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Chapter 577

Chapter 577 True and False

Shang Kexi and others were wise enough not to ask any more questions. If they continued to ask, wouldn't they look stupid? After the meeting, everyone walked out of the handsome tent together. The cold wind blew and poured it into their necks. Everyone hurriedly wrapped themselves up tightly.

After taking off their animal skin clothes, everyone walked together in groups and talked quietly. Qiege and Li Jiucheng pulled Huang Jue beside them, "General Huang, did you understand what the superintendent just said?"

"I understand. Didn't the two generals understand?" Huang Jue looked at Qi Ge and Li Jiucheng on both sides with some confusion. The two generals rarely blushed. Qi Ge was very thick-skinned and said with a smile.

, "I really don't understand. Why don't you go to Qi's account and have a chat, so you can tell us what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the supervisor."

Huang Jue smiled nonchalantly, and when they arrived at Qige's tent, the three of them gathered around the fire pot and started chatting. Huang Jue knew that the two of them were anxious, so he said consciously, "Actually, what the supervisor said is not wrong.

We gathered heavy troops at the Chishui River and sent people to attack Huayin City. Luonan City and Shangzhou City will definitely be a little suspicious, fearing that we will use other methods. Many times, we are not afraid that the opponent is too strong, but that we are not afraid of being too strong.

We know what we are facing. As long as Luonan City doubts our intention to attack Huayin City, they will not be able to rescue Huayin City with all their strength. They will definitely retain enough troops near Luonan City. This will not be a problem for us to pass through the Luonan City defense zone.

Good news. Before attacking Zhuxi, we need to avoid fighting with the bandits as much as possible, so it is best to attract the bandits near Huayin City. Once Chen Yaofeng's troops attack the Ryazan River, it will be equivalent to our attack on Huayin City.

Fake, occupying the Ryazan River and threatening Luonan City is real. Of course, all this is an illusion, but in the eyes of the rogue bandits, this is our true strategic intention. Therefore, the Luonan City garrison will definitely do its best to capture General Yu’s troops first

Repulse and completely eliminate the trouble of our sneak attack on Luonan City. Without the trouble, there will be no worries. In this way, the Luonan army, which has no worries, will definitely rush towards Huayin City without reservation and use Huayin City to attract the rogue bandits.

The army’s intention has been completed.”

After Huang Jue's detailed explanation, Li Jiuzheng and Li Jiuzheng finally understood the general idea. The base camp's trick of pretending to be real was really powerful. Huang Jue also deeply admired the base camp's strategy of luring the enemy, and deliberately sold it to them.

A false loophole was given to the bandits, and when they thought they had solved their troubles, they instead jumped into a real trap.

Perhaps this is the limitation of the rogue bandits. They take it for granted that the strategic intention of the Northern Shanxi Army is the three fortified cities headed by Luonan. This idea directly limits their thinking. It just so happens that the base camp can see further and directly

Jumped out of three fortified cities.

Liu Guoneng's preparations here were very thorough. On the second day, as soon as he felt a little warmth, 10,000 elite troops began to forcefully cross the stone bridge. Since Huayin City had limited troops, they simply gave up the stone bridge defense line.

They retreated into Huayin City. Without the obstruction of rogue bandits, Liu Guoneng's troops successfully advanced to the bottom of Huayin City before noon.

Ladders, ramming vehicles, crossbows, and other siege equipment were all prepared. Tens of thousands of elite soldiers formed a powerful formation and stood outside Huayin City. The rogue bandits all showed horrified expressions. With so many siege equipment, especially

Those trebuchets were lined up in a row. A rough estimate showed that there were more than a hundred of them. They were just the first batch of siege troops. There were tens of thousands of elite soldiers with so many equipment. The rogue bandits didn't know how to defend Hua Hua.

Yin City.

What Liu Guoneng wanted was this effect. He did not need to fight, but first created endless pressure on Huayin City. These siege equipment were actually collected by gathering the entire coastal army, but Liu Guoneng still pretended not to feel distressed.

It seemed that these siege equipment were just a small part. Looking at the Huayin City in front of him, Liu Guoneng ordered the deputy general without saying a word, "Disperse all the troops, and the shield bearers will be on guard. Be sure to guard the trebuchets and other equipment. All

Place the trebuchet in the south of the city, and throw all the prepared stones and other things up there. When the stones are thrown, the ground troops launch an attack. Remember, do not enter the city."

Liu Guoneng had to emphasize again. He was afraid that his subordinates would fight hard and rush into Huayin City in a swarm. In that case, how could they use Huayin City to mobilize the Luonan City army? Trebuchets were placed in Huayin City.

In the south of Yin City, seeing so many trebuchets aimed at the city head, Zheng Kaimu, the leader in charge of the defense of the southern city, swallowed dryly. It was really terrible. He had seen the power of the trebuchets, but there was no good solution at the moment.

, the trebuchets of the officers and soldiers have been improved and have a longer range. The old-fashioned crossbows of the city can't reach it at all, let alone the bows and arrows.

Zheng Kaimu racked his brains to think of a way, but Liu Guoneng would not give him time to think. With a roar, hundreds of trebuchets mixed with anger began to throw madly towards the city head. Stones and snowballs fell towards the city head with a roar.

Many of them went over the top of the city and directly hit the houses in the city. Many houses in Huayin City were made of wooden structures. When they were hit by rocks and snowballs, a big hole was directly exposed.

Previously, the defenders of Huayin City had never thought that they would be hit by so many trebuchets, so they did not prepare enough hiding places. Facing the whistling stones and snowballs falling from the sky, more rogue bandits could only tremble.

Shivering, they hid under the battlements of the city, leaning against the wall, praying constantly that the snowballs would not fall on their heads. What the bandits were most afraid of were these big snowballs, which were hard because they were sprinkled with water and frozen.

It's like an iron block, but several times larger than an ordinary stone. If a snowball falls down, everyone around it will suffer.

Jin Jingmin was holding a steel knife tremblingly, her face was as pale as paper. Just now, she saw with her own eyes that a companion was hit by a snowball, and his head was completely retracted in half. The white brain merged with the big snowball, and some

The snowball scattered immediately after it hit the ground. More and more scattered snow pieces gradually filled the entire south city wall.

Zheng Kaimu had nothing to do. This was something that could not be stopped by manpower. Seeing that the trebuchet was not stopping, he finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Quickly let people withdraw from the city wall and leave a hundred-man team to monitor the outside of the city."

The enemy troops are waiting for the enemy to attack the city in a big way, and all the troops are returning to their defensive positions. Damn it, we need reinforcements, why is there no news about the reinforcements yet?"

Phew, Zheng Kaimu was still cursing, but suddenly he was stunned. A bandit soldier hunched over and tried to escape from the corridor. As a result, he was hit by a stone, and his back was sunken directly, like a natural pit.

Taking huge risks, the rogue bandits finally withdrew into the city in batches, but Zheng Kaimu couldn't be happy. More and more snowballs and stones fell in the corridors of the city wall, especially those snowballs. Once they dispersed and melted, they would be a mess.

The icy water in the beach will bring huge trouble to the defense of the city.

The trebuchet offensive lasted for half an hour. When the Northern Shanxi Army launched the first round of ladder offensive, the bandits finally returned to their defensive positions. However, the city wall was now beyond recognition, many battlements were smashed, and the corridors were

The corridor is full of broken snowballs. It slowly melts under the sunlight, and a wave of icy cold air rushes from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. I prepared a lot of large iron pots for boiling water, but now it is better.

, they were all hit by trebuchets, and many iron pots were smashed with big holes. How can you boil water in this case?

Zheng Kaimu was very depressed. He originally learned this trick from the officers and soldiers, and wanted to use this method to deal with the officers and soldiers. Unexpectedly, before it was put to use, it became a pile of scrap metal. He looked at the Northern Shanxi army under the city.

As he rushed forward, Zheng Kai shouted angrily, "Take out the stones and return them all to the officers and soldiers, so that they can feel like they are being hit by stones too."

Zheng Kaimu already hated the officers and soldiers. These people were really wicked. They threw the siege equipment at the top of the city without hesitation. The Northern Shanxi Army advanced very fast and rushed to the bottom of the city in the blink of an eye. Because

The rogue bandits could not organize a large-scale rain of arrows, so they could only let a series of ladders stand at the top of the city. When they became anxious, the rogue bandits carried the snow and rocks next to them and threw them down. This is also disrespectful.


After being hit hard, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army under the city were also damaged a lot. What made Zheng Kaimu furious was that after just one round of blows, the soldiers actually left the ladder and ran back. What on earth is going on? The city.

The bandits who were ready to fight were all confused, with big question marks hanging on their foreheads. What on earth were the officers and soldiers doing? When did their will to fight become so weak?

Zheng Kaimu didn't think that the officers and soldiers were so careless and threw down the ladder when they ran away. This was obviously something wrong. He was inexplicably afraid. He quickly took the telescope and looked around. Suddenly, he noticed something. It was a trebuchet, those trebuchets.

The aircraft has not been withdrawn yet and is still placed firmly on the battlefield. It's not good. Zheng Kaimu's heart skipped a beat. Regardless of his image, he shouted at the top of his voice, "Brothers, withdraw quickly, hurry up..."

Unfortunately, Zheng Kaimu's reaction was still a little slow. When he issued a warning, the bandits saw a dark cloud flying above their heads, and stones fell again. You must know that in order to cope with the attack of the officers and soldiers, everyone was in a predetermined position.

They were all exposed to the trebuchet attack. Stones fell one after another, and for a while there were wailings on the city top. Some soldiers were hit, and their whole heads were broken. In front of them was a scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, with broken limbs everywhere.

Arms, blood, and internal organs fell everywhere. The bandits were stunned by the sudden blow. Everyone wanted to escape, so the scene became more and more chaotic, and it became a corridor of blood. Zheng Kaimu drew out his steel knife and kept calling his subordinates.

The team leaders worked hard to maintain the situation.

The hateful officers and soldiers knew how to play tricks and did not throw all the stones up, but waited for the rebel soldiers to fight before showing off their power. The so-called siege was just to force the rogues to enter the city.

After a series of blows, the bandits suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, the trebuchets soon stopped firing. Seeing the trebuchets being pulled out of the battlefield, Zheng Kaimu finally breathed a long sigh of relief. The fatal trebuchets were withdrawn, and then

I felt much better when I came down. I took stock of the casualties and almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. In such a short time, nearly two thousand rebel soldiers were smashed and saw the King of Hell. There were corpses everywhere on the city top. Most of them were said to be bloody, and some were even injured.

He was pinned down by several rocks. The bandits had no time to grieve, and there was no time to dispose of the body. The Northern Shanxi Army launched a new round of attack. This time was obviously different from the last time. The ladder was erected and the city trees were hit.

Under the protection of the shield soldiers, enter the attack position and begin to attack the south gate.

Boom, with the blessing of the ramming car and the combined force of more than 40 people, the thick south city gate made a painful sound. This painful groan reached the ears of the bandits, leaving only fear, "Smash, smash these to death."

Officers and soldiers, prepare the kerosene, throw it down and burn the ramming truck."

As the leader's voice sounded, the panicked bandits slowly became orderly, and they continued to fight in accordance with the orders.

The kerosene poured out, and the ramming car turned into a train. The surrounding soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army could only flee in all directions. The crisis at the south gate was temporarily relieved, but the pressure on the city wall was increasing. In order to provide Huayin City with

To create enough pressure, Liu Guoneng thought of many ways. Of course, it was impossible to use ladders to climb up the battlements without paying a price. Many soldiers of the Northern Shan Army died under the stones at the top of the city. Those stones that were thrown up,

Now it has become the most powerful weapon for rogue bandits to defend the city.

Commander Mei Ruohe raised his head and looked at the siege situation. He saw that dozens of brothers had been lost and they had not yet climbed to the top of the city. He couldn't help but feel anxious. Mei Ruohe tightened his belt, pulled out a steel knife and snatched it from a soldier.

He passed a shield and said, "Guards, come with me. If we don't attack the city today, no one will be able to go back."

Mei Ruohe took the lead, and others did not dare to neglect. The siege battle soon entered a fierce stage. Relying on his courage, Mei Ruohe climbed quickly. When he was near the city head, he took out a porcelain jar from his waist and used

The fire stick was lit and then thrown upwards. With a bang, a burst of light burst out from the top of the city. There was a lot of kerosene in the jar, and the bandits also saved a lot of kerosene in order to defend the city. Now,

The rogue bandits at this section of the city were in a panic. Some were busy putting out fires, while others were busy fighting. When the city was in chaos, Mei Ruohe rushed directly towards them.

Zheng Kaimu was sweating profusely and commanding. When he saw a guy in general uniform rushing up, he quickly led his people to rush over. This gap must be blocked. Once it is expanded, the south city wall will inevitably fall. If it lasts even one day,

If he can't hold on, then he can go home and raise pigs. How can he have the dignity to be the leader?

Not many people were able to rush to the top of the city. Although Mei Ruohe took the lead bravely, he was outnumbered and fought for a quarter of an hour. He could only escape from the city with injuries. Not long after Mei Ruohe's troops withdrew, there was a sound from behind.

Gong. The Northern Shanxi Army retreated slowly. Smoke billowed from the top of the city and it was a mess. Zheng Kaimu slumped down on the top of the city exhausted. He didn’t know how long he could hold on. The attack of the officers and soldiers was too crazy. A large number of

The trebuchets and the brave soldiers who are not afraid of death can survive today, and they may be able to survive tomorrow, but what about the day after tomorrow?

This chapter has been completed!
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