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Chapter 535

Chapter 535: Both sides suffer losses

The soldiers were well-trained and received orders. They tilted their shields one by one to make way for them. The spearmen retreated and the musketeers began to shoot flatly. For a moment, the bandits fell one after another. If there were no accidents, after a few rounds of shooting, these bandits would be defeated.

All were buried here. In order to cooperate with the ground formation, the wind formation also took the initiative to open a gap and blocked the pace of the rogue bandits with muskets. From a distance, Zhang Cunmeng had been observing the situation on the battlefield. When he saw that the attack was blocked, of course he would not sit back and wait for death, and immediately ordered

He said, "The archers began to suppress the two rectangular formations. Don't be stingy with arrows."

"This... Chief Zhang, if you attack the two rectangular formations, you will be covered by arrows, which will inevitably cause accidental injuries to your own people." Before the leader finished speaking, Zhang Cunmeng waved his hand to interrupt, "You can't care about so much, accidental injuries."

It is inevitable. As long as we can ensure that the wall of fire is lit, we will have won half the battle and all the sacrifices will be worth it."

The leader could only curse and curse. He didn't care about the cannon fodder troops that rushed forward, but those more than 2,000 elite death squads were his own soldiers. Death in battle was not terrible, but dying in the hands of one's own people was really chilling.

Feeling the threatening look from Zhang Cunmeng, the leader could only pass the order bitterly. In a blink of an eye, the peasant army chief archer began to suppress the wind formation and the ground formation like a storm. Even though the officers and soldiers had already responded, they still

There were inevitably heavy casualties, the pressure increased, and the pressure on the bandits' side became relatively small. Hua Ziqing was secretly annoyed, and watched helplessly as the bandits successfully built a fire wall about a mile long. Faced with this kind of fire that towered into the sky, you can be as strong as you are.

, and didn’t dare to rush in.

The rotating Bagua array came to an abrupt stop. Although the wall of fire could not block the entire rectangular array, if one half stopped and the other half continued to move, the entire array would not be in chaos.

I finally saw how ruthless the bandits were. They were willing to sacrifice more than five thousand lives for a wall of fire. But Hua Ziqing also understood that it was all worth it. As the wall of fire burned fiercely, the heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, and volcanoes

Ze Bafang's formation has stopped operating, especially the water and fire formations. Since they did not stop at the same time, they are now clustered together. This incident directly caused many officers and soldiers to be unable to deal with it calmly.

Zhang Cunmeng is a famous old fox, so how could he miss this opportunity? The steel knife was raised high, and more than a dozen ramming trees appeared again, but this time the main attacker was Zhang Cunmeng's only two thousand cavalry.

, their target was directly at the ground position near the wall of fire, followed by more than two thousand infantrymen to clear the way, and finally a dozen ramming trees.

The cavalry swept over from both sides and squeezed towards the ground formation. At this time, the ground formation returned to its original shape, with shields outside, spears standing out, and longbowmen starting to shoot. Even if the prison was covered, they still could not stop the cavalry from approaching. These cavalry were like human shields.

Attracting all the firepower, the wind array and the sky array all released arrow rain, trying to prevent the peasant army cavalry from approaching by relying on large-scale destruction. The vast rain of arrows was flying, and even the peasant army cavalry could not forcefully break through. Many war horses were nailed into hedgehogs.

, but in this short opportunity, the peasant army infantry approached the wind formation with their shields upright. They stepped over the corpses of horses and cavalry and launched a fierce attack on the wind formation.

At the same time, the long archer position of the rogue bandits once again showed its power. They ignored the accidental injuries and suppressed the officers and soldiers. Hua Ziqing's eyes were red. He never dreamed that at this time, the rogue bandits could ignore the accidental injuries and use arrow rain to suppress them. The accidental injuries were in

It was inevitable, but under such suppression, the city-impacting tree also arrived in front of the wind formation.

Not to mention Hua Ziqing, even Li Yuanqing couldn't say anything. In order to defeat the Bagua array, let's see what the rogues did. First, a death squad of five thousand people lit the wall of fire, followed by the cavalry in front and the infantry in the back.

Their task was to clear a path for the wall of enemies behind them. It could be said that every step of the rogue bandits was purposeful, link by link, with the cavalry clearing the way for the infantry. This was rare in a century, but Zhang Cunmeng succeeded.

The remaining cavalry of the rogue bandits began to shrink, and the infantry gave way to cover. Dozens of infantrymen in thick armor rushed towards the wind formation carrying the wall-breaking logs. This collision was filled with anger that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time, and the bang

With a bang, the shield array at the forefront of the wind formation was knocked open, and many soldiers were knocked to pieces. Then another wall hit the city wall, and in an instant, the outermost defense of the wind formation became fragile.

, at this time, the remaining peasant army cavalry began to cooperate with the strangulation of the wind formation, and the defense of the formation was peeled away little by little. Without the front row, the longbowmen and spearmen were just lambs to be slaughtered.

Zhang Cunmeng seized the opportunity, and more than 3,000 elite soldiers who had been prepared for a long time began to rush forward. Faced with the ramming trees and the encirclement of numerous peasant soldiers and horses, the wind array could not withstand it. The ground array and the thunder array were determined to rescue.

But there is nothing they can do to help. Once the two formations get closer, the entire Bagua formation will fall apart, and a chaotic fight will break out, which will do no good to one's side at all.

In an instant, the wind formation collapsed, and the ground formations were also implicated. The two rectangular formations had lost more than 5,000 people, and they were basically half disabled. More and more rogue bandits were coming up, and at the same time, the ones to the east were

Liu Wenxiu also mobilized soldiers and horses to contain several rectangular formations on the other side. At this moment, the Bagua formation has reached a life-or-death moment. Maybe in the next second, the Bagua formation will collapse.

Tie Mo remained calm and composed. Even though Zhou Dingshan looked anxious, he still did not issue an order to withdraw his troops. From the mirror, he could see that the wind formation and the ground formation were being quickly eroded, and even the thunder formation showed signs of instability. When another

When a fresh force of peasant troops rushed to the front of the wind formation, Tie Mo finally gave the order, "Dingshan, lead three thousand cavalry out to strangle, but remember, as long as you cover, it's fine. Don't be reluctant to fight."

Zhou Dingshan handed over his hand, and not long after, the rumble of horse hoofs sounded, and three thousand Yunfu cavalry rushed out from the long snake formation, killing towards the outside along the sides of the still burning wall of fire. At the same time, several ringing arrows rose into the air,

Hua Ziqing and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. Damn it, we can finally retreat. Facing the rogue bandits' mad dog-like attack, he did not dare to delay at all, "Brothers, retreat quickly."

The wind formation shrank toward the center, and the other seven rectangular formations were also shrinking. Zhou Dingshan's cavalry arrived at the same time. Facing the swarming Yunfu cavalry, the rogue bandits were obviously unable to cope with it, and they were all killed instantly. Zhang Cunmeng was far away.

His scalp was numb and his heart ached when he saw it, but at this time he did not dare to say anything about the arrow rain suppressing it. This was not like before. Tens of thousands of troops had already gathered in front, half of them cannon fodder and half of elite soldiers. No matter how worried he was,

Even if you are ruthless, you don’t dare to fire arrows at so many of your own people.

Without arrow rain to suppress them, the rogue bandits could not assemble to form an effective defensive formation, and could only be beaten passively. Zhou Dingshan was also scheming, and did not seek too much damage. He only focused on killing the rogue bandits gathered together, and when he saw where an effective formation was about to form, he would

He rushed over and cut them. The rogue bandits were killed without any temper at all. Zhang Cunmeng was able to pick up and let go. Seeing that he could not further kill the opponent and lost the hope of wiping out a rectangular formation, he simply ordered the withdrawal of the troops and at the same time asked the long archers to prepare to meet the enemy.

, as long as these officers and soldiers are lured over, relying on the huge rain of arrows, no matter how strong the officers and soldiers are, they are still living targets. Without strong infantry cooperation, you want to turn the tide of the battle with just this little cavalry?

The soldiers of the Peasant Army had no intention of fighting for a long time. After receiving the order to withdraw, they fled back without looking back.

Hu Weixian was on the rise and wanted to lead his troops in pursuit. Zhou Dingshan held his spear horizontally and frowned, "Retreat quickly. If you don't retreat, it will be too late."

The Yunfu cavalry followed strict orders and prohibitions, and acted consistently. After the order was given, they turned around and retreated to the central army. But even so, dozens of cavalry were still left behind by the rain of arrows. Looking at the overwhelming rain of arrows behind him, Zhou Dingshan gasped.

, if the response was delayed for more than half a quarter of an hour, the losses would be huge. The Yunfu cavalry withdrew so quickly that Zhang Cunmeng sighed, but he was not discouraged. At this time, he should pursue the victory and take advantage of the opponent's formation to be destroyed.

Just cut it further.

At this moment, Zhang Cunmeng had no reservations anymore, and an army of nearly 30,000 people rushed forward. At the same time, Liu Wenxiu's troops from the east also pressed forward. In a short time, more than 40,000 troops were thrown into the attack.

At that time, the total number of officers and soldiers had reached less than 20,000, and only more than 17,000 people had real combat effectiveness. The balance on the battlefield seemed to be tilting, and the balance was broken. Zhang Cunmeng finally showed a smile. After enduring it for so long, he finally looked

There was a glimmer of dawn.

The eight-sided rectangular array shrank. Within half an hour, the eight arrays were linked together to form a huge circular array. The inner Yin and Yang arrays also changed. The shield hands moved outwards, and the longbowmen were all concentrated here. The circular array is naturally not as good as

The Bagua Formation is flexible and changeable, but lacks lethality. It looks extremely bulky, but one good thing is that this thick circular formation is very defensive. Even if the rogue bandits have an absolute advantage in strength, they will not be able to break through the circle for a while.

Formation, we can only tear holes on the outside a little bit.

With a row of shields and a row of spears, the bandits carried up the wall of the city again, but this time they were not treated as well as before. The circular array suddenly opened several holes, and the cavalry rushed out along the gaps, while arrows were thrown.

Behind the enemy's rear, with mutual cooperation, the rogue bandits were immediately killed and retreated step by step. The circular formation expanded outwards, and they cooperated with the cavalry to strangle the peasant soldiers who were carrying the ramming logs.

It sounds complicated, but in fact it changed so quickly that the bandits had no time to react. The peasant army commanders and archers could only stare. The people in front of them were all their own people, and they did not dare to shoot arrows randomly.

Zhang Cunmeng clenched his fists, wishing to fight in person. He thought that the next battle would be very smooth, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be so difficult to bite. It's not that there is no progress, but the progress is slow. Facing this kind of iron-clad defense, he can only make a little progress.

If the opponent loses a thousand people, his own side will lose three or four times. In the end, no one will win with this kind of fighting method. Liu Wenxiu was already sweating profusely when he came to Wang Ziyong's side.

He said with a worried look on his face, "Leader Zhang, we can't continue fighting like this. We will suffer too much loss if we fight like this. Even if we can break through the opponent's formation, we probably won't have much advantage in the end."

Liu Wenxiu didn't want to admit it, but that was the fact. The two sides were already in a confrontation. If our side had the advantage in strength, what's the use? Isn't it still unable to break through the other side's defense line?

The battle was extremely fierce, the officers and soldiers resisted tenaciously, and the bandits were unable to advance. Tie Mo was well aware of the current situation. The bandits temporarily had a strength advantage, but this advantage was very subtle. It was only twice as much, and it was far from a crushing advantage.

, with the fighting qualities of the border troops, there is no problem at all in being evenly matched. On the battlefield, the strength advantage is actually very special. If one side has ten people and the other side has twenty people, then the side with twenty people is likely to easily gain it.

Victory, but once the number of people reaches tens of thousands, the so-called double strength advantage is not so obvious.

If Zhang Cunmeng now holds 80,000 elite soldiers, even if he has ten courages, Tie Mo would not dare to fight like this. When the number of people reaches a certain advantage, a qualitative change will occur. In the face of a huge advantage, any formation and trickery is useless. Exactly,

Zhang Cunmeng doesn't have that many troops, but this situation gives him the illusion of having an advantage. It seems that the rogue bandits are attacking in waves, but Tie Mo is not worried at all. All he needs is an opportunity, and these rogue bandits will turn into a bunch of chickens.


"Report, Supervisor, the pressure in the northeastern rectangular formation defense area is too high. General Li is requesting reinforcements." Hearing this news, Tie Mo's brows twitched and the corners of his mouth turned up. "Baixing obeyed the order. The Long Snake Formation went out to fight, bypassing the circular formation.

Be sure to expand the defensive circle by twenty feet."

Bai Xing's subordinate, the Central Army Chief Snake Formation, has not participated in the war. It can be said that the soldiers and horses are strong. After receiving the order, the two men quickly led the troops to fight. The pressure on Li Yuanqing's side was indeed very high. Liu Wenxiu's soldiers and horses kept tearing apart like vicious dogs.

Seeing Bai Xing coming for reinforcements, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Xing led the troops to fight out. With the arrival of this new force, the officers and soldiers launched a fierce counterattack in the northeast direction. The rogue bandits were unable to react in time and were beaten back layer by layer.

Bai Xing did not hesitate to fight, but cooperated with Li Yuanqing to expand the defensive zone. After leaving the corridor, Zhou Dingshan's cavalry came out again. After resting for an hour, this cavalry showed its edge again. They followed the perimeter of the circular formation to kill those who were attacking fiercely.

The roving bandits. The chain horses cooperated with the infantry protection. The roving bandits once again saw the power of the Yunfu cavalry. The first thing to suffer was Liu Wenxiu's soldiers and horses. Without the cavalry, there was no way to stop the sharp infantry formations. How could they stop the sharp chain horse cavalry?

Zhou Dingshan bravely took the lead and led the cavalry to plow the perimeter of the circular formation like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Many peasant soldiers were so frightened that they were killed. Someone roared and they retreated like a tide.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the rogues to retreat, the entire circular array expanded outwards by thirty feet. Seeing this result, Tie Mo smiled with satisfaction, while Zhang Cunmeng's face turned dark, and he fought with great difficulty.

After half a day, the encirclement did not shrink, but instead expanded. How could something like this happen in a strategic space of dozens of feet?

This chapter has been completed!
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