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Chapter 606

Chapter 606 No way to escape and ask the sky

Speaking of which, this is not the first time that the Northern Shanxi Army has done this. When they faced Zhang Xianzhong, they used this trick. At that time, they could make Ai Keqi and Liu Wenxiu yell at each other. What will be the reaction of the rogue bandits if they repeat the same trick this time?

Woolen cloth?

After leaving behind those belongings, the Northern Shanxi Army fled back in embarrassment, as if the souls of the dead who had been killed by the bandits were fleeing. But in fact, the two sides had not yet exchanged hand-to-hand combat, and the Northern Shanxi Army retreated in such a dejected manner.

Isn't it too much? No matter whether the defeat of the Northern Shanxi Army was a little too much, the peasant soldiers still stopped advancing.

Why are most of the refugees raising their heads to rebel? Wine, silk and satin. There is no wine now, but there is silk and satin. In the eyes of these peasant army soldiers, as long as half a piece of silk and satin is needed, you can marry a good girl. Which man doesn’t want to

Get a wife?

It's just that the conditions are not up to standard, but now there is an opportunity. As long as you bend down a little, you can get the capital to marry a wife. There is not much silk and satin, so if you want it, you have to grab it. Of course, these people don't grab things like Zhang Xianzhong's men

Just like the thieves and soldiers, they kill each other just for something. When Gu Feilang leads his troops, he always emphasizes respecting the strong. This is the ethos in the entire military camp. Now that there are so many good things, of course whoever can kill them can take them.


But even if the people in front stopped to grab things, the people charging behind couldn't stop. In addition, four thousand cavalry were weaving from both sides, and for a while the entire formation became a mess. Gu Feilang sat on the horse and got angry.

Their faces turned green. These idiots fell for the trick of the officers and soldiers, "Quickly put down what you are holding, stop grabbing it, and defeat these court hawks first..."

Gu Feilang shouted at the top of his lungs, but the effect was very small, because it was not just ordinary soldiers who were robbing things, but many leaders were leading the robbing. Can this order be carried out? He was afraid that the Northern Shanxi Army would attack rashly, Gu Feilang was worried

After being stunned, he pulled out his sword and gave a death order to his soldiers. He hacked to death several leaders who were robbing things, and then the situation was slightly under control.

Gu Feilang was furious, but when the Peasant Army soldiers continued their attack, the Northern Shanxi Army had once again formed a defensive belt a few hundred feet away. This time he rushed over and received the same treatment as last time, with countless bullets.

The rain of arrows flew, but before they could touch the Northern Shanxi Army, a large number of peasant soldiers fell down again. Being teased like this, many people were aroused with the ferocity in their bodies, and they ran forward,

He screamed and screamed, his morale was so high that even Gu Feilang did not expect that the peasant army soldiers would become so ferocious under repeated attacks.

They were almost close, and when they caught those officers and soldiers, they had to be chopped into pieces. The bandits' morale was high, and they were eager to kill. It was a pity that they were about to come into close combat. The Northern Shanxi Army withdrew again. Not only did they withdraw,

Many jars of fragrant wine were left behind. At this time, the atmosphere on the battlefield was strange, with swords and swords flashing, and more than 20,000 people on both sides were involved. But what was heard was not the sound of fighting, but the praises of the bandits. Just the smell of it was good wine.

Nowadays, the men of the Ming Dynasty have many things in common. For example, when it comes to drinking, they are all born with a drinking bug. At this time, they know that the Northern Shan army has no good intentions, but the bandits still stop and watch.

, even if you smell it, it’s good.

Gu Feilang almost cried. After fighting for so many years, what kind of scene has he not seen? But now, this is not a war. The peasant soldiers are pressing forward step by step, and the officers and soldiers are retreating step by step. Because of the previous lessons, this

None of the second-rate bandit soldiers dared to drink, but they stopped one by one and looked eagerly at the leaders behind them.

Is this a war? It's like chasing bandits. If you catch up, you'll get the spoils.

Seeing the confused and innocent expressions of the soldiers, Gu Feilang was also amused. He grinned in confusion and looked into the distance, full of thoughts of withdrawing the troops. This battle was almost impossible to touch.

Mind, I still don’t know what will happen if I go on. Gu Feilang wants to retreat, but the Northern Shanxi Army will not let the rogue soldiers retreat easily. The drums sound, and the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army who are leaving are lined up and marching to the beat of the drums.

Come up.

Each and every rogue soldier had been teased and was already angry. Damn it, I couldn't catch you with so many tricks, so you just came to the door yourself. Now it's better. Gu Feilang didn't even have time to open his mouth.

The soldiers rushed forward. The Northern Shanxi Army had a strict formation and was ready to fight to the death with the rogue bandits. They were about to fight hand to hand. The next scene almost made the rogue bandits cry because the Northern Shanxi Army turned around.

He ran back again with murderous intent.

Gu Feilang was really mad. He wanted to break out of the encirclement, and his time was very limited. How could he bother to talk to the officers and soldiers? But if he didn't deal with these officers and soldiers, and waited until he led his troops to break out of the encirclement, these people would definitely break out again.

They came up to cause trouble, and even set traps in front. In short, if this group of officers and soldiers were not disabled, breaking out would be a wishful thinking. So, the Northern Shanxi Army and the rogue army totaled more than 20,000 people, and both sides chased each other like two groups.

Endless tide. The Northern Shanxi Army deliberately kept a relatively stable distance from the rogue bandits, which made the rogue bandits feel itchy and unbearable. They wanted to give up but were unwilling to do so. They kept chasing but could not catch up.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Gu Feilang's forehead. He already felt that something was wrong. If this continued, let alone breaking out, he would probably have to confess here on the spot. So, he thought about withdrawing quickly and thinking about the next step.

, if you continue to do this dog-chasing-a-rabbit thing, you will end up being walked to the ground.

At this time, he no longer cared about his image, and kept shouting with his riding crop, "Quick, stop quickly, retreat to the city..."

Gu Feilang's voice was rough and bold, but who could hear it at this moment? The situation soon changed. The fleeing Northern Shanxi Army stopped running. They moved aside and divided into several columns, with the middle

Several aisles were opened, as if they were deliberately left to pass by the bandits. With a burst of roaring sounds, the shield bearers slowly pushed to the front, and the Northern Shanxi Army finally resumed its usual defensive formation. In those separate aisles,

There was a creaking sound, and under the sunlight, strange-looking cars were pushed out by the soldiers. I saw that the front of the car was very sharp. It was a large wooden pillar that was sharpened and then covered with a layer of iron. If it hit

People, why don't you just poke a big hole right away?

In addition to these, there are silver steel knives inlaid on both sides of the large wooden pillars. Overall, the car looks like a centipede with iron knives.

Many Peasant Army soldiers did not recognize this strange cart. Gu Feilang knew the goods. It looked a bit like the iron pulleys that traveled across northern Xinjiang in the past, but it was a little different. That is, the carts had more handles, which represented impact.

The force is stronger, and all the wings on both sides have been changed into silver steel knives. This is simply a sharp weapon for harvesting human lives in mountain warfare. The shield soldiers guard the soldiers pushing the cart on the left and right, and the entire army forms a tight attack.

In the formation, the Northern Shanxi Army was at the top, and the rogue bandits were at the bottom. The iron pulley rushed down the gentle slope. It was more than ten feet away, and it arrived in a blink of an eye. Facing these centipede-like iron carts, some of the rogue bandits actually tried to use the iron pulleys in their hands.

I tried to block it with a round shield, but how could I block it?

With a click, the round shield was smashed into pieces, and then the whole person was stabbed in the lower abdomen. Then various iron pulleys ran over him, killing the rogue soldier. The iron pulleys were too fast, and they were crowded together.

The formation was scattered, and the iron pulley rushed in. The rogue bandit formation recalled bursts of miserable howls. Many of the rogue soldiers were unable to react at all. The outside of their calves or knees were cut by the steel knives on both sides of the iron pulley, although the wounds were not fatal.

, but after being injured, how can he still fight fiercely with the swarming Northern Shanxi Army?

The Northern Shanxi Army did not have any mercy. How could they miss the opportunity to beat up a drowned dog? The injured rogue soldiers did not react in time and were immediately killed by the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army behind them with swords. The leaders hurriedly directed the rogue soldiers to form

A defensive belt. Unfortunately, the hastily built shield array could not block the charge of the iron pulley. Every hole was torn open, and the pitifully few cavalry were not spared. The horses came into contact with the iron pulley.

How many horses are there?

Huihui... The neighing of the war horses was endless, and the entire army of rogues turned into a pot of rotten porridge. Gu Feilang's face was deathly pale, and he almost fainted. He knew that the officers and soldiers were brewing a conspiracy, but he never expected that the counterattack of the Northern Shanxi Army would come.

It was so violent that the brothers had no chance to escape. At this time, it was impossible to evacuate them all. Gu Feilang was also an old man who had led the army for many years. To leave at this time, he must have the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrists.

Just fine.

He frowned and ordered sternly, "Ruku, take your people and go around from the side to lead the officers and soldiers back for me."

Gu Feilang was ruthless enough. He could see a big flag behind the Northern Shanxi Army. That must be where the opponent's coach was staying. It was impossible to kill Tie Mo, but if he attacked the rear, the Northern Shanxi Army would definitely come back with reinforcements.

Chinese army, perhaps if they go to attack the rear, Ruku and his three thousand soldiers will probably be wiped out, but if we can save most of them, it is worth it.

Ruku didn't say much. He drew his sword and led his cavalry towards the high slope. Although the road was rugged and bumpy, he had to bravely rush up in order to let more people survive. Ruku was also a bit clever.

Seeing the Northern Shanxi Army strangled with the main army, they deliberately avoided it, ran to the west after going up the high slope, followed the spine of the high slope, bypassed the entire battlefield, and then rushed towards the rear of the main army. A large number of troops and horses from Luku moved

, Zhou Dingshan could not possibly not know that, he explained to Geng Zhongming that he would send 3,000 troops back to support the Chinese army, and no matter what happened, nothing would happen to the supervisor.

More than two thousand peasant army soldiers rushed up along the spine of the high slope. Tie Mo nodded secretly. Gu Feilang was not an ordinary person. It was not easy to find the only way to reverse the situation of the battle in a short period of time. The enemy was surging.

Coming, Tie Mo was not afraid. He slowly pulled out the ghost-headed sword, pointed at the enemy in the distance, and said proudly, "Chen Yaofeng, can you kill this person?"

"Don't worry, Commander, the final general will never disgrace his mission!" Although Chen Yaofeng is not very old, he has become an important general in the Northern Shanxi Army. He opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and the wolf-toothed arrow flew past like a meteor, heading straight towards Luku.

His forehead was nailed and the killing noise was loud. Ruku was able to catch this arrow. He was definitely a fierce man. He went back and reached out with his left hand, and actually hit the wolf-toothed arrow with force.

The palm of my hand, this move, is really amazing.

Chen Yaofeng's archery skills were second only to Li Wanqing's, and his arm strength was unstoppable. However, this arrow was unexpectedly caught by Luku. However, Luku didn't feel comfortable. If he had a choice, he

I will definitely not choose to hold the arrow. This arrow is fast and hard, with amazing strength. My palms are burning and my tiger's mouth is numb.

Chen Yaofeng snorted coldly, immediately put away his long bow, and led more than a thousand soldiers to meet him. As soon as they met, Chen Yaofeng targeted Luku. He had really lost face just now and had to find it back. The silver spear was flying, and he would

Ruku was so suppressed that he couldn't lift his head. Ruku was not weak, but he suffered a secret loss when he just received the arrow, and his palms are still burning and hurting. Within a quarter of an hour of the confrontation, Zhou Dingshan's reinforcements blocked the rear.

At this moment, Luku panicked, and Chen Yaofeng seized the opportunity and stabbed him to death on the horse's back.

The reinforcements brought back by Zhou Dingshan blocked more than 2,000 rogue bandits and fought. The place itself was not conducive to the deployment of the formation, so that some rogue soldiers had to fight randomly. However, even so, they could not avoid the fate of being surrounded and suppressed by the Northern Shanxi Army.

There is no way to escape.

Although Luku's bandits were wiped out, without Zhou Dingshan's thousands of soldiers and horses, Geng Zhongming's side was still a little stretched. If no one was checked, the bandits would rush out of the way. The fleeing bandits showed their unique characteristics.

The advantage is that they have enough endurance to run. Although the Northern Shanxi Army often runs long distances, how can it compare with this group of people who are dedicated to escaping? The peasant army soldiers still feel a bit like they are in a dream. Before, they thought the officers and soldiers were running away.

He looked like a rabbit, but after a while, he was the one running away, and the speed of running away was even faster than that of a rabbit.

Things are changing, this year when people come to my house, if they are unlucky enough to drink cold water, they will stuff their teeth. Gu Feilang escaped well, but the horse's hoof hit the small stone and the horse's leg was suddenly broken. Fortunately, Gu Feilang is very capable.

Otherwise, he will be beaten into a cripple. Without the war horse, and he is too embarrassed to snatch the soldier's horse, he must run away. Just as he is about to escape ten miles, something strange happens again, and a rumble of horse hoofbeats comes from the west.

Come, not long after, a group of black-armored cavalry galloped over under the sun.

Seeing this group of cavalry, Gu Feilang swayed and sat down on the ground. This time he didn't even think about escaping. Facing this group of cavalry, how could the exhausted rebel soldiers escape? The more they fled, the harder it became.

Being easily killed. What situation does the cavalry like the most? That is you running in front with two big feet, and I chase behind you on horseback.

Heaven, how did the cavalry of officers and soldiers appear here? Why did they appear here without anyone noticing? The Northern Shanxi Army could fly, but the horses could not fly. Why didn't he notice it at all? Gu Feilang looked at the south with a sad face.

, his only hope now is that Li Zicheng can take action and send troops to rescue him as soon as possible, otherwise he will really die here. Gu Feilang is destined to think too much. At this time, Li Zicheng is so busy that he has no time to care about Gu Feilang's life and death.

This chapter has been completed!
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