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Chapter 603 Depressed Li Zicheng

Chapter 603 Depressed Li Zicheng

But seeing Shang Kexi's ferocious face getting closer and closer, Zheng Guosong gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and jumped into the Fuling River. Now the Fuling River was running fast. Zheng Guosong jumped into the river and swallowed a few

He choked on his saliva and rolled his eyes. Fortunately, there were soldiers holding him up, so he didn't drown in the water. When he came to the river, he saw that Zheng Guosong had swam far away. Shang Ke stomped his feet happily and grabbed a long bow.

It was an arrow aimed at Zheng Guosong. Although Shang Kexi's archery skills were not very good, and the longbow was not a strong bow, and Zheng Guosong swam a little far away, the arrow only hit Zheng Guosong's shoulder.

The flesh is not deep.

Shang Kexi was making a big fuss in the peasant army camp here, and a cavalry force was also killed on the south side of the Fuling River. This cavalry was the long-lost Zhou Dingshan. At this time, Zhou Dingshan was running in front, and the cavalry formed a chain of horses. In an instant,

The entire camp of the peasant army was rushed to pieces. Although the peasant army also had its own cavalry, how could it be organized in the chaos in the camp? In the end, the war horses escaped, and the rest were all captured by the follow-up troops.

Captured by the Northern Shanxi Army.

In order to reoccupy the Fuling River and block the way for the peasant army to go north, Tie Mo took a very big risk. The army went north, which can be said to have put everyone between Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai. Once there were any omissions in the plan, they would be cheated by both sides.

Fortunately, the plan went smoothly. Tens of thousands of troops appeared brazenly on the Fuling River line. Neither Li Zicheng nor Luo Rucai was prepared. With the cavalry of the Northern Shanxi Army leading the way, Ding Luyan, Qin Liangyu and others killed many people.

I'm happy, after so many years of fighting, today is definitely the happiest day. The camp was broken, and they couldn't form a formation to stop the enemy. The peasant army could only be killed.

On the south bank of the Fuling River, Zheng Guosong still managed to save his life. He only treated his wounds a little, and then rushed to the Qingguang Bridge in the west with the support of his own soldiers. "Quick, order Ye Xin to organize people to guard the Qingguang Bridge and cover it."

The army withdrew to the north, and gave Bu Qiong another order, asking him to assemble troops and horses, abandon the Dengfeng River line, rush to the Fuling River with all his strength, and never allow the officers and soldiers to break through the Qingguang Bridge defense line."

Zheng Guosong is worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield, and he made the most correct response in a short period of time. Under the current situation, the south bank of the Fuling River cannot be defended, and it is only a matter of time before the Fuling River defense line falls. But Zheng Guosong also knows the Fuling River Camp

Being broken is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is what if the officers and soldiers break through the Fuling River and bite the remaining soldiers all the way south? There are not many troops in the Dengfeng River area now, and the rebel soldiers are not too prepared. Once the Fuling River

The defeated troops swept across the Dengfeng River. Under the chaos, the officers and soldiers would surely take advantage of the situation and seize the Dengfeng River defense line. At that time, General Li's strategic advantage in Henan would be completely ruined.

Zheng Guosong's military order was issued. After Ye Xin received the order, he gave up frontal resistance to the enemy and led more than 2,000 troops under his command to rush to Qingguang Bridge. Near midnight, Ye Xin's troops arrived at Qingguang Bridge and faced Li Yuanqing, who came to seize the bridge.

Li Yuanqing knew the importance of Qingguang Bridge. Capturing Qingguang Bridge would block the retreat route of the peasant army. Of course, the peasant army could choose to go to the Daling Bridge further west, or cross the river at Fu River. Unfortunately, Daling

The bridge is a bit far away. By the time the peasant army arrived at Daling Bridge, Chen Yaofeng would have already been singing on the bridge. As for crossing the river, eight out of ten of these landlubbers would have drowned.

Qingguang Bridge is so important, why not grab it earlier? When Shang Kexi attacked Qingguang Bridge, wouldn't it be better to directly occupy Qingguang Bridge? In fact, this is also a helpless move. Shang Kexi attacked Qingguang Bridge and would not stop, so

Even if the peasant army found the corpse at the bridge, they couldn't figure out the reason for a while. But if a large number of people directly occupied the Qingguang Bridge, anyone with any brains would know the intention of the Northern Shanxi Army. In this way, they would sneak attack on the Fuling River Camp

, it became a joke.

Qingguang Bridge is right in front of him. Whether he can completely destroy the tens of thousands of peasant troops in Fulinghe Camp depends on whether he can capture Qingguang Bridge. Li Yuanqing took off his helmet, brandished a steel knife and went straight to kill Ye Xin. At this time

Both sides knew that the Qingguang Bridge could not be lost, so they killed each other red-bloodedly. Ye Xin commanded his soldiers and horses to carry shields and other objects to block a thick wall. No matter how hard they rushed, the Northern Shanxi Army could not rush in. One

The peasant army lost their shields and used their bodies to block it. At this time, all the peasant soldiers were like crazy and did not care about life or death. Li Yuanqing wanted to take Ye Xin's life so that he could break through the Qingguang Bridge defense line as soon as possible, but those peasant soldiers could not do anything.

They rushed forward one by one. These peasant soldiers were like crazy dogs. After some people were slashed, they lay on the ground and hugged the horse's legs. Fortunately, Li Yuanqing's superb riding skills prevented the horse from being injured in the hands of the peasant soldiers.

It was difficult for Li Yuanqing to move forward. Not long after, Zhou Dingshan came with his cavalry. Seeing the tragic battle in front of him, he rushed to Li Yuanqing and asked loudly, "General Li, what's going on? Why haven't Qingguang Bridge been captured yet?"


"General Zhou, you see for yourself, these thieves are fucking crazy, like vicious dogs, the brothers have suffered heavy casualties!" Li Yuanqing also stared, he was very dissatisfied with Zhou Dingshan's questioning tone.

Zhou Dingshan looked at the situation on the bridge. Many peasant soldiers there were crowding and retreating. If he could not find a way to break through the human defense line formed by Ye Xin, His Highness's plan for many days would be shattered. Holding the spear tightly, Zhou Dingshan

He stared at Li Yuanqing with squinted eyes and said coldly, "Li Yuanqing, I will tell you that this is not how you fight the war!"

After that, Zhou Dingshan called for the deputy general and gave some instructions. The deputy general led several hundred cavalrymen and ran southward. They returned after a while. However, when they came back, they all carried dry firewood, dry grass and other flammable things in their hands and came to the peasant army formation.

In front of him, he sprinkled all the flammable things, and then fired all the rockets. Suddenly, a fire broke out in front of the peasant army formation. Many peasant soldiers were unprepared, and their clothes were directly set on fire. It hurt so much.

Shout. The fire broke out and the formation was in chaos. Zhou Dingshan stared coldly at the peasant army howling in the fire. He saw the right moment and quickly led the charge. The cavalry rumbled. Even though Ye Xin tried his best to form the formation again,

It's no longer helpful.

With the cooperation of the fire, Zhou Dingshan's cavalry rushed Ye Xin's troops into a mess with just a few charges. Seeing Zhou Dingshan break through the defense line so easily, Li Yuanqing gritted his teeth with some guilt. Now he finally understood why Zhou Dingshan was so old.

Qing Qing was already in a high position. It seemed that what Yang Shao Lie said was right. He, Shi, really didn't know how to fight. After breathing out, Li Yuanqing roared loudly and led his troops to cooperate with Zhou Dingshan's cavalry to surround Ye Xin's troops.

Although many peasant soldiers who had fled to the bridge rushed over to help, without the protection of the formation, they had no choice but to die in the face of Zhou Dingshan's cavalry.

Ye Xin slashed desperately. He forgot the time and where he was. He didn't know how long he had been killing. His hands were tired and his eyes were a little blurry. The sound of horse hooves came, and a tall and mighty figure appeared in his pupils.

As he got closer, a huge steel knife followed, and a cold light flashed. Ye Xin fell off his horse, and was trampled to death by the horses' hooves that followed. As soon as Ye Xin died, the entire peasant army was immediately panicked. Taking advantage of this,

Taking the opportunity, Zhou Dingshan and Li Yuanqing led their troops to capture Qingguang Bridge and blocked the remaining peasant army on the south bank of the Fuling River. At this time, Qingguang Bridge fell into the hands of the Northern Shanxi Army, and at this time there were nearly 30,000 peasant troops trapped in Fuling River.

On the south bank of the river, there was good news. Liu Guoneng and others led their troops to fight. The peasant army had no leader and no fighting spirit. It was impossible to stop the officers and soldiers with high morale.

A fighting lasted from Chen hour to noon. When the scorching sun was in the middle of the day, the entire south side of the Fuling River was filled with corpses of peasant soldiers. Except for the living, all the others chose to surrender. There were also many corpses lying in the Fuling River.

Just after noon, Orger's troops arrived at Qingguang Bridge. After the merger, Zhou Dingshan and Li Yuanqing also followed Orger northward, chasing the tail of the remaining rogue soldiers and chasing them to death.

Zheng Guosong looked very, very embarrassed. In the Fuling River area, the peasant army stationed more than 50,000 soldiers and horses, but so far only less than 20,000 people have escaped, and even Ye Xin has not been able to come back. Although the specific information is still unknown

It didn't come, but Zheng Guosong knew very well that Ye Xin was in serious danger. Zheng Guosong and Ye Xin were not only subordinates, they were also good friends, so Zheng Guosong had tears in his eyes.

It's hate.

At noon, Bu Qiong led his troops to ten miles south of the Fuling River. After learning about the tragic defeat at Fuling River, Bu Qiong's face changed again and again. However, in comparison, Zheng Guosong was very calm and strictly ordered Bu Qiong to form a formation to meet the enemy.

, if there is an attack by the insurrectionary soldiers, they will be killed without mercy.

In fact, Zheng Guosong's order was very clear. Even if some of his own people were sacrificed, the front line of Dengfeng River must be preserved. Not long after Bu Qiong arrived, Li Chenghua also arrived with his troops, so Zheng Guosong had Bu Qiong and Li Chenghua in his hands.

We have 20,000 troops and more than 20,000 new troops, which can give us a lot of confidence.

Orger led the army in pursuit from behind until he encountered the military formation formed by Buqiong and Li Chenghua. Orger just looked at the formation of the peasant army and saw that there was no panic at all, so he ordered to stop the pursuit. Although he won a big victory,

But Orger still maintained his composure as a general. Chasing and killing the remnant soldiers would expand the results of the battle, but if he had to fight fiercely with the new and cutting-edge divisions in order to pursue and kill the remnants of the soldiers, it would be a bit more of a loss than he gained.

Orger smiled helplessly. This was the sequelae of Shang Kexi's failure to kill Zheng Guosong. If Zheng Guosong had died in the camp before, maybe the army could cross the Dengfeng River all the way now. It's a pity that Zheng Guosong didn't.

He died and quickly formed an insurmountable line of defense south of the Fuling River.

"Zheng Guosong, you are lucky this time, but next time, you won't be so lucky. Go back and tell Li Zicheng to let him have his own ideas!" Olger said in a high-pitched voice, and he was very happy to do so.

Zheng Guosong naturally knew Orger. Zheng Guosong admired Orger's talent, but it did not mean that he would be afraid of Orger. Looking at Orger, Zheng Guosong came to the front of the battle and yelled, "Orger, there is

Use any means as soon as possible, do you really think grandpa will be afraid of you?"

Faced with Zheng Guosong's sarcasm and scolding, Orger remained calm, pointed his silver gun at the opposite side, laughed loudly and said, "Zheng Guosong, you are a dog who followed Li Zicheng, burned, killed and looted, affecting millions of people, like you

It would be better to die happily if you breed people!"

"You... Orger, don't use your words. If you have the ability, you can attack as much as you can. Let's see if I frown!"

Attack? Orger is not stupid. He has taken advantage of it before. Why bother to fight with Zheng Guosong again? He waved his hand and signaled Zhou Dingshan and others to retreat. When leaving, he did not forget to leave a message to Zheng Guosong, "Haha, Zheng Guosong,

If you give it to Li Zicheng, then sharpen your teeth, otherwise you won't even be able to be a dog if you bite a hard bone one day."

Zhou Dingshan and Li Yuanqing had strange expressions on their faces. This was the first time they discovered that Orger, a Mongolian man, was so sharp-tongued.

Zheng Guosong's face was livid with anger, but he didn't have the guts to chase after him. He could only watch as Orger and others left in a swaggering manner.

On the second day of April in the sixth year of Chongzhen, a big war broke out again in the Fuling River, which had been quiet for a year. In this battle, Tie Mo personally commanded most of the Northern Shanxi Army and Henan soldiers and horses, and annihilated more than 30,000 peasant troops in the Fuling River Camp.

Among them, Ye Xin, the famous leader under Zheng Guosong's command, was killed in battle, and the rest of the dead were unpredictable. In the Fuling River area, the imperial army defeated the peasant army, which completely shocked Li Zicheng. When the army was defeated and the news of Ye Xin's death came, Li Zicheng was paralyzed.

In the chair.

Li Zicheng was a little dazed and could not see any anger, but everyone knew that the anger in this master's heart could melt everything.

After being fooled, Li Zicheng was tricked by Tie Mo from beginning to end. Li Zicheng had never suffered such a blow. Everyone thought that Tie Mo was going to destroy Luo Rucai with all his strength, but he actually played a trick of concealing the truth in front of everyone's eyes.

Plan. This was a good concealment, especially since Zhou Dingshan’s cavalry disappeared in Quemen Mountain. It was a really good plan.

Li Zicheng felt that he was not unjustly defeated. No one was to blame for this disastrous defeat. The only blame was that he underestimated Tie Mo. In fact, he had countless opportunities to escape from this battle. He only had to guess Tie Mo's intentions.

He was able to pin all the imperial army to the Fuling River area. Unfortunately, Tie Mo's intentions were not seen from the beginning to the end. This guy was pretending too much.

Li Zicheng was severely hit, and Luo Rucai, who had most of his troops trapped in Quemen Mountain and Hangu, was also shocked and didn't know why. On the second day of April, in the area of ​​Fuyang River, Luo Rucai discovered that the entire Fuyang River area was ten miles away at dawn.

There was no trace of the officers and soldiers on the ground. Those officers and soldiers seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. After sending someone to inquire, they found out that the Northern Shanxi Army had quietly moved northward.

He saved his life, but Luo Rucai couldn't be happy, because now he was facing not only Tie Mo, but also his general Gu Feilang. After the reinforcements didn't arrive, Luo Rucai knew that he wanted to pretend.

I can't go on anymore, because since that Gu Feilang has shown his ferocious face, he will never take it back.

Sure enough, the reinforcements led by Zheng Zhirui, Tang Chang, Zhang Xiong, and Ji Wenbing did not come directly to Fuyang River. After learning that Luo Rucai was still alive, these people stopped their army in Jingcheng Town.

This chapter has been completed!
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