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Chapter 529 Suspense

Chapter 529 Suspense

Zhuo Ke Bima Huihuan thought clearly. Don't look at the officers and soldiers taking the initiative to retreat. That doesn't mean they are afraid. I'm afraid they are conserving their strength and don't want to cause more casualties. Who knows if the officers and soldiers have a back-up plan? With Zhuo Ke's call,

Most of the rogue bandits consciously formed a long snake formation and began to evacuate the Shiqiao stronghold.

Sometimes I have to say that Zhuo Ke has a crow's mouth, and he does whatever he wants. Just after breaking out of the siege, he falls into another dilemma. This time, the shock to the rogue bandits was even greater, because countless officers and soldiers appeared

Within sight.

Ma Huihuan's face turned pale. What does it mean to have a large number of officers and soldiers at this time? It means despair and death. No matter how arrogant Ma Huihuan is, he doesn't think he can defeat the elite cavalry. This is really just out of the tiger's den.

, into the wolf's den again. At the same time, Chen Yaofeng finally showed a little smile.

Zhou Dingshan's cavalry always appears in such a timely manner and always appears where it should appear. Sometimes even Chen Yaofeng is a little frightened. General Zhou's attainments in cavalry have reached an outrageous level. The bandits have just escaped,

Zhou Dingshan's cavalry rushed out immediately, directly causing a devastating psychological blow to the rogue bandits.

The Yunfu cavalry has strict military drills. Even if a lion fights a rabbit, it will still try its best. The chain of horses appeared in front of the rogue bandits again. Two thousand-man teams separated left and right, cruising around in a light cavalry posture to kill, just in time, the fleeing peasants

The soldiers and horses were arranged in a mighty long snake formation. This long snake formation was simply defeated by the chain horses. Team after team of chain horses accelerated their speed and came with a posture of destroying the world and destroying the earth.

The peasant soldier on the outermost side screamed, and his whole body was scraped into two pieces by the sharp iron chain, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. The scene was very cruel.

The chain of horses ran over them, and the bandits suffered heavy casualties. Even those who did not fall were directly killed by the light cavalry that came after them. Not counting the outermost areas, there were more than 500 cavalry in formation. They stood still and could not move for a long time.

They were obviously dealing with an unexpected situation. Anyone who slipped through the net would not be able to escape their pursuit. Right now, it was an Asura hell, with one-sided killings.

Zhou Dingshan's face was cold and solemn, without any ripples. He was used to seeing killings, and he was used to massacres. The battle at the stronghold was just a record in his life experience.

Chen Yaofeng reorganized his formation and began to attack the rogue bandits. In this case, the peasant army soldiers could not fly even if they had wings. The horses of Ma Hui Huan had their legs cut by the chain iron ropes. Now the brave Ma Hui Huan could only stand.

On the ground, he relied on his skills to charge the enemy cavalry. Horse Huanhuan was simply a freak. After repeated fierce battles, his physical strength was still very good. Facing a ten-man team of chain horses, when everyone else looked desperate,

His eyes actually shone with a look of madness. Not only did he not flinch, he even leaned forward and bumped into her.

The war horse was extremely fast. In an instant, the shoulder of the horse loop hit the side of the horse's front leg. With a bang, everyone was stunned. The war horse was knocked down by the horse loop. Although the chain horse was powerful, it

There is also a flaw, that is, if one link is broken, the entire team will be implicated. Under normal circumstances, it would be enough to take off the hook lock connecting the war horse, but what happened now was too sudden. Who would have thought that one person could take down a whole team?

The war horse that was pushing the speed was knocked to the ground.

A horse fell down, and then under the chain of iron ropes, the neighing sound of the war horses sounded. All the war horses in the ten-man team were affected. Some were dragged down directly, and some were held around their necks. The war horses suddenly fell to the ground, and those

The Yunfu cavalry was also thrown to the ground, and suffered injuries in the blink of an eye.

Ma Huihuan is a freak. His actions gave the bandits a boost of heart. The bandits who suddenly lost hope made the sound of walaula again. Ma Huihuan was really brave and unstoppable. Zhou Dingshan frowned and quickly locked onto the burly Ma Huihuan.

His body, this horse turning around, is truly amazing. However, there was no fear on Zhou Dingshan's face. Instead, he clenched his spear with confidence and let out a long roar. The entire battlefield was silenced by Zhou Dingshan's roar, and a horse roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, one man and one horse pierced the entire battlefield like meteors, aiming directly at the majestic horse circle.

Facing the menacing Zhou Dingshan, Ma Huihuan did not retreat, and did not even feel that there was any danger. He licked his lips as if he had seen prey. He waved the steel knife in both hands and arched his body, wanting to repeat the same trick, planning to rely on Fei

With human power, this man and his horse were eliminated. Perhaps it was because Ma Huihuan's aura was too strong, or perhaps Zhou Dingshan's reputation was too scary, and everyone on the battlefield was attracted to the two of them for a moment.

Many peasant army soldiers looked happy. They were born with the magical power of horse circling. They had just stopped a team of ten people with their own strength. Now the opponent is riding one person at a time. How can he make the horse circling his opponent? Haha, this arrogant person

The officers and soldiers are dead. It seems that this man is the largest officer present. If he is killed, the rebel brothers can take advantage of the chaos and escape. The rogues showed eagerness on their faces, and there was a lot of joy in their expressions.

Boom, they finally collided with each other, but all the bandits were stunned. The fact was not what they expected. The war horse did not fall down, but jumped up suddenly, and a spear flew out, piercing the chest of Ma Huihuan.

Then, a cold light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, only a headless body was left. The burly body sprayed blood mist, and finally fell to the ground.

Ma Huihuan is brave and good at fighting. His tyranny has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone thought that this would be a fight between dragons and tigers. No one expected that it would be like this. The extremely tyrannical Ma Huihuan was beheaded in just one round. Rogue Bandit

Chen Yaofeng was shocked, but he was not surprised at all. With Zhou Dingshan's bravery, not to mention taking advantage of the war horse, even in a fair fight head-on, that burly barbarian was definitely no match for General Zhou.

Ma Huihuan paid the price for his arrogance. He looked down on Zhou Dingshan so much that he used his strength and two steel knives to stop one person and one rider. Zhou Dingshan was not a pedantic person, how could he let such a good person go?

With the opportunity, he barbed his spear and quickly slashed his cavalry sword, killing this extremely arrogant bandit. Ma Huihuan died completely, causing the remnants of the peasant army whose morale was on the verge of collapse to immediately fall into despair. Zhuo Ke also fell into despair.

It was a tragedy. I didn't expect that the horse would die in this way. Facing the strangulation of the cavalry and infantry, the number of people was at an absolute disadvantage. It can be said that there was no hope at all.

Zhuo Ke threw away the steel knife in his hand and chose to surrender. Seeing Zhuo Ke like this, the other remnants of the peasant army stopped making unnecessary resistance.

The Shiqiao stronghold suffered two battles, blood soaked the earth, and the sunset was smeared with the red color of death. Ma Huihuan was defeated. In the end, he had tens of thousands of elite soldiers, but only a thousand people survived. Chen Yaofeng's cold eyes

Scanning the crowd of peasant army prisoners, he raised the corners of his mouth and said rather harshly, "General Zhou, what should I do with these bandits? Keep them, or..."

Zhou Dingshan frowned and looked over. As if in reality, all the bandits lowered their heads. Zhuo Ke and many bandits were uneasy and full of fear. They didn't know what their next fate would be. Do they place their hope on the mercy of the officers and soldiers?

?Haha, if it were normal, I would still have hope, but when Ma Huihuan supported the head of the officer and soldier Qian Zong on the wooden stake, it was already destined to be impossible to receive mercy.

Zhou Dingshan was silent for a long time. The current situation was really difficult to handle. The war was about to begin. How could he have the energy to deal with the prisoners? But it was unrealistic to kill them all. If they were to kill them all, would the rogues surrender in the future? After thinking about it for a long time, I finally had the idea.

Having made up his mind, he raised his finger and pointed at Zhuo Ke who was squatting in front, "Tell that guy, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategists, but the matter of General Zhao cannot be revealed like this. Someone must pay the price. Therefore, only half of these prisoners can


Zhou Dingshan's words were tantamount to giving a verdict to Zhuo Ke and other prisoners. Chen Yaofeng smiled coldly and relayed what he said. Zhuo Ke's face became as pale as paper. Many ordinary peasant army soldiers were already trembling. Zhuo Ke couldn't do anything.

I can't explain it, but I can only blame Ma Huihuan. Because of his recklessness and arrogance, thousands of peasant army brothers must be responsible for his mistakes.

Just like what the officers and soldiers said, once something is done, a corresponding price must be paid. Zhuo Ke could not make a choice, but Chen Yaofeng was not a saint. He gave an order, and the soldiers guarding the surroundings rushed towards the peasant army prisoners.

Now these peasant army prisoners are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The setting sun is shining down, bathing in countless miserable howls. Zhuo Ke half-opened his mouth, watching the snow dancing in front of him, and the living lives dying one by one. He was scared to death.


In the end, only more than 400 peasant army prisoners survived. The ruthless killings just now made the bandits who had been killed completely frightened. The terrible officers and soldiers, holding knives, were like killing pigs, without any mercy.

There were a few timid ones whose eyes were so frightened that they became fools. Zhou Dingshan was a man of his word. The killing lasted for a while and then he let the others go, but he did not let Zhuo Ke go easily. At this time,

Zhuo Ke was so frightened that he turned into a puddle of mud. Chen Yaofeng rushed up and slapped him hard twice before pulling him back to his senses, "I will ask you, how many troops and horses are there in the direction of Ansai City now?


In fact, the Intelligence Department has investigated the situation in Ansai City through various means, but the battlefield is ever-changing and no one knows what will happen at the next moment. Zhou Dingshan believes that no one knows the situation in Ansai City better than Zhuo Ke.

Facing Zhou Dingshan's interrogation, Zhuo Ke really didn't think about hiding anything. At this time, he had no hope for the future. Since the officers and soldiers couldn't stop him, what else could he hide? As soon as he saw Zhou Dingshan, Zhuo Ke couldn't help but think of Ma.

The scene of Hui Huan being killed, "After... After the battle on the Tianzhu Mountain Highlands, Leader Zhang gathered all the young men near Ansai City, and after a short period of training, he formed a team of more than 30,000 people.

The army, plus more than 30,000 elite troops stationed in Ansai City, reached a total strength of 60,000. The troops were divided into three groups, seizing the Shiqiao stronghold along the way, attacking Mianchang Town along the Yanshui River, and protecting Ansai from the front in the middle.

City, and the other route takes a detour from the south to attack Mianchang Town."

Zhou Dingshan's expression did not change. Zhuo Ke also knew that what he just said was of little value, so he had to grit his teeth and said, "Although there are many people, deserters have been appearing for many days before, and the morale of the army is low. After this

In the first battle, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were lost. Therefore, the force on the front of Ansai City was greatly weakened. If...if it were involved from the flanks, I am afraid that the soldiers and horses of Ansai City would be involved from head to tail.

Taking care of each other."

"Finally, you are still of some use." Zhou Dingshan waved his hand and signaled the soldiers to take Zhuo Ke under strict guard. Chen Yaofeng and several other generals had gathered over. The retaking of the Shiqiao stronghold was considered revenge. What should we do next?

It all depends on what Zhou Dingshan means, "General Zhou, the next step is to continue to block the bandits according to the planned plan and retreat back?"

"With so many things happening, it obviously doesn't make much sense to follow the original plan. From what Zhuo Ke said, we can know that Wang Ziyong, an old fox, still has some strength. Although many people have not undergone strict training, the important thing is

There is a large number of people and it will not be of much benefit to us if we are forced to form a formation to block it. We can order the front to cover each other, resist step by step, and retreat to a place parallel to the stone bridge stronghold to form a formation to meet the enemy. If Wang Ziyong signals the main force under Zhang Cunmeng to come up,

If so, I can lead the cavalry to carry out harassment and maximize the advantages of the cavalry." Zhou Dingshan has been baptized by war and has already become an old monster on the battlefield. He can analyze various advantages and disadvantages in the shortest time.


Chen Yaofeng nodded secretly. He glanced at the peasant army prisoners in the distance and said with concern, "General, do you believe what the bandits said is true?"

"Haha, there is no doubt about this. At this time, do they still need to lie to us? What's more, regardless of whether what he said is true or false, the Shiqiao stronghold is now owned by us, and almost all the soldiers and horses of Ma Huihuan have been wiped out.

, it can be said that withdrawing the battle line to the front line of Shiqiao Stronghold will be of great benefit to us without any harm. Since we are going to fight, we cannot easily give up the initiative." Zhou Dingshan's words were decisive, and Chen Yaofeng and others said no more. Zhou Dingshan said

Just do it. Although the battle at the Shiqiao stronghold was fierce, the Yunfu cavalry did not suffer much loss. They only rested for an hour and recovered. At Haishi, taking advantage of the darkness, the cavalry disappeared along the route of the horse loop.

In the dark.

It was another sunny day. Ma Huihuan defeated the Shiqiao stronghold. The annihilation of the entire army did not seem to affect Zhang Cunmeng's main force. Under Wang Ziyong's order, Zhang Cunmeng continued to approach eastward step by step with nearly 30,000 Chinese troops.

Finally, in the middle of Sisi, we met 5,000 officers, soldiers and infantry stationed on the front line of the Shiqiao stronghold.

Chen Yaofeng rushed south from the Shiqiao stronghold to give reinforcements and took personal command. A dark and thick shield was placed in front of him, and his spear was stretched out. Behind him, row after row of musketeers squatted on the ground, loading ammunition and getting ready to go.

At this point in the battle, neither side had any way out. The officers and soldiers were localized on the battlefield and were elite and good at fighting, but the rogues had a strength advantage. At least until Tie Mo's main force arrived, the rogues' strength advantage was real.


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