and others. Therefore, in order to ensure nothing went wrong, Zhou Dingshan deployed a thousand soldiers and horses from his headquarters to protect the small Hulu Pavilion like a copper wall.

As for Tianzhu Mountain, one piece of news reached Zhao Lin's ears, but he did not panic at all. The officers and soldiers indeed began to return for reinforcements. At this time, the officers and soldiers' attack plan had been disrupted. Zhao Lin believed that Zhang Xianzhong from the direction of Yan'an Prefecture would definitely take advantage of it.

What will he do with this opportunity? Of course, Zhao Lin will not be stupid enough to sit in the Tianzhu Mountain Castle and wait for tens of thousands of officers and soldiers to surround him. Although Tianzhu Mountain has been recaptured, the officers and soldiers are not below the Tianzhu Mountain high ground, so

We have lost our geographical advantage. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to rely on Tianzhu Mountain to block the attack of tens of thousands of troops. We will eventually return to Zhulin Pass, but before leaving, we must prepare a generous gift for the officers and soldiers.

In Yichuan City, Yan'an Prefecture, Zhang Xianzhong carefully studied the military report in his hand. Zhao Lin's plan had really succeeded. The officers and soldiers had begun to divide their troops, and their response was very hasty. This was a good opportunity to attack.

In the past, Zhang Xianzhong would never take the initiative to attack an army of 100,000 officers and soldiers, but it is different now. There are more than 60,000 officers and soldiers scattered in front and behind, and the remaining tens of thousands are scattered, but they are much weaker.

As long as you deal with it properly, you will not be surrounded. Zhang Xianzhong is cautious by nature and extremely sophisticated. He clearly knows that this is a good opportunity, and it may be the only opportunity, so he must make good use of it.

There has been no movement in the direction of Yan'an Prefecture. Zhang Xianzhong behaved very calmly and patiently. In the evening, the people who went to inquire about the news finally returned to Yichuan City. "Leader Zhang, there are many elite Eastern soldiers stationed in Huluting Town. Look,

It seems like they are protecting someone."

Hu Lu Ting? Zhang Xianzhong knew about this small town. When he led an army to attack Tongzhou Prefecture, he had briefly stayed in the town. The small town of Hu Lu Ting was not an important place, so why did the officers and soldiers need to heavily guard it?

Slowly, Zhang Xianzhong became a little excited, his eyes brightened. He felt that he had finally found what he had been looking for, and that the thing he wanted to find most might be hidden here. Although the officers and soldiers were now in a dilemma and their morale was plummeting,

The combat power is still impressive. A really fair and honest raid will not get you any benefit, so the best way is to kill other people's commanders.

Is the living King of Hell in the small town of Huluting? Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, and capture the thief first, capture the king. Zhang Xianzhong made a decision in an instant. For his own sake, he must take a gamble. When Liu Wenxiu was called, Zhang Xianzhong looked extremely serious.

He said, "Wenxiu, I will assign three thousand cavalry to your command, and your task is to capture the town of Huluting in the shortest possible time and kill the officers and soldiers in the town."

"Don't worry, adoptive father, the child will successfully complete the mission." Liu Wenxiu looked shocked. He knew that this mission could only succeed and not fail. The three thousand cavalry were almost all the adoptive father's family assets. If he failed, he might be afraid of his own fate.

Not much better.

At night, three thousand cavalry followed Liu Wenxiu and left Yichuan City. After leaving the city, they did not go south along the official road, but detoured to the southeast. It was dark, and the cavalry deliberately headed north again, successfully deceiving the officers and soldiers.


From the early morning of the next day, Liu Wenxiu stopped marching and hid in the dense forest. He continued his march until it became dark in the evening. Two days later, on April 14, he finally approached the small town of Huluting. The town is located in the hinterland of the plain, surrounded by a vast expanse of land.

Peaceful and peaceful, Liu Wenxiu burst out with great pride as he looked at this peaceful town. He keenly felt that this town was unusual and that this battle was about a lifetime of honor and disgrace.

On April 15th of the fifth year of Chongzhen, Liu Wenxiu led his 3,000 cavalry troops to suddenly appear on the battlefield in northern Shaanxi, south of the small town of Huluting. The most thrilling scene unfolded from then on. A wise man must make mistakes after all his considerations, and no one expected that

The small town of Huluting, which belongs to the rear area, will suddenly fall into the attack of the rogue cavalry. When the rogue cavalry arrived, Zhou Dingshan knew nothing about it. Several cavalrymen from the Guards Battalion were patrolling outside the town, and suddenly something strange appeared in their field of vision.

, before he could react, he felt the ground tremble, and whines sounded in his ears. Countless cavalry rushed out, and several soldiers were drowned in the sea of ​​people in the blink of an eye.

The unusual movement outside the town alerted the soldiers of the Guards Battalion. The urgent horn sounded, and the soldiers gave up training, picked up their weapons and jumped on their horses. In the blink of an eye, the southern end of the town had fallen into a bitter battle. Due to the hasty response to the battle, it was impossible to organize an effective attack.

The formation. Ye Qi has been in the Guards Camp for less than two years, but he has definitely experienced a lot of battles. When he was in the Yunfu Cavalry, he once participated in the bloody battle on the Hanhai Grassland, so he has a strong feeling for the battlefield. This is a thief

There are only a few cavalry soldiers, and judging from the number, there are definitely no less than 3,000 people. "Stop them, Lizi. Go back and inform General Zhou to protect the commander and move quickly!"

Ye Qi couldn't figure out how the bandits found the small town of Huluting. The current situation did not allow him to think too much. Even if he died, he had to stop the enemy. When he thought of the people in the town, he felt a sense of fear. The supervisor also

All the ladies are in the town. If something happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

The battle came so suddenly. Although Ye Qi led hundreds of cavalry to stop them, they only stopped for a stick of incense. The thieves had the numerical advantage. Seeing that the south end was blocked, they immediately crossed from the west. They fought for a while.

The sound spread everywhere, and the town was in turmoil.

Zhou Dingshan, dressed in military uniform, urgently found Tie Mo. Although the sound of killing outside was loud, Tie Mo was unusually calm. He just frowned and asked, "What's going on outside the town?"

"I don't know how the rogues found out about the town. They gathered a large number of troops to attack here. We are too small in number, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist. Please ask the supervisor and his wife to evacuate quickly!" Zhou Dingshan couldn't help but send someone to bring the war horses. The sound of fighting became louder and louder.

As he came closer, Zhou Dingshan's expression became worse and worse, and Elizabeth's eyes were filled with fear.

Tie Mo just thought about it for a moment, then frowned and shook his head, "It's already too late. If the bandits have enough troops, they will definitely block our retreat first. The roads in the town are narrow and the troops cannot be deployed. If we leave the town,

Instead, the thieves took advantage. Dingshan, go out to meet the enemy quickly and gather everyone in the town. Don't go out. As long as you hold on for an hour, reinforcements will definitely arrive from Wang Zuoguan's side."

Zhou Dingshan was not an unreasonable person, so he immediately handed over his hand and led the people to organize the battle. Tie Mo looked at the people around him and smiled helplessly, "The incident happened suddenly, so we can only fight one after another."

Hai Lanzhu was used to seeing strong winds and waves, and he didn't care much about life and death, so he took off his headgear and walked quickly towards Tie Mo, "Moduo explained, if we can't escape today, it will be our lives."

In the small town of Huluting, after repeated attacks, although the thieves' attack was blocked, the cavalry of the Guards Battalion also suffered heavy losses, with more than 300 people lost so far. Zhou Dingshan ran through the streets holding a silver gun,

"Qihe, quickly form a team of five people to form a chain of horses. Everyone is guarding the streets and not leaving the town. You Zetao, lead your people to the north and be sure to hold on until reinforcements arrive."

This chapter has been completed!
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