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Chapter 532 Premonition

Chapter 532 Premonition

Zhang Cunmeng is like a lone wolf, but I have to admire it. This is also Zhang Cunmeng's last bargaining chip. He is not afraid of wearing shoes when he is barefoot. This is the truth. The current situation is complicated. Yichuan City is surrounded by heavy troops, with more than 50,000 troops.

It can be said that the garrison is inevitable, so there is no need to worry about the direction of Yichuan City. The most important thing is along the Yanshui River. "It is estimated that tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from Yichuan City have been stationed in Mianchang Town. They have come all the way from

If we come here, we will definitely be exhausted and it will be difficult to launch an attack on us immediately. If there is no offensive on the front line of Mianchang Town in the east, Zhang Cunmeng's main force and Liu Wenxiu's troops will probably rest in the Baishan Village area, so there won't be any big problems in these two days.


Tie Mo nodded in agreement. Nowadays, the bandits' biggest reliance is to attack from both sides. As long as they fight, they must attack from both sides at the same time.

A smart person like Zhang Cunmeng would never be stupid enough to give up his advantages and expose his shortcomings. To put it bluntly, if you don't attack from both sides but rely on an army from one side, you are just giving away food. Zhang Cunmeng is not a fool, he should understand

, to successfully win the battle in Baishan Village, those cannon fodders played a big role. Once others are prepared, the role of these cannon fodders will be very limited. "Even so, we have to deal with it carefully. The battle in Baishan Village

In the battle, our troops have been further reduced. We can only use 20,000 troops now, including 5,000 cavalry. On the other hand, the rogue bandits have at least 30,000 elite troops on the east and west sides. Including the cannon fodder, the number is as high as 60,000.

, the situation is not optimistic, I think, in this case, there is no need to defend the Shiqiao stronghold, and the five thousand defenders there can be withdrawn."

"Well, under the current circumstances, the best way is to gather troops. The more dispersed they are, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. Although the battle in Baishan Village was defeated, there are still many merits. It is best to deal with it in a defensive formation."

Geng Zhongming has been thinking about specific strategies to face the enemy. This time he was attacked from two sides, and it was difficult for ordinary formations to work. Tie Mo was not too worried about this, and put a drawing on the case, "We can definitely learn from the circle in this battle."

Formation, based on the circle formation, set up the Bagua defensive formation."

"Bagua formation?" Zhou Dingshan and others frowned. The Bagua formation evolved from the circular formation, but it was more than ten times more complicated. It can be said that the Northern Shanxi Army was proficient in various formations, but the Bagua formation was a bit unfamiliar. The most terrible thing was that,

Many of the soldiers under his command are not pure infantry, but dismounted cavalry. Can these cavalry correctly exert the power of the Bagua array? The Bagua array uses a circular array as a template, surrounded by eight rectangular arrays of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, volcanoes and swamps. Each rectangle

The formation represents a direction, and each direction contains ever-changing changes. When to move, when to use hooks and sickles, when to expand the formation, when to shrink the formation, and when to use muskets. Everything has semaphores, and all directions cooperate with each other.

Within the eight matrices, there is the Yin and Yang array evolved from Tai Chi. Yin and Yang are in opposition, with two circular arrays running in different directions, and in the middle is a killing move composed of a long snake array.

The Bagua Array is already very complicated to demonstrate, but once it is put into actual combat, it becomes ten times more complicated.

Tie Mo could see the worries in the hearts of Zhou Dingshan and others, and he said confidently, "Actually, the Bagua formation seems complicated, but the key point is whether each formation can accurately read the flag signals. These problems are not big, whether it is cavalry or cavalry.

Infantrymen have strict training in military camps. The only thing they need to worry about is whether they can withstand the opponent's attack. Zhang Cunmeng and Liu Wenxiu have held back for so long, and the next attack will definitely be as fast as wind and fire. Moreover, from the current point of view,

The most effective way is to build a defensive formation based on the Bagua formation. After all, we don’t have an advantage in terms of military strength and we don’t have too many cavalry.”

Zhou Dingshan and others were silent. This was a bloody fact. The bandits had produced so many cannon fodder soldiers and were not afraid of being consumed. As a result, the situation where the number of troops should have been about the same changed.

Cannon fodder soldiers are also soldiers, and we also have servant troops, but we dare not use them. Those soldiers from the Shaanxi Guards are very unreliable once they fight in a bloody battle. Wang Zuogao is also a decisive person, and he immediately smiled and said, "In this case, we all

Do as the inspector says, Dingshan, please go and pass the order. Tonight at 8:00, all the generals and generals above the commander-in-chief will go to the commander's tent to listen to the order. Wang will give them a refresher course on flag language. Dingshan, your cavalry will also need to

Be well prepared, in order to cooperate with the Bagua formation, the cavalry will be divided into ten small teams and enter the entire formation."

Wang Zuoguan's move was quite temporary, but who said it wouldn't work if he sharpened his guns before the battle? The officers and soldiers were busy making preparations, and the bandits were not idle either. Everyone knew that the ensuing battle would be a real desperate battle.

Whoever loses in the duel will give up Ansai City and the entire Yan'an Prefecture. The war is right in front of them, and everyone feels great pressure.

Wang Ziyong and Zhang Cunmeng were also racking their brains, thinking about how to fight the next battle. After the battle in Baishan Village, he finally saw how powerful the formation of officers and soldiers was. It was not a good idea to rush into the formation. He had to find loopholes in the formation.

Okay. This method of hitting the city wood can only be used once. The officers and soldiers are not fools. How can they be unprepared?

"Leader Zhang, news came from the east. The Yichuan City Front Army has been stationed at the front line of Mianchang Town and is now resting. On the other side of Yichuan City, Zhang Xianzhong also used all his troops and horses to drag the officers and soldiers to Yichuan City. However,

Recently, the officers and soldiers have the intention of dividing their troops in Yanshui River. Zhang Xianzhong hopes that we can launch a decisive battle as soon as possible. Once the officers and soldiers rush to rescue Yanshui River desperately, the army on the front line of Mianchang Town will fall into the tiger's mouth."

Zhang Cunmeng waved his hands, with a clear understanding in his heart. Zhang Xianzhong was anxious, but he was not in a hurry. The officers and soldiers near Yichuan City wanted to rush to Yanshui River to rescue them, and they could arrive within two days. In order to delay the officers and soldiers, Zhang Xianzhong probably

Even the energy for feeding must have been used up. Regardless of whether there is any news about Zhang Xianzhong, the decisive battle must start as soon as possible. As time goes on, the morale boosted by the battle in Baishan Village will probably be exhausted soon.

On May 29th of the fifth year of Chongzhen, thousands of soldiers and horses stationed at Shiqiao stronghold withdrew southward to the Chinese army camp. At this point, all the officers and soldiers on the south bank of the Yanshui River were gathered together. At the same time, Liu Yingyu's troops

The soldiers and horses also moved closer to the vicinity. In just a few days, the soldiers and horses of Bashu, Shaanxi and the Northern Shan Dynasty all gathered in the south of Yan'an Prefecture. It can be said that except for Cao Wenzhao's main force who needed to contain the king's own army, they could not move.

Almost all other soldiers and horses were mobilized, not to mention Tie Mo, even Chen Qiyu was worried about the upcoming battle.

The rogue bandits continued to gather, and their forces continued to gather. They attacked the officers and soldiers from the east and west directions. The goals of both sides were obvious. After completing the battle, no one wanted to waste any more time. So far, the officers and soldiers had gathered in total 30,000 people, while the peasant army on the east and west sides

The total number of soldiers and horses reached a terrifying number of more than 60,000. In terms of combat power, the officers and soldiers were naturally superior, but in terms of military strength and geographical advantages, they were naturally rogue bandits. Therefore, this battle was regarded as a fair and decisive battle between the two sides. Near the Shiqiao stronghold, even

It is a vast plain, and Tie Mo was also very particular about the location he chose for the decisive battle. The fields here are wide and the strategic space is sufficient. In this kind of place, it is difficult to plan any conspiracy. The outcome of this battle will depend on both sides' methods.

Over the years, I don’t know how many life-and-death battles I have experienced, from the bloody battle in Mobei to the fierce battle in South Zhili. Today, Tie Mo has long been indifferent. He has no pressure, but it does not mean that ordinary soldiers do not have pressure. After all, there are more than 60,000 rogue bandits.

If the human troops and horses cannot rush to the direction of Yichuan City in time, our own side will be at an absolute disadvantage.

Night falls again, the sky is full of stars and the sky is clear, indicating that tomorrow will be another sunny day. In the corner of the camp, there is an ordinary soldier holding a long gun and huddled outside the military tent. Now northern Shaanxi has entered the early summer season, even at night

, even though he was wearing a thin armor, he could not feel the cold. His name was Hu Weixian, from Shangyi Street in Kaifeng City. Hu Weixian was not from an ordinary background. Although the Hu family was not as noble as those wealthy families in Kaifeng, it was still a big family. His father, Hu Yingyuan,

He had joined the imperial court as a censor more than ten years ago. Since the chaos in the Central Plains a year ago and Tie Mo entering the Central Plains to suppress bandits, Hu Yingyuan also joined the Northern Shanxi Party for various reasons.

Ordinarily, Hu Weixian's background would not require him to join the army, not to mention that he was the only son in the Hu family. However, Hu Weixian was different from ordinary people since he was a child. He did not want to rely on his family, he wanted to rely on his own abilities to break out of the world.

Tomorrow is the real decisive battle. There is also a hint of anxiety in the excitement. Hu Weixian's mother always flashes in his mind. He must win and must not die. If he dies here, can his mother still live? At this moment,

Hu Weixian actually felt a trace of regret. If he could go home after this battle, he would no longer be willful. No matter how much he longed to make contributions, he could not forget his family. After two years of military life, he followed the commander into Shaanxi from the Central Plains. Not only did he learn how to

Go to fight and learn what responsibility is.

The Superintendent is not like other people. He rarely talks about big principles, but many of his words are deeply rooted in people's hearts. He, Hu Weixian, is not alone. There is also the Hu family behind him. As an only son, he acts willfully and puts himself in a dangerous battlefield, which is detrimental to the entire

The Hu family is extremely irresponsible. I still remember what the Superintendent said a year ago. He said that every battle and every struggle is not very noble, just to make the family live better and live longer.


When he reaches the position of governor, the whole of northern Shanxi has become his home, and as for Hu Weixian, the Hu family is his home. No credit, no glory, without home, everything is meaningless. There is a light footsteps in his ears

When the sound sounded, Hu Weixian raised his head slightly. After seeing the person clearly, he stood up suddenly and hurriedly saluted, "See the Supervisor."

"Xiao Xian?" Tie Mo has a good memory and recognized Hu Weixian at a glance. He was deeply impressed by Hu Weixian. "Haha, what, are you worried about tomorrow's war?"

Hu Weixian's heart was filled with excitement. He didn't expect that the supervisor actually recognized him. He couldn't help but puff out his chest and said, "Don't worry. I believe that the rogue bandits are at the end of their game. No matter what, our army will win."

Hu Weixian, who already had a mighty appearance, now held out his chest and straightened his face, seemed to have an indescribable domineering air. Tie Mo looked up and down, then smiled with a stern look, "You're really awesome, tsk tsk.

Are you really not worried at all?"

Being stared at by Tie Mo's substantial eyes, Hu Weixian felt like he had been seen through. He was deflated in a blink of an eye. His chest tightened and he scratched his head in embarrassment, "It would be a lie to say that I'm not worried. I'm really a little scared."

Yes, after all, the bandits have gathered all their fighting strength. My subordinates are afraid of something happening. I am the only child in the family, and my mother loves me since childhood. If something happens, I am afraid that she will not survive."

Tie Mo did not show any dissatisfaction, but nodded with some relief. Compared with the flamboyant and arrogant young man before, he liked the current Hu Weixian better. Maybe he didn't have the spirit of the day, but he was more mature. At least he understood

What is responsibility and what is obligation? He patted Hu Weixian on the shoulder and leaned outside the military tent. The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The sky was vast and something was flying in the distant sky. "Xiao Xian, you have finally grown up."

Only by being afraid can you understand how to live. Every battle should be fought with fear. The battlefield is ever-changing and no one can tell what will happen next moment. You just need to remember that on the battlefield, our only

The purpose is to live and live bravely, because there are many people who care about you behind you. As a general, you must be more fearful and cautious, because in front of you are your brothers. If you are not afraid, you may bury these people innocently.


Leaning outside the military tent, the two chatted a lot, and they dispersed until Hai Lanzhu came over. This night was destined to be a sleepless night. The depression of the coming war was everywhere in the Chinese army tent, and many soldiers were there.

Thinking about his own funeral and remembering the past.

On the other side, the camp of rogue bandits was also filled with panic and uneasiness. Even Zhang Cunmeng could not tolerate humiliation, let alone ordinary peasant soldiers. Zhang Cunmeng was only lucky that he won the battle of Baishan Village at all costs.

, boosted morale, otherwise, the so-called decisive battle would be a joke.

Desertion incidents were common in the past, and people in the army were in panic. If morale was not boosted, it would be impossible to fight a war. To the east of Mianchang Town, there were the Yichuan soldiers and horses commanded by Liu Wenxiu. This time, in order to deal with Yan

In the decisive battle of Shuihe, Zhang Xianzhong had exhausted all his family resources. Not only the soldiers and horses of Yichuan, but also many nearby small bandits were gathered together, and he finally gathered an army of 20,000. This battle can only be won, not failed, but for the future

During the decisive battle, Liu Wenxiu had no intention of falling asleep, and deputy general Bao Cenlie was also sleepless. "Brother Liu, please calm down. No matter what, the Yanshui River is our territory. The officers and soldiers have come from afar and cannot compete with us."


"Brother Bao, I think it's better to be careful. Officers and soldiers are not that easy to deal with. Since they dare to fight here, they must have someone to rely on." Liu Wenxiu stroked his beard quite worriedly. During the Siberian battle, he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

Despite the strength of the army's military formation, so far, all the rebel armies have been unable to train a large army that can be commanded like an arm.

This chapter has been completed!
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