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Chapter 59 Recover Zhang Bei

Chapter 59 Taking back Zhang Bei

The Yehuling bandits, who had caused headaches for Xuanfu and Datongfu for more than two years, were completely wiped out in two days by hundreds of soldiers and horses from Anzhuang Fort.

When word of this incident spread, the whole land of northern Shanxi was shaken by it, and most people expressed disbelief.

But you can’t believe what happened next.

Two carriages passed through Zhangjiakou from Yehuling to Xuanhua. The carriages were loaded with bloody human heads. One of the heads was poked with a gun barrel, and its long hair fluttered in the wind, like a terrifying flag.

When others expressed their merits, they were waiting for specialized statisticians to come over for verification. Unlike Tie Baihu, they really cut off the heads of all the gangsters in a serious manner, packed them into large carts and sent them to Xuanfu.

Tie Mo, what kind of person is he?


Headquarters Wandu, looking at the two cars full of heads, many people were frightened and frightened. This guy Tie Mo is a stick. By sending so many heads to the Headquarters, are you doing it as a demonstration or to take credit?

This is the first time I saw someone sending a bloody head to the headquarters of the capital commander. Was it because you were afraid that someone above you would be greedy for your reward, Tie Mo?

"Huh, that head is really a King Kong. This guy really destroyed Yehuling? Why do I not believe it so much?" A Qianzong manager hugged his arms and looked a little unnatural.

The person next to him quickly touched the Qian CEO and whispered: "Keep your voice down, that guy Tie Mo is a fool. If he hears this, he will definitely fight for you."

"How dare he! I'm a dignified president, but I'm afraid of a small hundred households like him?"

"Dare? Hey, he really dares. He dares to send so many heads to the capital command department. Is there anything else that he doesn't dare to do?"

The man glanced sideways at Mr. Qian, showing a trace of disdain. It was true that Tie Mo was from a hundred households, but he was a fool, but the soldiers he led were really capable of fighting.

What happened to Mr. Qian? Before, many generals in Datong and Xuan Mansion had nothing to do with Yehuling, but in the end, Tie Mo, a man with hundreds of households, was wiped out.

No matter how the army changes, it will ultimately be more powerful than anyone else's fists.


In the Dusi class room, Hou Shilu's gray eyebrows were squeezed into a ball, and the brush in his hand kept banging on the table.

The elimination of the Yehuling bandits is definitely a great thing, but how to reward Tie Mo has become a big problem.

Based on merit, you will definitely not be able to escape two levels in a row, but for a young man, being promoted from a military household to a thousand households in a short period of time may not be a good thing. If he develops arrogance, that is

Harmed Tie Mo.

And, most importantly, Hou Shilu didn't know how to arrange Tie Mo for a while.

There is a difference between a thousand households and a hundred households. A thousand households are all in charge of a guard station. We can't let Tie Mo be promoted to a thousand households and continue to manage dozens of military households in Anzhuangbao. Isn't this a joke?

Thousands of households are like carrots and pits. Moreover, the thousands of households in the Xuanfu guards are still in their prime and in the prime of life, so it is not suitable to move anyone.

Hou Shilu really took a fancy to this young man Tie Mo, and he also wanted to promote him as an elite. With his ability, he should be more than enough to be a general.

However, skipping a thousand households and directly becoming the commander-in-chief of an elite frontier army is a bit like putting iron and ink on the fire rack.

There is a saying that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. If a person moves too fast, his foundation will be unstable. Once something goes wrong, it will be tragic.

For two days, Hou Shilu still couldn't come up with an idea about how to arrange Tie Mo.

At this critical moment, a letter was sent from Zhangbei to Xuanhua.

The letter was personally written by Aqige, Princess Luodan of the Chahar Naiman tribe, and the content is even more heart-pounding.

Aqige said in the letter that because of the personal friendship between the Naiman tribe and Tiemo, a hundred households in Anzhuangbao, she would allow the Xuanfu of the Ming Dynasty to garrison troops in Zhangbeicheng. The Naiman tribe would share the garrison with the Ming army.

Zhang Bei will no longer be disturbed by the war. At the same time, the Naiman tribe will send envoys to the capital to declare themselves as subjects of the Ming Dynasty forever.

Looking at this nondescript letter, Hou Shilu shook his head in confusion.

To declare himself a vassal? If Aqige were in front of him, Hou Shilu would definitely spit on him.

At one moment they were attached to the Ming Dynasty, and at another they were dragging people into the grass valley. Many Mongolian tribes were very skilled at professing their vassals, and even played tricks.

Naimanbu said that he will always be a citizen of the Ming Dynasty. If you believe it, you will be damned.

However, Aqige's intention was very obvious. As long as Tie Mo led troops to garrison Zhangbei, everything would be fine. If someone else garrisoned troops, Princess Luodan would not welcome it.

The matter is obvious. There must be some shady activities between Tie Mo and Aqige. Even Tie Mo's sudden attack on Yehuling should be related to this matter. In addition, some time ago, the Chang family, Cao family and

During the Kang family's rush to purchase Zhangbei land deeds, a smooth smile slowly appeared on Hou Shilu's face.

Just when I didn't know how to arrange Tie Mo, this letter came just in time.

If you are so capable and have some unclear relationship with the Naiman Department, then go to Zhangbei and work hard. If you really want to bring the Naiman Department and Zhengbei into the arms of the Ming Dynasty, you will make a lot of money.

, if you don’t get it back after all the hard work, you won’t lose anything.

After thinking about this, Hou Shilu called the officials in, and soon an official document was sent to Yehuling. At the same time, the elite border troops stationed near Zhangjiakou also quickly gathered towards Yehuling.


In Yehuling Juyi Hall, Tie Mo sat on a tiger leather chair, looking at the official document in his hand, with a smile on his face.

I have accumulated merit and been promoted to a thousand households, but since all the guards are intact, I will temporarily go to Zhangbei to do some work. In addition, I will continue to take on the duties of Anzhuang Castle, and the silver rewards will be gradually filled up later.

Although he had never met Commander-in-Chief Hou Shilu, Tie Mo was grateful to this man.

Hou Shilu is asking someone like him to go to Zhangbei to make trouble. If nothing happens, he can still return, because the tasks at Anzhuang Castle have not been taken back at all.

In addition to Tie Mo, the main personnel under his command also received awards, so everyone was beaming with joy, except for one person, who kept frowning.

Ruan Sangou stretched out his hand and pushed Zhou Dingshan, and whispered: "Brother Dingshan, you have already become a member of the 100 households, why do you still look unhappy? Do you think your promotion is too slow?"

"No." Zhou Dingshan quickly waved his hand, "I'm worried about other things. We've already combed Yehuling twice. Why did Dusi send so many troops here?"

Everyone in the hall fell silent immediately, obviously they had also thought about this.

Tie Mo sat up straight and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the Commander-in-Chief sent them here not for Yehuling, but for the Sunit tribe south of Zhangbei."

It's okay if Tie Mo didn't say anything. As soon as he said it, Ruan Sangou stared, stood up with a bang, and said angrily: "Master General, what do you mean? Those Sunites in the south are just some people."

We can kill the sick and disabled at any time as long as we take a short rest. Do we need those people to do more? Help? Hey, I think they are just here to take the credit."

"Sangouzi, shut up and sit down!" Tie Mo slapped the armrest of the chair and shouted angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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